Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata NAAC Grade ‘A”, Centre with Potential for Excellence , DST FIST college DBT Star College ADVANCED RESEARCH CENTRES LADY Brabourne college P1/2 suhrawardy avenue Kolkata 700017 INDIA Email: Phone : 091 033 22897720 Fax: 091 033 22842071 Advanced Research Centres 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Contents Page Applied Microbiology and Biochemistry Human Geography Algebra Condensed and soft condensed matter Indian Writing in English Rabindra Nath Tagore Advanced Research Centre 3-10 11-12 13 13-15 16-21 22-24 EMBARKING ON ETHOS OF ENVIRONMENT An oneday seminar Programme: Inauguration of six Advanced Research Centre each at the Department of Bengali ,English, Geography , Microbiology, Mathematics ,Physics in Lady Brabourne College” , Kolkata , on 19th August, 2014 in the college auditorium . 10-15am –Inaugural speech – Principal , Lady Brabourne College 10-30am – ShriTusharKanjilal, a lecture on Sundarban followed by reading a relevant part of Raktakarabi( RabindraNathTagore ) by the students of the Department of Bengali . 11-10am—Prof. Krishna Sen (Retd) , Department of English , University of Calcutta . 11-50am—Dr. Ramkrishna Maity , Department of Geography and Environment Management,Vidyasagar University 12-30pm – Prof. Manjusha Majumdar ,Department of Pure Mathematics , University of Calcutta 1-10—2-30pm – Lunch and Poster Session in the Food Court 2-30pm – Prof. HiranmoySaha , Chair Professor , Centre of Excellence for Green Energy and Sensor Systems , IIEST , Shibpur Prof. Swapan Dutta ,Adjunct Professor , Centre of Excellence for Green Energy and Sensor Systems , IIEST , Shibpur 3-10pm – Dr. Hemanta K.Majumdar , Chief Scientist , Indian Institute of Chemical Biology 4-00pm—Vote of Thanks by Dr. HaimantiChakrabarti , Associate Professor , Department of Physics , Lady Brabourne College. 1.Advanced Research Centre Applied Microbiology and Biochemistry Advanced Research Centre on Applied Microbiology and Biochemistry has got approval from University of Calcutta in July, 2014 , in the Platinum Jubilee Year . The department is a postgraduate department .The senior faculty members of this department have started research work long before the inception of the department . They have already guided PhD students and have conducted Major Research Projects of different funding agencies . One of our PhD students won Young Scientist Award of Indian Science Congress and National Environmental Science Academy . Young Faculty members have registered their PhD thesis Under the Guidance of the senior faculties of this department . Faculty members are publishing their observations and research results in different National and International Journals . The College is also publishing a Science journal . The postgraduate students ( 2nd and 4th Semester ) publish a journal yearly . Every year 15 post graduate students do their summer projects in the department under the guidance of the faculty members and the results are published in reputed journals. Moreover the department runs a Post graduate Diploma Course in Food and Drug Safety from 2011. Two students of this course got DST Inspire Fellowship and UGC Maulana Azad Fellowship and have registered their PhD work under the guidance of one of the Faculty members . Most of the teachers have their own research projects as well as departmental project on Microbial Ecology of East Kolkata Wetland on which the research works are going on . Therefore to do the works in a concerted way and to be more productive we planned for an Advanced Research Centre in the Department where projects can be undertaken . Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To give a space to younger interactive research minds . To have more dynamic and productive teaching faculty The faculty will get right direction from discussion among themselves and seniors . To organize short courses on IPR and Patenting To organize short courses on Isolation and Identification of Microorganisms for industrial purposes . 6. A centre where experts and scholars from all over the world will meet and exchange their Views. Funding Sources 1. University Grants Commission (UGC) 2. Department of Biotechnology( DBT) 3. Department of Science & Technology (DST) 4. Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) 5. Indian Council of Medical Research ( ICMR) Administrative Structure of the Centre ( All the posts are Honorary) Director – Dr. Hemanta Majumdar ( IICB , Raja Ramanna Fellow ) Deputy Director- Dr. Aditi Nag Chaudhuri Project coordinator- Dr. Aparna Sen & Dr. Mahuya Mukhopadhyay In the Department two university approved PhD guides are there . Under the guidance of Dr. Aditi Nag Chaudhuri at this moment 4 scholars are doing PHD and they have registered their names in Calcutta University by 2014 , 4 other students have been awarded PhD Degree previously . Research works done by the faculty members : DR. ADITI NAG CHAUDHURI 10 Research Projects including UGC Minor , Major , DST ( WB ) , DRDO , ICSSR etc. have been awarded in last 25 years . A number of research publications in National and International Journals and Books and Proceedings . She is awarded with ( Indian National Science Academy ) Teacher Award of 2013 . PhD Guide of University of Calcutta from 1996 (Letter dtd 12.02.1996) 4students have been awarded PhD and 4 have registered their names for PhD . PhD Thesis of Dr. Srabanti Basu under the guidance of Dr. Aditi Nag Chaudhuri —Aluminium Toxicity in MammalIts Mechanism and Preventive Measures awarded in 2002 from University of Calcutta She started work on Alzheimer’sType of Dementia due to Aluminium toxicity and has proved that Aluminum food preservatives can enter the brain cell through calcium channel and inhibit the Serine /Threonine phosphoprotein phosphatase 2B ( Calcineurin ) in rat brain and dietary excesss calcium as well as the channel blockers improve the brain damages by Aluminium. The research work won YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD of Indian Science Congress and National Academy of Environmental Science . PhD Thesis of Dr. Suchandra Bhattacharya under the guidance of Dr. Aditi Nag Chaudhuri – Regulation of the Cell Signal Transduction Pathways for Cell Survival Apoptosis by Tri and Pentavalent Arsenic in the Rat Brain , awarded in 2006 from University of Calcutta . From this laboratory it has been published for the first time that the then permissible limit of Arsenic recommended by WHO (0.05ppm) can cause brain damage and Vitamin E can protect the effect of Arsenic at higher doses not in lower doses ie., the effect is biphasic. Lipid peroxidation , Glutathione content , Catalase , Glutathione peroxidase , Gluthathione reductase ,Inducible nitric oxide synthase – all the parameters lead to the studies on signal transduction produced by high and low concentration of Arsenic . The Western blot studies on the expression of pPI3, pAkt and pERK (both p44pERK and p42pERK ) show a definite difference in effect of low and high dose of Arsenic in presence and absence of Vitamin E . The expression of pJNK ( p46andp54)and pNFkB(p65) finally prove that high concentration leads to apoptosis and low concentration is carcinogenic . The Poster on this work was awarded with Third Prize in the Poster Competition organized by XVI Annual Conference of National Environmental Science Academy on Emerging Pollutants: Impact on Health, Agriculture and Environment. Invitro organ culture of brain from one day old pups of arsenic treated rats and human fetal brain in arsenic containing medium show less viability inTrypan Blue exclusion test and enzymatic tests and continuous loss of ground matrix, frothing of cytoplasm ,vacuolation , nulear condensation , fragmentation and final loss of the cell . After this research work the permissible limit of arsenic in water has been decreased to 0.01ppm by WHO . PhD Thesis of Dr. Rini Pal (Roy) under the guidance of Dr. Aditi Nag Chaudhuri – Designing of Organophosphrus Pesticide With Low Nontarget Nerve Damageable & High Phytoremediable Characteristics Using Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship awarded in 2008 from the University of Calcutta. Rat brain Acetylcholinesterase was purified from 4 different parts (Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Striatum, Hypothalamus) and seven diffeent organophosphorus pesticides were used to interact with those purified enzymes . Using different statistcal correlations and with Spirodela oligorrhiza L as the aquatic plant to remediate finally an eqation has been developed to design a less neurotoxic and highly phytoremediable pesticide. The paper was nominated for the YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD of Indian Science Congress . PhD Thesis of Sm . Debalina Basu (Ghosh) - Isolation and Characterization of Thermophilic Chitinase Producer Microorganism From Temperate Soil .Awarded in 2014 from University of Calcutta This laboratory has isolated two thermophilic organisms from college garden soil – the organisms produce efficiently Chitinase of G18 class . The enzymes have been purified and studied thoroughly . The microorganisms were identified as Staphylococcus thermophilus DANC using 16srDNA seqencing and Bioinformatics . The sequence data of the 16S rRNA genes of the above strain was determined in this study and was deposited in the Gen Bank nucleotide sequence databases under accession number JF827032.The work is going on to make it industrially viable enzyme . Madhulika Gupta Chaudhuri- Cyanobacteria mediated synthesis of Nanocrystals and Studying the various parameters to increase the efficiency of Heavy metal Uptake, Registered in 2014. Souvik Roy - Assessment of the potency of Garlic as a natural, anti-TB