Baptism & Christian Initiation Study Guide

Chapter 4- New Life in Christ
I. Baptism – the sacrament in which we are freed from
sin, become children of God, and are welcomed into the
- are joined to Christ and rise to new life in him
-become members of the Body of Christ
-are united with all others baptized
1. Baptism is the First sacrament we receive
2. We can’t receive anything else unless we’re
3. it leads us to the other sacraments of Christian
A. We are freed from Original Sin and all Personal
sins are forgiven
1. Incarnation- the truth that the Son of God
became man
2. Jesus’ victory over sin and death offers us
Salvation. Salvation- the forgiveness of sins and the
restoring of friendship with God
3. Through Baptism we share in God’s life. That’s
called grace.
II. Priest, Prophet, and King
- Jesus is priest, prophet, and king
A. Priest-because he gave the sacrifice that no one
else could
1. we can pray daily or participate in the liturgy
B. Prophet- because he delivered God’s message of
love and forgives
1. a prophet is someone who speaks on behalf of
God, defends the truth, and works for justice
2. we can proclaim the Good News
C. King- Jesus came to serve, not to be served
1. we can care for others
A. Eternal Life- living in happiness forever with God
A. We have hope for eternal life because of our
1. Those who have lived lives of holiness on
earth will immediately join God in Heaven
2. Others whose hearts need to be made pure
spend time in Purgatory
3. Those who have completely broken their
friendship with God and always turn away
from his mercy and forgiveness will remain in
an eternal separation called Hell.
Saints-followers of Christ who lived lives of
holiness on earth and now share in eternal life with
God in Heaven
A. they are united to Christ and help the Church to
grow in holiness
Chapter 5 The Celebration of Baptism
I. Baptism of children
A. Parents choose godparents for the
1. Godparents promise to support the
child as he/she grows in faith
B. An ideal day to be baptized is on the
Lord’s Day, Sunday.
1. It is the day of Jesus’ Resurrection and
it symbolizes that we rise to new life in
II. Christian Initiation of Adults
A. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
(RCIA); celebrate the three sacraments of
Christian Initiation at the Easter Vigil
1. They enter the catechumenate-a
period of formation for Christian
Initiation that includes prayer and
liturgy, religious instruction, and
service to others
a. These people who are studying to
become Christians are called
III. The Reception of Baptism
A. The celebrant of Baptism is the bishop, priest, or
1. the celebrant traces the sign of the cross on the
child’s forehead as a sign of the new life Christ has won
for us on the cross
2. the celebrant says, “Name, I baptize you in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
*In an emergency, anyone can baptize*
IV. The Importance of Water in Baptism
A. Water is an important symbol used in Baptism
Here are three stories from the Old Testament in which
water was used: 1. Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood
2. The Creation Story
3. The Parting of the Red Sea
4. Jesus’ Baptism by John in the Jordan
During Baptism the celebrant prays an Invocation of Godcalling upon God for help and support
At the end, he asks the parents and godparents to reject- to
turn away from sin and together they pray the Profession
of Faith – statement of beliefs
V. Baptizing
A. There are two ways that baptism can take place
1. The celebrant can immerse, or plunge, the
child in water three times
2. The celebrant can pour water over the child’s
* In each case he says :
Name, I baptize you in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
VI. Anointing
A. Sacred Chrism- perfumed oil blessed by the
1.The celebrant anoints the newly baptized
2. It is a sign of the Gift of the Holy Spirit
3. It connects Baptism to Confirmation
B. A white garment is then placed on the newly baptized
1. it symbolizes new life in Christ
C. The child’s candle is then lit from the Easter candle
1. it symbolizes that Christ has enlightened the newly
VII. Conclusion
A. Baptism concludes with everyone praying the Our
B. This connects Baptism to Eucharist