International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 1 No. 5 October 2012 Sustainable rural companies, for innovative indigenous peasants Dra. Bertha Alicia Arce Castro1 Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales (School of Management and Social Sciences) UniversidadVeracruzana, México. Dr. Jorge RamírezJuárez2 Instituto de Investigaciones de Estudios Superiores de las Ciencias Administrativas Veracruzana, México. Research of Advanced Studies in Management Sciences Universidad Veracruzana Mexico Dra. Rosa María Sánchez Hernández3 Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales, Universidad Veracruzana, México. ABSTRACT The sustainable rural companies for indigenous peasants with the ability to innovate represent the best choice to overcome the social backwardness and poverty of these social groups.This article shows the results obtained in a Totonac community where a group of researchers started rescue work activity be almost forgotten, the meliponiculture or management of stingless bees, which once Sweetener provide the native inhabitants of America: forest honey. A priority is to keep the knowledge and traditions Totonac being very careful to direct efforts toward change in production processes, with the intention of adding value to a honey whose healing properties are being rediscovered as a source of employment and economic improvement, innovation and culture for these farmers who struggle to survive in a modern world and dizzying. Keywords: Sustainable rural companies, change in traditional processes, melipona honey, innovation and culture. INTRODUCTION The honey of the totonaca jungle: a long forgotten treasure. In the deep of the forest lives a little stingless bee called Melipona, which nests in the hollow trunks of trees and produces a honey whose characteristics are unique. How many times have not read of the weakness of the Aztec king Montezuma by tasting the "unsweetened chocolate", and has rarely been questioned about the origin of the sweetener, as the honey bee produced by the called European or “apismellifera”andsugarcane come to America with Spanish people. 1Address: Pinos No 13 Col Santa Fe Las Trancas, Xalapa Veracruz, México E- mail: Phone. 52 228 812 8094 2Address: Calendario Huízar No. 32 Indeco Animas Xalapa Veracruz, México E-mail: Phone. 52 228 812 7819 3Address: Morelos 23 Coatepec, Veracruz, México E-mail: Phone. 52 228 816 0235 119 International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 1 No. 5 October 2012 The totonacas dwelt important territory of Mexico, creating a large Hispanic culture that has persisted through the years signified by traditions, religion and legends passed down through families. The meliponiculture or management of stingless bees is a legacy that today can be an important factor to ensure the continuity of their descendants. 1. BACKGROUND The meliponiculture or management for stingless bees is an activity practiced by countless generations of totonac, which have been identified in these insects honey medicinal properties used by healers in their communities. Unfortunately it has been being forgotten by new generations, young people see no benefit in practice, because the management of these insects requires dedication and time and learning, so most prefer to pursue other more current and less demanding in skills. The scientific importance of the proposal is that however has made the classification of different genera of stingless bees, not found in the literature referring to the native stingless bee of the study area, also found documentation regarding the specific techniques that employ totonac for playback and management in clay pots. It’s important to point the sociocultural and ecological originality of this project whose proposal is based on the proper management of natural resources essential for sustainable development and the promotion of a well balanced economic growth to contribute to poverty reduction. 1.1 Problem statement Rural families are marginalized Mexican changes and trade liberalization benefits, the current socioeconomic environment has highlighted the productive inefficiency of the agricultural sector in Mexico, noted during the discussions leading to the signing of the Free Trade Agreement, Martinez and Rivera (2005) and unfortunately, time and actually confirm. The trade and economic demands of today's world require that organizations be able to assume the functions of the dominant economic paradigm technician, Guizar, (1998). The rural indigenous communities in Mexico suffer from a large social backwardness, poverty and education in basic services, which limits employment opportunities, coupled with insufficient earnings from low prices from the sale of their produce. This research began as a need to provide indigenous organizations in the region Totonacapan mechanisms that enable them to meet the demands versatile current environment, improve their income and promote the conservation of biodiversity in the production of honey and innovating advantage their ancestral knowledge and skills in a first stage and a second make the marketing in the new green markets. Research questions Is it possible to create conditions for the development of beekeeping through sustainable production units? Or waking up the spirit of innovation and knowledge management among Indians? What is the develop training? (Teamwork and acceptance of new knowledge) Does honey meliponas may become an improvement in income? Does the development promote conservation meliponiculture natural environment? Target Promote to creating sustainable production units, innovative and knowledge to facilitate economic improvement, conservation of traditional knowledge and promote environmental conservation. 