phytomedicine, Registered in 2014. Joyeta Ghosh - Studies on Prevalence of Vitamin D status among Geriatric Population Rresiding in Rural West Bengal: It’s Association with Aantimicrobial Effect and Cardiovascular Risks . Registered in 2014. DST INSPIRED JRF . Rasna Parveen - Targeting Gastric Adenocarcinoma using Active Principles of Indian Spices : Garlic and Mustard seeds . Registered in 2014. MAULANA AZAD NATIONAL FELLOW . Under the guidance of DR. APARNA SEN the following research works are going on : Environmental and Industrial Microbiology : Area covered in guiding Ph.D Scholars: 1.Development of biofertilisers 2.Isolation and charaterisation of free living nitrogen fixing bacteria from soil. 3.Isolation and purification of industrially important enzymes eg. proteases. She has completed one CSIR Major and one UGC Minor projects and is a PhD guide approved by University of Calcutta. She has published a number of articles in National and International Journals. PhD students under her guidance : Biswajit Saha registered in 2014 in the Dept. of Biochemistry, Calcutta University. Title of Thesis: Developing a good Biofertiliser : Isolation, Characterisation and identification of growth promoting microorganisms with potent Nitrogen Fixing, Phosphate Solubilising and Salt Tolerant properties from the Soil around Coastal Area of West Bengal. Sudipta Paul Bhattacharya: Working on Biofilm intervention by natural products . Semanti Bhattacharya :. Works on Industrially Important enzyme producer organisms Soumi Biswas:.Working on Biosurfactant producer organisms . Coguide of Lovely Rahaman : Effects of plant derived products on Biofilm formation Guide : Dr. Bipin Singh, Head of Dept. of Microbiology, University of Tripura. DR.MAHUYAMUKHOPADHYAY She has enjoyed UGC Minor projects .Her fields of interest are Purple Non sulfur Photosynthetic Bacteria , Contamiation in Street Foods and Fruit juices and Metallic Coins and Currency Notes and published a number of articles in National and International Journals . She has also written a book . DR. SOUMI GUHA POLLEY has enjoyed one Post Doctoral Fellowship and worked at University of California , San Diego . She has published a number of research papers in internationally reputed journals . Post Graduate students do their summer projects in the department under the guidance of the Faculty Member are . Department has enjoyed a research project on Microbial Ecology in East Kolkata Wetland under UGC-CPE programme along with Botany , Zoology , Chemistry , Geography and Statistics and book has been published on it . Department is equipped with modern instruments with the grants from DBT star college, 2012 programme and DST FIST programme , 2010and BOOST programme, 2014 . The Centre will be involved in more research work . The centre is being directed by Dr. Hemanta K. Majumdar , Raja Ramanna Fellow , Indian Institute of Chemical Biology . Programme organized after 2014: National Seminar on “Food Safety : A Horizon for Healthy Nation” held on 16th and 17th Jan , 2015 1.The Programme was preceded by one day Preconference workshop on Food Microbiology The resource persons were the Faculty members of the department . 2. Key note address : Dr. Pradip Chakraborty , Director , Food Safety and Standard Authority of India ( FSSAI ), Govt .of India . 3. Food – a potential vector for pathogen – Dr. Aditi Nag Chaudhuri , Head of the Department 4. Safety aspects of food additives and adulterants – Dr. Jagadbandhu Charaborty, Ex Director , Central Food Laboratory 5. Neutraceuticals – how safe are they- Dr. Asim Duttaroy , Professor, Faculty of Medicine , University of Oslo. Norway 6. Panel discussion on ‘Food Safety : How to ensure ?’ Panelists- i) Dr. Arup Dutta Gupta , Food Analyst , State Food Laboratory , Govt. of W B ii) Dr. Jagadbandhu Charaborty, Ex Director , Central Food Laboratory iii) Jayanta Basu , Media Person , The Telegraph , ABP , Pvt. Ltd. iv)Dr. Shiba Prasad SenGupta , Ex Asst. Director, Govt. of West Bengal . v)Sudipta Barman , Project leader in Street Food Project funded by INNOAID , a Denmark Based NGO , Moderator: Dr. Debnath Chaudhuri, Prof. & Head , Dept of Biochemistry and Nutrition , All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health , Kolkata 7. Intercollege Lecture competition for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students of Nutrition and Microbiology , Ms. Sagarika Jaiswal , of Department of Microbiology , Lady Brabourne College won the Best Speaker Prize for the undergraduate students . On 28th March, 2015 an ‘Awareness Programme on Recent Outbreak of Swine flu and Ebola Virus Infection’ was organized jointly by the Department of Microbiology and Physics . The Speakers were: 1. Prof. Djrubajyoti Chattopadhyay, Pro Vice Chancellor , University of Calcutta 2. Dr. Shantasabuj Das , National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, 3. Dr. Suman Kanungo, National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases. The Centre is planning for in depth research in probiotics , fermented foods available only in Indian tribal zones , bioremediation and antimicrobial effect of nanoparticles . 