Algebra 2 Syllubus

College Math Syllubus
Welcome to the wonderful world of College Math! College math is a continuation of the
mastery of the standards of calculating using algebraic rules introduced in Algebra I. This also
includes connecting mathematical concepts, reasoning, problem solving, and communicating
mathematical concepts.
This is a two-semester introductory algebra course that prepares a student for entry into 100
level mathematics courses at the community college. The course introduces and reviews the
skills, strategies and vocabulary involved in algebraic problem solving. The curriculum includes
data analysis, patterns, functions represented in multiple forms and linear and quadratic
equations. This course is designed for students who are planning on attending MCC and have a
score on the ASSET test that places the student into MAT 092 at MCC. This course parallels
MAT 092 at MCC.
The student will solve inequalities, use formulas, write equations of lines, graph lines, and solve
systems of equations. They will work further with polynomials using exponent rules, factoring,
and solving. Students will use scientific notation, learn how to add/subtract/multiply/divide
rational algebraic expressions, and solve fractional equations. Students will solve equations,
and use the quadratic formula. They will problem-solve using basic algebraic concepts.
Materials Needed
- Loose-leaf paper
- Spiral notebook
- 3-ring binder
- Pencils, pens, and erasers
- Straight edge
- Graphing Calculator (TI 83 or TI 84 recommended)- Completed homework
Students will use number, number sense, and number relationships.
Students will use a variety of tools and techniques in a problem solving situation.
Students will use algebraic methods to investigate, model, and interpret patterns involving
numbers and graphs.
Concepts covered 1st semester
Ch: 1
Ch: 2
Ch: 3
Ch: 4
Ch: 5
Concepts covered 2nd semester
Variables, Real Numbers and Math Models
Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable
Problem Solving
Linear Equations and Inequalities in Two Variables
Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
Ch: 6
Ch: 7
Ch: 8
Ch: 9
Ch: 10
Exponents and Polynomials
Factoring Polynomials
Rational Expressions
Roots and Radicals
Quadratic Equations