120 International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 1 No. 5 October 2012 The practical object of study for the research is located in the region of Totonacapan of the coast and mountains, in the community of Gildardo Muñoz, Municipality of Papantla Veracruz Méxic The hypothesis. The meliponiculture developed production units, sustainable, innovative and knowledge managers can be an important factor to ensure the continuity of indigenous Totonac, promoting economic improvement, preservation of culture, traditions and the natural environment. 1.2Sustainable development In socioeconomic Brundtland Report prepared by different nations to the UN in 1987, was first used the term sustainable development (or sustainable development), defined as one that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. It involves a major change in terms of the idea of sustainability, mainly organic, as a framework that also gives emphasis to the economic and social development. Sustainable development can be defined as: "The continuous improvement of business operations to ensure the availability of long-term resources through environmental, socially sensitive and transparent relationship with consumers, business partners and the community." This definition is consistent with the United Nations Brundtland "the multiple and complex relationships over time that are created through biological and ecological processes in renewable resources associated with their current utilization rates and availability in the future", led to the development a concept that gained wide notice in the second half of the last century: the so-called sustainability. a sustainable resource does not mean that it is not used, it is done in such a proportion that does not jeopardize their future availability, or at least not so distant future. If it is non-renewable resources, means that removal occurs at a rate that will not affect the long-term welfare of future generations. If it is a renewable resource, meaning that their use is consistent with the ability of nature to reproduce and its cycle of growth or decline. "(Gomez G, 2009) The systems approach provides that any organization is a system that remains in contact with their environment, which establishes close and distant. Any activity that the organization will develop a mutual impact on demographic factors and environmental, economic, social, legal, political, Arce and Calves (2011) The theoretical implications of the proposed innovation is viewed from two perspectives, the first from the point of interference in a long traditional production proven and fully identifies with the Totonac culture of this region can affect intrinsic relations and optics of the need to intervene in the process to increase revenue and to contribute to economic and social improvement of the people. Theoretically, technological innovation is not impossible to control, even if you own content that may affect the characteristics of the mutation. Then it becomes important to reflect on the complex relationships that are developing between sciencetechnology-society, from a circular logic and systemic (Rosenberg, 1982). Therefore, it is necessary to consider the complex nature of the innovation process and the relationship between technological innovation and society. Innovation is not just the application of the results of research and development of high-level, but also is the result of entrepreneurial, strategic, decision-making, organizational and imaginative. Notably Totonac producers (indigenous people of the region of Papantla) have a significant competitive advantage, which has not been exploited yet and that may be the touchstone for that beekeeping promote social sense to expand in the region and constitute a permanent source of income and very important to the community. This advantage is their ancestral knowledge of the jungle and the exploitation of a special 121 International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 1 No. 5 October 2012 variety of bee whose honey is highly prized and commercially reaches values of five to ten times higher than the European honey produced by bees, which is the Bee Stingless, also known as bee Melipona (Ramirez, 2011) 1.3 Justification. The Totonac Indian community located near the former ceremonial centerTajín like many others, share problems such as interference of external agents that promote breakdown in the social structure, in the case of this particular population participation PetroleosMexicanos (PEMEX), which given the depletion of oil wells, this re exploring those located in the coastal area of the Gulf of Mexico and crossing indigenous human settlements, also, the exploitation of export crops vocation as citrus occupy increasingly greater territory displacing small communal plots. Added to this, the lack of employment opportunities and lack of skills to play existing migratory phenomena have increased, affecting households, culture and sense of belonging. From the environmental point of view, the area is threatened by deforestation to increase grazing. This has seriously endangered the ecosystem, the forest areas are becoming smaller, and its inhabitants suffer and their existence is threatened, as the Melipona bee, which has evolved in parallel with the woods from the Cretaceous. This insect has the property of pollinating species that without them would disappear and secondly the forest gives him food and shelter. Today in the Americas about 14 species of Melipona and Trigona are managed traditionally handled by farmers (Espinoza, 2004). 1.4 Limitations Exploratory research conducted during 2009-2012 in Totonac community, has just completed the first phase of the project, lack the second corresponding to adopting quality culture, marketing and sales so the results are not conclusive. 2. METHODOLOGICAL DESIGN Methodologically and during development work followed the phases set out: 2.1 Investigative Phase: Theoretical research on modern trends in state organizational theories that respond to new scenarios of current socioeconomic system, as well as information about the uses, customs, culture, traditions, religion, language, and worldview Totonac review state of the art of beekeeping in different areas, collection and reporting applications, composition, benefits, benefits of Melipona bees and the honey they produce. From the collection of information from the subject of interest and on the basis of critical evaluation identifies the limitations and benefits of the possible application of the model, these aspects which form the basis for making decisions about the chances of success or failure of the corresponding model. 