January 2014 - CBS Roscommon

French Exchange Preparation
The excitement is building in CBS Roscommon in advance of the upcoming French Exchange.
Fourteen Fifth Year and Transition Year from the CBS students will travel to Bourgoin-Jailleau,
located in the Southeast of France, close to Lyon.
While there, students will attend the Lycée L’Oiselet school every day, and fully immerse themselves
in French culture and language. It will provide a fantastic opportunity for students to become more
fluent in the target language, and also to discover first hand daily life within French families.
The exchange has been arranged by Mrs Eimear O’Connor and Mrs Marion Kilroy, teachers of French
in CBS Roscommon and Mme. V. Nicolas from Lycée L’Oiselet in France. They were very proactive in
ensuring that students and parents had all the necessary details before the event, and held an
information night was on Monday 13th January.
The pupils will depart Roscommon on Wednesday, 22nd January and return on the 29th. Some of
the activities being undertaken in France are a trip to a mountain range in Grenoble and a visit to a
museum in Lyon. The students have been paired with pupils from France and will be staying with this
student’s family for the duration of the exchange. The students of both schools are already in
contact with each other via e-mail.
All of the students are looking forward to Wednesday and can’t wait for the exchange. Vive
Pictured are CBS students who will be travelling to France as part of the exchange, along with their
teachers Mrs. Eimear O’Connor and Mrs. Marion Kilroy, and Principal Ms. Fiona Gallagher. Picture
by Clare Francis Photography
Open Day
Over the past week, we have been visiting primary schools around Roscommon and surrounding
areas, speaking to Sixth Class students who are thinking about coming to the CBS next September.
We would like to thank the students and their teachers of all schools that we have visited for the
time, welcome and respectful attention that we received in schools. We look forward to seeing them
all again at our Open Day
A wide range of activities, demonstrations and entertainment is being put in place for our Open Day
which takes place on February 1st. At the event, which commences at 9.30 am, students will
participate in mini classes and workshops which will introduce them to the wide range of new
subjects that they will be studying at the CBS. Lunch will be provided to all students and Principal
Fiona Gallagher will speak to students and parents about the school, and will answer any questions.
If anyone cannot make the Open Day, they are advised to contact the school in advance.
BT Young Scientist Exhibition
Transition Year students from the CBS travelled to see the BT Young Scientist and Technology
Exhibition which was held in the RDS recently.
They thoroughly enjoyed finding out more about the various projects on display and visited as many
of the 500 projects as they could. Overall, they found the event to be hugely informative and
Many thanks to their teacher, Mr. Kevin Scollan for organising and accompanying them on the trip.
Open Day
We wish to remind parents of Sixth class boys that our Open Day will take place in the school this
Saturday from 9.30 am to 2 pm. The staff and management are busy getting ready to meet our
prospective students and have lined up a number of entertaining and informative activities for the
subject ‘taster’ sessions.
These will followed by lunch for the students, and a Principal’s address for students and parents. A
number of current CBS students will be coming in on the day to assist in showing our visitors around.
If anyone cannot make it on the day, they are asked to contact the school in advance.
LCVP Initiative
Well done to Mr. Heneghan's 5th Year LCVP students who recently raised €172 to help the
Roscommon Community Sports Park Committee by organising a raffle in the school.
Roscommon Student Discounts
Transition Year students David Hill and James Walker are providing the service of a Student Discount
Card for all Secondary School students in Roscommon. Many great deals can be availed of in 15 great
shops in Roscommon town! Learn more by visiting them on Facebook or Twitter. Cards are available
for the very affordable price of €10 from both entrepreneurs.
CBS Swimming Success
Congratulations to Sam Connolly who got a Bronze medal in the 100m Breast Stroke at the Connacht
Gala event.
A number of the CBS boys swam in the competition, and the organisers commented that they
performed very well, achieving or coming very close to the Personal Best times on the day.
School Tour
Last week, fourteen students and two teachers set off from the school to begin their exchange with
a school in Bourgoin-Jailleau, in the Southeast of France.
The students are attending the Lycée L’Oiselet school every day, and are thoroughly enjoying their
time there. It is a completely immersive experience, with students staying with French families and
speaking in the target language all of the time. As well as improving their language skills, students
are also building their self-esteem, social skills as well as forging new friendships.
We look forward to their return home this week , and to hearing more about the exchange. Many
thanks to their teachers, Mrs. Kilroy and Mrs. O’Connor for organising and accompanying them on
the exchange.
Pictured are CBS students and their exchange students enjoying the snow in France!