+MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN STATEUNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER SHAKARIM, SEMEY Document of 3 level by MQS EMCD Discipline's programfordiscipline«Plant and animal ecology»for lecturer EMCD «__»____2013 № 1edition EMCD 042-18-35.1.27/01-2013 EDUCATIONAL-METHODICAL COMPLEX OF DISCIPLINE «Plant and animal ecology» For the specialty 5B011300– «Biology» DISCIPLINE'S PROGRAM FOR LECTURER Semey 2015 EMCD 042-18-35.1.27/01-2013 05.09.2013 № 1edition page2from9 Compiled by: _____________Nagashbekova L. senior teacher of the chair of Biology Discipline's program is confirmed at the Biology chair meeting (Protocol №_. ___________, 2015 ) Chairs, head ____________ M.G.Kuanishbaeva, c.b.s., associated professor Discipline's program is approved by the Education-MethodologicalBureau of the Department of Natural Science (Protocol №____ _________, 2015) Chairman of EMB of the Natural Science Department _______Abdisheva Z.V., c.b.s., associated professor Discipline's programis confirmed by the Education-Methodological Council of the University(Protocol № __________, 2015) Science Department _______Iskakova G.K. 4INTRODUCED THE FIRST TIME EMCD 042-18-35.1.27/01-2013 05.09.2013 № 1edition Content 1. Sphere of application 2. Normative references 3. General provisions 4. The content of the training courses (modules) 5. The list of topics for individual work of students 6. Educational and methodical map of the discipline 7. Provision map of instructional literature 8. Literature page3from9 EMCD 042-18-35.1.27/01-2013 05.09.2013 № 1edition page4from9 1 FIELD USES Discipline program for teachers, part of the educational complex, the discipline «Plant and animal ecology», intended for students of specialty "5B011300" – «Biology» 2 NORMATIVE REFERENCES This program is discipline for the teacher establishes the procedure for the organization of the educational process in the discipline «Plant and animal ecology» in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of the following documents: Model curriculum specialty "5B011300" - "Biology"; STU-042 SU 4-2013 Standard University "General requirements for the development and design of teaching materials disciplines"; - DP 042-1.01-2013 documented procedure "The structure and content of teaching materials disciplines 3 GENERAL PROVISION 3.1 Course brief description: Ecology is one of the popular areas of sciences in biology. Ecology, by definition, deals with the interaction of organisms with each other and with their environment. These interrelation becomes establishment as organisms respond in various ways to contact with one another and with the ever-changing environment. 3.2 The main objectives of the course are as follows: - Define the term ecology and scopes of ecology; - Ecological principles; - Biotic community and ecological succession, habitat, discuses the factor that effect the distribution of organisms; Define the term ecosystem and different components of ecosystem, discuses biomes and biotic communities. - Studying this discipline the student must: define the term ecology and explain its emergence, Discuses the scope of ecology. Explain biotic community and ecological succession, habitat, Discuses the factor that effect the distribution of organisms; Define the term ecosystem and different components of ecosystem, discuses biomes and biotic communities. Explain of pyramid of biomass EMCD 042-18-35.1.27/01-2013 page5from9 05.09.2013 № 1edition Freely speaking, reading, listening, writing biological text. Work with vocabulary and know definition biological terms. assessment his/her obtained knowledge through examinations and tests 3.5. Pre-requisites: - ecology 3.6.Post-requisites: - Plant physiology - geobotany - Phytogeography 3.7 Extract from the curriculum: Table 1 Cour se semes ter Number of Credits Lecture Control work Exam Practical lessons Total Form of control 4 4 3 15 3.5 1.75 15 35.25 examination 2. Contents and distribution of hours by type of occupation (Module) № Name of the Theme Lecture Lab lessons MODULE 1 PLANT ECOLOGY 1 Introduction to Plant and animal ecology 1 1 1 Light and its role in life of plants. 1 1 2 Water in life of plants. 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 Biosphere component: Atmosphere Soil factors. Ecosystem Energy flow in ecosystem Ecosystems cycle materials 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EMCD 042-18-35.1.27/01-2013 All 5 6 7 page6from9 05.09.2013 № 1edition 9 MODULE 2 ANIMAL ECOLOGY Ecological classification 1 andspecialization animal A variety of animals on food types 1 8 2 2 2 1 8 Heat exchange and role of temperature of the environment in life of animals Space orientation of animals 1 1 9 Ecological evolution of animals 1 6 15 1 7 15 All: 6 EDUCATIONAL-METHODICAL CARD DICSIPLINE Name of the theme Lab lesson Introduction to Plant and animal ecology Presentation Control question Presentation Abiotic factors Biotic factors Special task Annual, Biennials, Herbaceous perennials, woody perennials Annual, Biennials, Herbaceous perennials, woody perennials Special task Xerophytes Mesophyte Halophyte Biodiversity, succession, pioneer species Habitat, trophic level, herbivores, Special task Life forms of Plant Life forms of Plant Presentation Ecological group of plant Ecosystem Energy flow in ecosystem Table3 Test prepara tion Presentation Presentation Special task test Special task EMCD 042-18-35.1.27/01-2013 05.09.2013 № 1edition page7from9 carnivores, omnivores Ecosystems cycle materials Presentation Decomposers, food chain, food web test Influence moisture and temperature on development snails Optimum, pessimism Space orientation of animals Optical orientation, mobile animal, chemoreception Special task Decomposers, consumer, producers, herbivores Special task Ecological classification andspecialization animal Ecological evolution of animals Presentation Community, trophic level 7 CARD PROVIDE EDUCATIONAL-METHODICAL LITRATURE Table 4 Name of literature Number of Number Percent books of students Plant biology 1 7 100 AlisonM, Smith, GeorgeCopland. Liam Dolan Plant Biology 1 7 100 Andrew Lack David Evans Ecology 1 7 100 Aulay Mackenzie EMCD 042-18-35.1.27/01-2013 05.09.2013 № 1edition page8from9 8 LITRATURE 8.1 .1 Main litrature 8.1.1 Майер Н.Г. Английский язык для биологов: учебно – методическое пособие. Горно-Алтайск: РИО ГАГУ, 2010г 8.1.2 А.С. Бугрова., Е.Н.Вихрова. Английский язык для биологических специальностей. Изд: Высшее профессиональное образование, 2008г 8.1.3 Англо – русский биологический словарь., Изд: Высшее профессиональное образование, 2005г