International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 4, May-June, 2014 ( ISSN (E): 2347-5900 ISSN (P): 2347-6079 Single Switch Isolated High Step Up Dc-Dc Converter Sharmini.J.R1, Shibi.A.S2, Santhia.V.S3 1, 2, 3 PG Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Loyola Institute Of Technology, Chennai Abstract- In this paper single switch isolated DCDC converter is designed and developed for voltage regulation. Desired features of the proposed DC-DC converter has the advantage of using less number of switches than other existing isolated DC-DC converter. The operating principle and parameter design of the converter are described in the paper. This paper presents a single switch isolated converter require high voltage regulation ratios, the isolated topologies are ideal, because they can achieve high efficiency than non isolated converters. Simulation of proposed converter is done and results obtained are satisfactory. Index Terms- Isolated dc-dc converter, high step-up, high voltage gain, high efficiency. I. INTRODUCTION The renewable energy sources such as PV modules, fuel cells or energy storage devices such as capacitors or batteries deliver output voltage. This project presents an isolated converters are desirable in the dc-dc power conversion applications. In order to connect them to the grid the voltage level should be adjusted according to the electrical network standards in the countries. First of all the voltage should be stepped up to sufficient level at which the DC/DC conversion can be performed. The proposed DC-DC converter has the advantage of using less number of switches than other existing isolated DC-DC converter and therefore a low cost. To obtain high step up voltage gain, the output voltage lift is adopted [1]. Consequently, a transformer with a low turn’s ratio can be applied, which makes the transformer design and optimize easily. The characteristics of the © Copyright reserved by IJETR output voltage lift are similar to the forward converter in the charging mode and the fly back converter in the discharging mode. Many topologies have been proposed for DC-DC converters, which in general can be classified into two categories: isolated topologies and nonisolated topologies [3]. Nonisolated converters, such as boost converter and quasi-double boost converter [4], have been used for PV systems. These topologies are commonly used in the applications where the voltage step-up regulation ratio is low (usually less than 4) and usually have higher efficiency than the isolated topologies because no galvanic transformers are used. However, in the applications that require high voltage regulation ratios, the isolated topologies are ideal candidates, because they can achieve higher efficiency than nonisolated converters by properly designing the transformer’s turn ratio to get the optimal duty cycle. Moreover, an isolated converter provides isolation between input and output, which is desired from safety perspective. This paper proposes a single-switch isolated DC-DC converter, which has less number of switches than any existing isolated topologies and, therefore, a lower cost. The number of switches of the proposed converter is the same as that of a forward or flyback converter. However, compared to the forward or flyback topology, the energy in the proposed topology is transferred in a whole switching period instead of in the switch-on or switch-off time interval only, which not only decreases the peak current but also increases the efficiency of the converter. (Impact Factor: 0.997) 834 International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 4, May-June, 2014 ( ISSN (E): 2347-5900 ISSN (P): 2347-6079 II. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF NEW TOPOLOGY Block diagram for the proposed converter is shown in Fig 1. Figure 1. Block diagram of new topology Pulses to the switch are given by using PWM control technique. Input and output filter used to eliminate harmonics and ripple at the input and output side. Rectifier converts given DC input to the corresponding DC voltage. DC-DC converter is a normal fly-back and forward converter. It has single switch with high frequency transformer. The proposed converter is applied for voltage regulation. In order to meet the safety standards of galvanic isolation, some isolated converters for high-step-up applications have been proposed. III. NEW CONVERTER TOPOLOGY The circuit diagram of the proposed single-switch isolated DC-DC converter is shown in Fig. 2, which consists of allow-voltage-side (LVS) circuit and a high-voltage-side (HVS) circuit connected by a highfrequency (HF) transformer. The extremely-high enhancement gain is also separated by the attenuated boost conversion of forward converter and flyback converter, thus the device stress is reduced and the power efficiency is improved. The primary has a PWM switching voltages occurred by single main switch. The secondary is a structure where the forward converter and the flyback converter are separated by transformer winding. IV. CIRCUIT OPERATION The converter has 4 modes of operation. A.Mode1 Current flows to the magnetizing inductance and the primary winding (Np) as a result