2.Advanced Research Centre Human Geography On going minor research projects of the department : Title of MRP of Dr. Snehamanju Basu is " Socio - Economic Life of Pavement Dwellers of Kolkata - A Great Urban Problem". Title of MRP of Dr. Debasree Bhadra is " Gender - Sensitive approach towards Vulnerability Mapping for Disaster Risk Management in Informal Settlement of Kolkata." The lecture delivered by Dr. Ramkrishna Maity for the inaugration of ARC in Human Geography was " Impact of Reclamation on Estuarine Environment of Sunderban" on 19th August,2014. Achievements of Advanced Research Centre in Human Geography since inception till date. As per the vision document the Centre has organised an inter-disciplinary Seminar on 19. 08. 2014 on “Impact of Reclamation on Estuarine Environment of Sundarban.” This was delivered by Dr Ramkrishna Maity, Associate Prof. Dept. Of Geography, Vidyasagar University. The departmental faculty members have undertaken post-doctoral research projects related to multiple dimensions of human geography. These projects have received funding from University Grants Commission in 2015. The following are the list of projects: “Sensitive Approach towards Vulnerability Mapping for Disaster Risk Management in Informal Settlement of Kolkata” by Dr. Debasree Bhadra, Faculty, Dept of Geography. “Economic Life of Pavement Dwellers of Kolkata- A Great Urban Problem” by Dr. Snehamanju Basu, Senior Faculty, Dept. Of Geography. “Urban Environment and Infectious Diseases- A Geographical Analysis” by Dr. Manasi De, Head, Dept of Geography. “Participation of Women in Higher Academic Administrative positions in West Bengal” by Ms. Mahua Chatterjee, Faculty, Dept of Geography. In August 2014, an Interdisciplinary Research Proposal in collaboration with the Dept of Micro-Biology entitled “Impact of Development on the Coastal Communities and Marine Microbial Ecology of Digha –Shankarpur Mandarbani” by Dr. Saswati Mookherjee, Prof and former Head, Dept of Geography and Dr. Aditi Nagchaudhuri, Head , Dept of MicroBiology has been submitted to the UGC. In 2015 February, a research proposal has been submitted to the UGC as part of Centre of Excellence financial grant for carrying on in depth study for assessment of natural and anthropological hazard management in Sundarban region. One seminar lecture on “Dichotomy in Geography : Trend of contemporary research in Human Geography” by Prof Sswati Mookherjee has been scheduled in 3rd week of April. The ARC envisages to focusing on the study of the cultural components of society in transition particularly in developing countries like India along with the socio –cultural transformation of multiple culture groups residing in urban and rural India. The man-society-environment triad and a sustainable human capability development are some of the crucial issues that the Centre foresees to take up in future. 3.Advanced Research Centre Algebra Department of Mathematics has organized a number of lectures . A number students have registered their name for PhD work . The Department has published a number of papers in Internationally reputed journals . They have procured lots of softwares including MATLAB for higher research . 4.Advanced Research Centre Condensed and Soft Condensed Matter Department of Physics has a number of research projects including one major project from Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) . They have a number of Research scholars and publish research articles in internationally reputed journals every year . They regularly organize workshop and seminar lectures in their department . The research group in Lady Brabourne College Physics Department is highly active and doing experimental as well as theoretical research in the arena of Condensed Matter (Ferromagnetism, High Performance materials like BMG & TFMG) , Soft condensed Matter (Liquid Crystals, Colloidal fluids, Polymers) , Bio-material (Characterisation studies). Till date there is no report of publication for 2015. There are four research laboratories in the Department running by the different grants from different agencies and named accordingly DBT research lab, CSIR research lab.,UGC(UG-PG) research lab, UGC Computer lab. Regular seminars by the eminent speakers, presentations of Papers in national and international conferences are regular activities of these labs apart from carrying out research works. . 