MSc Water and Environmental Management - Programme Specification Section 1: Summary information Awarding body Location of Study School of Study Professional accreditation Award and titles Final award University of Brighton Moulsecoomb Campus School of Environment & Technology Faculty of Science and Engineering currently being sought Award MSc Intermediate award Postgraduate Diploma Faculty Intermediate award Intermediate award Course codes UCAS Code QAA Subject Group Subject Benchmark Programme regulations Maximum Period of Study Mode of Study Credit ratings Programme Specification approved at: Contact: Title Water and Environmental Management Water and Environmental Management Geography & Geology Geography & Geology 1 year Full Time 6 years Part Time Full-time Part-time MSc PG Dip July 2007 Dr H Taylor 180 credits 120 credits Section 2: Aims and objectives Aims: The aims of the programme are: The course aims to develop technical and managerial skills relating to the understanding of water resources management and related environmental issues, recognising the complex inter-relationships inherent within the discipline area. This aim is amplified and implemented through a number of overarching objectives and learning outcomes (see below). Learning outcomes: Objective 1 To be able to provide feasible solutions to complex technical problems faced by water/environment managers Learning Outcome The ability to apply known mathematical analysis techniques to water resource problems with a range of identified input parameters (WEM01,WEM02,WEM03,WEM04,GBM01) Objective 2 To communicate confidently using appropriate terminology at Mlevel within water and environmental management with others from a similar discipline background in industry Learning Outcome The ability to discuss critically management strategies relating to water resource issues (WEM01,GBM01) Objective 3 To have acquired the management skills necessary in the environmental/water industry Learning Outcome The ability to manage own research project and appreciate the technical, commercial and managerial aspects of technical water-related problems (GBM01) Objective 4 To understand and be able to design for the complex interaction between different users of the water and natural environment, incorporating considerations relating to water quality and water quantity issues Learning Outcome The ability to assess critically the different constraints faced by water managers in different water/environment scenarios and propose solutions appropriate to the needs of all (WEM01,WEM02,WEM03) Objective 5 To be able to undertake analysis necessary to face unfamiliar and as yet undefined water/environmental challenges, and to appreciate the need for research and development within the wider industry Learning Outcome The ability to use effectively available laboratory analysis techniques and software, including modelling and data analysis tools, to obtain solutions to problems, and to devise new approaches to problems as they arise (WEM01,WEM02,WEM04,WEM05) Objective 6 To secure an understanding of the purpose and practical implications of current water/environmental practice, including the EU water framework directive and its effect on managing sustainability in water/environmental issues Learning Outcome The ability to research, interpret and work successfully within a given legal framework and advise others accordingly (WEM01,GBM01) Section 3 - Teaching, Learning and Assessment Teaching and learning Teaching methods for the modules will vary according to the subject. Generally, however, there will be both theoretical and applied components. Laboratory work, computer modelling and fieldwork will form significant parts of the modules. The teaching team recognises that it is unlikely that any one student will have the academic or professional expertise necessary to provide a foundation for every syllabus component. The individual modules have been designed to incorporate sufficient material relating to basic concepts and methodologies to provide an appropriate foundation for students with limited previous experience in a particular subject area. Following the provision of these basic concepts, the content will rapidly progress to the understanding and evaluation which it is envisaged will be novel for all students in most modules. The course team anticipates that diversity of experience within the student body will be an important strength of the M.Sc. programme. The course participants will bring different, but complementary, expertise to the course from various backgrounds, resulting in useful and profitable interaction between students. Group work activities and presentations will enhance this. The scope of the course structure is outlined in the next section. The content will demand a diversity of teaching and learning strategies, dependent on the nature of the material being taught. Lecture sessions will be employed to introduce much of the conceptual and methodological material, but group studies and practical exercises will also play a key role. Applications to practical situations, and case studies, will be included, particularly those relating to research being undertaken by the School. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) relating to water and environmental management will be used extensively throughout the course by reference to internal (University of Brighton) and external web sites. The students’ individual projects will play a key part in developing and testing the students’ abilities in the area of broad project management and primary research. Other key skills, including research techniques, data handling and critical analysis of source material, will also be developed and assessed in the project dissertation. Assessment A variety of forms of assessment are used in the programme to demonstrate ability in a range of skills. Examination/Test (including open book, seen and unseen examinations): a demonstration of knowledge, understanding, analytical skill and ability to apply knowledge. Essay: a demonstration of understanding and analytical and written communication skills . Project (including individual, group work and Level 3 project): a demonstration of independent research skills and written communication skills. Report (including laboratory reports and field reports): a demonstration of reporting and written communication skills. Laboratory reports additionally demonstrate laboratory skills whilst field reports demonstrate field and group research skills. A number of transferable skills, such as self-motivation and communication, are embedded within the primary modes of delivery of learning and are not necessarily separately assessed. However, satisfactory achievement of the learning outcomes requires that such skills are developed to an appropriate level. Assessment criteria Indicative criteria used for the assessment are given here, mapped