COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING June 2, 2015 A Regular Meeting of the Millen City Council was held on June 2, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Present were Council members: Darrel Clifton, Regina Coney, Walter Thomas, Ed Fuller, and Robin Scott. Also present was City Manager Michael Felts. Mayor King Rocker and City Attorney Hubert Reeves were unable to attend. Call to Order Mayor Pro-tem Scott called the meeting to order, at 6:01 p.m. Invocation Councilman Thomas gave the invocation. 1. Approval of the minutes of the May 5, 2015 Regular Meeting. Councilman Clifton made a motion, seconded by Councilman Fuller, to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on May 5, 2015. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 2. Approval of the minutes of the May 19, 2015 Called Meeting. Councilman Thomas made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Coney, to approve the minutes of the Called Council Meeting held on May 19, 2015. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 3. Citizen Request to be heard from Hiller Spann, to discuss Economic Development in City of Millen. Mr. Hiller Spann addressed the Council and expressed his concern as to the need for good quality available housing as it relates to Economic Development in the City. He particularly referenced the northeast area of the City as a possible area to extend the needed infrastructure for development. 4. Citizen Request to be heard from Ms. Jewell Anfield about crime in her neighborhood. Ms. Anfield expressed concern about the recent crime that has occurred in her neighborhood, and her request for increasing a police presence in the area. Council asked her if she would be willing to help organize a Neighborhood Watch Group in the area. She agreed to help, however she could. 5. Citizen Request to be heard from Gladys Walker about crime in her neighborhood. Ms. Walker was not present at the meeting. 6. Public Hearing for the FY 16 City Budget. Councilman Thomas made a motion at 6:27 p.m. to enter into a public hearing to hear discussion on the proposed FY 2016 Budget, second was made by Councilman Fuller. The motion carried by unanimous vote. There was no one present from the public to speak. Mr. Felts fielded a few questions from the Council. Councilman Thomas made a motion to reenter Regular Session, second was made by Councilman Fuller. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 7. Discuss LMIG List for 2015-2016. Mr. Felts reviewed the 2015-2016 LMIG list with Council and asked that they review the list, and address any changes to the list at the next Council Meeting. 8. Discuss 4 Way Stop on Alabama and Riverview St. Mr. Felts informed the Council of a error that the sign installation crew made, while replacing signage in the City under our Safety Enhancement Grant the City received. The crew made a 2-way stop into a 4-way stop at the corner of Alabama and River Streets. Mr. Felts stated that several home owners in the area liked the 4-way stop, since it seemed to slow traffic in the area; and asked the City to leave it as a 4-way stop. Councilman Thomas made a motion to leave the intersection as a 4-way stop, second was made by Councilman Fuller. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 9. Discuss the use of speed bumps as traffic control on several streets. Mayor Pro-tem Scott explained to the Council that he had been approach about placing speed bumps on a couple streets in the City, in an effort to try and slow traffic down in some neighborhoods. Mr. Felts updated Council on research he had done regarding speed bumps being placed on city streets. Council wanted staff to look into the issue further and bring back options at next Council meeting. 10. Vote to approve Beer and Wine License for Neighbors Express #65. Councilman Thomas made a motion to approve Beer and Wine License for Neighbors Express #65, second was made by Councilwoman Coney. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 11. Vote to start requiring mobile home inspections July 1, 2015; and set permit fee. Recommendation of $200.00. Councilman Clifton made a motion to start requiring mobile home inspections July 1, 2015; and set the new permit fee for mobile homes at $200.00, second was made by Councilman Fuller. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 12. Vote to donate $1000.00 to help with the Patriotic Celebration on July 3, 2015. Councilman Clifton made a motion to donate $1000.00 to help with the Patriotic Celebration, hosted by Main Street Millen, on July 3, 2015; second was made by Councilwoman Coney. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 13. Vote to purchase 2 vehicles for Police Department, see attached bids. Councilman Clifton made a motion to purchase 1 Dodge Charger (including equipment) with money from the contingency fund and 1 Chevy Tahoe (including equipment) with SPLOST 6 Funds. Both from the dealerships that had the lowest bids on the attached list (Butler Ford at $33,157.00 and Hardy Fleet at $36,212.00 respectively); second was made by Councilman Thomas. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 14. Presentation of City’s Water/ Sewer Business Plan and Rate Structure recommendations from GA Rural Water by Bill Powell. Mr. Powell made a presentation of a new proposed rate structure for the City’s Water and Sewer Rates. He performed this service through the GA Rural Waster Association, which Millen is a member. The Council agreed to review the proposal and address it at their next Council meeting. 15. REPORT BY CITY MANAGER: a. Financials Mr. Felts informed the Council that the City was still operating under budget by approximately $335,000.00. b. City Manager Evaluations. Mr. Felts asked Council to complete his evaluation by the end of June, to correspond with the other employee’s evaluations that are being completed. c. Discuss City and County involvement with Winthrope Ave widening (TSPLOST Project). Mr. Felts briefed Council on informal meeting that members of County and City had to discuss TSPLOST Project. He stated that the County was going to contact DOT again, and ask for additional funds to help reduce the $150,000 that the State is requiring City and County to pay towards the project. d. Discuss appointing agency over Urban Redevelopment Plan. Mr. Felts stated that they had to decide if they wanted to allow the Economic Development Authority to oversee the Urban Redevelopment Plan, or if the Council wanted to retain that oversight. Council requested Mr. Felts to ask the RDC for a draft copy of the plan to review, before making their decision. e. GMA Bylaws change. Mr. Felts provided Council with the GMA By-law changes that would be presented at the Annual Conference for adoption. f. Discuss Called Meeting on June 16, 2015 at 6:00. Mr. Felts reminded Council of Called Meeting on June 16, 2015; to adopt FY 2016 Budget and approve Zoning Map Update. g. Discuss expanding Gas Rebates to include all gas appliances. Mr. Felts requested Council to consider extending Gas Rebate Program to include any gas appliance, and not just gas water heaters. Council agreed to the request. 16. Executive Session – Not needed. 17. Adjournment There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting. Approved by Mayor and Council Mayor’s Signature: ATTESTED: City Manager