newsletter - Rosebank Public School

TERM 4 WEEK 8 27/11/12
Rosebank Primary School
Lismore – Mullumbimby Road
Rosebank NSW 2480
Tel: 66882126
Fax: 66882281
Principal: Mark Scotton
Academically Strong, Environmentally Active and Technologically Advanced
Dear Parents / Carers
Because the Rosebank School is part of the Local Schools, Local Decisions program, we have received a one off
funding allocation of $40 000. Consideration needs to be given as to how the school spends this money. This, of
course, will be a matter for the new Principal to decide alongside the P&C. This is a substantial sum of money
and the opportunities it presents are both interesting and exciting. Priorities will depend on whether or not the
school has sufficient students to form 3 classes next year (we need 52 students to get a third teacher,
presently we look like securing 51 students, but we have until a specified date in mid-February to gain that one
extra enrolment!).
Some of the possibilities for you to consider and discuss with the new Principal are:
 Providing funding for a third class for part of the day (eg. for maths and literacy) 5 days a week
 Providing funding for a third class for part of the week (eg. 3 full days)
 Putting a teacher’s assistant on one or more classes (for all/part of the day)
 Carrying the funding forward to 2014 when the school enters a new (more flexible) funding system
The important thing to be aware of is this: if we secure the 52 students (either on or after the specified
mid-February date), we will automatically qualify for a third class teacher from that point in time at no cost to
the school. This then provides further scope for how the $40 000 can be spent.
Student Awards
I had been out of class so much last week that I found it almost impossible to choose a Student of the Week.
And so, I decided to do something radical and ask the children to nominate other students in the class that
they considered worthy of an award (and to say why). I was overwhelmed with how sensible the students were
in undertaking this task, and with the thoughtfulness of their responses. And so, our student nominated
Student of the Week for the Senior Class is Mitchell for demonstrating patience and for working quietly and
diligently. In the Middle Class, Charlie was the Student of the Week for extending his knowledge and
understanding in all learning areas. And in the Junior Class, Erin received the award for consistently trying her
best. Other Senior Class students to receive awards were, Josh for being a good friend during the NAPLAN
celebrations; Finley, for being caring and nice to others; and Jamilla for being helpful and kind. In the Middle
Class, Sai was recognised for his beautiful descriptive writing; and Torin and Gabe were recognised for their
excellent behaviour during the NAPLAN celebrartions day. And finally in the Junior Class, Sam was recognised
for his great descriptive writing; Ederyn for displaying enthusiasm for everything he is asked to do; and Bodhi
for his amazing mathematical ability. And a special mention was made for Ginger who was acknowledged for
showing such great enthusiasm for being at school. Well done, everybody!
A quality education in a caring environment
P&C Meeting
Our next P&C meeting has been postponed until Monday 10th December at 3.30pm. My apology for any
inconvenience this has caused. This change is due to the fact that I am on a training day next week.
Celebrating Children’s Writing
Last week, every student in the school took part in a descriptive writing assessment. The writing task is
used to support ongoing teacher assessment which allows us to monitor where your child is at in their
learning. We were absolutely delighted with the descriptions that the children wrote and wanted to share
some of their work with you. Below are three descriptions (one from each class), which show the quality of
writing across the school, as well as reflecting the developments in children’s writing from Junior Class
through to Senior Class. All of the children had the same stimulus for their description (see pic below):
Junior Class Descriptive Writing (by Sam Year 1)
The Diver
Under the sea there is a diver. He is looking at
some colourful coral. Near the top of the water
there are some big fish. The diver has pink
goggles and a colourful diving suit. There are
some yellow and red shells near the coral. The
diver has dark brown hair. The diver is looking at
the colourful coral the coral is very bright
colours. I love diving.
Middle Class Descriptive Writing (by Aimee Year 3)
Scuba with the coral
As I dive from the unstable rocky boat I’m scared there’s a big gang of Great White Sharks getting ready to
gulp me down! But as I hit the deep, dangerous waters it feels so good. I can’t get out and all those worries
have swept out of my worrisome head. As I swim down looking for interesting, rainbow and dull fish I turn
around looking for a direction to swim in. Then I see rainbow coral, I almost want to take it home with me.
The coral is as colourful as the rainbow serpent. The pink coral is a swelled up finger. My hair is waving
around in the beautiful, blue, blooming, bubbly sea. I see faded red coral the shape of a big watermelon. But
then I look at my underwater clock, it’s time to swim up to the rocky unstable boat. I say goodbye to the
rainbow coral, especially the watermelon coral.
Senior Class Descriptive Writing (by Theresa Year 6)
Under The Sea
Behind me, in front of me, and everywhere else around me, deep, blue water engulfs my body.
Variations of saltwater fish swim behind me keeping their distance. My best friend, silhouetted in the
distance, watches them, amazed. Amazed by their beauty; amazed by how swiftly they move; amazed
by their colours. But I am amazed by something else. Something so wonderful it stands out against
every other thing under the sea…
Encased in my hot-pink scuba diving goggles, my eyes gaze, transfixed at the most glorious sight
one’s eyes could ever imagine. Something that I would never forget. I breathe in air from my oxygen
tank (the thing that is keeping me alive!), and sigh. I could stay here forever…
Coral: coloured with vibrant shades of ruby red and amazing orange. It’s everywhere. Clumped
together in forests of colour with tiny crustaceans scattered around like rocks and boulders. It was
like something that you would see in a fairy-tale. Straight away I knew that this was something I
would remember for ever.
A quality education in a caring environment
Book Fair NOW!
Our annual Scholastic Book Fair is happening NOW! It runs all week,
Monday 26th – Friday 30th November in the school hall. This is a great
opportunity to buy stocking fillers and put coffers in the school’s
pocket at the same time. Please come in to view and order books, and
ignite (or fuel) a passion for reading in our kids.
Presentation Evening & Staff Goodbyes
On Monday 17th December we will be presenting our end of year Student Awards. Parents are invited to
bring along a picnic between 3.30pm – 4.30pm (please note, in order to comply with DEC regulations no
alcohol is permitted). Presentations and musical performances will commence at 4.30pm.
Mrs. Mitchell will be joining us for the afternoon and this will be a perfect opportunity for students and
parents to say ‘goodbye’ to Mrs. Mitchell before she officially retires. It will also an opportunity to say
‘thank you and goodbye’ to those other staff who have contributed so much to Rosebank Public School
throughout the year and who will not be with us next year. We hope that you can all join us.
Interviews for Classroom Teacher
We will be conducting interviews for the new classroom teacher on Thursday this week. Interviews will
commence at 3.15pm in the school library. We hope to be able to inform parents of the successful
candidate shortly thereafter.
Gyuto Monks
Tibet’s Gyuto Monks are again visiting the Far North Coast. Martha
(Felix’s mum) has been in contact with the monks and has secured for
us an invited to visit the Gyuto Monks for a rich cultural learning
experience on Monday 3rd December. The cost to attend is $5 per
student for the bus, please return to school as soon as possible.
Lucinda Awards
Today the whole school attended the Lucinda Awards and it was
wonderful to see so many students dressed to the nines ready for the
red carpet.
Canteen Roster – Friday 30th November
Mark Scotton (Principal)
A quality education in a caring environment