Table 1. Data used for generalized linear models to assess physiological responses to capture in longline fishing gear. Turtle ID AL08315 AL08320 AL08323 AL08324 AL08326 AL08331 AL10002 BA12001 BA12002 BA12003 BA12004 BA12006 BA12007 MU09001 MU09002 MU09012 MU09013 MU09014 MU09015 MU09016 MU09017 MU09018 MU09019 treatment control control control control control control control control control control control control control longline longline longline longline longline longline longline longline longline longline capture date 30-Jul-08 30-Jul-08 4-Aug-08 4-Aug-08 5-Aug-08 6-Aug-08 11-Aug-10 19-Jul-12 19-Jul-12 19-Jul-12 31-Jul-12 1-Aug-12 1-Aug-12 28-Jul-09 28-Jul-09 3-Aug-09 3-Aug-09 3-Aug-09 7-Aug-09 7-Aug-09 7-Aug-09 7-Aug-09 7-Aug-09 SST (°C) 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 26.2 25.7 25.7 25.7 24.7 24.5 24.5 26.5 26.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 CCL (cm) 49.5 63.5 73 75 56 65 58 74 69 68.5 59 55 50 66 59 76 50 57 65.5 68 55 53 75 PCV CORT glucose lactate (%) (ng·ml-1) (mg·dl-1) (mmol·l-1) 33 39 41 39 35 38 41 35 43 38 n/a n/a 35 34 29 37 35 25 35 31 35 30 36 0 0 0.1 0.72 0 0 0.28 0 0 0 0 0.25 0 2.36 4.01 11.61 0.58 0.39 2.53 8.07 5.51 n/a 4.05 106 98 98 88 120 111 94 103 108 68 86 97 101 108 89 97 85 80 103 119 166 119 98 9.43 5.05 10.78 10.05 11.58 4.36 7.50 5.57 11.16 6.47 6.43 5.66 5.17 3.92 4.39 8.15 6.57 7.78 8.47 6.91 6.21 7.71 11.40 Table 2. Best-fit generalized linear model results for PCV, corticosterone, glucose, and lactate. Data for corticosterone and glucose were fitted using a Gamma error distribution with log link function. Data for PCV and lactate were fitted using a Gaussian distribution and identity link function. For each response variable, the best-fit model was compared with a null model that included only the intercept term and a full model that included all explanatory variables (treatment, curved carapace length (CCL), sea surface temperature (SST), and year of capture). Std. Error t value Pr(>׀t)׀ AICc ‘Best’ residual deviance ‘Null’ deviance ‘Full’ residual deviance ‘Best’ vs. ‘Null’ Pr (>F) ‘Best’ vs. ‘Full’ Pr (>F) 5.067 5.192 <0.001*** 112.05 174.420 (18) 369.140 (20) 154.940 (16) 0.020* 0.366 -4.968 1.364 -3.643 0.002** 0.182 0.078 2.330 0.032* 0.656 -2.033 0.056 58.83 3.475 (19) 17.493 (21) 3.471 (17) 0.025* 0.990 1.491 0.177 8.401 <0.001*** 0.023 0.010 2.231 0.038* †Glucose ‘Best’ GLM Intercept 65.889 50.358 1.308 0.205 200.92 0.638 (21) 0.686 (22) 0.563 (18) 0.229 0.501 year 0.025 -1.217 0.237 †Lactate ‘Best’ GLM Intercept 2.934 3.613 0.812 0.426 108.30 115.040 (21) 123.650 (22) 93.738 (18) 0.210 0.252 CCL 0.057 1.254 0.224 Coefficients Estimate PCV ‘Best’ GLM Intercept 26.308 treatment (longline) CCL CORT ‘Best’ GLM Intercept -1.334 treatment (longline) CCL -0.030 0.072 † The null model was the best fit (i.e. lowest AICc) for these response variables. The next best fit based on AICc and evidence ratio (<2) was compared with the null and full model. Statistical significance denoted at the 0.05 (*), 0.01 (**), and 0.001 (***) levels. Deviance presented with (df)