Ninth Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative

Ninth Annual Celebration of
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement
March 31, 2011
Honorees from the Weissman School of Arts & Sciences
Ruth Adler, Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature
Adler, R. “Two Sides of a Coin: Peretz and Agnon.” Pseifas 76.
Esther Allen, Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature
Allen, E. “Des Aperceptions Inouïes et des éblouissements d’idées Intraduisibles’: Biography, Necrology
and Translation in Two Newly Discovered Inédits by Flaubert.” Australian Journal of French Studies
Allen, E., translator. Bad Nature, or With Elvis in Mexico by Javier Marias (New Directions Publishing).
Allen, E., translator. “Reading Mandelstam on Stalin” by Jose Manuel Prieto. New York Review of Books
Allen, E. “Translation of Antonio di Benedetto’s 1956 Novel Zama” Translation Fellowship from the
National Endowment for the Arts.
Arthur Apter, Department of Mathematics
Apter, A. “Indestructibility, Instances of Strong Compactness, and Level by Level Inequivalence.”
Archive for Mathematical Logic 49:7/8.
Apter, A. “Tallness and Level by Level Equivalence and Inequivalence.” Mathematical Logic Quarterly
Apter, A., and Sargsyan, G. “An Equiconsistency for Universal Indestructibility.” Journal of Symbolic
Logic 75:3.
Apter, A., and Sargsyan, G. “How Many Normal Measures Can $\aleph_{\omega_1 + 1}$Carry?”
Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56:2.
Apter, A., and Koepke, P. “The Consistency Strength of Choiceless Failures of SCH.” Journal of
Symbolic Logic 75.
Katherine Behar, Department of Fine and Performing Arts
Behar, K. Compositions for Bit, solo exhibition of time-based art (Dec. 2010), Judson Memorial Church,
New York City, NY.
Behar, K. Losing Yourself in the 21st Century, traveling group exhibition (Feb. 2010), Maryland Art
Place, Baltimore, MD.
Behar, K., and Kim, M. Dis-Robed, group exhibition and performance (Aug. 2010), The Wassaic Project,
Wassaic, NY.
Ruzanka, S., and Behar, K. “Ambient Clumsiness in Virtual Environments” in Proceedings of SPIE: The
Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 7525.
Paula Berggren, Department of English
Berggren, P. “Shakespeare’s Dual Lexicons of Plague: Infections in Speech and Space” in R. Totaro, and
E. B. Gilman (eds.), Representing the Plague in Early Modern England. Routledge Studies in
Renaissance Literature and Culture (Routledge)
Terry Berkowitz, Department of Fine and Performing Arts
Berkowitz, T. Indomitable Women, group exhibition (May 2010), LOOP Art Fair, Barcelona, Spain.
Berkowitz, T. “New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship in Photography” Support from the New
York Foundation for the Arts.
Regina Bernard, Department of Black and Hispanic Studies
Bernard, R. Nuyorganics: Organic Intellectualism, the Search for Racial Identity, and Nuyorican Thought
(Peter Lang).
Roslyn Bernstein, Department of Journalism and the Writing Professions
Bernstein, R. Illegal Living: 80 Wooster Street and the Evolution of SoHo (The Jonas Mekas
Eva Shan Chou, Department of English
Chou, E. S. “Du Fu” in The Literary Encyclopedia (The Literary Dictionary Company). Online at
Christina Christoforatou, Department of English
Christoforatou, C. “The Paradox of Sovereignty from Pindar to Byzantium.” Exemplaria: A Journal of
Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies 22:4.
Christoforatou, C., and Vaughn, S. N. “Introduction: Desire and Eroticism in Medieval Europe, Eleventh
to Fifteenth Centuries: Sex without Sex.” Journal of the History of Sexuality 19:1.
Mitchell Cohen, Department of Political Science
Cohen, M. “Life and Fetters: Janacek, Dostoyevsky, Chereau” Dissent Summer 2010.
Cohen, M. “Reconsiderations: T.H Marshall’s ‘Citizenship and Social Class’” Dissent Fall 2010.
