WELCOME TO YOUNGEVITY!!! Congratulations! You’ve made a wise decision toward living your dreams. Purchasing a CEO Pak will unlock the tools you need for financial freedom. Getting started is the hardest part. This training guide will help give you a positive start on your journey to success!! Marketing Website address: _______________________.my90forlife.com Website for ordering personal products www.my90forlife.com (login from here) ID#/ Login: _____________________________________ Password clue to help you remember: _____________________________________ Your Support: Sponsor Upline Upline Upline Upline Upline Upline Upline Upline Brenda Masters Shanita Raisch Annalise Seifen Julie Formby John Seyer Tamara Seyer Scott Fardulis Juliette Fardulis Tom Chenault brendas0305@live.com shanita1979@yahoo.com Annalise.Seifen@outlook.com julie@yournewvitality.com r_u_next@hotmail.com tamaraseyer@gmail.com sfardulis@gmail.com jfardulis@gmail.com marianne@imageis.com Training Guide Contents: The 8 Steps to Success Define your Dreams! Make a commitment Tell your story List Prospects Memory Joggers Training Inviting Prospects Showing the plan 3-way calls Overcoming obstacles SEMD Chart 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 13 16 17 18 970-980-4819 970-443-3953 970-360-8420 970-203-9540 970-227-0785 970-227-0785 970-290-0363 970-397-4071 720-840-7222 The 8 Steps to Success 1. Define your Dream and have a burning desire for its achievement 2. Make a commitment 3. Use the products 4. Make a written prospect list 5. Show the plan 6. Follow-up & follow-through 7. Help the people you sponsor 8. Start the training process & teach the training process 2 Define your Dreams!! List out colors, smells, textures, etc. Draw it out. Cut out pictures and paste. Make it real! 3 Make a Commitment By taking action to get started, you are on track to achieve all of your personal goals and set yourself up to be successful beyond anything you can imagine right now. The first step in this process is defining what your dreams are and developing a burning desire for their achievement. Without that, no matter how hard we work, we will not see the activity create results. Your Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Your monthly income Goal: _______________________________________________________ Healthy Body Challenge goal ______________________________________________________ Date you want to make this a reality: _______________________________________________ WHY??? _______________________________________________________________________ Your personal commitment to make this become a reality: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What will you give up in order to have this? __________________________________________ Write your affirmation as if it has already happened: Example: It feels good to have my house paid off and a new car in my garage and my first international trip planned with my family. I am so excited to be healthy enough to run my first marathon despite my doctor saying I’d never walk again. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4 Tell Your Story What was your life like before Youngevity? List ailments or financial situation. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ How did you feel when you were approached about Youngevity? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ How did you get involved? With whom? What got you so excited? What hit your hot button? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What is your vision? What do you want Youngevity to provide for you? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5 List your prospects Place check marks here Make a list of people that may be interested in Youngevity. Use a Memory Jogger to increase your warm market contact list. Use the check mark system to identify your prospects. One check mark = prospects who you have a common respect for. Two check marks = people you know who are looking to supplement their current income and Three check marks – people you know who can afford and need Youngevity Products. Name Phone 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 6 Memory Joggers Address Book Business Cards Christmas Card List Parents Brothers Aunts Nieces Nephews Accountant Association members Auto Mechanic Bowling Team members Bus driver Car salesman Card group Child Care Provider Children’s friends parents Church members Club members Convenient Store Manager Co-workers Delivery Person Dentist office employees Doctor’s Office employees Donut Shop Manager Dry Cleaner Fed Ex Driver Fierman Appliances