Public Health Wales PHW IGC 13.13 Proposed changes to the Personal Data Protection: processing and free movement of data (General Data Protection Regulation) – 2012/0010 (COD) Author: Mark Dickinson, Executive Director of Planning and Performance Date: 09 September 2013 Version: 1 Purpose and Summary of Document: The European Parliament are proposing changes to the Personal Data Protection: processing and free movement of data (General Data Protection Regulation) – 2012/0010 (COD). The proposed changes have the potential to have a profound impact on public health intelligence and research and will adversely impact on Public Health Wales’ understanding of the health the population in Wales and across Europe. The attached letter has been submitted to a number of MEPs. Sponsoring Executive Director: Mark Dickinson, Executive Director of Planning and Performance Who will present: Mark Dickinson, Executive Director of Planning and Performance Documents attached: Letter to MEPs Date of Committee meeting: 18 September 2013 Committee/Groups that have received or considered this paper: N/A Please state of the paper is for: Discussion Decision Information X Date: 09 September 2013 Version: 1 Page: 1 of 5 Public Health Wales PHW IGC 13.13 Dear Proposed changes to the Personal Data Protection: processing and free movement of data (General Data Protection Regulation) – 2012/0010 (COD) I am writing to you to prevent the potential catastrophic impact on public health of the proposed changes to the Person Personal data protection: processing and free movement of data (General Data Protection Regulation) - 2012/0010(COD). If implemented, without appropriate safeguards to protect public health activities, the Regulation will have a profound impact on public health intelligence and research and will adversely impact on our understanding of the health the population in Wales and across Europe. This in turn will prevent action to protect and improve public health. I would like to seek assurances that you will do everything in your power to prevent this. European professional colleagues in the field of health intelligence and research first became concerned about proposed changes to European data protection regulations after the release of the draft directive by the European Commission in January 2012. The assessment of the European-wide health professional community was that the language in the proposal potentially restricted the ability of Cancer Registries and other health data organisations to operate. The main reason for this was ambiguity over the need to collect specific patient consent for each new analysis. Even though there were protections for health research within the Commission proposals, it was the collective understanding of the health research and intelligence community that these protections were not strong enough. Following this, we were concerned by the release of the report of the LIBE Committee (PE 501.927v04-00). The report failed to strengthen protections for public health research and in many cases removed protections completely. We note that members of the LIBE Committee tabled a substantial number of amendments at a recent meeting (4 – 6 March 2013). Many of these reinserted language meaning health registries and research databases can continue to work with added support. In Wales we wish to see these amendments supported to ensure that we can continue to improve and protect the health of the population through health surveillance, monitoring and research. This is profoundly important if we are to continue to alert to potential rises, for example, in cases of cancer or congenital anomalies. The recent measles outbreak in Wales would be considerably more difficult to understand and target action against if we did not have basic information on cases readily to hand. Date: 09 September 2013 Version: 1 Page: 2 of 5 Public Health Wales PHW IGC 13.13 The consequences of a European Data Protection Regulation that inhibits health research and intelligence are potentially catastrophic. I am attaching a briefing paper from two international cancer associations that clearly outline the risks. It appears that the effects the proposals will have on this area are an unintended outcome. However I am concerned that through omission, or the seeking of another philosophical approach to personal data, this vital area of work is threatened. I am writing to you as Chair of Public Health Wales, an NHS trust responsible for the collection and analysis of key health intelligence data in Wales to guide and underpin public health action. Teams responsible for this within Public Health Wales include health protection teams (providing surveillance on infectious diseases), the Observatory, the Welsh Cancer, Intelligence and Surveillance Unit and the Congenital Anomaly Register and Information Service for Wales. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like further information to support our approach as set out in this letter. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Professor Sir Mansel Aylward CB Chair Public Health Wales Date: 09 September 2013 Version: 1 Page: 3 of 5 Public Health Wales PHW IGC 13.13 To be sent to: Name Country/Party Juan Fernand o Lopez Aguilar Spain Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the EU Email juanfernando.lopezaguilar@europarl.europa.e u Chair Dimitrios Droutsas Greece Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the EU Rapporteur Jan Philipp Albrecht Germany Greens/Europea n Free Alliance Rapporteur Sophia in’t Veld Netherlands Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Europe Timothy Kikhope UK Conservatives and Reformists Group Axel Voss Germany European People’s Party Date: 09 September 2013 Version: 1 Postal address Europees Parlement Wietzstraa t Altiero Spinelli 10G317 B-1047 Brussels Europees Parlement Wietzstraa t Altiero Spinelli 10G317 B-1047 Brussels Europees Parlement Wietzstraa t Altiero Spinelli 10G317 B-1047 Brussels Europees Parlement Wietzstraa t Altiero Spinelli 10G317 B-1047 Brussels Europees Parlement Wietzstraa t Altiero Spinelli 10G317 B-1047 Brussels Europees Parlement Wietzstraa Page: 4 of 5 Public Health Wales PHW IGC 13.13 (Christian Democrats) Cornelia Ernst Germany Confederal Group of the European United Left Date: 09 September 2013 Version: 1 t Altiero Spinelli 10G317 B-1047 Brussels Europees Parlement Wietzstraa t Altiero Spinelli 10G317 B-1047 Brussels Page: 5 of 5