New Application: Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Review Committee for Pediatrics ACGME 515 North State Street, Suite 2000, Chicago, Illinois 60654 312.755.5000 COMMON SUBSPECIALTY SECTION FACULTY RESEARCH 1. Complete the table below regarding the involvement of faculty in research. Add rows as necessary. [PR II.B.5.b)] # of current IRB approved research Name projects Program Director: Total # of current funded research projects # of current research projects with peer review funding (subset of total # in previous column) # presentations at national scientific # publications meetings in in peer review the last 5 journals in the years last 5 years Key Faculty: Research Mentors Who Are Not Key Faculty: 2. List active research projects in the subspecialty. Add rows as necessary. Project title Funding source Put an “X for funding awarded by peer review process Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine ©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Years of funding (dates) Faculty investigator and role in grant (i.e. PI, Co-PI, Co-investigator) Updated 4/2015 Page 1 of 11 RESEARCH RESOURCES 1. Does the program provide research laboratory space and equipment? (if appropriate) [PR II.D.] .................................................................................................................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO 2. Does the program provide financial support for research? ........................................... ☐ YES ☐ NO 3. Does the program provide computer and statistical consultation services? .................. ☐ YES ☐ NO PROGRAM CURRICULUM Goals and Objectives Place an ‘X” in the box before the applicable response. [PR IV.A.2.] Are there goals and objectives for all training ☐ YES ☐ NO experiences? Are they rotation and level specific? ☐ YES ☐ NO How are they distributed? ☐ Hard Copy ☐ Electronic or web-based If not web-based, when are they distributed to ☐ Prior to Each Rotation ☐ Annually fellows? ☐ Once in Handbook ☐ Other If not web-based, when are they distributed to ☐ Prior to Each Rotation faculty? ☐ Annually ☐ Other If web-based, do you send out reminders to access ☐ YES ☐ NO them? If yes, when do you send them? Click here to enter text. Collaboration between Programs Are there meetings among the core Program Director and subspecialty Program Directors? How often do these meetings occur? Who is typically involved in these meetings? (check all that apply) ☐ YES ☐ NO Click here to enter text. ☐ Core program director ☐ Subspecialty program director for this specialty ☐ Program directors from other subspecialties General Subspecialty Curriculum Topic e.g., Biostatistics Basic science as related to the Participants (place and X in the appropriate column) Where Taught in Number of Fellows in Curriculum? Structured this All Residents & (Name should Teaching Hours Discipline Subspecialty Subspecialty match name in Dedicated to Will Fellows Fellows conference list) Topic Area? Attend Attend Attend Research Course 14 X Click here to # ☐ ☐ ☐ enter text. Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine ©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Updated 4/2015 Page 2 of 11 Participants (place and X in the appropriate column) Where Taught in Number of Fellows in Curriculum? Structured this All Residents & (Name should Teaching Hours Discipline Subspecialty Subspecialty match name in Dedicated to Will Fellows Fellows conference list) Topic Area? Attend Attend Attend Topic application in clinical subspecialty practice Clinical subspecialty Click here to # ☐ ☐ ☐ content enter text. For the topics below, if the topic is not appropriate for your discipline (i.e., lab research for fellows in developmental and behavioral pediatrics), enter N/A into column 1. Biostatistics Click here to # ☐ ☐ ☐ enter text. Lab research Click here to # ☐ ☐ ☐ methodology (if enter text. appropriate) Clinical research Click here to # ☐ ☐ ☐ methodology enter text. Study design Click here to # ☐ ☐ ☐ enter text. Grant preparation Click here to # ☐ ☐ ☐ enter text. Preparation of Click here to # ☐ ☐ ☐ protocols for enter text. institutional review board Principles of evidenceClick here to # ☐ ☐ ☐ based medicine/ enter text. Critical literature review Quality Improvement Click here to # ☐ ☐ ☐ enter text. Teaching skills Click here to # ☐ ☐ ☐ enter text. Professionalism/Ethics Click here to # ☐ ☐ ☐ enter text. Cultural Diversity Click here to # ☐ ☐ ☐ enter text. Systems-based Click here to # ☐ ☐ ☐ practice (economics of enter text. healthcare, practice management, clinical outcomes, etc.) Conferences 1. List regular subspecialty and interdepartmental conferences, rounds, etc., that are a part of the subspecialty training program. Identify the "SITE" by using the corresponding number as appears Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine ©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Updated 4/2015 Page 3 of 11 on the first and second pages of this form. Indicate the frequency, e.g., weekly, monthly, etc., and whether conference attendance is required (R) or optional (0). List the planned role of the fellow in this activity (e.g., conducts conference, presents case and participates in discussion, case presentation only, participation limited to Q&A component, etc.). Add rows as necessary. Conference Site # Frequency R/O Role of the Fellow 2. Describe the mechanism that will be used to ensure fellow attendance at required conferences. State the degree to which faculty attendance is expected, and how this will be monitored. Limit the response to 50 words Click here to enter text. Scholarship Oversight Committee 1. Will there be a scholarship oversight committee for every fellow? ................................ ☐ YES ☐ NO 2. How often will the committee meet with the fellow? ................................................... # times per year Fellow Research Activities 1. Describe how the program will ensure a meaningful supervised research experience for the fellows, beginning in their first year and extending throughout their training. Click here to enter text. 2. If faculty outside the division will be actively involved in mentoring the fellows, identify the mentors and describe how liaisons will be created between these mentors and the fellows that allows for meaningful accomplishment of research. Click here to enter text. Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine ©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Updated 4/2015 Page 4 of 11 SPECIALTY-SPECIFIC SECTION PROGRAM PERSONNEL AND RESOURCES Other Professional Personnel [PR VIII.B.] 1. Indicate with a check mark the personnel who will interact regularly with fellows at each participating site. [PR: VIII.B.] Team Members Respiratory therapists assigned to NICU Pathologists skilled in placental and perinatal pathology Mid-level providers (NNPs, PAs, etc) Nutritionists skilled in the management of enteral and parenteral nutrition Physical and occupational therapists skilled in developmentally appropriate care and feeding problems Specialists in the assessment of hearing in infants Site #1 # # Site #2 # # Site #3 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 2. For categories of personnel that are unavailable, describe how that function will be addressed in the program. Click here to enter text. Facilities and Resources [PR VIII.C.] Indicate whether the following services are available: Available 24 hours a day Portable x-ray [PR VIII.C.1.a).(1)] Ultrasound imaging [PR VIII.C.1.a).(1)] ECG [PR VIII.C.1.a).(1)] Neonatal echocardiography [PR VIII.C.1.a).(1)] EEG and interpretive services [PR VIII.C.1.a).(1)] Microchemistry and hematology laboratories [PR VIII.C.3.a)] Blood gas analysis [PR VIII.C.3.b)] Diagnostic bacteriology and virology laboratories [PR VIII.C.3.e)] Site #1 (Yes/No) Site #2 (Yes/No) Site #3 (Yes/No) Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine ©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Updated 4/2015 Page 5 of 11 Blood Bank [PR VIII.C.3.f)] Accessible CT and/or MRI facilities [PR VIII.C.3.g)] Available in a reasonable time Screening laboratory for inborn errors of metabolism [PR VIII.C.4.a)] Clinical toxicology laboratory [PR VIII.C.4.b)] Nuclear medicine facilities [PR VIII.C.4.c)] Cytogenetics laboratory [PR VIII.C.4.d)] Audiology services [PR VIII.C.4.e)] Pathology services, including those for evaluation of placental pathology [PR VIII.C.3.d)] Site #1 (Yes/No) Choose an item. Choose an item. Site #2 (Yes/No) Choose an item. Choose an item. Site #3 (Yes/No) Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Data Provide patient data for the most recent 12-month period for which records can be obtained. Note the same timeframe should be used throughout the forms. Inclusive Dates: From: Click here to enter a date. To: Click here to enter a date. 1. Indicate the availability of the following at each of the sites participating in the program. Use the appropriate response (i.e., a number or yes/no answer): 1. Number of births per year 2. Number of neonatal ICU admissions per year a) Number of admissions in NICU. Of these, how many had a birth weight< 1500 grams b) Number of admissions in NICU. Of these, how many had a birth weight < 1000 grams c) Number of admissions inborn d) Number of patients outborn/transported 3. Average daily census in NICU: 4. Average Length of Stay in NICU 5. Number of patients requiring ventilatory support: a) CPAP only (without mechanical ventilation) b) Ventilator Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine ©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Site #1 # # # Site #2 # # # Site #3 # # # # # # # # # Length # # # # Length # # # # Length # # # # # # # Updated 4/2015 Page 6 of 11 c) Extra corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) 6. Number of neonatal surgical cases a) cardiac b) general 7. Total number of residents in NICU (excluding neonatology fellows) during a block rotation a) Number of pediatric residents b) Number of other residents c) Number of primary, non-resident providers Site #1 # Site #2 # Site #3 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 2. If all or most admissions are outborn/transported, explain how fellows will obtain sufficient experience in resuscitation and stabilization for deliveries. Click here to enter text. 3 Provide the following information for the most recent 12-month academic or calendar year for each site used to provide a specific required experience, such as transplant, cardiology, intensive care, etc. Duplicate this table as necessary. Name of service: Total number of fellows and residents on the service Total number of admissions to the service Number of new patients admitted each year (“new” refers to those who are seen by members of the service for the first time.) Average length of stay of patients on the service Average daily census of patients on the service, including consultations Site #1 Site #2 Click here to enter text. # # Site #3 # # # # # # # Length # Length # Length # List of Diagnoses List 100 consecutive admissions. Identify the time period during which these admissions occurred. The date range should occur within the same 12-month period used in previous sections. The dates must begin on the date the first patient on the list was