Boat Business Cards Camper Car Computer Craft Supplies WARM MARKET Neighborhood List College Friends Co-Workers RELATIVES Grandparents Sisters Uncles Cousins Grandkids WHO IS/ARE MY….? Fishing buddies Florist Friends Housekeeper Hunting buddies Insurance Agent(s) Jeweler Lawyer Leasing Agent Mailman Maintenance Person Minister(s) MLM friends Neighbors Optometrist Paperboy Pharmacist Police Property Manager Real Estate Agent WHO SOLD ME MY…? Fishing license Fishing Bait Furniture Glasses/contacts HDTV House Hunting License 7 Old co-workers Teachers Father-in-law Mother-in-law Brother-in-law Sister-in-law Other in-laws Favorite Waitresses Favorite Waiters Computer Tech ISP Support Person Pet Groomer Retired Coworkers Retried Friends Retired Relatives Bottled Water Supplier Coffee Supplier Florist Sports Teamm members Supermarket managers Tailor Hairdresser Truck Drivers UPS Driver Veterinarian Barber Day Care Owner Office Equipment/Supplies Telephone/Cell Phone Tires and Auto Parts Sony Playstation Stereo Vacuum cleaner Wedding items Antique Dealer Art Instructor Avon Rep Bank Teller Bus Driver Carpenter Chiropractor Contractor Dietitian Editor Electrician Fire Chief Cuts my grass Delivers Parcels/ Packages Dry Cleans my clothes Goes Bowling with me Hung my wallpaper Is in my Book Club Is in Rotary, Lions, Elks Is my Baby Sitter Is my Barber/ Hairdresser Judges Fast Food Chain Employees Hotel managers Motel Managers Emergency Medical Services My Broker My Bank Teller The Scuba Instructor The Karate Teacher Pain Arthritis Diabetes Blood Sugar Issues Pre-pregnancy Heart Disease Sleep Disorders I KNOW SOMEONE WHO IS A … Fisherman Garage Mechanic Golf Pro Interior Decorator Lab Technician Librarian Real Estate Lifeguard Model Motel Owner Music Teacher Notary Public Nurse I KNOW SOMEONE THAT… Is my Former Boss Lives next door Owns my apartment Painted my house Repaired My TV Sells Ice Cream Sells me Gasoline Teaches Ceramics/ Art I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT… Farmers Agriculturalist Conservation Officers Gas Stations Monument Business THIS IS TOO FUN TO STOP SO… The Piano Teacher My Landscaper The guy delivering my Gas The coffee Shop group ISSUES… Thyroid Disorders Kidney Issues Allergies Celiac Crohn’s Disease Acid reflux Digestive Disorders 8 Office Manager Pilot/ Flight Attendant Printer Restaurant Owner Seamstress Secretary Security Guard Sheriff Student Tupperware Rep Waitress/Waiter Welder Teaches my kids Was in my Car Pool Was my Best Man Was my Maid of Honor Was my Navy buddy Was my Photographer Was my Professor Was my Teacher Funeral Director Grain Operators Landscapers Title Agent Speech Therapist The cub scout leader People I met at the Fair The Taxi Driver My Garbage Man/woman Hormone Imbalance Overweight, obesity Lack of energy, fatigue Brain Injury Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS Cystic Fibrosis Varicose veins, hemorrhoids Training This is your business! It will not build itself. Your sponsor will not build it for you. They will help you but you must build it! The only thing that stands between you and success is YOU!!! These training tools are available to help you build your business. Attending events and listening to calls reminds you that you are not in this business alone! There are millions of others who are achieving the success you desire and they can show you tips on how to do it! It is a fact that those who attend large events will build their business faster than those who don’t. Events may seem expensive but the skills you learn and energy you obtain makes your return on investment totally worth it! Welcome & Get Started Fast Call Pitcock Welcome Call Daily Dose Hair on Fire Play of the Day Saturday Morning Call The Mom Call YGY Corporate Tom Chenault Dave Pitcock Barb Pitcock Barb Pitcock, Wendy McGee, Juliette Fardulis 670974# 75555# 75555# 676838# 193710# M-F 11:00AM 805-399-1200 LIVE 805-399-1299 24hr call back 24/7 618-355-1919 English 800-705-2436 Spanish YGY Corporate YGY Corporate YGY Corporate YGY Corporate YGY Corporate Prerecord ed M M T T T 7:00PM 8:00PM 6:00PM 6:30PM 7:15PM 212-990-8000 212-990-8000 212-990-8000 212-990-8000 www.90forlifewebinars.com 75555# 75555# 75555# 75555# YGY Corporate W 1:00PM 212-990-8000 75555# YGY Corporate W 6:00PM 212-990-8000 75555# YGY Corporate YGY Corporate YGY Corporate Th Sat Sat 6:00PM 8:00AM 11:00AM 212-990-8000 212-990-8000 www.90forlifewebinars.com 75555# 75555# YGY Corporate Sun 6:30PM 212-990-8000 75555# Opportunity Call Leadership Call 90 for Life Call 90 for Life Forum Essential Oils Call Healthy