EndNote_X7.3_2015_CS.. - Lane Medical Library Digital Document

EndNote X7.3 (Windows):
Basic to Advanced Features
EndNote 2014 CS
What are bibliographic file management programs?
How does EndNote compare to other bibliographic management programs?
The EndNote Windows interface:
Visit http://myendnoteweb.com and create an account for EndNote web.
The EndNote Web interface:
Use EndNote to create Libraries containing References.
References are composed of Fields that represent articles, conference proceedings, webpages, blogs,
book sections (i.e., book chapter), edited books, etc., etc.
EndNote provides an automatic PDF import option
You can also import individual PDFs or a folder of PDFs directly to your library and EndNote will try to
create a reference for the PDF
Full-text of attached PDFs is searchable, viewable and “markup-able”
Library and attached PDFs can shared via the Share option
Thousands of bibliography styles to choose from
References can be imported directly from many online catalogs and databases (e.g., PubMed)
EndNote 2014 CS
1. Create a folder on the Desktop called Myocardial Infarction Research Project
2. Create a new EndNote library called Myocardial Infarction. Next, save the library to the
Myocardial Infarction folder on the Desktop.
3. Enter some citations manually. IMPORTANT: Put each author on a separate line. The following is
a list of author formats that EndNote can recognize:
C.V. Smith
Smith, J.P.
Smith, J P (space between “J” and “P”)
Smith, John Paul
National Institutes of Health, (place a comma after the name of the organization)
4. Select PubMed (NLM) from the Online Search options on the left side of your library to search
PubMed from within EndNote. Run a TITLE search for articles on myocardial infarction AND
aspirin. NOTE: EndNote provides an option to save the search (located on the search interface
under Options)
5. Select and delete any citations you don’t want, or, with PubMed (NLM) still highlighted, chose the
citations you DO want, then choose References/Hide Selected. You can now delete the
remaining, unwanted cites and the saved cites will reappear.
6. In EndNote, choose Edit/Output Styles/Open Style Manager. Select an output style for your
bibliography, e.g., JAMA, by clicking in the checkbox so you see a green checkmark.
7. Open MS Word and click on the EndNote X7 tab.
8. The output style you selected should appear next to the Style pull-down menu
9. Type a sentence. Go back to EndNote and highlight a couple of citations. Go back to MS Word,
position your cursor to the immediate right of the period in the first sentence, and click on the
Insert Citation down-arrow, then select Insert Selected Citation(s).
10. You can also use the Insert Citation/Find Citation option to retrieve a reference. Click Insert to add
it. This allows you to Cite-While-You-Write!
1. Open a new document. Choose Convert Citations…/Convert to Unformatted Citations. Note the
different “look.” This is the preferred format for moving or deleting citations. When you’ve
finished cutting and pasting, simply click on Update citations and Bibliography to generate your
EndNote 2014 CS
bibliography. NOTE: For EndNote to recognize an unformatted in-text citation, the citation must be
enclosed in curly brackets.
2. Cut and paste some citations to get a sense of how to manipulate in-text citations. The semicolons
act as separators between references.
1. Connect to PubMed from Lane’s homepage and run a search on myocardial infarction AND aspirin
AND prevention.
2. Select five of the results by clicking on the checkboxes next to the references.
3. Click the Send to pull-down menu and choose File, then change the Format option to MEDLINE.
Click “Create File” (NOTE: I recommend File rather than the seemingly better option of Citation
manager as Citation manager only allows downloads of 200 references at a time).
4. Some browsers, e.g., Firefox, will ask if you’d like to open the file with a particular program. If
EndNote is not shown as an option, choose Other, then locate and click on “EndNote” to import
the references directly into your open EndNote library.
5. If your browser downloads the file to your desktop or downloads folder, you must import the
references from within EndNote (the downloaded file is saved as a simple text file with a “.txt”
extension; e.g., pubmedcites.txt) Within EndNote, go to File and select Import to import the
citations you downloaded from PubMed. Be sure that the Import Option is set to PubMed (NLM). If
it’s not, go to Import Option, then Other filters and select the filter for PubMed (NLM)
1. To automatically download multiple PDFs, highlight your references; choose References/Find Full
Text. EndNote will try to retrieve PDFs of the selected citations.
