West Virginia University Graduate Program Review Self-Study Report Form Graduate programs must comply with the Board of Governors’ requirement to produce a self-study report and to have that self-study report examined by the Graduate Council every five years. These reports are designed to encourage programs to consider carefully what they do and how they do it. For the purpose of these reviews, a program is defined by the WVU curriculum matrix (available at http://registrar.wvu.edu/curriculum-matrix). The combination of a degree program title and designation indicates a program. Multiple majors may be included in a degree program. With the consent of the Associate Provost for Graduate Academic Affairs, a self-study report may include more than one program (for example, masters and doctoral programs may be combined in one report when much of the information is the same for each) or separate components of a program (such as different majors) may have separate self-study reports. The unique features of each program must be specifically addressed in a combination report. A certificate program listed in the curriculum matrix requires a separate self-study report. Instructions. Complete the form below as well as all required supporting documents. Responses to the items below should be succinct but complete. The text boxes will expand as you type. Please submit all materials electronically by December 15th of the review year. Upload all items/documents when the self-study report and all supporting documents are finalized and ready to submit. Please click here to go to the WVU Program Review Portal. Please contact Tammy Smith at tasmith@mail.wvu.edu with questions or concerns during the review process. Degree Program Title (See the curriculum matrix at http://registrar.wvu.edu/curriculummatrix) Examples: Biology, Journalism, Exercise Physiology Degree Designation (See the curriculum matrix.) Examples: M.S., Ph.D., M.F.A., M.O.T. Major Title (See the curriculum matrix. Sometimes the major title is the same as the degree program title; other times the major title may be different or there may be multiple majors. List all majors included in the self-study report.) Examples: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Sport Management, Plant and Soil Science College or School Date program began Complete Cover Sheet located here Upload into WVU Program Review Portal Name of person completing self study Email 1 For Accredited Programs ONLY: Name of accrediting body Date and outcome of the last accreditation visit Dates of any interim reviews Attach the most recent comprehensive institutional self-study conducted in Upload into WVU Program Review Portal compliance with the accreditation or approval process Attach the accrediting agency’s accreditation letter (along with Upload into WVU Program Review Portal any other relevant correspondence or interim reports) Mission Discuss how the degree program is consistent with WVU’s mission (http://about.wvu.edu/wvu-facts) and strategic plan (http://strategicplan.wvu.edu/). Curriculum, Enrollment, and Students Program requirements o Provide a brief narrative description of program requirements, and a web link to both the catalog description of the program and any other website that describes program requirements. Also include the expected time required for full-time students to complete the program. 2 Enrollment history and projection o For each degree level, upload an enrollment data form located here. o Describe possible reasons for enrollment changes in the past five academic years. o Identify trends that may influence enrollment over the next five academic years. Student profile o Describe your student profile, including historical aggregate data concerning such items as admission GPA or GRE scores, GPA in graduate courses, pass rates on such assessments as comprehensive exams or oral defenses, etc. o List awards or honors received by your students in the past five academic years. Faculty Upload a single file containing all 2-page faculty information forms located here. If adjunct (per-course) faculty exceed 25% of the program’s faculty, provide a rationale for these assignments. Additional comments concerning faculty (optional). Resources Provide a description of physical space, funding, and other resources available to support this program. Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes and Program Outcomes 3 This section has two parts. In the first part, you are asked to list, describe, and assess your Student Learning Outcomes. Some programs use the terms “Key Student Performance Indicators” or “Student Competencies.” This guide uses “SLOs.” Whatever term your program uses, these are statements specifying what you expect your students to know and be able to demonstrate upon completion of their degree. In the second part of this section, you are asked to list, describe, and assess your Program Outcomes. Program outcomes are goals or objectives that are at a level above any given Student Learning Outcome. That is, program outcomes are aggregate expectations about students’ experiences and achievements during the program and students’ achievements upon completion of the program. Program outcomes may include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: Graduates’ overall satisfaction with specific experiences during the program (e.g., capstone projects, internships, undergraduate research) Graduates’ placement (e.g., the percentage of graduates employed in positions related to the field of study or pursuing advanced degrees) Employer satisfaction with graduates’ job performance Please contact Dr. Bernadette Jungblut, University Assessment Officer, Bernadette.Jungblut@mail.wvu.edu, if any assistance is needed with completing this section. Student Learning Outcomes List and number all Student Learning Outcomes (use these numbers when addressing the items below). Indicate which of these SLOs were assessed during this program review cycle and during which academic year they were assessed. For each SLO assessed during this cycle, specify where or how students are provided the opportunity to demonstrate their achievement of that SLO and where or how assessment of your students’ achievement is conducted. This could be a culminating course or program experience (such as a capstone course or research project). This could take place across courses (e.g., comparing your students’ performance in a first or second year course to a course during the junior or senior year). This could be a required program activity such as an internship, practicum, clinical, etc. Describe how each SLO is measured. List the criteria by which you document that a student has: o Not demonstrated achievement of that SLO; o Demonstrated achievement of that SLO; and, if you choose, o Exceeded your specified criteria for achievement of that SLO. 4 Provide a summary statement about your students’ achievement of each SLO assessed during this program review cycle. To what extent are your students meeting the criteria and demonstrating their achievement of each SLO? Be candid about any SLOs where students are not fully meeting expectations and where there is room for improvement. For SLOs where there is room for improvement, describe the changes you will make during the upcoming program review cycle to increase the likelihood of your students achieving those SLOs. Also describe your plan for assessing the impact of these changes on students’ achievement of those SLOs. Include a timeline that specifies when these changes will be made and when the impact of these changes will be assessed. Describe your plan for assessing SLOs (including those not assessed during the current program review cycle) during the next 5 years. Program Outcomes List and number all Program Outcomes (use these numbers when addressing the items below). Indicate which of these Program Outcomes were assessed during this program review cycle and during which academic year they were assessed. For each Program Outcome assessed this cycle, describe the method(s) by which that outcome is measured. 5 Summarize your Program Outcomes during this program review cycle. To what extent is your program meeting its desired outcomes? Be candid about Program Outcomes with which you are not completely satisfied. For all Program Outcomes with which you are not completely satisfied, describe the changes you will make during the upcoming program review cycle to increase the likelihood of improved performance. Also describe your plan for assessing the impact of these changes on your program. Include a timeline that specifies when these changes will be made and when the impact of these changes will be assessed. Describe your plan for assessing Program Outcomes (including those not assessed during the current program review cycle) during the next 5 years. Program Viability and Necessity Provide a statement of program viability and necessity based on enrollment trends, graduate placement, and other available data. Address the program’s past ability and future prospects to attract students and sustain a viable, cost-effective program. Program of Excellence Are you requesting “Program of Excellence” designation for this program? If yes, complete the items below. _____YES _____NO If more than one program is included in this report, for which program(s) is the “Program of Excellence” designation requested? 6 Provide a brief statement describing how the program meets each of the following criteria. Refer to the Program of Excellence Criteria for detailed information. o Distinction. o Curriculum and assessment. o Graduates. o Faculty. Additional comments (optional). 7