The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE POLICY EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES OF JOHNS HOPKINS TRAINEES (Physicians in Training Who Are Not Enrolled in An Accredited Johns Hopkins Training Program) Effective Date Page Supersedes 3/12/14 1 of 6 5/11/11 BACKGROUND: The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (JHUSOM) is committed to meaningful and enriching educational experiences for those physicians who are enrolled in all Johns Hopkins graduate medical education training programs. A Johns Hopkins training program may be accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) or the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) or may not be accredited by ACGME or ABMS. Johns Hopkins training programs that are not accredited by ACGME or ABMS are referred to in this policy as “Non-Accredited Johns Hopkins Training Programs.” APPLICABILITY: This policy applies only to the Extracurricular Activities (defined below) of those physicians (whether called residents, fellows or senior fellows), enrolled in a Non-Accredited Johns Hopkins Training Program. These physicians are referred to in this Policy as “Trainees”. ADDITIONAL DEFINITIONS: “Extracurricular activities” means patient care activities that are external to the trainee’s Non-Accredited Johns Hopkins Training Program. “Accredited Johns Hopkins Training Program” refers to a Johns Hopkins Training Program that is accredited by the ACGME or ABMS and includes all years through the final required year of the Program, as designated by the Program Director; it does not include voluntary years of training in the same specialty/subspecialty subsequent to the final required year of the Program. “Trainee” means a physician who is enrolled in a Non-Accredited Johns Hopkins Training Program. Physicians who have completed an Accredited Johns Hopkins Training Program and are continuing for an additional year or years in training for the same specialty/subspecialty are trainees under this policy. This Policy does not apply to physicians who have received a faculty appointment (Assistant or Instructor) from JHUSOM. “Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions” means The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Johns Hopkins Medical Services Corporation/Johns Hopkins Community Physicians, Howard County General Hospital, Suburban Hospital, Sibley Hospital and All Children’s Hospital. . CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: A. No trainee may be required, as a condition of his or her Johns Hopkins Training Program, to perform extracurricular activities. B. Trainees may engage in extracurricular activities, but only after filing an Extracurricular Activities Request Form * and receiving prior written/signed approval of his/her Training Program Director and the Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education. Approved Extracurricular Activity Request Forms are to be made a part of the trainee’s file. C. No trainee may engage in extracurricular activities without the trainee first having obtained both an unrestricted license to practice medicine and controlled dangerous substance registration in the state in which the extracurricular activity is to take place as well as DEA registration. *Please see Attachment X to this policy for the Extracurricular Activities Request Form. The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE POLICY EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES OF JOHNS HOPKINS TRAINEES (Physicians in Training Who Are Not Enrolled in An Accredited Johns Hopkins Training Program) Effective Date Page Supersedes 3/12/14 2 of 6 5/11/11 D. No trainee may engage in extracurricular activities without first having been appropriately credentialed by the hospital or facility where the extracurricular activity is to occur. E. Extracurricular activities are prohibited if they are inconsistent with the principles of providing trainees with sufficient time for rest and restoration to promote the trainee’s educational experience and safe patient care. Therefore, the Training Program Director shall monitor the effect of extracurricular activities on trainee performance. The Training Program Director or the Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education may withdraw permission for extracurricular activities at any time if they determine, in their sole discretion, that the extracurricular activity is having an adverse effect upon the trainee’s participation in the educational program in which he/she is enrolled. F. If a trainee is approved for extracurricular activity under Paragraph B above, the trainee may bill for these services (directly or through his/her employer/contractor). A trainee who intends to engage in and bill for extracurricular activities (directly or through his/her employer/contractor) must comply with the Requirements for Trainees Who Intend to Bill at JHMI Facilities for Patient Care Activities. (Please see Attachment X-2 to the Extracurricular Activity Request Form, which is Attachment X to this Policy.) G. Trainees performing approved extracurricular activities at any of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions will be covered under Johns Hopkins Professional Liability Insurance. However, trainees performing approved extracurricular activities at any hospital/facility other than a Johns Hopkins Medical Institution will not be covered under Johns Hopkins Professional Liability Insurance. A trainee who intends to engage in extracurricular activities at hospitals/facilities other than the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions must ensure that he/she will be covered by professional liability insurance at the location at which the extracurricular activities take place. H. A Non-Accredited Johns Hopkins Training Program may adopt policies governing trainees in that program which are stricter than the conditions and requirements of this policy. The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE POLICY EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES OF JOHNS HOPKINS TRAINEES (Physicians in Training Who Are Not Enrolled in An Accredited Johns Hopkins Training Program) Effective Date Page Supersedes 3/12/14 3 of 6 5/11/11 Attachment X EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY REQUEST FORM NAME: APPOINTMENT: VISA STATUS (If applicable): TRAINING PROGRAM DIRECTOR: NAME OF MY JOHNS HOPKINS TRAINING PROGRAM: 1. Proposed moonlighting activity: 2. Location of this moonlighting activity: 3. Approximate number of hours per week to be spent in this activity: 4. The chairman/division chief/medical director in the department/division/hospital/facility where I wish to perform extracurricular activities is: 5. I understand that the person listed in Paragraph 4 above must sign this Extracurricular Activity Request form before I may submit it for consideration by my Training Program Director and the Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education. 6. I have obtained an unrestricted license to practice medicine in the state in which the extracurricular activity is to take place. 7. I understand that I must receive a medical staff appointment letter and an approved privilege delineation from the hospital/ facility where the extracurricular activity will take place before I begin the extracurricular activities. 