
Coalition for Urban River Evaluation
1697 Cole Blvd., Ste 200, Golden, Colorado 80401 ● Ph: (303) 239-5411 ● Fax: (303) 239-5454
SP CURE Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 – 9:00 a.m.
Meeting Location: City of Aurora, Aurora Water Department
Third Floor, Rocky Mountain Conference Room
15151 E. Alameda Parkway, Aurora
Host: Jill Piatt Kemper
(303) 739-7390
January Meeting Summary
Discussion and Approval of December Meeting Summary
Blair Corning moved approval of the December meeting summary. The motion was
seconded by Al Baker, which passed unanimously.
SP CURE Data Review
The SP CURE Monitoring Committee is looking at SP CURE’s data to date for a wide
range of constituents in order to understand how it has changed over time and over space.
Phil Russell agreed to take this effort on and worked to download all existing data from
WQX (File WQX 5027). There are about 450,000 datapoints in WQX for the Urban South
Platte Watershed. Phil found a number of missing pieces of information (e.g., latitude and
longitude). Phil asks that Monitoring Committee members look at their data to rectify
missing items and/or issues with the data. Phil Russell provided a presentation of nutrient
data collected by SP CURE for information leading up to the nutrient hearings in March
Phil broke the data down into two time periods: 1998-2010 and 2008-2010. In the 19982010 time period, total phosphorus (TP) increases moving downstream. There are TP
increases in stream below the WWTPs. Below SACWSD, nutrients appear to decrease
steadily downstream. The 2008-2010 data show a decrease in TP coming out of L/E
because of the nitrification/denitrification and internal recycling.
SP CURE has not measured total nitrogen in the past, so nitrate data were summarized.
Nitrate seems to decrease immediately downstream of Metro and then increases
downstream. Generally, the trend is increasing from upstream to downstream. Between
Metro and Brighton, the increase in nitrate could possibly be attributed to groundwater
sources that are high in nitrate, as that stretch is gaining in low flow time periods.
Phil looked at MMIs versus nutrients. Phil only used fall MMIs in the analysis because the
spring data produce artificially low scores. Sarah pointed out that, in conversations with
Tami Schneck of Aquatics Associates, the biomonitoring we have done is all outside of the
date range required for use of the MMI tool to determine aquatic life health. The group
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also noted that, regardless, the aquatic life guidance does not apply to SP CURE’s
macroinvertebrate monitoring effort because the contributing watershed area exceeds the
guidelines for applying the MMI thresholds.
Next steps/ideas:
 Compare/analyze data with respect to Regulation 31 interim values.
 Revise data to update naming conventions for constituents, fix missing information,
 Look at flows and concentrations together.
 Compare MMIs versus nutrients all the way down into Segments 15 and 1a. Metro
has the MMI data and MillerCoors also has data on lower Clear Creek.
 Look at MMI scores on other tributaries.
 Phil will provide the presentation for Sarah to put on the internal draft site.
2012/2013 Budget Planning
 Sarah to Send out reminders to folks that have not yet paid 2011/2012 dues.
We looked at the current budget and major expenditures for SP CURE. The main
expenditures include the coordinator, membership on the BMW Board, upload of data to
the Data Sharing Network (DSN), and DSN support. The group was concerned that we
develop a reserve of money as we move forward. The previously agreed-to dues structure
will be implemented for the 2012/13 fiscal year, which will allow for that reserve.
The Board identified a few items in the next year that may merit additional funding:
 Funding to have someone go through the data in the DSN to identify issues and
“fix” them.
 Funding for someone to coordinate Monitoring Framework efforts.
 Sarah to develop a scope of work for Brown and Caldwell to coordinate the
Monitoring Framework efforts. Also develop DSN data upload scope of work to
include possibly “fixing” SP CURE data issues in the DSN.
Reg 31/85 Hearing Update
Responsive Prehearing Statements (RPHS) are due on January 20th. The subgroup working
on the RPHS will have a final ready for approval later in the week. The RPHS covers what
was identified in the initial outline – mainly concerned with citing MDLs in Regulation 85
and stating our support for the use of the DSN and the direction that the requirements for
MS4s is moving.
Did everyone respond to the DOLA (Department of Local Affairs) survey regarding
nutrient regulations? This survey asked questions like: How are you going to pay for the
upgrades? What are the costs? DOLA came out of the Government’s mandate on funding
for requirements in the state. The biggest concern is that the questionnaire only looked at
the next 5 years, not impacts out in the future when the costs will really hit dischargers.
The survey was due January 16th.
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Senate Bill 17, sponsored by Senator King, alters the WQ Control Act (25.8.204) so that
the Commission can adopt standards except for nitrogen and phosphorus. The problem is
that other sections in the Act that were not addressed contradict the suggested changes.
Representative Looper also has a bill in the hopper and is waiting to see what happens with
Senator King’s bill.
UDFCD Update
No report.
Budget Update
We are on budget. Reviewed as part of 2012/13 budget discussion.
Project Updates
a. BMW – No revised date from Division regarding a final TMDL.
b. Monitoring Committee – Committee working on finalizing SP CURE SAP with
projected completion date of February 14, 2012. Phil Russell presented similar
summary of nutrient data to Monitoring Committee.
Next Meeting Dates
February 14, 2012 – SACWSD
March 20, 2012 – Metro Wastewater Reclamation District
April 17, 2012 – Centennial W&S District
Meeting summary was prepared by Sarah Reeves.
Approved by:
Christine Johnston, Secretary
Date Approved
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SPCURE Board Meeting – January 17, 2012
Attendance Record
Linda Boyle
Mary Dawson
Randy Giffin
Jill Piatt Kemper
Ed Burke
Al Baker
Centennial W&S District
Tim Grotheer
Nick Tino
Alan Polonsky
Jon Novick
Kevin Lewis
Dave Kaunisto
Centennial W&S District
Centennial W&S District
City and County of Denver
City and County of Denver
Denver Wastewater
East Cherry Creek Valley W&S
X (phone)
Laurie Rink
Anne Beierle
Mary Gardner
Phil Russell
Dennis Stowe
Barbara Biggs
Littleton/Englewood WWTP
Littleton/Englewood WWTP
Littleton/Englewood WWTP
Metro District
Amy Woodis
Jim Dorsch
Michelle Ryerson
Fred Linton
Blair Corning
Stephen Ellis
Metro District
Metro District
Metro District
South Adams County W&S
South Adams County W&S
JM Grebnec
Tony Congram
Bud Hart
Shay Shih
Steve Materkowski
Christine Johnston
South Adams County W&S
Suncor Energy (U.S.A.)
Xcel Energy
Sarah Reeves
Coordinator - Brown and Caldwell
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