Richard Hull Middle School Seventh Grade Language Arts Syllabus Amy E Stewart 2012-2013 Textbooks: Language Network (2001), McDougal Littell Language of Literature (2001), McDougal Littell Course Overview: A. Literature / Reading First Semester: Students will study the elements of fiction and narrative poetry. (AKS 5,11-12,14,15,17,20, 26) Students will study elements of nonfiction, research, and drama. (AKS 10, 22, 24-26, 29, 37,) Second Semester: Students will study the elements of poetry and nonfiction. (AKS 13, 16, 18-20, 23, 26) Student will study elements of oral traditions: fables, folktales, and tall tales. (AKS 21, 26-28) Throughout the year: Students will be required to read a variety of texts and novels inside and outside of the classroom. (AKS 30) Ongoing: AKS 3, 6-9, 30-43 B. Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, Vocabulary and Spelling: Ongoing throughout the year Students will expand vocabulary through reading, etymology, and the use of dictionaries and other references. Students will apply high-utility rules to draft spelling. Students will be study grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanics within sentences. (AKS: 44-55) Ongoing: AKS 51 C. Writing First nine weeks: Narrative and Response to Literature will be the focus. (AKS 59-60, 74-77, 84-87) Second nine weeks: Technical and Research, /Informational writing will be the focus. (AKS 59, 69-73, 80) Third nine weeks: Expository writing will be the focus. (AKS 65, 78-79) Fourth nine weeks: Persuasive writing will be the focus. (AKS 59, 81-83) Ongoing: AKS 56-58, 60-64, 66-68 Class Expectations: Students will be expected to keep their work organized. Assignments should be written daily in their Student Agenda. In addition to class work, homework will be assigned as needed. All work should be written neatly and legibly. Grading Policy: Gwinnett County Middle School Policy All grades in language arts will be determined by the following weighted system. Achievement grade: Summative Assessments (Test/Projects & Quizzes)- 50%; Classroom Assessments-40%; Final Exam- 10% Effort grade will be determined by homework, completion of work, work turned in on time, class participation, creativity and neatness applied, and other assignments that reflect the student’s effort as opposed to achievement. Classroom Communication: Course Assignments (due dates, assigned projects, links to resource materials) can be found on your teacher’s Onmycalendar website. You can reach the teacher website by visiting and click the “Teacher” tab. Promotion Criteria for Language Arts: Students must pass all sections of the CRCT Exam with a score of 800 or better for promotion to the eighth grade. Please sign and return the bottom portion of this syllabus to your child’s Language Arts teacher. Student ______________________________________Homeroom teacher__________________________________ Parent Signature _______________________________Date_____________________________________________