Start System Webinar TAC Dream Vacation Call Healthy Body Challenge Call Product Update Call Basic Training Call Health & Wealth Webinar Sunday Training Call Training Calls & Webinars Pre24/7 605-562-3149 record ed M-F 8:30AM 212-990-8000 M-F 6:30AM 212-990-8000 M-F 8:00AM 559-726-1300 SAT 8:00AM 805-399-1200 9 298010# Events – These will build your business! Don’t miss them!! Invest in your business!! o Super Saturday events – once a month - watch mastersofenrollment.com for details o Pitcock Bootcamp - July o CEO training – dates vary o Youngevity Convention & Summit– dates vary o Local LIVE Meetings – see mastersofenrollment.com for location and other details Monday – Loveland at 7:00PM with Scott Fardulis Tuesday – Longmont at 7:00PM with Tom Chenault Thursday – Denver Tech Center at 7:00PM with Dan Gibbins Thursday – Pueblo at 7:00PM with Scott Fardulis Websites o Distributor Team website: www.ygyresourcecenter.com o Weightloss Website: www.asapslimcenter.com o Tom Chenault’s website: www.mastersofenrollment.com o Dave & Barb Pitcock’s website: www.pmgallaccess.com o Corporate Website: www.youngevity.com Books o Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional by Eric Worre o No Guts No Story:A Tale of Courage & Success from the Heartland by Barb Pitcock o The Thinking Cure: Program your mind for success and happiness by David Pitcock o Dead Doctors Don’t Lie by Dr. Joel D. Wallach & Dr. Ma Lan o Let’s Play Doctor by Dr. Joel D. Wallach Other Resources o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Specific questions on product formulation questions, sources of ingredients, etc. can be directed to Richard Renton: rrenton@youngevity.com or you can call him by phone at 360837-1080. Health questions can be addressed to: HealthQuestions@youngevity.com. Many articles, research, testimonies, protocols and helpful articles can be found at these links: http://wallachonline.com/ http://wallachfiles.com/ (contains a list of Dr. Wallach’s research published in medical journals) http://wallachwisdom.com/ http://www.91essentialnutrients.com/ https://www.youtube.com/user/YoungevityEducation http://pharmacistben.com/ http://drglidden.com/ http://asapslimcenter.com/plan_overview.php https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsxVIqbPa8A8houd_dHhANgrGzcozej6D (Become90ForLife testimonies) https://www.facebook.com/groups/OurYTestimonies/ (This is a closed group on Facebook that you can request to join) http://wallachwisdom.com/ (Protocols listed by ailment) 10 o Independent studies on Youngevity Products: The Clemson Study: http://youngevity.com/wp-content/themes/youngevity/media/ClemsonReport_brochure2-0613.pdf The Manitoba Study: http://youngevity.com/wp-content/themes/youngevity/media/Safety-HealthBenefits-Manitoba_brochure-0714-singles-4review.pdf Bone & Joint Health: http://youngevity.com/wp-content/themes/youngevity/media/YGY-JointResearch_brochure-1114-singles-4web.pdf Additionally, Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND, the founder of Youngevity, has a daily radio program where you can call in to ask questions/ seek medical advice from him personally: o Dead Doctors Don’t Lie: M-F@1-2pm MST Call in questions: 888-379-2552 Listen line: 605-562-7741 Stations: http://drwallach.com/Stations_window.html KSCO 1080 & 1340AM Podcasts: http://ksco.com/dead-doctors-dont-lie o Let’s Play Doctor: M-F@2-3pm MST Call in questions: 877-912-7529 Listen line: 605-562-7776 KSCO 1080 & 1340AM Podcasts: http://podcast.gcnlive.com/podcast/letsPlayDoctor/pcast.php Email: letsplaydoctor@att.net Inviting Prospects Here are some simple do’s and don’ts of inviting prospects. DO – Know WHY you are in your business! This is the best thing you can do for your business. A strong WHY will build your business quickly! DON’T – Let others keep you from that WHY! You can choose to take advice from people who are not achieving their goals or follow the people who are! DO – Invite with enthusiasm (keeping your why in mind) to a presentation! Offer to drive them! DON’T – Tell them too much information. They could reject the concept without having all the facts. 