Math 91

MATHEMATICS 91-<section#>
Intermediate Algebra
<days, time, location>
Instructor: <name>
Office: <location>
Office phone: <number only if you have an actual office>
Email: <university email address>
Math Tutorial Center (SH-C357) hours: <Days and times. Please coordinate with
the Math Tutorial Center scheduler as to your hours. If you are teaching an EOP or
Learning Communities course, please make sure that your office hours do not
conflict with the study group times.>
Tutorial center phone: 323-343-5374
Office hours: <Days, times, and location of your office hours. If you are teaching an
EOP or Learning Communities course, please make sure that your office hours do
not conflict with the study group times.>
Final Exam: <date, time, location>
Note: This info is available at>
Textbook: Beginning & Intermediate Algebra, 3rd Custom Edition for CSULA, Elayn
Martin-Gay. ISBN# 9781269605905
Information about the textbook: This custom edition is the same book that we use
for Math 90. It was created by taking chapters from the book Beginning and
Intermediate Algebra by Elayn Martin-Gay (ISBN-10: 1269324519). If you purchase
a MyMathLab account, it comes with all of the pages from Beginning and
Intermediate Algebra by Elayn Martin-Gay as an E-Text. A MyMathLab access code
comes along with the custom edition at no extra charge.
General course description
Prerequisite: Score of 42-49 on the ELM or credit in MATH 090.
This course will cover concepts in algebra concerning linear functions and factoring.
Topical outline: Introductory algebra including straight lines; graphing; systems of
equations and polynomial operations; exponents, and factoring.
Student learning outcomes: Students who successfully complete this course will
be able to:
- Perform operations on rational expressions (add, subtract, multiply, and divide)
- Solve equations with rational expressions
- Evaluate radicals and add radicals by grouping
- Simplify expressions containing rational exponents
- Solve quadratic equations
- Apply the equations for parabolas and circles
- Apply the distance formula and Pythagorean Theorem
- Add, subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers
- Use sigma notation
- Use n! and the "product rule" to solve elementary counting problems
Grading system
<Explain your grading system here. Final exam must be worth at least 40%.>
Math 91 is graded A/B/C/NC.
<Fill in your requirements here: homework, tests, etc.>
Date and time of final exam: <Provide this information. Note: This info is
available at>
ADA statement: Reasonable accommodation will be provided to any student who
is registered with the Office of Students with Disabilities and requests needed
Academic honesty statement: I will abide by the University Policy on academic
dishonesty. This policy can be found, for example, in the Schedule of Classes.
<insert any additional statement you would like to put here, such as “Students are
expected to do their own work. Copying the work of others, cheating on exams, and
similar violations will be reported to the University Discipline Officer, who has the
authority to take disciplinary actions against students who violate the standards of
academic honesty.”>
Student responsibilities: Students are responsible for being aware of all
announcements that are made in class, such as changes in exam dates, due dates of
homework and papers, and cancellation of class due to instructor’s absence.
Students are responsible for announcements made on days that they are absent.
Students must check their CSULA email account regularly for information from the
instructor and the Department. Failure to do so may result in missed deadlines or
other consequences that might adversely affect students. Note that you can forward
this email account to any other account of your choosing.
Your next math class: The next Math course after Math 91 is either Math 100, Math
102, Math 104A, or Math 109. Any of these will satisfy the GE Block A4
requirement. You should talk to an academic adviser to decide which one to
take. Usually, if you’re planning to take Calculus, you should take Math 104A, and
otherwise, you should decide between Math 100, 102 or 109. Math 109 is a
statistics course and is readily connected to life outside of the math class. Math 102
is College Algebra, similar to algebra you took in high school but more in depth and
more difficult. Math 102 is NOT for students who will take Calculus. Math 100
provides a general overview of many areas of mathematics. Your academic adviser
can help you decide which class to take for your major and your course of
study. IMPORTANT NOTE: Passing Math 91 will be valid as a prerequisite for any
GE course for ONE YEAR only. If you wait longer than one year, then you will be
required to show your math skills by passing the Math 91 exit exam before you can
enroll in Math 100, 102, 104A, or 109. If you don't use it, you lose it! So don't wait
to take the GE math course our advice is to take Math 100, 102, 104A or 109 next