2. If you’re off-campus, you need to add two URLs to EndNote’s Preferences to use the Find Full Text
option. If you’re using the Windows version of EndNote, go to the Edit/Preferences/Find Full Text
EndNote 2014 CS
window. Add the following URL to OpenURL Path: http://sfx.stanford.edu/local?sfx.directlink=off&
Next, add the following URL to “Authenticate with…”
3. If EndNote is unable to automatically import the PDF, select a reference, then right click it and
choose URL/Open URL Link to access the findit@stanford full-text finder window.
1. Select Groups/Create Group. Create a group called, MIs and Aspirin. Select the Imported folder,
then drag and drop some citations to the new group.
2. You can use Smart Groups to build a group based on search terms, e.g., an author and/or a
1. Select Edit/Preferences. Review the following: Display Fields, Reference Types, and Find Full Text.
1. In your EndNote library, identify the citations you want to annotate. Use the CTRL key and your
mouse to select the citations, and then isolate them from the rest of the library by choosing
References/Show Selected References.
2. Now, choose: Tools/Change and Move Fields.
3. Select the Research Notes field from the In pull-down menu, and select Insert before field’s text.
Type a keyword, hit CTRL-Enter to add a carriage return, then click OK.
4. To retrieve annotated references, choose All References, and use the search box at the bottom of
the library to run a search on the keyword that you used to annotate your references.
1. From within EndNote, choose: Edit/Output Styles/Open Style Manager and highlight J of Experi
Medicine. Click the Edit button.
2. Go to File/Save As and re-name the file Journal of Pulmonary Medicine. Close the edit window for
the new style. Go to Edit/Output Styles. You should see a list that includes the name of your new
output style. Select it. Next, highlight the style in the Endnote Styles window and click Edit.
3. The should look like this:
Filardo, G., D. Nicewander, and D.J. Ballard. 2011. Changes over six years in administration of
aspirin and Beta blockers on arrival and timely reperfusion and in in-hospital and 30-day
postadmission mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol 107:1421-1425.
4. You want to alter the style to look like this:
Jain SI, Tung RS, et al: Pharmacological therapy for acute respiratory distress syndrome Nature
Medicine. 2006;17:(2) 158-68.
5. Review the edit options on the left side of the style edit window.
EndNote 2014 CS
6. Use CTRL-S to periodically save your changes
7. Special characters are available for formatting output styles, for example: “|” is the forced
separation symbol (SHIFT+ \) If you do not want text or punctuation to be dependent on the
preceding field, use the vertical bar character | to disconnect the text from the field.
8. Select Page Numbers and choose Abbreviate…Keeping Two Digits
9. Click Journal Names and choose Full Journal Name
10. Under Citations, highlight Templates and delete (Author, Year). Click Insert Field and choose
Bibliography Number.
11. Superscript and Subscript: To select superscript, highlight the phrase Bibliography Number, and
click on the Superscript icon (it looks like this  A1 )
12. Under Bibliography, choose Author Name and change First Author to Smith Jane. Next, change
Other Authors to Doe John. Lastly, change Initials to AB
13. Under Bibliography, choose Layout. Click Insert Field and choose Bibliography Number, include a
period and use Insert Field to add Tab. Also, make sure Hanging Indent is set to All Paragraphs.
14. Under Bibliography, select Templates, and erase all the entries within the Journal Article field entry
box. Use Insert Field to add each field, including punctuation, using the following citation as your
Jain SI, Tung RS, et al: Pharmacological therapy for acute respiratory distress syndrome Nature
Medicine. 2006;17:(2)158-68.
15. Place a forced separation bar to the right of the Volume field and before the colon. The changes
should look like this: Volume|:(Issue)Pages.
16. Save your changes and preview your brand new style in your EndNote library.
1. Synchronize your library with your myendnoteweb.com account.
2. Within EndNote, go to File choose Share
3. Send an invitation to your collaborator’s email address. Once the recipient clicks on the confirm
option in the email, they will be able to access your EndNote Library via the Share icon:
4. You may only share one of your libraries at a time.
5. You can share with up to 17 other people
6. If you’re working on additional collaborative projects, have another member of the team create
the library to share.
1. Contact EndNote tech support at 1-800-336-4474. Start with option #4, option #1, then option #1
to move through the phone tree
2. EndNote’s website is: http://endnote.com
EndNote 2014 CS