
Child and Adolescent Development: CFD 170
Course Syllabus - Spring 2014
Instructor Contact Information
Instructor: Tammy Boates
Section and Enrollment Information
Class meeting: Wednesdays 4:00 - 6:40 PM
Class location: SSW 1500
Schedule number: 20517
Course Description
Same course as Teacher Education 170
Theories of human development using a cultural/ecological framework applied to case
studies and direct observations. Open only to liberal studies majors. Not open to students
with credit in Child and Family Development 270, Psychology 230, or Teacher Education
The focus of this class will be child development starting in pregnancy through adolescence
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will
1. Study the child's development through a cultural lens and compare development
milestones across different cultures
2. Understand and assess child development across cognitive, social-emotional, language,
and physical domains of development
3. Learn about key theorists and theories related to child development
4. Compare and contrast different cultural variations and beliefs about child development
5. Study the effects of nutrition on cognitive and physical development
6. Compare and contrast educational systems in developed verus developing countries
7. Study and identify atypical child development
Course Materials
Required Readings and Materials
Arnett, J. (2012). Human development: A cultural approach. (1 ed.). Boston: Pearson.
Assessment and Grading
Assignments and Exams
Grade Points
Reading Responses
5 points each x 8 = 40
Quizzes (Lowest score dropped)
15 Points each x 3 = 45
Midterm Exam
30 Points
Field Observation Paper and Presentation
25 Points
Comprehensive Final Examination
60 Points
Course Total
Final Grades
Your grade will be based upon the completion of all requirements listed above.
Less than 60%=F
Course Activities and Schedule
Assignments, Exams, and Readings Due
Welcome and Introduction
Homework: Read Chapter 1 (Section 1) Human Development Today and it's Origins
Course Overview
A Cultural Approach Across the Lifespan
Theories of Human Development and How it
is Studied
Homework: Read Chapter 1 - A Cultural
Approach to Human Development (Sections 2
and 3)
Genes, Pregnancy and Prenatal Care Across
Reading Response posts for Chapter 1 Due
(before the start of class)
Homework: Read Chapter 2 - Genetics and
Prenatal Development
Quiz # 1 Chapters 1 - 2 (on Bb) by no later
than 10:00PM on 2/11
Cultural Variations in Birth Beliefs and
Reading Response posts for Chapter 2 Due
(before the start of class)
Neonatal Care
Homework: Read Chapter 3 - Birth and the
New Born Child
Guest Speaker: Rosanna Robbins, Mary Birch
Hospital Topic: Birthing and Lactation
Infant Development: Physical, Cognitive, and
Social Emotional Development
Reading Response posts for Chapter 3 Due
(before the start of class)
Infant Development Theories: Piaget,
Erikson, and Bowlby
Homework: Read Chapter 4 - Infancy
Quiz # 2 Chapters 3 - 4 (on Bb) by no later
than 10:00PM on 2/25
Assignments, Exams, and Readings Due
Infant Presentations (group 1)
Reading Response posts for Chapter 4 Due
(before the start of class)
Review of Human Development Theories and
Prenatal Development through Infancy
(Chapters 1 - 4)
Due: Infant Observation Paper (group 1)
Homework: Review text (Chapters 1-4),
lecture notes, quizzes, presentations, and
reading responses to prepare for the
midterm exam.
Midterm Exam
Chapters 1 - 4 and Lecture Notes
Toddler Development: Physical, Cognitive,
and Social Emotional Development
Homework: Read Chapter 5 - Toddlerhood
Toddlerhood Development Theories: Piaget,
Vygotsky, and Bowlby
Toddler Presentations (group 2)
Early Childhood Development: Social
Emotional Development
Reading Response posts for Chapter 5 Due
(before the start of class)
Due: Toddler Observation Paper (group 2)
Homework: Read Chapter 6 - Early Childhood
(section 3)
Early Childhood Development: Physical and
Cognitive Development
Homework: Read Chapter 6 - Early Childhood
(sections 1- 2).
Piaget's Preoperational Stage of Cognitive
Quiz # 3 Chapters 5 - 6 (on Bb) by no later
than 10:00PM on 4/8
Theory of Mind
Spring Break - Enjoy!
Assignments, Exams, and Readings Due
Early Childhood Presentations (group 3)
Reading Response posts for Chapter 6 Due
(before the start of class)
The Social and Cultural Contexts of Middle
Due: Early Childhood Observation Paper
(group 3)
Homework: Read Chapter 7 - Middle
Childhood (section 3)
Middle Childhood: Physical and Cognitive
Homework: Read Chapter 7 - Middle
Childhood (section 1 - 2)
Piaget's Concrete Operations Stage
Gardner and Sternberg's Theories
Middle Childhood Presentations (group 4)
Social and Cultural Contexts of Adolescence
Reading Response posts for Chapter 7 Due
(before the start of class)
Due: Middle Childhood Observation Paper
(group 4)
Homework: Read Chapter 8 - Adolescence
(section 3)
Adolescence: Culture, Cognition, and
Homework: Read Chapter 8 - Adolescence
(section 1 - 2)
Adolescence Development Theories: Piaget
and Vygotsky
Quiz # 4 Chapters 7 - 8 (on Bb) by no later
than 10:00PM on 5/6
Adolescence Presentations (group 5)
Reading Response posts for Chapter 8 Due
(before the start of class)
Review for Final Exam
Due: Adolescence Observation Paper (group
Homework: Review text, lecture notes,
quizzes, presentations, and reading
responses to prepare for the Final exam.
Final Exam (Cumulative)
Course Assignments
Reading Responses
On the discussion board in our class Blackboard (Bb) you will write a 5-10 sentence
response to what you have learned or found relevant in the chapter and relate your own
culture to the information in the reading. Then briefly (3-5 sentences) respond to 2 of your
classmates posts.
Observation Paper and Presentation
You will write a 3 - 5 page paper explaining an observation that you did on a child, of a
particular age range, and how it relates to the theories and or cultural components that we
have talked about in class. Then you will give a 5-7 minute PowerPoint or creative
presentation explaining to the class what you have learned.
There will be a midterm and a final consisting of both multiple choice and short answer
questions. Quizzes will be multiple choice and taken on line using our class Blackboard.
Please see below for the online course component.
Attendance Requirements
Attendance is expected. If you are unable to attend a class, make arrangements with a
classmate to obtain missed notes. All assignments include content from class presentations
as well as the assigned readings. Note that several class assignments/quizzes are
conducted online with our course Blackboard (Bb) site. It is your responsibility to meet
online deadlines and in-class tasks. Late work will be scored with an automatic 15% grade
reduction and will not be accepted after 5 calendar days of the due date. There will be no
make ups for quizzes and reading responses.
Use of Online Course Component
There are several tasks aligned with this course that require your access and
understanding of the SDSU Blackboard. If you have a problem at anytime, but especially
during a quiz, you need to send me an email notice ASAP. Often a "glitch" for you affects
others as well.
Students with Disabilities
If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this
class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To
avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student
Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not
retroactive, and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I have
received an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is