against award classification (as identified within the University of Brighton General Examination and Assessment Regulations). More information can be found in the Course Handbook. In order to be eligible for the award of Master of Science in Water and Environmental Management the candidate must attain a minimum of 180 CATS points with a minimum of 150 CATS points at M level, including 60 CATS points for the dissertation. A distinction will be awarded if the student has achieved an average mark of 70% or above. A Merit pass will be awarded if the student has achieved an average mark of between 60-69% A Pass will be awarded if the student has achieved an average mark of between 50-59% The award of Postgraduate Certificate Water and Environmental Management (PGCert) In order to be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental Assessment and Management, the candidate must obtain a minimum of 60 CATs points and have successfully completed 3 Core modules. The award of Postgraduate Diploma in Water and Environmental Management (PGDip) In order to be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Water and Environmental Management, the candidate must obtain a minimum of 120 CATs points, having successfully completed 4 Core modules (80 CATS) and 2 option modules (40 CATS). The award of Master of Science in Water and Environmental Management (MSc) In order to be eligible for the award of Master of Science in Environmental Assessment and Management, the candidate must attain a minimum of 180 CATs points (150 CATS points at M level) including 60 CATs points for the project and having successfully completed the 4 Core modules (80 CATS) and appropriate option modules (40 CATS). Regulations The course regulations are in accordance with the University's General Examination and Assessment Regulations (available from the school office or the Registry). The pass mark for MSc modules is 50% with an assessment component threshold of 40%. Specific course regulations allow a referral ofGBM01, the dissertation module, however, a fail and repeat decision will not be allowed. Section 4 - Programme structure, level, modules, and credit and award This section summarises the structure of the award, and gives a brief indication of the course structure. The content and structure of the course is based around core modules relating to water resource management, supported by additional, optional modules supporting this. Modules within the M.Sc. programme are classified into 6 core modules (5 plus the M.Sc. project) and 2 option modules taken from existing Master’s level programmes from within the School of Environment & Technology. The proposed structure of the course, including definitive listings of core and option modules, is shown in Table 2. While the optional modules listed in Table 2 are those that are intended to be taken as part of the course, it may be possible for students to take other optional modules from elsewhere within the School, subject to approval by the course leader. Taken together, the core modules are worth 80 M-level CATS points, with the project worth 60 M-level CATS points. The optional modules are worth a total of 40 CATS points, making up a grand total of 180 CATS points for the course. Core modules represent central knowledge and skills within water and environmental management, while option modules seek to develop the students’ interest and ability in areas of particular interest to them. In the early stages of the programme the option modules will depend on what is available from other programmes within the School. However, it is envisaged that further option modules will be accepted for the M.Sc. as these become available or as the course develops generally. The framework of the course, including course delivery, length of modules and assessment methods follow the guidelines as established in the University of Brighton GEAR (General Examination and Assessment Regulations) documentation. The course will be taught as a full time programme, but with opportunity for individual modules to be studied in a part time mode. The minimum period of registration for the full time mode is 12 months. The full time mode will operate from September to July, with opportunity for examination of the project thesis in July or September. Students may proceed through the programme at a slower pace but subject to a normally maximum period of 72 months from initial registration to completion of the final module(s) or submission of the project. This is also subject to the requirement that normally at least two modules should be studied in each academic year. However, and subject to the maximum period of 72 months, it is desirable that students aim to submit their projects within approximately 12 months from registration for the Project Module, either at the beginning of January or the beginning of June. The taught modules normally follow a conventional semester framework. This pattern appears to be that most appropriate to the needs of the market for this course. However, the possibility of offering some course modules as week-long blocks, plus supporting work, to groups for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) purposes and allowing MSc students to attend is not discounted, and may be included in the future operation of the course. Broadly an individual module will entail approximately 40 hours of class contact time, although there will also be an emphasis on appropriate student-centred learning outside the classroom. Normally a minimum of three hours class contact per week will be anticipated, though this may vary depending on the particular learning objectives of each module. It is also anticipated that part of the class contact will be visits to sites and other places of relevance. Student workload for the MSc is estimated to be 1800 hours of which the Project comprises 600 hours. Each module is free standing so that no order of study is specified for the majority of modules proposed. In future some modules may however specify pre-requisites which may dictate some ordering of modules. The project should represent a student’s individual and independent research or analysis effort on a selected/designated topic. The value of the project will be 60 CATS points. The aim of the project is to extend and unify the students’ understanding and awareness of Water and Environmental Management as developed in the course modules and to facilitate the student in devising or recommending creative and appropriate solutions to a specific problem. On completion of the project the student should have fulfilled a variety of objectives which will include: applying experiential learning, problem solving, analytical and decision-making skills to real situations; applying rigorously the appropriate methods and techniques for problem analysis and investigation; applying appropriate techniques and interpreting the results with