Antebellum Reformers Mini Project

Antebellum Reformers Mini Project
You and your partner will research one of the Antebellum reformers listed below and create a multimedia presentation to
present to the class. This presentation will give your classmates a better understanding of the people that were a part of
reforms during the Age of Jackson. In addition to the presentation you and your partner will be responsible for creating an
anchor chart about your person as well as writing 3 multiple choice questions that could be used on our unit test. During
the presentations you will be asked to fill in a graphic organizer that will be another part of this activity.
Antebellum Reformers: (First come, first served)
Charles Grandison Finney
Joseph Smith
Mother Ann Lee
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
John Humphrey Noyes
Dorothea Dix
Frances Willard
Lyman Beecher
Horace Mann
Mary Lyons
Angelina and Sarah Grimke
Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth
Cady Stanton
William Lloyd Garrison
Frederick Douglass
Sojourner Truth
Harriet Tubman
David Walker
Margaret Fuller
● Prezi: A web based presentation (example)
● Google Slides
Requirements for your presentation:
Summary of the reform movement that your reformer is a part of
○ This should be (>150 words) a complete 1 paragraph narrative with a complete overview of the entire
○ Why did your person become involved in this movement? What societal problems or forces motivated the
reform and the movement?
○ Identify specific and/or broad catalysts
Goals of your reformer
○ Identify what you reformer hoped to achieve
○ How did your reformer go about achieving his/her goal?
○ What were the successes and failures of the reformer/movement? List and evaluate
Key Events
○ List and evaluate key events in the movement
Primary Sources
○ Identify and evaluate 3 primary sources associated with this reformer
○ Provide date of the document
○ Type of document, letter, journal, speech (if a speech where was it delivered)
○ Provide a link to a copy of the document
○ Summarize the main ideas of each document
Works Cited
○ Cites sources in MLA format
○ Includes a minimum of 3 sources
○ You should be prepared to give a proper presentation to the class, do not simply read from the slide show.
Be prepared to answer questions.
Your presentations will be posted on the class webpage so that you and your classmates can use them to study for
the unit test.
Anchor Chart Requirements:
● Reformers Name
● Reform movement they are associated with
● Successes/Failures
● Key Events
● Strategies and Tactics
● Picture of your reformer
● Your anchor chart should be neat, organized and colorful. We will be displaying in the class room.
Multiple Choice Questions
● Please develop 3 multiple choice questions that your classmates should be able to answer after hearing your
○ These questions should be higher order thinking questions, not basic recall.
○ Think about the levels of questioning that you used with Cornell Notes
● Include the questions in your presentation and review them with your classmates
● Give Mrs. Glasgow a hard copy of your questions
● At least 1 of your questions will be used on the unit test
Grading: You will be graded using the rubric below. This aspect of the Antebellum Reformers mini project will be a test
grade. This will include turning in all parts of the project, presentation slides, presentation, anchor chart, multiple choice
questions, graphic organizer (this is attached, please print one copy so that you can use it when presentations begin). You
will have ample time to complete this in class, if you are on task. You may select your partner, but remember you picked
them, don’t complain if they don’t do any work, don’t come to school etc...Feel free to work alone if you like.
Grading Rubric
● Summary of Reform Movements
● Causes/Impetus
● Goal of the Movement
● Tactics/Strategies
● Successes/Failures
● Key Events
● Primary Sources (demonstrates understanding of the docs)
● Works Citied
● Formatting
● Speaking Parts (You did not just read, demonstrate understanding)
Anchor Chart
● All required elements
● Neat, organized
Multiple Choice Questions
● 3 higher level thinking questions
10 pts.
Graphic Organizers
● Presentation Organizer
ex. of an anchor chart
As you listen to your classmates’ presentations please complete the following chart. To receive full credit you
must write at least 5 facts about each reformer. Remember you will be tested on this material.
Charles Grandison Finney
David Walker
Frederick Douglass
Dorothea Dix
Horace Mann
Angelina and Sarah Grimke
Reform Movement
Info about the Reformer
Lucretia Mott & Elizabeth C.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Margaret Fuller
Lyman Beecher
Joseph Smith
Mother Ann Lee
Frances Willard
Mary Lyons
Sojourner Truth
Harriet Tubman
John Humphrey Noyes
William Lloyd Garrison