Template Letters - Start of Assessment to Support Planning

Guidance for Template Letters – Start of Assessment to Support Planning
Template letters are provided as a basis for communications with customers and
carers. The body of the letters should be amended only where ‘amend / delete as
appropriate’ sections indicate this is required – these are highlighted in yellow. The
main body of the letter should not be changed.
Where a letter is accompanied by information gathered from third parties during the
start of assessment or main assessment process consent to share must be
obtained as necessary.
Letter 1
Start of Assessment results
in signposting only and/or
other preventative
approaches have been
recommended (including
following a multidisciplinary discussion and
decision not to proceed to
full assessment)
Where the ‘Start of Assessment’ section
has been completed this should be sent to
the person as this counts under the Act as
part of the assessment process and should
therefore be provided if the person wishes
LSA for Customer
The letter should be amended in a clear
customer focussed way to include details
the information and advice given (or
enclosed with the letter if appropriate).
Where a person is provided with
information and advice or is signposted but
a full assessment is also required then the
letter should be amended to reflect this. In
such cases it might be more appropriate to
send letters 1 and 3 together (or combine
the content in a single letter)
LSA for Carer
(where LSA
completes the
‘Start of
Carers Org for
Carers (where
Carers Org
completes the
‘Start of
If the information for the ‘Start of
Assessment’ section is being collected from
a family member / other person they should
be made aware that this will form part of the
person’s record and consent to share with
the person should be obtained. When
sending a copy of the ‘Start of Assessment’
section to the person refer to the IAS
guidance for details of how to print that
section only therefore not overburdening
the person with copies of their personal
details / demographics etc.
Template Letters Guidance – v2.0
1st June 2015
Letter 2
Letter 3
Assessment results in
Pre-assessment information
and appointment details
This may be relevant in circumstances
where the ‘Start of Assessment’ section has
been completed and also some further
more detailed assessment has been
undertaken. See note above re consent
where third party information used in this
section. When sending a copy of the ‘Start
of Assessment’ section and the more
detailed assessment to the person refer to
the IAS guidance for details of how to print
those sections only therefore not
overburdening the person with copies of
their personal details / demographics etc.
Allocated worker
To be amended to clarify person’s choice of
assessment (e.g. supported selfassessment or face-to-face) and clarify
whether supported self-assessment form is
included or being accessed online. Where
person has chosen face-to-face the
appointment details should be included in
the letter.
Carers Org for
Carers Org for
N.B. To be accompanied with assessment
factsheet providing information about list of
question areas we will cover as part of the
Letter 4
Outcome of Assessment
and Eligibility Determination
To be amended to reflect whether:
Allocated Worker
 All or some needs are eligible including
appointment for financial assessment OR
 No needs are eligible
Carers Org for
N.B. To be accompanied by the ‘Start of
Assessment’, (if not already sent), the more
detailed assessment and the eligibility
Letter 5
Enclosing support plan
Allocated Worker
Carers Org for
Template Letters Guidance – v2.0
1st June 2015