5.Advanced Research Centre for Indian Writing in English Lady Brabourne College P-1/2 Suhrawardy Avenue, Park Circus, Kolkata: 700017 Introduction: The Department of English, Lady Brabourne Collegewas sanctioned an Advanced Centre for Research in Indian English Literature in July 2014. The Department is running an autonomous Post-graduate Course in English Literature affiliated to the University of Calcutta,since 2009. The syllabus of this autonomous M.A. Course has been framed by the faculty of this Department in consultation with external experts on the various subject areas. In addition to the traditional papers the Department offers special papers on Gender, Postcolonial Literature, American Literature, Indian Writing in English, and Film and Literature. The Department has at present six full time teachers all of whom supervise M.A level dissertations by the students. Two teachers of the Department serve as examiners for M.Phil dissertations submitted to the University of Jadavpur and University of Calcutta. The Department currently has 3 Ph.D scholars working under the supervision of the Faculty and registered with the University of Calcutta. The Faculty has also successfully supervised four M.Phil dissertations under the University of Calcutta. One more has been submitted and another currently under supervision. The present Faculty has research experience and specializations in the fields of Gender, Modernism and Post-Modernism, Travel-writing, Children’s Literature, Indian-English Literature, Translation Studies, European Literature and other related areas. Teachers of the Department also work with the Course on Women’s Studies, an interdisciplinary under-graduate Course run by the University of Calcutta. It was therefore proposed that the teachers of the Department be allowed to work in an integrated way under the structure of a Research Centre where funded projects can be undertaken. Objectives: The Centre has the following objectives: To enhance research skill for young teachers and research scholars To promote research in canonical as well as new areas of Indian English Literature Studies To extend the boundaries of Indian English Literature Studies in interdisciplinary areas To explore the end usages of Indian English Literature Studies in the employment sector To organize summer schools in collaboration with area experts for young scholars intending to go into research or already engaged in research To bring out publications, such as occasional papers, monographs, books and a journal To collaborate with National and International Centres of Excellence for interaction To initiate projects such as workshops, research, publications in collaboration with the Women’s Study Centre Lady Brabourne College, and other national and international institutes. A brief account of research in Indian English Studies: Since the 1970s research in English Studies has undergone a radical change. The scope of English Literature has extended from literature written in England to literature written in English anywhere in the world. This has further extended to literatures translated into English. All this has added charge to the study of traditional canonical ‘English’ texts as well. Culture Studies and Gender Studies allied to the Social Sciences has opened up further areas. In recent times English Departments have extended into the studies of texts and other artefacts, as well as media studies. In addition an ancillary field has developed that researches the growth of ‘other englishes’ as English language skills are created for a global network. English Studies thus encompasses the study of Literatures with reference to social, economic, historic and cultural factors. The field of Indian English Literature is today well entrenched both nationally and globally. The subject is part of the curriculum in higher education and is growing at a rapid pace in terms of production of literary texts, translations, critical studies and histories. Formal Launch:The Advanced Research Centre for Indian English Literature, Lady Brabourne College, was formally inaugurated on 19th August 2014. Three lectures have been delivered since then by area experts on the focal theme of Environment. A host of activities such as workshops and seminars and publications are in progress. Invited Lectures: The Centre has hosted the following lectures in 2014 19th August 2014 : Prof Krishna Sen , University of Calcutta spoke on ‘Eco-criticism and Indian Writing in English 5th December 2014: Dr. ChandreyeeNiyogi of Jadavpur University spoke on ‘Anthropocentrism and the Question of Animal Existence in Literary Representation’ 12th December 2014: Prof. SubirDhar of RabindraBharati University spoke on ‘Environment and Indian English Literature’ 12th December 2014: Prof. Shobha Chatterjee of Jadavpur University spoke on ‘Nature and Culture, Differences in perspective of Hardy and Hemingway’ The Centre plans to bring out publications, such as occasional papers, monographs, books and a journal. At theCentre’s inaugural lecture delivered on 19th August 2014 by Prof. Krishna Sen it was