8. I recognize that this activity is not an approved part of my Johns Hopkins Training Program and must be approved by my Training Program Director and the Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education. 9. I understand that my Training Program Director will monitor the effect of extracurricular activities on my performance in my training program. I understand that the Training Program Director or the Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education may withdraw permission for extracurricular activities at any time if they determine, in their sole discretion, that the extracurricular activity is having an adverse effect upon my participation in my training program. 10. I understand that I will be covered under the Johns Hopkins professional liability insurance policy for extracurricular activities at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. "Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions” means The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Johns Hopkins Medical Services Corporation/Johns Hopkins Community Physicians and Howard County General Hospital. I understand that I AM NOT COVERED BY HOPKINS PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AT INSTITUTIONS THAT ARE NOT PART OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS MEDICAL The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE POLICY Effective Date EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES OF JOHNS HOPKINS TRAINEES (Physicians in Training Who Are Not Enrolled in An Accredited Johns Hopkins Training Program) 3/12/14 4 of 6 Page Supersedes 5/11/11 INSTITUTIONS. I understand that I am responsible for obtaining my own professional liability insurance for extracurricular activities at hospitals/facilities other than the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. 11. I have obtained an unrestricted license to practice medicine and controlled dangerous substance registration in the state in which the moonlighting is to take place as well as DEA registration. 12. (If applicable) I will provide the described extracurricular activities in accordance with the hour limitations (limited to 600 hours during the approved time period) as set forth by The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Guidelines for Hour Limitation for Trainees. (See Attachment X-1.) 13. I understand that if I intend to bill for my extracurricular activities (either directly or through my employer/contractor), I must comply with the Requirements for Trainees Who Intend to Bill at JHMI Facilities for Patient Care Activities. (See Attachment X-2.) 14. The hiring department/division/hospital/facility at a Johns Hopkins Medical Institution intends / does not intend (circle one) to bill third party payors for my activities. __________________________________ Signature of Trainee _________________________ Date APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO PERFORM EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES This approval covers the above described extracurricular activity for the period from current academic year). __________________________________ Training Program Director _________________________ Date __________________________________ Chairman/Division Chief/Medical Director in the Department/Division/Hospital/Facility Where Extracurricular Activity Will Take Place _________________________ Date __________________________________ Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education _________________________ Date to (not to exceed the end of the ****************************************************************************************************** Return to Office for Graduate Medical Education, Miller Research Building, Suite 147, School of Medicine for Dean’s Office signature. Fully executed copies will be returned to the Training Program Coordinator and Trainee. cc: Senior Director, Office of Billing Quality Assurance, Reed Hall, Suite 220. Medical Staff Administrative Manager of Medical Staff Information Systems. The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE POLICY EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES OF JOHNS HOPKINS TRAINEES (Physicians in Training Who Are Not Enrolled in An Accredited Johns Hopkins Training Program) Effective Date 3/12/14 5 of 6 Page Supersedes 5/11/11 ATTACHMENT X-1 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE GUIDELINES FOR HOUR LIMITATION FOR TRAINEES The maximum time permitted for extracurricular activities is 600 hours per year. This policy applies to services rendered within the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions that are separately identified from services which are part of the training program. The Training Program Director and the Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education must approve all requests for extracurricular activities prior to initiation of such activities. An Extracurricular Activity Request form and the Training Program Director's approval of the form must be submitted by the preceptor to the Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education. After approval by the Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education, the hiring department must: 1. Obtain preceptor approval before hiring 2. Give notification of hour (600) limitation 3. Notify preceptor when employment commences Office for Graduate Medical Education School of Medicine Rev. 12-13-06 The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE POLICY EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES OF JOHNS HOPKINS TRAINEES (Physicians in Training Who Are Not Enrolled in An Accredited Johns Hopkins Training Program) Effective Date Page Supersedes 3/12/14 6 of 6 5/11/11 ATTACHMENT X-2 REQUIREMENTS FOR TRAINEES WHO INTEND TO BILL AT JHMI FACILITIES FOR PATIENT CARE ACTIVITIES The following are requirements for all trainees in Non-Accredited Johns Hopkins Training Programs who intend to bill (directly or indirectly) for patient care activities at JHMI facilities. A. A trainee must have a completed and approved Attachment X to the Policy Regarding Extracurricular Activities of Johns Hopkins Trainees. B. When Paragraph A above is met, the trainee will be enrolled by the Clinical Practice Association’s Physician Billing Service and third party payers, including Medicare, in accordance with payer procedures. C. The trainee must successfully complete the CPA’s Billing Compliance Training Program prior to submitting any bills for professional service. (Course: Provider Training with Evaluation & Management content or Provider Training Without Evaluation & Management Content, as appropriate to the specialty or subspecialty where the services will be performed.) D. The Office of Billing Quality Assurance will direct the Physician Billing Service to place edit controls in the IDX professional fee billing system to restrict billing to the approved practice setting (if applicable). The Office of Billing Quality Assurance will verify the billing system edit controls on a quarterly basis. E. Ongoing inquiries regarding the billing policies as they relate to trainees in a specific program should be addressed to the Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education and the Senior Director of Billing Quality Assurance of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. F. All billing for trainees is subject to approval by the Senior Director, Office of Billing Quality Assurance.