2.2 Conceptual phase: This is the phase where it deploys the Organizational Change Model is reviewed as it was first conceived and then if necessary as a derivation of the results obtained during the investigation of possible adjustments to be made, based on the requirements of model, laying the foundations for replication in the new context. Finally, we review the relevance of the premises in its application. 2.3 Design phase: Details the application of the proposed model under study in understanding their testing, validation and adjustment. We carried out the analysis of the results of the application. At each stage of the research used particular methods of analysis and synthesis, combined with other more specific as integration techniques and group participation, in-depth interviews with members of the 122 International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 1 No. 5 October 2012 participating groups, experts, conducting surveys, literature reviews and technical didactic teaching and learning, among others. In summary, these steps followed during the conduct of the investigation allowed to identify the characteristics that the socio-economic environment requires organizations, the limitations of the current organization and structure of production in the activity under study, the fundamental components of the model and its interrelationship, and validate the model developed, defining indicators of economic, social, demographic variables and the results were validated in the application. 2.4 Conceptual Base The design of the model systems approach is supported by: • The relative contributions to the development, change and organizational culture, communication, knowledge, group participation, quality, innovation and creativity. • Theories, models and approaches change literature refers are formulated to companies in the industrial or service and has not considered its application in rural families as proposed in this research. • Community learning, change of mind-set, behaviours and ways of working, creativity and innovation are the factors that accrued on business success. As model assumptions are established as study subjects experienced peasant families in the production or processing of any good non-traditional, wanting to work collectively and learn new ways of doing things. 3. Results: Sustainable production units As an alternative solution to a group of researchers from the Universidad Veracruzana establish the possibility of creating new forms of organization supported in "organizational change model for the creation of non-traditional SMEs" (Arce, 2008) that seeks transitional forms of production ancestral indigenous rural families into new working practices that allow them to create collective enterprises approach to achieving business competitiveness, sustained on the basis of the synergy produced by its four pillars: "Differentiation", " Knowledge Management "" Culture of Quality "and" Ecological Culture ". Reaching these new forms of organization requires a strong commitment to the change agents involved in rural households, not only to promote training for the appropriation of new forms of work and modern techniques, but the sensitivity to not violate family relationships, customs and traditions of these communities. Arce et al (2012) Following this logic, the first step taken by the researchers was to obtain the approval of the Supreme Council Totonaco to implement the project that would allow production to transform the way traditional to more mechanization in order to increase the number of swarms, encourage young people to participate and learn the principles of beekeeping. As a second step in this process of change and after the training needs assessment proceeded to develop the plan and training programs all with the goal of establishing forms of partnership in the framework of respect for the customs of the community. To bring order to the management of resources and accountability in the use of them, members of the community interested in participating begin to organize and form a society of producers, where learning is a driving force of the organization. Production techniques by two experienced meliponicultoresTotonac known ancestral practices of management of these insects and are recognized in the community and organizational learning, by the change agents of the Universidad Veracruzana. 4. Discussion The activities developed by the working group during the intervening years researchers have been organized for presentation in relation to the specific objectives that were raised at the beginning of the project: 123 International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 1 No. 5 October 2012 4.1 Constitute a new form of organization. It creates a new organization with the participation of eight families of peasants self called "Bat Workers wild honey" in Totonac: ChalkatnainXlaKiwitaxkat, organization among its activities is the technological improvement, increased production and marketing of Melipona honey. 