Cohen, M. Leon Levy Biography Fellow, 2010-11. Leon Levy Biography Center, CUNY Graduate
Yochi Cohen-Charash, Department of Psychology
Davidson, O. B., Eden, D., Westman, M., Cohen-Charash, Y., Hammer, L. B., Kluger, A. N., and
Spector, P. E. “Sabbatical Leave: Who Gains and How Much?” Journal of Applied Psychology 95:5.
Adrian Dumitru, Department of Natural Sciences
Dumitru, A. “Imaginary Part of the Real-Time Static Potential at Strong Coupling” RIKEN Accel. Prog.
Rep. 43.
Dumitru, A., and Jalilian-Marian, J. “Forward Dijets in High-Energy Collisions: Evolution of QCD NPoint Functions Beyond the Dipole Approximation” Physical Review D 82.
Dumitru, A., and Jalilian-Marian, J. “Two-Particle Correlations in High-Energy Collisions and the Gluon
Four-Point Function” Physical Review D 81.
Andrea Gabor, Department of Journalism and the Writing Professions
Gabor, A. “Seeing Your Company as a System.” Strategy+Business 59. Online at 2010
Gabor, A. “Why Pay Incentives Are Destined to Fail- And How They Could Undermine School Reform.”
Education Week 30:4.
Elisabeth Gareis, Department of Communication Studies
Gareis, E. “Habermas to the Rescue.” Business Communication Quarterly 73:2.
Gareis, E. “Faculty Research Visit” Support from Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD).
James Gatheral, Department of Mathematics
Gatheral, J. “Jump-Diffusion Models” in R. Cont (ed.), Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance (John
Wiley & Sons).
Gatheral, J. “No-Dynamic-Arbitrage and Market Impact.” Quantitative Finance 10:7.
Gatheral, J., and Kamal, M. “Implied Volatility Surface” in R. Cont (ed.), Encyclopedia of Quantitative
Finance (John Wiley & Sons).
Gatheral, J., and Oomen, R. “Zero-Intelligence Realized Variance Estimation” Finance and Stochastics
Susan B. Goldstein, Department of Communication Studies
Goldstein, S. B. “The Nineteenth Annual Baruch College Spring Speech Festival” Support from the
Fuchsberg Family Foundation and the Herman Lissner Foundation.
Michael Goodman, Department of Communication Studies
Goodman, M., ed. Corporate Communications: An International Journal (Emerald Group Publishing).
Goodman, M. “Introduction to the Special Issue: Corporate Communication: The Way Forward, On the
Occasion of CCI-Corporate Communication International’s 10th Anniversary.” Corporate
Communication: An International Journal 15:2.
Goodman, M., and Hirsch, P. B. Corporate Communication: Strategic Adaptation for Global Practice
(Peter Lang).
Goodman, M. “Corporate Communication Practices and Trends: China Study (2010-2011)” Support from
Prudential Financial Services.
Edyta Greer, Department of Natural Sciences
Greer, E., and Hoffmann, R. “Metalla-Cope Rearrangements: Bridging Organic and Inorganic
Chemistry.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114.
Greer, E., and Lavinda, O. “Theoretical Study of the Bergman Cyclization of 2,3-Diethynyl-1Nitrotropylium Ion: Formation of the Nitroxide Radical Amenable to EPR Detection for Biological
Applications.” The Journal of Organic Chemistry 75:24.
Ramig, K., Greer, E., Szalda, D. J., Razi, R., Mahir, F., Pokeza, N., Wong, W., Kaplan, B., Lam, J.,
Mannan, A., Missak, C., Mai, D., Subramaniam, G., Berkowitz, W. F., Prasad, P., Karimi, S., Lo, N. H.,
and Kudzman, L. V. “Experimental and Theoretical Studies of a One-flask Synthesis of 3H-1Benzazepines from 2-Fluoroaniline and a,B-Unsaturated Ketones.” European Journal of Organic
Chemistry 12.
Greer, E., and Gruber, D. “Development of a Remote Operated Vehicle for Studies of Deep Coral Reef
Biology” Support from NSF DBI - Major Research Instrumentation.
Alison M. Griffiths, Department of Communication Studies
Griffiths, A. M. “Magic, Wonder and the Fantastical Margins: Medieval Visual Culture and Cinematic
Special Effects.” The Journal of Visual Culture 9:2.
David Gruber, Department of Natural Sciences
Gruber, D. “Kauffman Foundation, Entrepreneurial Fellowship, 2009-2010” Support from the Ewing
Marion Kauffman Foundation.
