Somerville High School Physical Education Requirements A numeric grade will be determined by the student’s level of activity in the following areas: 1. Skill Demonstrated: This will include skill evaluation and teacher observation of effort in the activity. 2. Knowledge Demonstrated: This will be determined through teacher observation, along with the ability to apply rules, game strategies and team concepts. 3. Attitude Demonstrated: Attitudes displayed in the area of sportsmanship, leadership, cooperation, safety, and performance will be evaluated on a continuing basis throughout each course. Students will be expected to be dressed in a change of clothes deemed appropriate for the activity. The Somerville High School dress code will help enforce this expectation. 4. All athletes are required to take Physical Education on the day of a game or practice. Grading Terminology: The following abbreviations will be used by the Physical Education Department to determine the students’ absence, student activities, medical assignments, class preparation/effort, suspensions, and one day medical make-ups. A = Absent from class (the student must make-up the entire physical education class at another time). SA = Student Activity (school sanctioned event) MED = Medical Assignment ( for students who miss Physical Education due to medical reasons, as well as students on suspension for 5 or more consecutive days. Students may opt to waive medical assignments and physically make up all missed classes). U = Unprepared (students must change out of school clothing and into appropriate physical education attire. This includes shirts, pants, footwear and uniforms). O = Lack of effort (students must demonstrate proper skill, cognitive knowledge and a positive attitude at the highest degree for each student’s ability). OSS/ISS = Suspension (5 days or less, students must make up missed classes physically). Students may opt to waive medical assignments and physically make up all missed classes). MU = Make up (1 day medical pass is given by the school nurse to be excused from Physical Education for that school day. All MU’s must be made up physically. Grading System: All students are allowed two free Absences and two Student Activities from school during each marking period without point deductions affecting their grade. Zero’s and unprepared days cannot be made up. (-3) for each lack of effort (-2) for each unprepared (-5) for days of being unprepared and lack of effort (-5) for absences not made up (-5) for student activities not made up (-5) for any one day medical Pass (MU) not made up. (-10) for each week Medical Assignment is not completed. Medical packets will not be accepted late. Disciplinary consequences will be given for: Misbehavior towards students and staff Inappropriate/disrespectful behavior directed towards students and staff Late to locker room or attendance Leaving the gymnasium area prior to the passing bell Use of electronic devices during class time Eating in the locker room and/or gymnasium Safety hazards Physical Education Make – Up Policy 1. Each student must participate in the activity given unless he/she has a medical excuse from a medical doctor. 2. Gym classes may be made up during the school day if the student has a study hall and/or lunch. The student should obtain a gym make up slip from his/her activity teacher, report to the gymnasium, and then sign out of study hall/lunch duty teacher. The make up teacher will sign and return the make up slip to the student at the end of class. It is then the student’s responsibility to return the signed make up slip to his/her original teacher within the next school day in order to get credit for the make up class. 3. If a student does not have lunch or a study hall, other arrangements for make ups must be made with the Physical Education Teacher before or after school. 4. When making up a Physical Education class, the student must be in the locker room prior to the late bell. *Each student is responsible to have a locker and a lock in the assigned locker room. Please make certain that your lock is locked prior to leaving the locker room area. The school is not responsible for safe keeping valuables. *Students are only permitted into the locker room during their physical education/make up class period. LOCKER ROOM PROCEDURE: Students are assigned a locker and it remains their locker for the four years. Students are responsible for providing their own lock. Students will exit the locker room at the same time for security reasons.