4.2 Determining strategies to manage and order changes and define the objectives of the company. With the collaboration of teachers invited to participate in the project activities were conducted to determine the mission and vision of the company and the internal and external diagnosis. Internal diagnostics allowed to know the characteristics of the families that make up the new organization and the most favourable conditions for the future development of the company, determine the criteria for identifying their strengths and weaknesses. The external diagnosis facilitated know the conditions of macro economic environment, social, cultural and environmental policies surrounding the organization, identifying aspects of the market that can help or hinder providing management information to identify opportunities and threats. Methods and techniques: observation, interviews, surveys, document research, small group discussion, role play, projective techniques, market information, policy and trade balance. Then we proceeded to the detection of training needs and the possible causes that may hinder the success of the organization such as the change of the collective family labour, convincing new hierarchies, lines of authority, responsibilities and obligations without violating the values identified strengthen group cohesion and development teams. We designed a weight matrix of causes and results from policies and actions were designed to improve the aspects evaluated disadvantaged. Importantly, all decisions were made by consensus, minimizing unilateral decision-making or individual. We identified key aspects Totonac group willing to participate in the project and thus have the basis for detection of training needs, as shown in Table No 1 SWOT Analysis Table No. 1 producer group Melipona honey. STRENGTHS OPPORTUNITIES F1: Own resources O1: Novelty of the product. F2: Experience in the process. O2: Interest in the benefits of F3: Knowledge of the product and its uses. consuming it. F4: Close ties in the community. O3: Preparation of Gourmet products F5: Deep-rooted identity and pride in their knowledge O4: New markets for organic and roots. products F6: interest in learning the new techniques to improve O5: Research medical and cosmetic the production of honey. about honey and its properties WEAKNESSES THREATS D1: Lack of knowledge by some of the obtaining of A1: Similar products in the market. the honey. A2: High number of pests. D2: They have never worked on computer. A3: Destruction of forests and D3: Don't know how to join. invasion of the ecological zones. D4: Subsistence a few swarms A4: Global warming D5: Doesn’t exist any kind of quality in the process of A5: Agrochemicals and pollutants obtaining. A6: Further increase of migration D6: Hierarchies in U.S. households. D7: limited formal education Source: Own elaboration 124 International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 1 No. 5 October 2012 4.3 Training of teamwork. The group begins to receive training in order to grab the essential knowledge, overcome the fear of change and uncertainty, considering that the changes are agreed, never imposed; individuals must make a commitment and therefore understand that change is a necessity. Methods and techniques: the teaching of learning techniques playing worked very well since being unfamiliar with school experiences seniors have difficulty focusing attention for long periods, the use of drama, motivational videos, interviews and dynamic in organization and planning presentation, animation, communication, exercises Dynamics to determine organizational climate were used and were very efficient. 4.4Promote the management of knowledge and the creation of new products through theFeasible to bid on the company innovation and differentiation It was partially, since the members were unaware of the management of insects and devoted themselves to master the techniques of propagation of swarms and maintenance. As future work is helping the company define its competitive strategy, identify its generators costs and value processes and the development of new products. As a strategy for the dissemination of the product were informative leaflets about the properties of honey, as well as colour prints, canvases and posters which were shown during the collective event with the participation of all members. Photo 1each of the members displayed posters during the dynamics the dissemination of the product and its origins. 4.5 Implement technological innovation in production processes Was successfully completed, activities aimed at increasing the production until recently unknown as control of pests and food supplemented, improvement in the process of obtaining of honey and the construction of a new Apiary by the producers themselves. Next year is expected to be able to establish the honey extraction room (producers decided to build the extraction room with its own resources and at the end of this project already have a 50% advance picture No 2) this is an achievement that will improve the quality of the harvest, will get the honey and maintain protected invaders diaper tables of stainless steel instead of the dirt floor, where the work of collection without hasty will be made will be used and using syringes instead of breaking the diapers, likewise is you can track the volume obtained by hive, identify the source of the honey for their flowering. 125 International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 1 No. 5 October 2012 Photo 2. Construction of extraction with own resources room 4.5.1. Technological innovation:is important to note the way in which farmers They have begun to develop innovation based on the generation of knowledge based on observation, at the start of the project was given of wooden boxes that originally mediate 22 centimetres instead of clay pots, producers noted that insects preferred to nest up through what he joined two boxes one on top of other imitating the trunks of the trees. Photo 3. It shows two wooden boxes that allows the nest to grow vertically In the same way they tried to make boxes of 60 centimetres per side, and found that bees spread and placed the pots of honey out of the swarm, which makes it easy to uncover the harvest box without violating it photography No 4 . Photo 4. New size in wooden box shows the technological innovation Source: Own elaboration They have also innovated the way of providing power supplemented to the bees; given there small size they drown when offered honey of sugar or water. The Totonaca producers devised hang between the subject divisions of the Apiary blankets soaked with water with ropes, the bees stick to the cloth taking the liquid that need them without getting wet their wings, since this happen they would die. This has allowed bringing down mortality in time of heat or cold by providing them with sweetened water. 