Gruber, D. “RIG: Isolation, Characterization and Evolution of Fluorescent Proteins from Indo-Pacific and
Caribbean Marine Organisms” Support from the National Science Foundation.
Gruber, D. “The Hidden Fluorescent World of Coral Reefs: A Multimedia Presentation” Support from the
National Science Foundation.
Gruber, D. “The Luminous Life of Deep Coral Reefs” Support from the National Geographic
Society/Waitt Grants Program.
Greer, E., and Gruber, D. “Development of a Remote Operated Vehicle for Studies of Deep Coral Reef
Biology” Support from NSF DBI - Major Research Instrumentation.
Zarnoch, C., Hoellein, T. J., and Gruber, D. “MRI: Acquisition of a Seal AQ2+ Discrete Autoanalyzer
for Interdisciplinary Research in Aquatic Ecology by Faculty and Undergraduates at Baruch College”
Support from the National Science Foundation.
Jamal Jalilian-Marian, Department of Natural Sciences
Dumitru, A., and Jalilian-Marian, J. “Forward Dijets in High-Energy Collisions: Evolution of QCD NPoint Functions beyond the Dipole Approximation” Physical review D 82.
Dumitru, A., and Jalilian-Marian, J. “Two-Particle Correlations in High-Energy Collisions and the Gluon
Four-Point Function” Physical Review D 81.
Ayala, A., Jalilian-Marian, J., Magnin, J., Ortiz, A., Paic, G., Tejeda-Yeomans, M. E. “Three and TwoHadron Correlations in sNN = 200 GeV Proton-Proton and Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions” Physical Review
Letters 104.
Gelis, F., Iancu, E., Jalilian-Marian, J., and Venugopalan, R. “The Color Glass Condensate.” Annual
Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 60.
David R. Jones, Department of Political Science
Jones, D. “Evaluations of Congress and Voting in House Elections: Revisiting the Historical Record.”
Public Opinion Quarterly 74:4.
Jones, D. “Parties, Polarization and Congressional Accountability.” American Journal of Political Science
Barbara Katz Rothman, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Katz Rothman, B. Race in an Era of Change: A Reader (Oxford University Press).
Laurence Kirby, Department of Mathematics
Kirby, L. A. “Substandard Models of Finite Set Theory.” Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56:6.
Philip Lambert, Department of Fine and Performing Arts
Lambert, P. To Broadway, To Life! The Musical Theater of Bock and Harnick (Oxford University Press).
Gail Levin, Department of Fine and Performing Arts
Levin, G. “Art World Power and Women’s Incognito Work: The Case of Edward and Jo Hopper” in A.
Levin (ed.), Gender, Sexuality and Museums: A Routledge Reader (Routlege Press).
Levin, G. “Audrey Flack’s Davey Moore.” in M. Menk (ed.), Masterworks from The Butler Institute of
American Art (The Butler Institute of American Art).
Levin, G. “Jewish American Artists: Whom Does That Include?” Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 9:3.
Levin, G. “Milton Avery: Industrial Revelations.” Milton Avery: Industrial Revelations, Exhibition
Catalogue (Knoedler & Company).
Levin, G. “Peter Seidel: Die Mikwe-Serie” in Ganz Rein! Judische Ritualbader Fotografien von Peter
Seidel (Judischen Museum).
Levin, G. “Reflections on an Exhibition in Nagoya: Contemporary American Artists and Environmental
Concerns.” Journal of Asian Arts and Aesthetics 4.
Levin, G. “Researching at the Archives of American Art.” Archives of American Art Journal 49:1-2.
Levin, G. “Research on Theresa Bernstein” Support from the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute for Research on
Jewish Women.
Karen Lyness, Department of Psychology
Grotto, A. R., and Lyness, K. “The Costs of Today’s Jobs: Job Characteristics and Organizational
Supports as Antecedents of Negative Spillover.” Journal of Vocational Behavior 76:3.
Jennifer A. Mangels, Department of Psychology
Mangels, J., Manzi, A., and Summerfield, C. “The First Does the Work, but the Third Time’s the Charm:
An ERP Study of Massed Repetition in Episodic Encoding of Face-Name Associations.” Journal of
Cognitive Neuroscience 22:3.
