ACG Minutes 25-01-20..

MEETING ON Saturday 25th January 2014
Mr Ian Forster (Chair), Mrs Helen Miland, Dr David Moffatt, Dr Lorna Rozner, Mr Mark
Scrimshaw, Mrs Pam Stephens, Dr Carolyn Teasdale, Mr Antony Jones.
In Attendance:
Mrs Lesley Braiden, Dr John Hogan, Ms Abi Kelly, Professor Ella Ritchie, Miss Tania
Miss Sue Bevan, Professor Chris Brink, Professor Patrick Lavery, Mrs Charlotte Pearson, Mr
Simon Tindall (Annual Fund Manager – Maternity Cover), Dr Savvas Papagiannidis, Mr
Calum MacKenzie.
Minutes from the previous meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on 28 September 2013 were
Matters arising from the minutes
- Car parking on campus for ACG members is a problem.
Parking control confirmation is only valid Monday-Friday.
Since the meeting this has been resolved. All guests with
parking requirements in future will receive a permit and
directions from DARO.
- Following a discussion about Obituaries, Mark Scrimshaw
suggested that an email from the University should be sent to
graduates who may have known the deceased, notifying them
of the death and funeral arrangements.
Members’ Update
- Congratulations to Charlotte Pearson on the birth of her baby
- Ella Ritchie highlighted that a congregations ceremony would
take place in Shanghai on the 22nd February. 306 graduates
have registered to graduate on the day.
- Ella Ritchie informed the group that Newcastle University did
not win the Times Higher Education (THE) Award.
- Carolyn Teasdale discussed the Volunteer Management
programme that she is working on. Carolyn will speak to
colleagues within the University to ensure the new programme
is well informed and inclusive.
- Helen Miland explained that she had conducted a book review
which will be included in the next edition of Arches.
- Mark Scrimshaw has supported the ‘NU Through my lens’ film
competition delivered by the Careers Service and has since
supported one of the entrants with their career guidance.
- Ian Forster is currently supporting three students with their final
degrees which began through the University’s military based
squadron. Ian is also helping a young man who comes from a
military background with his PhD. Ian will also attend the NCL+
Awards on the 7th May.
- David Moffatt reported on his most recent meeting with the
International Development Society (IDS). David conducted
some research with members of the International Development
Alumni Association (IDAA) and found that the majority would
like to have a website on the Alumni Association’s website that
highlights IDAA and links them online to IDS and vice versa.
Alumna and member of the IDAA, Jill Almvang, who currently
works in Haiti as a Finance Manager for the Haiti Relief
Organisation was introduced to Sharmishta Chatterjee
Banerjee at the Business School and is now supporting the
Global Experience Programme which provides Business
School students with internship opportunities overseas. The
Business School, David Moffatt and Jill are currently
discussing options in Haiti.
David Moffatt attended the Annual General Meeting of the
Agrics Society and wrote a paper for the group to suggest a
more formal link between the Agrics Society and the ACG.
This was welcomed and agreed.
David Moffatt has also reviewed a book for Arches.
Sue Bevan has reviewed a book for Arches.
Pamela Stephens sits on the Alumni Association Student
Initiative Fund (AASIF) and reports that since the Autumn there
have been no applications for funds. A crisis meeting was held
amongst the members and still there have been no
applications. The group have discussed where they should
publish the information to increase publicity. So far their
thoughts are: via tutors, word of mouth, Students’ Union, the
Careers Service. Abi Kelly suggested a feature in the Courier
could be an option whilst Ella Ritchie explained the adverts
need to reach students that aren’t going to the Careers Service
for support. Perhaps a clearer notice on the Careers Website.
- Abi Kelly to follow-up SIF promotion with Courier editor and
Careers service.
- David Moffatt to collate the photographs and biographies of
each IDAA member. Tania Angelopoulos and the alumni
relations team to work with David to create a page for the
- An ACG member to attend all future meetings with the Agrics
University Business An update from Dr John Hogan
Point 1:
- John commented on the University’s reputation and position in
various league tables. He quoted the University’s ViceChancellor ‘Do not reflect reality, but do create reality’.
- Students’ look at league tables as a shorthand for quality and
so they are important for that reason.
- The Times Higher Education (THE) World Rankings is the
most influential and being in the Top 200 is important,
particularly for international sponsors.
- In 2013 Newcastle University slipped 50 places to 198. Ella
Ritchie commented that there has been an exponential rise in
Asian Universities rising in the THE league.
- John explained the fundamental problem with our position is
the reputation survey where academics globally are asked to
name the Top 15 universities in their discipline – we do not
feature in many of these surveys. John highlighted that
‘reputation’ counts for 30% of the entire score, whilst citations,
income and student ratio are also counted.
- Abi Kelly and Ella Ritchie are working to raise our profile
amongst academics, which includes a brochure raising the
profile in subject areas where the University has particular
strengths. For example, Hepatology, Geography and Civil
- This supplement will be circulated in the Times Higher on 30th
January 2014. This includes a targeted mailing to 600
Newcastle University academic alumni.
