CHAPTER 2 EXAM What current law guarantees students with

1. What current law guarantees students with disabilities a free appropriate public education?
a. Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
b. Americans with Disabilities Act
c. No Child Left Behind Act
d. Education for All Handicapped Children Act
2. The social philosophy that supported sterilization of individuals with mental retardation was
3. Why was the enactment of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act one of the most
significant pieces of special education legislation?
a. It was the first law addressing special services for students with disabilities.
b. It marked the beginning of special services being provided for students with disabilities.
c. It was the first law to mandate special education for students with disabilities.
d. Prior to its passage, distinctions between disability categories had not been made.
4. One of the earliest works describing efforts to teach a student with disabilities was
5. During the 19th century, the purpose of residential facilities for people with disabilities was to
a. Provide custodial care to people who could not care for themselves.
b. Provide remediation enabling residents to return to their homes.
c. Remove people with disabilities from mainstream society where they did not feel
d. Protect society from potential harm caused by people with disabilities.
6. During the 19th century, professionals working in residential facilities for people with disabilities
strived to
a. Provide custodial care to people who could not care for themselves.
b. Provide remediation enabling residents to return to their homes.
c. Remove people with disabilities from mainstream society where they did not feel
d. Protect society from potential harm caused by people with disabilities.
7. The deinstitutionalization movement did all of the following except
a. Seek better care for people with mental retardation and/or mental illness
b. Advocate moving people with mental retardation and/or mental illness out of institutions
c. Support placing people with mental retardation and/or mental illness in group homes
within regular communities
d. Advocate providing care outside of institutions despite greater financial cost.
8. As noted by the authors, conditions in institutions serving individual with disabilities worsened due
a. The beliefs that institutions provided protection for people with disabilities and society
was better off if people with disabilities were segregated.
b. The belief that disabilities were the result of divine punishment and, as such, should not
be imposed upon others.
c. The level of expense required to care for residents in institutions.
d. The lack of understanding, training, and empathy on the part of the employees providing
care for individuals in institutions.
9. Which of the following early 20th century events contributed to awareness of high incidence
a. Closing of residential institutions for individuals with disabilities
b. Passage of laws requiring compulsory education for children
c. Emphasis on research related to effective instruction
d. Advent of classes for students not making expected school progress
10. Educating students with disabilities in environments as close as possible to that of their nondisabled peers is called
11. The law allowing—but not mandating—funding for education for students with disabilities was the
passed in
12. Students with disabilities must have an Individualized Education Program that includes all of the
following except
a. Relevant instruction goals and objectives
b. Criteria to be used for evaluation and measurement
c. Extended school year services
d. The most appropriate educational placement
allows parents of students with disabilities to have a legal hearing if they
disagree with matters related to their child’s education.
14. Education placement for a student with a disability is based
a. The student’s disability category
b. The student’s individual needs
c. The student’s neighborhood school
d. Parental choice
15. Students with disabilities must receive their education in the
disabled peers according to their individual needs.
16. FAPE is an acronym for
--that is with their non-
17. In addition to educational services for students with disabilities, special education legislation
a. Incentives for teachers to work with students with disabilities.
b. Guarantees for non-discrimination in post-school settings.
c. Funds for research related to teaching students with disabilities.
d. Funds for community awareness programs to support inclusion of individuals with
disabilities in society.
18. The Regular Education Initiative
a. Eliminated special education classes and required students with disabilities to be placed
in general education classes.
b. Was based upon the assumption that students with disabilities preferred to be in general
education classes.
c. Started because of the belief that special education services were inferior to general
education classes.
d. Gave more responsibility for many students with disabilities to the general education
19. All of the following are criticisms of the full inclusion movement except
a. Lack of clear definition of full inclusion
b. Lack of specificity regarding inclusive practices
c. Lack of research supporting assertion that students with disabilities learn appropriate
behaviors from their non-disabled peers
d. Lack of support among general education professionals and parents of students with
20. IDEA requires which of the following in regard to students with disabilities and state- and districtwide testing?
a. Students with disabilities must participate in district- and state-wide testing.
b. Only students with high incidence disabilities must take part in district- and state-wide
c. Participation of students with disabilities in state- and district-wide testing is left to the
discretion of the special education teacher.
d. Students with disabilities must participate in state- and district-wide testing, but are tested
with specially designed test instruments.
21. Under IDEA, functional behavioral assessments (FBA) are required for students with disabilities
facing school discipline charges. The FBA must include all of the following except
a. Removal from the setting in which the behavior occurred.
b. Collection of behavioral data.
c. Determination of the behavior’s purpose.
d. An intervention plan to prevent recurrence of the behavior.
22. Transition planning for a student with disabilities must be documented in the IEP by the time the
student reaches age
23. Special provisions made for the purpose of removing barriers to education caused by disabilities
are called
24. The
--the professional organization for special education—was founded in
25. Throughout his work with students with disabilities, Samuel Howell adhered to a philosophy new
to education. What was his belief about students with disabilities?
26. Students with disabilities are guaranteed FAPE. What does this mean in terms of the services
they receive?
27. What rights are guaranteed to students with disabilities in legislation mandating special education
28. What arguments do advocates of full inclusion make in support of their stance?
29. What are reasons some people do not support testing accommodations for students with
30. The reauthorization of IDEA in 2004 resulted in several changes that aligned it with what general
education law?
The History and Current Trends Surrounding High Incidence Disabilities
1. a
2. eugenics
3. c
4. Itard’s “Wild Boy of Aveyron”
5. b
6. b
7. d
8. a
9. b
10. normalization
11. Education of the Handicapped Act; 1966
12. c
Due process
least restrictive environment
free appropriate public education
Council for Exceptional Children; 1922