Eugene Marlow, Department of Journalism and the Writing Professions
Marlow, E. “An Evolution of Partnerships—The Milt Hinton Jazz Perspectives Concert Series.” JazzEd
Magazine 5:2.
Marlow, E., composer. Performances in New York City: “El Ache de Sanabria,” Bobby Sanabria Big
Band, FB Lounge (January 13); “Broken Heart,” Bobby Sanabria Big Band, FB Lounge (February 3) and
Manhattan School of Music Afro-Cuban Jazz Orchestra, Manhattan School of Music (March 19);
Excerpts from “Les Sentiments D’Amour,” Nataliya Medvedovskaya, Saint Peter’s Church (March 6);
“Une Jeune Fille Amoureuse des Fleurs Aupres de la Rivière Ouche à Dijon,” Members of the Dynamic
Motion Company Quartet, Saint Peter’s Church (April 27); “Send My Regrets,” Hunter College Jazz
Ensemble, Lang Recital Hall (May 10).
Marlow, E., arranger. Performances of “St. Louis Blues” and “Mosaico Puertorriqueno.” Manhattan
School of Music Afro-Cuban Jazz Orchestra at venues in New York City (March- October).
Marlow, E., performer. The Heritage Ensemble. Performances at venues in New York City (February –
July); Interview with June Middleton at Manhattan Neighborhood Network Studios, New York City (May
Recipient, 2010 James W. Carey Award for Outstanding Journalism, Media Ecology Association.
Caryn Medved, Department of Communication Studies
Medved, C., ed. Journal of Family Communication (Taylor & Francis).
Medved, C. “Women at the Top: Powerful Leaders Tell Us How to Combine Work and Family” in D.
Cheung, and F. Cheung (eds.), Journal of Marriage and Family 72.
Medved, C. “Work and Family Communication” in S. Sweet, and J. Casey, (eds.).” Work and Family
Rebecca Merkin, Department of Communication Studies
Merkin, R. “Cross-Cultural Reliability and Validity of the Aggressively-Worded Verbal Aggressiveness
Scale” Communication Research Reports 27.
Merkin, R. “Uncertainty Avoidance” in R. Jackson (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Identity (Sage
Merkin, R., and Ramadan, R. “Facework in Syria and the U.S.” International Journal of Intercultural
Relations 34:6.
Jason Munshi-South, Department of Natural Sciences
Munshi-South, J., and Kharchenko, K. “Rapid, Pervasive Genetic Differentiation of Urban White-Footed
Mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) Populations in New York City” Molecular Ecology 19:19.
Loren J. Naidoo, Department of Psychology
Naidoo, L. J., Kohari, N. E., Lord, R. G., and DuBois, D. “Seeing is Retrieving: Recovering Emotional
Content in Leadership Ratings.” The Leadership Quarterly 21:5.
Scherbaum, C., Putka, D. J., Naidoo, L. J., and Youssefnia, D. “Key Driver Analyses: Current Trends,
Problems, and Alternative Approaches” in S. Albrecht (ed.), Handbook of Employee Engagement
(Edward-Elgar Publishing House).
Veena T. Oldenburg, Department of History
Oldenburg, V. T. Dowry Murder: Reinvestigating a Cultural Whodunit (Penguin).
Jaihyun Park, Department of Psychology
Park, J. 배심제와 법심리학 [The Jury System and Legal Psychology] (Ore Publishing).
Park, J., “An Invitation to Basic and Applied Science of Psychology: Research Experiences for
Undergraduates at Baruch College” Support from Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program,
National Science Foundation.
Scherbaum, C., and Park, J. “Basic and Applied Dimensions of Scientific Psychology: Research
Experience for Undergraduates at Baruch College - CUNY” Support from the National Science
Angela Pinto, Department of Psychology
Leahey, T. M., Crane, M. M., Pinto, A., Weinberg, B. A., Kumar, R., and Wing, R. R. “Effect of
Teammates on Changes in Physical Activity in a Statewide Campaign.” Preventive Medicines 51:1.
Pinto, A. “Managing Obesity by Combining Behavioral Weight Loss and Commercial Approaches (K23
DK075645-01A1)” Support from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
(NIDDK) of the National Institutes of Health.
