Additional Methodology 1. Flow Chart of Study Design In total 17 animals (41 vessels) were implanted with overlapping Absorb or overlapping XV. 8 and 9 pigs underwent follow up at 28 days (Absorb: n=12, XV: n=8), and 90 days (Absorb: n=12, XV: n=9) respectively (Appendix). Figure 1 Title: Flow chart of study design. Caption: Study pigs implanted with overlapping Absorb or Xience V evaluated by OCT, histology and scanning electron microscopy, are shown. Absorb (n=11) 7 PIGS (n=18) 8 pigs 28 days XV (n=7) Absorb (n=11) 17 PIGS 8 PIGS (n=19) 90 days XV (n=8) 28 Days 2 PIGS (SEM)* OCT† (n=11, 413 sections) HISTO (n=11, 44 sections) OCT† (n=7, 272 sections) HISTO (n=7, 28 sections) OCT† (n=11, 408 sections) HISTO (n=11, 44 sections) OCT† (n=8, 314 sections) HISTO (n=8, 32 sections) 1 Absorb, 1 XV 90 Days 1 Absorb, 1 XV * 2 separate pigs (from the trial) were scheduled to undergo SEM at 28 and 90 days, consequently no OCT or histology was performed. † number of OCT sections analyzed at baseline and follow-up n (in parentheses) indicates number of vessels with implanted overlapping Absorb or overlapping XV. Abbreviations: SEM scanning electron microscopy, XV Xience V, OCT optical coherence tomography, HISTO histology. 2. Absorb and Xience V Devices The Absorb is a balloon expandable bioresorbable device constructed of poly-L lactide and coated with a bioresorbable poly-D, L lactide, that contains and controls the release of 100 μg/cm2 of the anti-proliferative drug everolimus (Novartis, Basel, Switzerland). Approximately 80% of the drug is released within 30 days after implantation, and the remainder of the drug within 4 months. Based on studies in a porcine model, the Absorb bioresorption process has been shown to commence at 6 months, with the expected loss of structural integrity and potential restoration of vasomotor function of the treated vessel at 1 year, (1) and resultant completion of the bioresorption process at 2-3 years. (2) At the time of implantation the total thickness of the Absorb polymeric strut is approximately 156 μm. The next generation Absorb (1.1), currently the subject of ongoing clinical trials, was investigated in this study. (3) The Xience V (XV) is a balloon expandable drug eluting stent, composed of a cobalt-chromium alloy platform, with a strut thickness of 81 μm and a non-erodible 7.6 μm thick coating. The coating is composed of an acrylic base and a biocompatible fluorinated copolymer, and has an everolimus release profile identical to that of the Absorb. The total strut thickness (strut + coating) of the XV is 88.6 μm.(4) 3. Detailed OCT Analyses OCT evaluation of the Absorb and XV overlap (all) and non-overlap (as long as technically possible) segments were performed at a pullback speed of 1.0 mm/sec at baseline and at follow-up, utilizing a commercially available time-domain OCT system (M3 System, LightLab Imaging, Westford, Massachusetts). The image wire was passed distal to the treated vessel without the conventional support of the balloon occlusion catheter to minimize the risk of disrupting the endothelial coverage in the treated vessel. Bolus doses of Ringer's lactate were used to clear blood distal to the inflated occlusion balloon in the proximal vessel and OCT pullbacks initiated. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were performed with proprietary software for off-line analysis (LightLab Imaging, Westford, MA, USA). OCT analyses were performed by a team of physicians and analysts of an independent core laboratory (Cardialysis BV, The Netherlands), blinded and independent to the team undertaking the animal and histology analyses (CVPath Institute, Gaithersburg). With adjustment for pullback speed, analyses of continuous cross-sections were performed at 1-mm longitudinal intervals consistent with previously validated methodologies, (3,5,6) and currently being undertaken in ongoing Absorb OCT sub-studies. Quantitative assessments of the lumen area have been shown to be potentially underestimated with OCT acquisitions undertaken with an occlusion balloon technique, secondary to the nonphysiological pressurization of the coronary vessel. (7) Since all lumen measurements were undertaken in coronary segments scaffolded either by a metallic stent, or polymeric scaffold that maintained its mechanical integrity at 90 