126 International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 1 No. 5 October 2012 These reforms have encouraged producers to increase the number of pots and boxes, to date has nearly tripled the number of swarms, since it is easier to make the division of the hive. Photo 5. Open box. It is possible to observe the provision of containers of honey, around the main honeycomb, note that some are still open since they are not even completely filled and others are already sealed. Source: Own elaboration Photo 6. Increase in the number of production of the producers group pots. Source: own elaboration 4.5.2 Adoption of innovation From the start of the project was a constant question how would accept technological innovation first replace the pots with wooden boxes, and secondly the new layout of the Apiary which is traditionally made under roof of Palm and reeds of wood by an elevated structure from the floor and dais above the floor. After two years of the start date responsible for the project noted that not only producers accepted innovation but improved it to design boxes tailored to the needs of their bees and that with respect to the meliponarios combine the idea of proposed construction but left in a few boxes and others use clay pots, but now no longer on the ground floor, as shown in the picture No 7. 127 International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 1 No. 5 October 2012 Photo 7. PhD. Bertha Alicia Arce and the new Apiary built by producers, note that imitate design and pots are separated from the floor 4.6 Adopt the culture of quality in the processes Was fulfilled satisfactorily the first phase achieving not only the increase in production (from an annual litter two) but get non-contaminated honey of drowned insects, as it was the case previously, improving income from sale. Expected perfect yet the process using the extraction room equipped with tables of stainless steel as well as measures of hygiene and cleanliness, which requires construction of toilets and running water. 4.7 Involving the totonac community in the project of the meliponicultura preservation and conservation of the environment. With the participation of the ladies were meetings where there were known the achievements and the need for the cooperation of the community in the conservation of the ecological environment to weigh the benefits that this represents for the community. To chat participants are shown in photos 8 and 9. Photo 8 Interested in the meliponicultura indigenous women's group and who know the benefits of this in the preservation of the environment Photo 9. During visit and talk about the importance of the participation of women in the project 4.8 Academic results: Training of new researchers and this year students participated in different ways: 2 providers of social service and 1 intern, 1 student of master and former fellow of the project, 5 degree, 7 articles, 3 academic stays, work 5 papers in international conferences, 5 chapters of book 1 book published: “Profile of the TotonacaMeliponicultor" published this year. Arce, Ramirez (20012) The participation of young students of the Universidad Veracruzana has been very important since joining the project not only participated as trainers, monitors and pollsters, but courses have been designed and have been entitled with the experience developed, likewise one of the thesis is currently pursuing masters in 128 International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 1 No. 5 October 2012 Tropical Research Centre, and one of the researchers masters is currently developing a PhD based on the meliponicultura in the Centre of research. 5 Conclusions and recommendations The meliponicultura is a promising activity to develop among rural families in the region of Totonacapan. You need a strong impetus to establish new production units and a very committed work of the agents of change. As a generator of income and jobs is very attractive since it can be carried out by the totonac without altering their ways of production. It benefits the conservation of habitat and the identity of this ethnic group in danger of disappearing. Indigenous communities require the creation of new forms of organization, enabling them to integrate into the dynamics of the current markets, while preserving the principles of ethics and sustainability that maintain the cohesion and preservation of these groups, respecting the organizational culture and values of the subjects of change. Recommendations In the beginning of the project, to be able to ascertain effective change and the expected benefit is needed continue with the training programs and strengthen the culture of quality. It is also necessary to strengthen value chains in order to ensure the supply for production and marketing. So it is recommended the continuation of the investigation. 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Principles and applications; McGraw-Hill, Mexico 1998 129 International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 1 No. 5 October 2012 9.Martínez, E.; Rivera, r. development of industrial value chain models. University autonomous of the Northeast Coahuila.2005 10.Jorge Juarez Ramirez, Maple Castro Bertha a. competitiveness of SMEs Jalapeñas International Congress ISSN 1946-5351Online 1948-2353Chiapas, Academy 2011 11.Rosenberg, N., 1982. Inside the Black Box: Technology and Economics (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge). Corresponding Author: Dra Bertha Alicia Arce Castro.1 Address: Pinos No 13 Colonia Santa Fé Las trancas, Xalapa Veracruz, MéxicoZone Postal 91194 Tel 52 22 88 2412 19 y 54 22 88 12 80 94 Email:; Sponsoring information: The Secretariat of Public Education through the program improvement to teachers PROMEP and the Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico funded the research. 130