Michael P. Plekon, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Plekon, M. “Relativism and Fundamentalism: An Eastern Church Perspective from the ‘Paris School’ and
Living Tradition” in P. L. Berger (ed.), Relativism and Fundamentalism in Religious Traditions
Plekon, M., editor, and Ryan, J., translator. Toward the Endless Day: The Life of Elizabeth Behr-Sigel by
O. Lossky (University of Notre Dame Press).
Keith M. Ramig, Department of Natural Sciences
Ramig, K., Greer, E., Szalda, D. J., Razi, R., Mahir, F., Pokeza, N., Wong, W., Kaplan, B., Lam, J.,
Mannan, A., Missak, C., Mai, D., Subramaniam, G., Berkowitz, W. F., Prasad, P., Karimi, S., Lo, N. H.,
and Kudzman, L. V. “Experimental and Theoretical Studies of a One-flask Synthesis of 3H-1Benzazepines from 2-Fluoroaniline and a,B-Unsaturated Ketones.” European Journal of Organic
Chemistry 12.
Charles Riley, Department of English
Riley, C. “Handshakes, Not Handouts: Building the Business Case for Inclusion” in Opportunities for
Community Development Finance in the Disability Market (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston).
Ora F. Saloman, Department of Fine and Performing Arts
Saloman, O. F. “Music” in J. Myerson, S. H. Petrulionis, and L. D.Walls (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of
Transcendentalism (Oxford University Press).
Hagop Sarkissian, Department of Philosophy
Sarkissian, H. “Confucius and the Effortless Life of Virtue” History of Philosophy Quarterly 27:1.
Sarkissian, H. “The Darker Side of Daoist Primitivism” The Journal of Chinese Philosophy 37:2.
Sarkissian, H., Chaterjee, A., DeBrigard, F., Jelly, C., Knobe, J., Nichols, S., and Sirker, S. “Is Belief in
Free Will a Cultural Universal?” Mind & Language 25:3.
Charles Scherbaum, Department of Psychology
Scherbaum, C., Putka, D. J., Naidoo, L. J., and Youssefnia, D. “Key Driver Analyses: Current Trends,
Problems, and Alternative Approaches” in S. Albrecht (ed.), Handbook of Employee Engagement
(Edward-Elgar Publishing House).
Johnson, J., Steel, P., Scherbaum, C., Hoffman, C., Jeanneret, R. P., Foster, J. “Validation is Like Motor
Oil: Synthetic is Better.” Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and
Practice 3:3.
Steel, P., Johnson, J., Jeanneret, R. P., Scherbaum, C., Hoffman, C., and Foster, J. “At Sea with Synthetic
Validity.” Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice 3:3.
Scherbaum, C., and Park, J., “Basic and Applied Dimensions of Scientific Psychology: Research
Experience for Undergraduates at Baruch College - CUNY” Support from the National Science
Grace Schulman, Department of English
Schulman, G. First Loves and Other Adventures (University of Michigan Press).
Schulman, G. “Antiques Fair.” Atlantic Monthly May 2010.
Schulman, G. “Blizzard.” OnEarth: A Publication of the Natural Resources Defense Council 32:4.
Schulman, G. “Charles Street Psalm.” Jewish Quarterly 16.
Schulman, G. “Foreword” in E. Murawski (ed.), Zorba’s Daughter (Utah State University Press).
Schulman, G. “Havdallah,” “Psalm for a Beech Tree,” and “Abbaye de Saint-Benoit.” Warwick Review
Schulman, G. “The Last Crossing,” and “Whelk Shell.” The Southampton Review 4:2
Schulman, G. “Without a Claim.” Kenyon Review 32:2.
Schulman, G. “Year’s End,” and “Outsiders.” East Hampton Star: Winter Holiday Supplement.
Leonard Sussman, Department of Fine and Performing Arts
Sussman, L. A Social Context: Group Photography and Identity, group exhibition (Sept.- Oct. 2010),
Sidney Mishkin Gallery, Baruch College, New York.
Sussman, L. Berlin Passages, Photographs of the S- and U-Bahn, solo exhibition (Sept.- Dec. 2010),
German House, United Nations Plaza, New York.
Shigeru Suzuki, Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature
Suzuki, S. “A Carnivalesque Future: Nalo Hopkinson’s Midnight Robber and Afrofuturism” in N.
