Charley A. Cull, DVM Kansas State University | Graduate Research Assistant 308 Coles Hall, Manhattan, KS, 66506 OBJECTIVES STEC CAP Objective #2: Biology; focused on the epidemiology and ecology of STEC in beef production systems. MAJOR PROFESSOR Dr. David G. Renter SHORT BIO Dr. Charley Cull, a native of Oakland, NE, is collaborating with Drs. David Renter and Natalia Cernicchiaro to estimate the feedlot- and pen-level variability of STEC-7 fecal prevalence in pre-harvest commercial feedlot cattle. Dr. Cull is a graduate of Kansas State University (B.S., 2012; D.V.M., 2014) and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology with an emphasis in Epidemiology. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES F e e d l o t - a n d p e n - l e v e l p r e v a l e n c e o f S h i g a t ox i n - p r o d u c i n g Esc h eric hia coli in feces of commercial feedlot cattle in two major cattle feeding states Objectives: To determine the feedlot- and pen-level fecal prevalence of seven STEC serogroups (O26, O45, O103, O111, O121, O145 and O157) and their associated virulence genes (stx1, stx2, eae, and ehxA) in commercial feedlot cattle. PUB L I CAT I O N S 1. Cull, C.A., D.G. Renter, N.M. Bello, S.E. Ives, and A.H. Babcock. “Performance and carcass characteristics of commercial feedlot cattle from a study of vaccine and direct-fed microbial effects on E. coli O157:H7 fecal shedding.” Journal of Animal Science. 2015. Accepted April 7, 2015. 2. Cull, C.A., Z.D. Paddock, T.G. Nagaraja, N.M. Bello, A.H. Babcock, and D.G. Renter. "Efficacy of a vaccine and a direct-fed microbial against fecal shedding of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in a randomized pen-level field trial of commercial feedlot cattle." Vaccine. 2012. 30(43):6210-6215 Charley A. Cull, DVM A DDI T I O N A L AWA RDS / AC CO M PL I S HME N T S O r a l P r e s e n t a t i o n Awa r d s 1. Cull, C.A.,* D.G. Renter, S.E. Ives, D.M Dewsbury, L.W. Noll, P.B. Shridhar, X. Shi, T. G. Nagaraja, and N. Cernicchiaro. “Feedlot- and pen-level prevalence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in feces of commercial feedlot cattle”. Kansas State University Phi Zeta Research Day. Manhattan, Kansas. March 10, 2015. *Award winner in the food animal section 2. Cull, C.A.,* D.G. Renter, D.M. Dewsbury, L.W. Noll, P.B. Shridhar, X. Shi, T. G. Nagaraja, and N. Cernicchiaro. “Feedlot- and pen-level prevalence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in feces of commercial feedlot cattle”. Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD). Chicago, Illinois. December 2014. *Award winner in the ecology/management of food-borne agents section 3. Cull, C.A.,* D.G. Renter, Z.D. Paddock, N.M. Belo, A.H. Babcock, and T.G. Nagaraja. "Effects of a vaccine and a direct-fed microbial on fecal shedding of E. coli O157:H7 in pens of commercial feedlot cattle". Kansas State University Phi Zeta Research Day. Manhattan, Kansas. February 3, 2012 *Award winner in the food animal section Page 2