11 Sample Scripts: What are you doing Monday night? [Nothing, why?] I’d like to introduce you to a friend of mine who has changed my life. He is incredibly successful and I’ll be meeting with him on Monday at 7:00pm to learn how he did it. I want you to come with me. If I come pick you up, will you come? Hey! You have got to see what I have discovered! I think we can really change our lives with this! You just have to come check it out! I’m going to a meeting on Tuesday at 7PM. I’ll come pick you up and we can go together. If you see it and aren’t interested, no problem, but you have to see it before you make your decision. It kept me awake at night! I am so excited about an opportunity I’ve discovered and I think it could really help our financial situation! You should come check it out with me this Tuesday at 7PM. If you aren’t interested, that is 100% okay Potential Q&A situations: What is it? It’s a way to improve our health and make some money in the process! Is it one of those pyramid things? It is a thriving, stable and growing network marketing company and the products are based on 40 years of research! What is Network Marketing? Network Marketing is simply a unique business model where you switch where you shop and get paid to do it! Tell me more about it… Well, I’m new and don’t really know much. I just know it sounds promising. If I tried to tell it to you, I’d mess it up and then YOU would potentially miss out on an amazing opportunity! Come check it out for yourself. I’ll go with you. If you aren’t interested, no problem… nothing changes between us. I don’t believe in network marketing. We have cheap means to advertise these days, MLMs are just a scam. MLMs actually exist because their products require special explanation to communicate the value of those products. That kind of communication does not happen in a retail environment. Plus, it simply switches where the dollars for advertising get spent. Instead of on big box stores and expensive ads, they rely on word of mouth advertising, which most agree is the most effective. Those who are willing to provide that word of mouth advertising get paid to do so. If you recommend a product or service from a retail store, nobody pays you to do that. MLM’s do! It’s really just a different business model that is profitable for anyone willing to put in the work to advertise. Giving too much information early on can be a death sentence. Your goal is to establish the next meeting until they say “I’m not interested or I want to sign up!” 12 Show the Plan If you show the plan 1000 times, chances are you’ll be a millionaire! There are 12 steps to giving a meeting. Before you get to the meeting, however, you must focus your energy on being positive, friendly, compassionate and interested in their dreams and needs. You can have all the details down about the company but if you aren’t excited, they won’t be excited! Facts smell – Stories sell!! Preparation – Keep your house as it normally would be. Put out any sample products or brochures you may have to share Have a copy of the compensation plan at a glance available Have a white board available Set up the DVD ready to push play The 12 steps 1. Set your audience at ease and Edify your guest speaker – tell a story, make them laugh; get personal; let them know there is no pressure 2. Tell your own story about how you got involved with Youngevity - You can overcome objections with your story by making their objections YOUR objections 3. Goals & Dreams a. Get out your white board and ask them, “if you won the lottery, what would you do?” or “what would you do with an EXTRA $10K in the bank each month?” b. Write out their dreams on the white board – get them to dream big c. Show them a small circle with a $ in it. “Most people’s incomes look like this and they start to knock dreams off of their list to fit their income. Network marketing instead offers the opportunity to expand your income to fit your dreams!” d. Draw a new circle around the $ and the dreams. 4. Other ways to make money – get them to list ways (white board again) Network Marketing is a way to make more money for yourself simply by switching where you shop and getting paid to do it. a. You’ll leverage your time by working 3-5 hours and getting paid for 40 or 400 or more! b. Network Marketing is a simple business model that allows you to make BIG MONEY and GAIN FREE TIME simply for word-of-mouth advertising! 5. Youngevity – business background a. Been in business since 1997 b. Publicly traded c. Highest rating at D&B means they pay their bills d. Big name Brand Ambassadors – Marilou Henner, Steve Hess, Oprah Winfrey, Danny Glover, Theo Ratliff, and more 13 6. Dr. Wallach – who is he? a. Mutual of Omaha w/ Marlin Perkins – intended to eliminate disease in exotic animals b. Via 26,000 autopsies including 3000 in humans, discovered that the mineral deficiencies were the cause of disease in the world c. Became a naturopathic doctor- treated human patients with mineral supplements with great results but it was too small. d. Discovered Network Marketing as a vehicle to expand the message of health and started Youngevity. 