Matsumoto, M. Nishigauchi, and S. Yamamoto (eds.), Bird Images: American Literature and Culture
David J. Szalda, Department of Natural Sciences
Chen, J., Szalda, D. J., Fujita, E., and Creutz, C. “Iron (II) and Ruthenium (II) Complexes Containing P,
N, and H Ligands: Structure, Spectroscopy, Electrochemistry and Reactivity.” Inorganic Chemistry
Chen, T., Szalda, D. J., Franz, J. A., and Morris Bullock, R. “Structural and Computational Studies of
Cp(CO)2(PCy3)MoFBF3, a Complex with a Bound BF4– Ligand.” Inorganica Chemica Acta 363.
Ramig, K., Greer, E., Szalda, D. J., Razi, R., Mahir, F., Pokeza, N., Wong, W., Kaplan, B., Lam, J.,
Mannan, A., Missak, C., Mai, D., Subramaniam, G., Berkowitz, W. F., Prasad, P., Karimi, S., Lo, N. H.,
and Kudzman, L. V. “Experimental and Theoretical Studies of a One-flask Synthesis of 3H-1Benzazepines from 2-Fluoroaniline and a, B-Unsaturated Ketones.” European Journal of Organic
Chemistry 12.
Rochford, J., Tsai, M.-K., Szalda, D. J., Boyer, J. L., Muckerman, J. T., and Fujita, E.”Oxidation State
Characterization of Ruthenium 2-Iminoquinone Complexes through Experimental and Theoretical
Studies.” Inorganic Chemistry 49:3.
Susan Tenneriello, Department of Fine and Performing Arts
Tenneriello, S., assoc. ed. PSA: The Journal of the Pirandello Society of America vol. 23.
Thomas Teufel, Department of Philosophy
Teufel, T., co-ed. of special issue. The Philosophical Forum: Back to Kant II: The Fate of Kant in a Time
of Crisis 41:1/2.
Alfonso Quiroz, Department of History
Quiroz, A. “Cambio en Guines en la era de Arango y Humboldt” in M.D. Gonzalez-Ripoll, and I.A.
Cuartero (eds.), Francisco Arango y la invencion de la Cuba azucarera (Ediciones Universidad
Quiroz, A. “The Power of Images: Visual Representation in New Spain and Peru.” Colonial Latin
American Review 19:1.
Tai-Ho Wang, Department of Mathematics
Wang, T.-H., Laurence, P., and Wang, S.-L. “Generalized Uncorrelated SABR Models with a High
Degree of Symmetry.” Quantitative Finance 10:6.
Cynthia H. Whittaker, Department of History
Whittaker, C. H. Visualizing Russia: Fedor Solntsev and Crafting a Russian Past (Brill).
Chester Zarnoch, Department of Natural Sciences
Zarnoch, C., and Sclafani, M. “Overwinter Mortality and Spring Growth in Selected and Non-Selected
Juvenile Mercenaria mercenaria.” Aquatic Biology 11:1.
Zarnoch, C., Schreibman, M.P., Colesante, R.T., and Timmons, M.B. “Growth Characteristics of
Walleye, Sander Vitreus, Using Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) Technology.” Journal of
Applied Aquaculture 22:4.
Tzafrir-Prag, T., Schreibman, M.P., and Zarnoch, C. “Estimation of Nutrient Requirements for Atlantic
Horseshoe Crabs (Limulus Polyphemus; Linnaeus) Grown in Captivity.” Journal of the World
Aquaculture Society 41:6.
Zarnoch, C., Hoellein, T. J., and Gruber, D. “MRI: Acquisition of a Seal AQ2+ Discrete Autoanalyzer
for Interdisciplinary Research in Aquatic Ecology by Faculty and Undergraduates at Baruch College”
Support from the National Science Foundation.
Zarnoch, C., Kraeuter, J., Beal, B.F., Bricelj, V.M., Flimlin, G., and Bushek, D. “Novel Technologies to
Overwinter Cultured Hard Clams in the Northeast US” Support from the Northeast Regional Aquaculture
Center/United States Department of Agriculture.
Franco Zangrilli, Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature
Zangrilli, F. La Favola Dei Fatti. Il Giornalismo Nello Spazio Creativo (Edizioni Ares).