regard to a complex problem within a realistic organisational context; devising, recommending or implementing innovative solutions to the problem under investigation, and to be able to present these solutions effectively. Each student will be allocated an academic supervisor who will advise the student on appropriate projects and their feasibility and aid the student in fulfilling the above objectives through their own expertise and knowledge. An advisor may be appointed, who could be from a relevant part of industry (e.g. student’s employer), who would then act as an industrial mentor. Identification of project title and its scope will begin early in the year, and introductory and literature searches will be undertaken during the first semester. The module structure of the course is shown below. module codes WEM01 Status* Module Title Credit C Water Resource Management 20 WEM02 C Water Treatment Technology 20 WEM03 C Wastewater Treatment Technology 20 WEM04 C Water Quality Analysis 10 WEM05 C Quantitative Techniques for Water and Environmental Management 10 GBM01 C Masters Project 60 GFM04 O Hydrogeology and Hydrology 20 O Cost and Financial Management 20 IAM27 O Environmental Impact Assessment 20 IAM02 O Ecological Principles 20 GYM01 O Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 20 varies O Other Approved M-level Module 20 BEM14 *M = Mandatory C = Compulsory O = Optional Choice Award Section 5 Learning Support This section should summarise central and local learning support Central support: All students benefit from: University induction week programme (includes orientation and introduction to study and library skills) University Student Handbook (including general advice to students on regulations, University policies, and advice and support facilities) Extensive library facilities centred on the main Aldrich library Six open access computer pool rooms on the Moulsecoomb site with over 200 workstations (and a further 450 network points for personal PCs in the library). All are linked to the University network and SuperJANET services and have daily user support help desk External and internal E-mail and internet access, and may set up personal websites Access to the Studentcentral intranet Student services, including Welfare, Careers, Counselling, Legal, Financial, Accommodation, Childcare, Medical, Sexual Health and Chaplaincy support Course specific: In addition, students on this course benefit from the following: a) Handbooks and Guidance Notes MSc Courses handbook Course specific guidance MSc Skills handbook MSc dissertation handbook b) Academic and Administrative Support Course Leader who monitors academic and personal progress of students on the course School of Environment & Technology Intranet that hosts supplementary learning resources in support of modules as well as providing links to additional resources School administrative support for module registration Course Resources Officer who works with staff and students to enable access to paperbased and electronic resources School of Environment & Technology Computing Officer who works with staff and students to enable access to, and use of, Information Technology facilities Open-door policy of tutors during office hours where possible c) Computing and Laboratory Facilities Environment & Public Health Laboratory, seating up to 10, equipped with bench top spectrophotometers for basic water chemistry, membrane filtration equipment, balances, incubators and sterilisation equipment for public health microbiology procedures Hydraulics Laboratory, with Armfield 10m x 0.4m recirculating flume for river and wave simulation, 6m x 0.25m venturi flume, and 4m x 0.1m narrow flume with plate weir GIS laboratory (c.60 terminals) d) Field Visits organised by staff for students Local water companies (drinking water and wastewater treatment facilities) Pagham Harbour Nature Reserve West Sussex County Council recycling facilities Section 6 Admissions criteria This section shows the standard admissions criteria for the course Typical entry requirements Entrants to the course will normally be expected to possess a lower second class honours degree or above in an appropriate subject or an equivalent qualification. Exceptionally, candidates without an honours degree but with relevant knowledge and skills may be admitted to the course. Candidates with honours degrees in the civil and environmental engineering, geology, physical geography and environmental science areas would represent those with the most appropriate qualifications. A strong element of mathematical ability should be evident in the candidate’s background. Where candidates with honours degrees do not fall into these categories the selection process will look for evidence of a strong commitment to some part of the programme combined with demonstrable scientific abilities. Such applicants might be required to submit evidence of work that demonstrated these abilities. In exceptional cases candidates without an honours degree may be considered for admission to the course. Such candidates will be expected to possess either academic or work experience relevant to Water and Environmental Management. Such candidates will be required to demonstrate during the admissions process abilities broadly corresponding to those of honours degree level. Normally candidates will be interviewed by the Course Leader or Admissions Tutor. Depending upon the interview and other evidence a decision will be made about the need for the candidates to provide further evidence of ability through written work or other tests. In relation to the pressures of part-time study the interviewing panel will need to be satisfied of the broader suitability of the candidate for the course and counselling will play a part in the enrolment process. Applicants may be considered by the Course Leader to register for an award with advanced standing by claiming prior credit by virtue of previous qualifications or experience for modules that are required by the award. Details of accreditation follow the guidelines given in the University of Brighton GEAR. In relation to registration of postgraduate awards, where a candidate registers for a Masters award, credit can be given for up to 40 M-level CATS points. No credit can be claimed for any Level M dissertation/projects required by the award. Section 7 Quality indicators This section details external indicators of the quality of the provision ISR November 2005 Professional accreditation: ICE and IStructE Joint Board of Moderators none National student awards: Section 8 Additional information This specification summarises the key elements of the provision, and the learning outcomes achieved by the typical student. More detailed information can be found in a range of documents, including: University General Examination and Assessment Regulations for Taught Courses University Teaching and Learning Policy