Young Goodman Brown

Put your phones in your
Put backpacks in front of room
Find answer document
(alphabetical order).
2nd Period Progress Reports
 Brion
 Luis
 Mason
 Jaylen
 Gabriella
 Stephanie
 Jordyn
 Kailah
 Kyle
 Brendan
 Justin
 Mary
Young Goodman Brown
Skills Addressed with this Text
 AKS 1- Textual Evidence and Inferences
 The analysis you provide should be supported with direct
evidence from the passage.
 AKS 2- Identify Themes and Summarize Objectively
 AKS 3- Direct and Indirect Characterization
 Identify how characters are introduced and interact with each
 How do the characters change throughout the text?
 AKS 4- Word Meanings and Figurative Language
 AKS 9- Analyze elements of Dark Romanticism
 AKS 30- Participate effectively in collaborative
Important Definitions
 Allegory???????
 Naiveté –lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
 Pious-Extremely Religious
 Deacon- an ordained minister of an order ranking below
that of priest.
Catechism- Quiz used to teach children Catholicism.
Verily- Truly
Thou- You, your
Thee- you
Forsooth-indeed (often used ironically or to express
surprise or indignation).
Big Ideas Outside of Text
 How do people lose their innocence?
 At what age do people usually lose their innocence?
 How quickly does this happen?
 What might happen to a person who loses their
innocence all at once?
 How much do you really know about your heroes, idols,
or role models?
 Does our society expect celebrities to be role models?
Why or why not?
 How would you react to learning that one of your role
models is not who you thought they were?
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Family History
 His great-great-
grandfather, William
Hathorne, ordered the
whipping 5 people in the
streets of Salem.
 His great-grandfather,
John Hathorne, was the
magistrate presiding over
the trial of the accused
witches of Salem (1692).
 Added the “w” to his name
 His early childhood in
Salem and work in the
Salem Custom House.
 Puritan Heritage
 He believed in the
existence of the devil.
 He believed in
determinism, a theory of
Important Works
 The Minister’s Black Veil
(1836) and Young
Goodman Brown (1846)
The Scarlet Letter (1850)
Inspired by a scarlet ‘A’ he
found in his mom’s house
Became one of the first
mass-produced books in
the US.
When he would read it to
his wife she would go to
sleep physically sick and
with headache, which is
how he knew he was
Thematic Elements
 Good vs. Evil
 Puritan Hypocrisy
 Family Shame
 Moral Judgment
 Sin and Repentance
 The dark side of human
 Crime and Punishment
 Spirits and the
 Personification of the
Dark Romanticism
( A N T I - T R A N S C E N D EN TA L I S T S )
 Just another form of Romanticism
 Opposed the optimistic view of life the Transc.
 Felt that spiritual facts lie in the appearance of
nature BUT that these are not necessarily good or
 Although they had opposing views, some
Transcendentalist and Dark Romanticists were good
friends (Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne)
 Essentially, take Romanticism and make it less
inspirational and more demented.
Elements of Dark Romanticism
 Wanted to explore the psychological wanderings of
the human mind
Revealed the darkness in human nature
Explored conflict between good and evil
The psychological effects of guilt and sin
Used characters who personified the devil, as
opposed to characters who were the devil
Also known as Gothic Literature
Criticized society
Famous Writers
 Edgar Allan Poe
 The Raven
 Fall of the House of
Usher (YEAH!)
Wrote dark, Gothic
stories and poems.
Pretty twisted dude.
Hated Transcendentalist
more than other dark
romantic writers
Influenced by
Washington Irving
What to do with Young Goodman Brown:
 [Honors Only] Number the pages Keep up with it.
• You will not receive
• If you lose it, you
will need to find a
way to print your
Annotate it.
• I will take up your
story and grade you
on your
On Pg. 5
Add a quote after deacon’s and be
What to do with Young Goodman Brown:
 Keep up with it.
 You
will not receive another.
 If you lose it, you will need to find a way to print
your own.
 Annotate it.
will take up your story and grade you on your
Annotation Tips/Strategies:
 Make brief notes to mark important plot events.
 Use check marks, asterisks (*), stars, arrow, etc. to mark important
items or details.
 Circle or highlight words that are unfamiliar and define them.
 Highlight phrases that describe or characterize important
 Highlight words, images, and details that seem to form a pattern
throughout the text.
These patterns usually lead to theme.
 Mark passages that you think might be symbolic.
 Highlight the use of figurative language.
 If you get an idea, write it down. It could be good starting point for
 DON’T mark everything! If you mark too much, nothing will stand
out and you’ll just be re-reading again.
Socratic Seminar