emphasized how current research in the field of eco-criticism with special thrust on Indian writing in English was negligible, and how this new field of research therefore holds tremendous potential. It is to this end that the Centre proposes the following research initiative. Research initiative: The Centre proposes to undertake collation of research in the following areas through a call for papers for publication. a. Travel and Environment: Travel narratives, especially women’s travel narratives contain perspectives on the natural and social environment. The proposed project aims to initiate writings in this area, both analytical as well as representational. Under representational writings the project leader would scout and commission translations of texts on travel from the Indian languages into English. b. Other Literatures: Research on environmental aspects of non-Indian literatures such as European or American Literatures could provide counters of comparison to the work focusing on Indian writings. The project leader would develop parameters for bringing together readings and comparative studies by scholars in the field c. Syllabus enrichment: A research initiative to provide environmental readings of key texts on the syllabus would create a corpus of writings and inspire eco-critical sensitization in the reception and dissemination of literature in pedagogical practice. d. Marginal groups: Environmental aspects of representations of marginal persons, be it the poor in R K Narayan’s work for instance, women, children, elderly , differently abled, as well as the representation of non-human creatures e. Cross Cultural Studies: The theory of eco-criticism could be used to analyse the ecological implications and interrelationships of nature, culture, and landscape in the English translations of Tagore and Sukumar Ray. Parallels may be drawn from European Literature especially the writings of the Romantic poets of the 19thcentury and the Nonsense-Literature of Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll. The above projects would be headed by different members of the Faculty to invite and initiate research by scholars in the field across the Literature and Social Sciences disciplines. The Department proposes to publish the work as a multi volume book between 2016 and 2017. Future activities: Workshops on Translation for Cinema and Theatre, and on Research Methodology, Seminars on contemporary research, publication of Invited Lectures, a multi-volume book as an outcome of research initiative detailed above, and a journal are on the anvil. Professor Krishna Sen of Calcutta University viewing posters on Eco-criticism and Indian Writing in English made by the students of M.A. Part II during the Inauguration of the Advanced Research Centre on Indian Writing in English on 19th August 2014 at Lady Brabourne College Kolkata Faculty attending talk on Eco-criticism and Indian Writing in English by Prof. Krishna Sen of Calcutta University on 19th August 2014 Students of the English Department attend a talk on Environment and Indian English Literature by Prof SubirDhar of RabindraBharati University on 12th December 2014 organized by the Advanced Research Centre for Indian Writing in English at Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata Prof Sobha Chatterjee of Jadavpur University delivering the Mandalika Banerji Endowment Lecture organized by the Advanced Research Centre of the Department of English on 12th December 2014 atLadyBrabourne College Dr. ChandreyeeNiyogi of Jadavpur University delivers a talk on Anthropocentrism in Literature,organised by the Advanced Research Centre in Indian English Literature 6.RABINDRANATH TAGORE ADVANCED RESEARCH CENTRE POST GRADUATE DEPARTMENT OF BENGALI The centre is a dream comes true project. We with our limited ability are trying in this centre to our students with the life , works and philosophy of Tagore. Since inauguration on 19.8.2014 we organized 1. Film show on Tagore paintings. 2. Invited lectures by the eminent person (a) On Bangla banan bidhi O Bangla banan somosya by Prof. Pabitra Sarkar , Eminent philologist. Ex prof. of Jadavpur University (b)On Political & Social views of Rabindranath Tagore in present day today by Sri Jayanta Ghosal , Editor ananda bazaar patrika , Delhi. 3. Our proposed Programme (a) Set up a library containing complete works of Tagore. (b) An Archive to capture Tagore the music- maker, Films on Tagore, Documentary & films on Tagore . (c) Tagore’s idea about rural development and planning will get special attention through Rangabelia Project. (d) We want to organize Pre & post Tagore ideas about women’s issue. (e) We also wants to introduce Ph.D , M.phil programme & post doctoral research in our centre. (f) Dissemination of Research through journal / newsletter. (g) Conducting Short-term course (h) Inviting foreign scholar on short term visit