of turning on switch (Q). The primary current is transferred to the secondary (Nfw) coil of the forward converter. Then, the AC power is rectified into DC which load requires through forward diode (Dfw). Since flyback diode (Dfb) is reverse-biased, the output capacitor provides the load current during this mode. The circuit diagram of new converter topology is shown in Fig 2.This converter operates with high efficiency high-step-up isolated dc–dc converter using one control gate driver signal. Figure 3.Mode1 Figure 2. Basic circuit of proposed topology © Copyright reserved by IJETR (Impact Factor: 0.997) 835 International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 4, May-June, 2014 ( ISSN (E): 2347-5900 ISSN (P): 2347-6079 B.Mode2 D.Mode 4 When switch (Q) is turned off, forward diode (Dfw) is reverse-biased and the energy stored in L out is transferred to the load by the freewheeling current via Dff and at the same time, the energy magnetically stored at Lm is also supplied to load through Dfb of the flyback converter. Thus, all the freewheeling current in magnetic devices decreases linearly. The transformer of the forward-flyback converter is de-magnetized completely during this period and the output voltage is maintained by the discharge of the output capacitors. All the rectifier diodes are reversebiased. Figure 6.Mode4 V. SIMULATION STUDIES Figure 4.Mode2 C.Mode3 The forward converter starts to operate when all the energy in Lout is discharged, and then freewheeling diode (Dff) is reverse-biased. The energy only stored in L is supplied to load through the flyback converter. On the basis of obtained design, simulation of converter carried out in DCM operation. Fig 6. Shows the simulation model of proposed converter in DCM operation. It mainly consists of filter, transformer with three winding and battery which is placed in primary side of the converter. The converter consists of PWM control using voltage follower method. The energy transfer is controlled by switching operation of MOSFET Q1. Pulses to the switch are given by voltage follower method. Voltage follower approach is applied for the PWM control of the converter, which needs output voltage sensing. Output voltage regulation is provided by the feedback loop shown in Fig 8. Figure 5.Mode3 © Copyright reserved by IJETR (Impact Factor: 0.997) 836 International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 4, May-June, 2014 ( ISSN (E): 2347-5900 ISSN (P): 2347-6079 Figure 9. Switching pulse Figure 7.Simulation diagram TABLE I CIRCUIT SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED CONVERTER Figure 8.PWM control From the Fig 8, output voltage (Vo) is compared with a reference voltage (Vref) and error is amplified and given to a proportional integral (PI) controller which in turn compared with saw tooth ramp, thus providing pulses to power switch. Output waveform for the control circuit is shown in Fig 8. A pulse to the switch is shown in Fig 9. The primary has a PWM switching voltages occurred by single main switch. The secondary is a structure where the forward converter and the flyback converter are separated by transformer winding. However, the outputs are serially connected for the output voltage boost. Forward-flyback converters deliver the required energy to the load when the main switch turns on or off, holding an advantage in terms of supplying more power to the load than any other single-ended isolation schemes. The SFFB converter has single-ended scheme, which contributes to the cost competiveness in industry market .Technically, the proposed converter has a reduced voltage rating of rectifying diodes by separating secondary winding. © Copyright reserved by IJETR Input Voltage ,Vin 30V Output Voltage, Vo 400V Output Power, Po 160W Input filter inductance Lin 0.27µH Output Capacitor C0 220µF VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The simulated input and output voltage waveforms are shown in Fig 10 and Fig 11. From the below results, 400V output voltage obtained for 30V input. An isolated converter is developed with 400V output voltage having transformer isolation with 50 kHz switching frequency. This converter can achieve efficiency 98% with sufficient suppression of ripple at the outside side. The primary has a PWM switching voltages occurred by single main switch. In addition, input to output isolation may be required to meet safety standards. (Impact Factor: 0.997) 837 International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 4, May-June, 2014 ( ISSN (E): 2347-5900 ISSN (P): 2347-6079 converter can be easily applied for other types of renewable energy sources, such as wind turbine generator, as well. REFERENCES [1] Tsorng-Juu Liang, Jian-Hsieng Lee, ShihMing Chen, Jiann-Fuh Chen, and LungSheng Yang,’’Novel Isolated High-Step-Up DC–DC Converter With Voltage Lift” ,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 514–523, April. 2013. [2] J. Bauman and M. Kazerani, “A novel capacitor-switched regenerative snubber for dc/dc boost converters,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 514–523, Feb. 2011. [3] J. Lee, B. Min, D. Yoo, R. Kim, and J. 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