May 12th Meeting

Board Meeting Minutes, May 12th, 2015
A special meeting of the Board of Education of Crest Unified School District #479 was held at
the Crest Board Office, Colony, Tuesday, May 12th, 2015. The meeting was called to order at
5:45 P.M. by Board President Tadd Goodell.
Roll Call
Board Members Present – Tadd Goodell, Travis Church, Terry Ellis, Jeff Strickler, David
Milner and Bryan Miller. Others – Board Clerk Leanne Trabuc, Principal Travis Hermreck and
Brenda Stephens.
The meeting was called for the purpose of personnel – executive session with possible action
following. A waiver of notice was signed by all board members present.
It was moved by Mr. Ellis and seconded by Mr. Miller to approve the agenda as presented. Vote:
It was moved by Mr. Goodell and seconded by Mr. Milner to enter into executive session for the
purpose of discussing personnel. The reason for the session was the sensitive nature of the topic.
The Board reserved the right to invite Principal Hermreck into executive session as needed. The
meeting would reconvene at 6:01 P.M. Vote: 6-0
Principal Hermreck entered the executive session at 5:52 P.M.
The meeting reconvened at 6:01 P.M. and it was moved by Mr. Goodell and seconded by Mr.
Milner to extend the session until 6:18 P.M. Vote: 6-0
The meeting resumed at 6:18 P.M. and it was moved by Mr. Goodell and seconded by Mr.
Church to hire Kristin Farnsworth as an elementary teacher. Vote: 3-3 (Milner, Miller, Ellis
It was moved by Mr. Goodell and seconded by Mr. Church to hire Kristin Farnsworth as an
elementary teacher. Vote: 4-2 (Milner, Miller)
It was moved by Mr. Goodell and seconded by Mr. Ellis to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 P.M.
Vote: 6-0
Board President
Board Clerk