days, these effects would have been minimized. The main quantitative measurements (strut area, lumen area, scaffold area, % volume obstruction and neointimal area) and OCT end points related to the interaction of the struts and vessel wall (e.g. apposition and coverage) for the Absorb (3,8) require different analysis rules compared to conventional stents (XV), (5,9) and have been described previously. Specifically for the overlapping Absorb, struts were defined by their overlay configuration, namely ‘stacked inner’, ‘stacked outer’ and ‘other’ (i.e. without a clear direct overlay configuration) (Fig. 1). (8) Given the heterogeneity in the neointimal coverage dependent on the overlay configuration of the Absorb struts, neointimal areas are reported to allow appropriate comparisons between the overlap and nonoverlap segments and between devices. Strut coverage of the Absorb was assessed as a thickness coverage measured between the mid part of the luminal edge of the strut, following the center of gravity to the lumen boundary, for all strut types at 28 and 90 days (Fig. 2). The threshold for coverage of the Absorb strut is 30 μm, corresponding to the average interobserver measurement (difference in 300 struts analyzed two times, 35±6 μm) of the endoluminal light backscattering strut boundary. (10) All reviewers were blinded to this cut-off value, which was implemented by an independent statistician during data analysis. To allow full visualization of the spatial distribution of strut coverage struts in the overlapping devices, ‘spread-out-vessel graphs’ – a visual representation of the vessel as if it had been cut along the reference angle (0°) and spread out on a flat surface – were created based upon previously described methodologies. (5) Figure 1 Title: Examples of Absorb struts according to their overlay configuration in the overlap. Caption: ‘Stacked inner’, ‘stacked outer’ and ‘other’ struts are illustrated on OCT (left) and scanning electron microscopy (right). White and grey arrows indicate ‘stacked inner’ struts with corresponding ‘stacked outer’ struts located abluminally – defined as struts with a direct overlay configuration with each other or lying within 1 strut width of each other. Blue arrows indicates ‘other struts’ i.e. struts in the overlap without a clear direct overlay configuration. Grey arrow indicates a strut attached to a platinum marker used to visualize the Absorb during implantation. Broken white lines illustrate selected examples of Absorb struts where the neointimal coverage is measured from (mid part of the luminal side of ‘black core’ area of the Absorb strut) to the lumen boundary. 4. Histological Analyses and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Following euthanasia, the hearts were explanted from the thoracic cavity and flushed using pressure perfusion with saline followed by 10% buffered formalin. Implanted arteries were carefully dissected from the heart, routinely processed, embedded in methyl methacrylate, and sectioned in duplicate at 5 µm according to published procedures. (11) Two to three millimeter sections were sawn in 4 segments, from the proximal non-overlap (1 section), mid overlap (1 proximal and 1 distal overlap section) and distal non-overlap (1 section). Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and elastic van Gieson or Movat pentachrome. The practice of undertaking in vivo OCT and ex vivo histology precluded the precise correlation of individual cross sections and matched analyses, since no external marker could be implanted to act as a point of reference. Standard histomorphometric assessments, vascular injury, fibrin deposition and inflammatory responses in accordance with established scoring systems were evaluated. (11,12) Strut coverage was assessed as the % of struts with endothelial cell and/or cellular coverage. Endothelial coverage was semiquantified and expressed as a % of the lumen circumference covered by endothelium. These 2 assessments were separately undertaken because of the risk of endothelial denudation due to the OCT procedure performed immediately prior to animal sacrifice. (13) In the 2 pigs designated for SEM, the arterial segments were prepared and visualization undertaken with a Hitachi Model 3600N scanning electron microscope as previously described. (14) The