Coalition for Urban River Evaluation 1697 Cole Blvd., Ste 200, Golden, Colorado 80401 ● Ph: (303) 239-5411 ● Fax: (303) 239-5454 SP CURE Monitoring Committee Meeting Tuesday, October 11, 2011 – 9:00 a.m. Meeting Location: SACWSD 9702 Monaco Street, Henderson, Co 80640 Host: Stephen Ellis (720) 206-0460 October Meeting Summary 1. Discuss and Approve June Meeting Summary June meeting minutes were discussed and approved without changes. 2. Round Robin Report (Phil Russell) Phil Russell summarized the results of the Round Robin. Constituents analyzed were Ammonia, Selenium, and E.coli. A total of seven labs participated in the Round Robin; data have been received and summarized for all participating labs except Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. All reporting labs showed similar results for the ammonia samples (within +/-20%). Much more variability was observed in the selenium results. For the lab sampels, 3 labs submitted numerical data with the other 3 labs reporting values below their detection limit of 5 µg/L. For the instream selenium sample, 2/3 of the labs were within 20% of each other. Only 1 lab was grossly different. The question was asked whether all labs should adopt a method detection limit below 5µg/L, or potentially 3 µg/L? The E.coli wastewater sample contained unusually high levels of E.coli as the samples were taken prior to chlorination. All reporting labs were within +/- 20% for the wastewater samples; E.coli river sample values were all very close as well. Phil Russell conducted additional tests to investigate the impact of hold times on E.coli results. Tests showed that a 3-day hold time had little impact on results. 3. SAP/QAPP – Update Status The SAP/QAPP is not up to date but a completion deadline has been set for February 14, 2012. Phil Russel has agreed to take the lead on the completion effort. It was decided that sections requiring yearly updates would be included in the form of an appendix. All SP CURE parties agreed to go through the site list to confirm the accuracy of the information listed about their sites. In addition, a QA/QC Section needs to be added to the SAP/QAPP. 4. DSN 2010 Data Upload Status All SP CURE members have submitted data but not all data are ready for final upload. Brown and Caldwell reported the following status: SACWSD – Waiting for Release Form Aurora – Complete DEH – Still working with DSN to resolve issues Thornton – Complete Littleton Englewood – Waiting for corrections Centennial – Waiting for Release Form 5. DSN Labeling Conventions It has been suggested that all entities submit their DSN data using a standardized format in order to preserve consistency within the database. It was agreed that Nitrogen would be reported as “N” and that Phosphorous would be reported as “P”. In addition, it was agreed that the “Result Detection Condition” field would be the used as the first means to qualify a sample if needed, with EPA qualifier flags only being used for situations not covered by the “Result Detection Condition” field options. Brown and Caldwell will add the EPA Qualifier field to the 2011 DSN upload template. 6. New Business Jon Novick mentioned that the State is currently looking into implementing a new water quality database. The new database would likely require a new and different input format which may lead to issues for some users. DEH has lost all of their temperature probes which include probes on Cherry Creek at Champa, Upstream of the Cherry Creek Confluence, and Downstream of the Cherry Creek Confluence. Denver Environmental Health has no intention of replacing any of the lost probes at this point. 7. Next Meeting Dates December 13, 2011 – L/E WWTP February 14, 2012 – Aurora April 10, 2012 – Centennial Meeting summary was prepared by Sarah Reeves. Approved by: ___________________________________ Christine Johnston, Secretary ____________________ Date Approved SP CURE Monitoring Committee Meeting – October 11, 2011 Attendance Record Present X X X Linda Boyle Randy Giffin Al Baker Nick Tino Organization City of Aurora City of Aurora Centennial W&S District Centennial W&S District X X Jon Novick Al Polonsky Alan Searcy Phil Russell Jim Dorsch Denver Environmental Health Denver Environmental Health City of Lakewood Littleton/Englewood WWTP Metro District X Steven Ellis South Adams County W&S X Vic Lucero Shay Shih Christine Johnston City of Thornton City of Thornton Xcel Energy Sarah Reeves Tony VanHaverbeke Coordinator - Brown and Caldwell Brown and Caldwell X X Name