- Antony Jones suggested that we ask our academics who they
‘rate’ in their disciplines and create a database who could be
targeted with Newcastle University information.
Point 2:
- John noted that the University made its submission to
HEFCE’s Research Excellence Framework (REF) where we
are assessed on the quality of our research and which will
determine our future income. The results will be published in
December 2014.
Point 3:
- Record recruitment year (2013), more students than ever
before, 22,800 in total.
- 4,600 new home and EU Undergraduate students, a 14%
- John added that a consequence of having higher student
numbers is the need for more student residential
accommodation. A plan to increase accommodation in-line
with growth is in place.
- The University plans to also develop an extension of the
Sports Centre.
- The Government are now not going to put a cap on student
numbers in 2015 for any subject outside medicine and
- It increases volatility. The School of Law saw applications
down by 20% whilst Architecture and Planning were up by a
Course fee discount for alumni – a
written report received from Mrs
Lesley Braiden, Acting Academic
INTO Update – An update from
Professor Ella Ritchie, Deputy
- Lesley discussed Document A which provides a summary of
the University position. If we were to offer a family discount for
the home market, we need to consider its effect on our efforts
to broaden widening participation of the student undergraduate
- Lesley added that there is a bit of scope to consider the
postgraduate students, explore barriers and test the discounts.
The University is working with a consortium that includes
Sheffield University to explore this idea.
- Ella Ritchie set the scene by explaining that the INTO
partnership started with UEA and Exeter followed by
Newcastle University.
- When the joint venture concept with INTO was proposed
Newcastle University agreed that it would have control over
academic quality.
The wide funnel approach that gets
students to sign up is important and we control the ‘neck of the
funnel’ which is the entry into Newcastle University.
- INTO deliver foundation programmes and language training
- Ella added that the University wants to diversify its student
base and has a healthy partnership with INTO.
- The INTO purpose built building on Barrass Bridge houses 800
overseas students.
- Newcastle University provide INTO with library access, sports
centre and the Students’ Union.
The majority of INTO students progress onto Newcastle
University degree programmes.
The advantages of working with INTO is that they have a large
agent base and record student satisfaction scores.
DARO Update
An update from Ms Abi Kelly,
Director of Public Relations &
Interim Director of DARO.
- Abi highlighted staff movements within DARO:
- David-John Mather started his position as Communications
Officer in November 2013.
- Dr Katie Harland has been promoted to Senior Development
Manager for the Faculty of Medical Sciences.
- Ms Fiona Watson has joined DARO as the Trusts and
Foundations Manager.
Fiona previously worked at the
Vindolanda Trust.
- Mr Simon Tindall is stepping up and covering Mrs Charlotte
Pearson’s maternity cover.
- The University is in the process of recruiting a Director of
Fundraising. The role will be advertised in the Times Higher
and third sector press on March 20th. We are hopeful that the
new appointment will be in place by July 2014.
- Abi highlighted previous and forthcoming events:
Newcastle University Alumni Reception, in Singapore – 7th
November 2013
Newcastle University Congregations Ceremony,
Singapore - Friday 8th November 2013
Hatton Gallery Launch Event - 18th November 2013
Centre for Rural Economy Event – 27th November 2013
Shanghai Newcastle University alumni reception, Friday
21st February 2014
Shanghai Newcastle University Congregations Ceremony,
Saturday 22nd February 2014
London Benefactors and Supporters’ Reception - 26th
March 2014
ACG Election Update –
A written report received by Miss
Tania Angelopoulos, Alumni
Relations Manager.
- Tania Angelopoulos talked to the ACG Election document
circulated at the meeting.
- Mark Scrimshaw asked about the election process for the
Chair and Deputy Chair of Convocation.
- John Hogan added that it is written in the statutes and this
process will be followed.
- David Moffatt asked who is eligible to be part of Newcastle
University’s Alumni Association and thus part of the IDAA? A
Northumbria University graduate has shown interest in joining
IDAA. The members agreed that IDAA should only be open to
graduates of Newcastle University. The group discussed that
perhaps external members could be distinguished by
Associate or Affiliate positions. Mark Scrimshaw added that
we should look to keep alumni groups sacrosanct and we
should avoid diluting the community with non-alumni. Finally it
was agreed by the group that IDAA should only consist of
alumni and no other external parties.
- Lorna Rozner noted that graduates leaving the University were
unable to understand the words alumnus, alumni, alumna.
- Tania Angelopoulos to use the alumni association web page to
highlight the different words used to describe graduates with
Date and venue of forthcoming
hopes to inform more graduates.
Calum MacKenzie to make his report at the next ACG in April.
Could he report on student funds, a progress report on the
History Room and any progress to digitise the Courier.
Tania Angelopoulos to send ACG members updates of events
that they can get involved in.
Agreed that the next ACG meetings will be held in King’s Gate
11-1pm on:
Saturday 26th April 2014
4pm – 6pm on:
Friday 20th June 2014
Miss Tania Angelopoulos
Alumni Relations Manager
13th March 2014