luminal surface was qualitatively assessed. Additional Results 1. Histological and SEM Findings Table 1 provides the histomorphometric and qualitative histomorphologic findings in the overlap and non-overlap. At all time points the injury scores were comparable between the overlap and nonoverlap and between devices. For the overlapping Absorb and XV devices, the mean inflammation scores were low and comparable at 28 and 90 days. Mean fibrin scores were similarly low and followed a trend of regression from 28 to 90 days, consistent with the elution profile of everolimus from both devices. (4) The % endothelialization of the overlapping Absorb appeared reduced at 28 (p=0.018) and 90 days (p=0.069) compared to the overlapping XV. Table 1: Results of the qualitative histomorphometric and histological data at the time points for the 2 separate animal groups at 28 and 90 days. Data presented as means ± SD. 28 Days EEL area (mm2) IEL area (mm2) Medial area (mm2) Lumen area (mm2) Neointima area (mm2) % volume obstruction Neointimal Thickness Injury score† Mean fibrin score Endothelialization (%) Covered struts (%) Inflammation score Adventitial inflammation score 90 Days EEL area (mm2) IEL area (mm2) Medial area (mm2) Lumen area (mm2) Neointima area (mm2) % volume obstruction Neointimal Thickness Injury score† Mean fibrin score Endothelialization (%) Covered struts (%) Inflammation score Adventitial inflammation score Overlap Absorb Non Overlap pvalue Overlap XV Non Overlap p-value Overlap p-value* 9.89±1.02 8.43±0.80 1.46±0.45 5.75±0.71 2.67±0.31 31.84±3.43 0.032±0.024 0.38±0.15 2.00±0.63 67.95±14.87 75.4±16.4 1.00±0.00 0.091±0.20 8.95±0.77 7.60±0.63 1.35±0.22 5.81±0.57 1.80±0.29 23.71±3.67 0.080±0.034 0.32±0.23 1.50±0.39 82.18±7.99 88.8±24.5 0.41±0.38 0.00±0.00 0.004 0.002 0.26 0.92 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.48 0.023 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.13 8.71±1.30 7.53±1.06 1.17±0.25 5.52±1.09 2.01±0.36 27.15±6.56 0.12±0.040 0.45±0.19 1.79±0.70 87.43±15.92 99.6±1.46 0.71±0.91 0.21±0.57 7.80±1.28 6.67±1.09 1.13±0.24 5.37±1.08 1.30±0.15 20.06±3.60 0.12±0.031 0.49±0.31 1.07±0.53 93.14±8.23 100.0±0 0.57±0.93 0.29±0.57 0.14 0.12 0.72 0.84 <0.001 0.008 0.89 0.69 0.029 0.21 0.76 0.43 0.98 0.047 0.057 0.15 0.59 <0.001 0.063 <0.001 0.34 0.42 0.018 <0.001 0.058 0.94 10.60±2.01 8.39±0.56 2.21±2.12 4.41±1.34 3.98±1.04 47.90±14.37 0.25±0.18 0.71±0.69 0.68±0.51 63.18±29.37 98.7±3.7 0.59±1.22 0.55±1.21 9.29±1.48 7.51±0.59 1.78±1.33 4.96±1.25 2.55±1.07 34.20±14.52 0.18±0.18 0.81±0.69 0.27±0.47 58.91±27.75 100±0 0.64±1.16 0.64±1.19 0.005 <0.001 0.33 0.17 <0.001 0.003 0.025 0.18 0.014 0.65 0.076 0.63 0.80 8.83±1.33 7.71±1.20 1.13±0.15 4.90±1.87 2.81±1.16 37.78±16.97 0.24±0.14 0.76±0.76 0.31±0.46 85.13±14.27 100±0 0.75±1.36 0.69±1.28 7.96±1.18 6.87±1.08 1.08±0.14 5.04±1.44 1.83±0.55 27.84±10.73 0.18±0.083 0.69±0.63 0.19±0.37 70.44±24.24 99.0±2.9 0.69±1.36 0.25±0.53 0.063 0.054 0.48 0.81 0.005 0.059 0.15 0.87 0.56 0.070 0.56 0.96 0.62 0.046 0.11 0.17 0.51 0.034 0.18 0.88 0.87 0.12 0.069 0.49 0.61 0.82 * P-value comparing overlapping Absorb vs. overlapping XV † Mean injury score per overlap or non-overlap segment. Overall these injury scores are low and are within expected limits for a study of this design. Abbreviations: µm micrometer, XV Xience V, % percentage, mm millimeter, SD standard deviation Additional Discussion 1. Comparison of overlapping Absorb and XV devices Despite comparable injury scores in vessels treated with either device, the overlapping Absorb exhibited a greater neointimal response in absolute terms compared to the non-overlapping Absorb segments. This however did not translate into a significantly greater relative % volume obstruction between either device on OCT analyses, due to a greater vessel/scaffold area associated with the Absorb overlap. Conversely, histological analyses suggested a greater % volume obstruction with overlapping Absorb compared to overlapping XV at 28 (p=0.063) and 90 days (p= 0.18). Explanations for this discrepancy include that during histological preparation, a metallic stent would less likely shrink compared to the Absorb, and that formalin fixation and dehydration would result in vessel shrinkage despite the vessel pressure being arbitrarily fixed at 100 mg. Comparatively OCT was performed