7. Other Products – coffee, Beyond Organic, jewelry, clothing, makeup, essential oils, scrapbooking, Personalized greeting cards, healthy chocolate, food, household and pet products, etc. 8. Show the compensation plan a. 10 ways to make money - Show 2-3 b. CEO pack at $499 provides over $500 in products you’ll use anyway c. Unlocks car bonus, stock options, coding bonuses, more d. Here’s how it works (See figure below) i. Get your money back by introducing it to 3 people ii. Then those 3 people want to get their money back. Help them! iii. Introduce CEO number 4 to get the Coding Bonus – you’ll earn anywhere from $15 to $190 for each CEO pack sold in that 4th leg e. You are already buying the products you could get at Youngevity; you’re just not being paid for it! With this you get paid to share and recommend a product! Wendy’s or Walmart don’t do that! SEMD $125 Joe YOU $125 Coding Bonus Mary $125 Fred $125 $125 $125 Jan John Bob Sue $125 Julie $125 $125 $125 $125 Gina Matt TJ $125 Lisa Ted 14 All new CEO’s entered under your 4th leg pay out between $15 and $190 to an infinite level regardless if you brought them in. You still get all other standard bonuses if you bring them in! 9. Scenarios a. Worst Case – You buy the products, you don’t like them, you get return them for a refund. End of story. b. Best Case – You buy them, like them and share them and get 200 people in your business! 10. What’s Next? a. Get IN!!! Why wouldn’t you? b. Team up with John & Tamara and Scott & Juliette to achieve your dreams!!! 11. Thank the speaker – edify them (assuming you aren’t giving the presentation yourself) 12. Open for questions (they have probably asked plenty already!) 15 3-Way Calls Three Way calls are a very helpful tool. Many people who like you may also be skeptical that you have been duped! The purpose of the 3-Way call is to bring in a 3rd party ‘expert’ who knows the business, can talk directly with your prospect and can help overcome objections. Timing – Generally a 3-Way call is done after the prospect has seen a presentation or video. They haven’t signed up but also haven’t said ‘no’ either. Introduction of your “expert” – The most important part of a 3-way call is to edify the expert to the prospect. Convince the prospect that the person they are about to talk to is an expert, knows the business but is also a likeable person and mentor to you. That makes the prospect want to hear what they have to say and revere their comments. Example: “Hey Julie, I have my friend John on the phone with us. John is a great friend and mentor to me. I met him through a mutual friend and it was his story that sold me. He was unable to walk without knee pain and really missed playing soccer. After taking our products for only a few weeks, he was back to playing soccer and pain free. He has been very successful at this business and is helping me to be successful too. I know you are interested in increasing your income and improving your health so I wanted to put you two together so you could enjoy the same success we are! John, I know you are in high demand these days and I appreciate you taking the time to talk to my friend, Julie.” 16 Overcoming Objections Youngevity is for everyone but everyone is not for Youngevity. Therefore you will encounter objections at various points in the invitation process. There are several ways to overcome those objections. Remember that the emotions you feel when you encounter an objection are just that… emotions. First - Keep an “I’m going to do this with or without you attitude.” Confidence is KEY Second - KNOW and DEFINE your dreams! People like to hear stories and can identify with dreams. They respond by imagining their own! Knowing your own dreams also keeps YOU FOCUSED. There is always someone else looking. Third – Remove the emotion 1. Define it – put a name or definition to their objection. ex: They don’t like MLMs 2. Reframe it – give a possible reason why they might be objecting ex: They had a bad experience. Maybe bad leadership, poor products, wrong time of life. 3. Find the Good in it – find something good about the objection ex: Not all MLMs are created equally, thank goodness! 4. Cancel it – mentally toss it away ex: They can choose to give this an honest look or I’m moving on to someone who will. Fourth – Find a place to get re-energized Training call Event Call to your upline Read an inspirational book Find a new prospect! “Take your setbacks as an intentional redirection by God.” – Dave Pitcock 17