in vivo, where the coronary vessel had tonus and was naturally pressurized, with the resultant increased distension of the vessel. (15) As previously stated, the significantly greater scaffold area by OCT and EEL area by histology, of the overlapping Absorb (compared to the non-overlap segments) allowed for the accommodation of the increased neointima area associated with the over-lapping Absorb. Importantly, OCT and histology analyses (independently performed in different core laboratories) corroborated each other’s findings. As to why the overlapping Absorb had a greater scaffold/EEL area, it is likely that the addition of overlapping Absorb struts on either side of the deploying device balloon increased the vessel size by 4 layers of Absorb struts (>600 µm thickness), without rupturing the IEL and vessel media. In addition, the more conformable, thicker Absorb struts (compared to metal) (16) may have reduced its ‘cutting effect’ when embedded in the vessel media, without any resultant increase in vessel injury. Previous pre-clinical studies have however shown that over-stretching of the vessel can induce mechanical injury to neointimal SMCs, leading to changes in synthetic SMC phenotypes, with a resultant increase in constrictive remodeling. (17) The possibility of a greater neointimal response associated with high grade stenotic lesions treated with overlapping Absorb can therefore not be excluded, as previously reported in one clinical study. (18) 2. Endothelial Coverage Notably the endothelial coverage of the overlapping Absorb appeared reduced at 28 (p=0.018) and 90 (p=0.069) days compared to the overlapping XV. Paradoxically, almost complete cellular coverage was achieved in either overlapping device at 90 days, with low and comparable fibrin and inflammation scores. It has previously been shown that coronary wire manipulation and/or vascular imaging with intravascular ultrasound or OCT can induce acute endothelial damage (up to a level of 38% reported by SEM in a previous porcine study (13)) which heals within 5 days. Consequently the clinical significance of the reduced endothelialization by histology in the present study is unclear, particularly since both overlapping Absorb and XV cases on SEM at 90 days demonstrated that re-endothelialization was fully complete. 3. Clinical implications of bioresorption of the Absorb in the overlap The main clinical question is therefore at what stage will full neointimal coverage be achieved in vessels implanted with overlapping Absorb? Since the polymeric struts are associated with a long bioresorption process (2-3 years), the classic correlation between peak neointimal growth in the porcine model and humans in standard metallic stents may not be valid. Porcine studies have however shown no further increase in the neointimal volume from 90 days to 1 year in singly implanted Absorb (unpublished data). Furthermore the possibility of an adaptive expansive remodeling process, with the prospect of ‘late luminal enlargement,’ may occur as early as one year following partial bioresorption and expected loss of structural integrity of the Absorb device, and may prove to be of additional clinical value. (1,19) The Absorb is one of a number of bioresorbable devices that are either in pre-clinical or clinical testing. (20,21) One inherent feature in all bioresorbable scaffolds – and notably first generation DES – and not unique to the Absorb device, is the increased strut thickness compared to second generation metallic DES. The increased strut thickness of bioresorbable scaffolds is to allow for adequate radial strength of a sufficient period of time to prevent early recoil, and adequate distensibility of the device to permit safe implantation. (22) As an example, the second generation bioresorbable ‘DREAMS’ (the Drug Eluting Absorbable Metal Scaffold) device is now undergoing clinical testing, and has a reported strut thickness of approximately 150 µm. (20) Current and future bioresorbable devices may therefore require design features to allow for minimal overlap or adjacent positioning of the devices, (8) longer devices, and possibly dedicated bifurcations devices to eliminate the need to overlap the devices during complex 2 stent coronary bifurcation procedures. 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