admitted, and end with the date the 100th patient was admitted, (e.g., July 1, 2014 through October 20, 2014). Submit a separate list for each site that provides required rotations. Duplicate tables as necessary. Site Name: Total number of patients admitted in most recent 12-month period # Inclusive Dates: From: Click here to enter a date. To: Click here to enter a date. Number Patient ID Gestational Age Birth Weight Number of days in Hospital Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine ©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Up to three most significant Discharge Diagnoses Updated 4/2015 Page 7 of 11 Number Patient ID Gestational Age Birth Weight Number of days in Hospital Up to three most significant Discharge Diagnoses Outpatient Experiences [PR VIII.C.6.] Provide the following information for the same 12-month period. The date range should occur within the same 12-month period used in previous sections. Inclusive Dates: From: Click here to enter a date. To: Click here to enter a date. 1. Indicate the following at each of the sites participating in the program. Use the appropriate response, (i.e., a number or yes/no answer) Clinic Data Is there a NICU follow-up clinic for patients discharged from the NICU? Yes or No Number of NICU follow up clinic sessions per week: Number of NICU follow up visits per year: Number of NICU high-risk follow-up clinics a subspecialty fellow attends while in the program: Average number of NICU follow up patients per fellow per session: Choose an item. Year 1 # # # Year 2 # Year 3 # # # # 2. If there is no separate NICU follow up clinic, explain below where the NICU follow up patients are seen (e.g., offices, clinics)? If the experience is in a private office, provide full details including name and credentials of supervisor, numbers and types of patients, degree of fellow responsibility for their care and how the director will monitor the experience and fellow performance. Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine ©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Updated 4/2015 Page 8 of 11 Limit response to 250 words Click here to enter text. 3. Describe how and by whom the fellows will be supervised during the provision of outpatient care, and identify the way in which the program ensures that the NICU follow up clinic has staff with expertise in performing developmental assessments and skilled neonatal or pediatric faculty as teachers. Limit response to 250 words Click here to enter text. Inpatient Experiences 1. Describe the responsibilities the fellows will have for inpatients when assigned to inpatient services. Click here to enter text. 2. Describe how and by whom the fellows will be supervised in the inpatient setting. Click here to enter text. 3. Explain how fellows will be directly involved in the care of critically ill surgical patients to acquire the requisite knowledge and skills to attain competence in evaluation, diagnosis and pre/post operative management of such patients. Also describe the coordination of care between the pediatric surgeons and the neonatologists concerning the management of medical problems in these patients. [PR IX.A.1.] Click here to enter text. 4. Explain how fellows will be directly involved in the care of critically ill cardiac and cardiothoracic surgical patients to acquire the requisite knowledge and skills to attain competence in evaluation, diagnosis and pre/post operative management of such patients. Also describe the coordination of care between the cardiothoracic surgeons and the neonatologists concerning the management of medical problems in these patients. Click here to enter text. Procedural Competence 1. Explain how fellows will learn the indications, contraindications, techniques and complications of procedures in the management of critically ill newborn infants, including the technique of neonatal resuscitation, venous and arterial access, evacuation of air leaks, endotracheal intubation, preparation for transport, ventilatory support, continuous monitoring, temperature control and nutritional support. [PR IX.A.2.a)] Limit response to 200 words Click here to enter text. 2. How will the program director document and monitor the procedural competence of fellows? Click here to enter text. Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine ©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Updated 4/2015 Page 9 of 11 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM - CORE CURRICULUM [PR: IX.] Identify the training sites (e.g., clinics, sites, etc.) and learning activities (e.g., clinical experience, conference series, self-directed learning modules, small group discussions, journal club, workshops) which will be used to address the required core knowledge areas List the learning activities used to address the core Core Knowledge Area knowledge area Methods to evaluate fetal well- Click here to enter text. being and maturation [PR IX.A.4.] Factors that compromise the Click here to enter text. fetus during the intrapartum period and recognition of fetal distress [PR IX.A.4.a)] Maternal physiological, Click here to enter text. biochemical, and pharmacological influences on the fetus [PR IX.B.1.a).(1)] Fetal physiology Click here to enter text. [PR IX.B.1.a).(1)] Fetal development Click here to enter text. [PR IX.B.1.a).(1)] Placental function (circulation, Click here to enter text. gas exchange, growth) [PR IX.B.1.a).(1)] Physiological and biochemical Click here to enter text. adaptation to birth [PR IX.B.1.a).(1)] Cellular, molecular, and Click here to enter text. developmental biology an pathology relevant to diseases of the neonate [PR IX.B.1.a).(1)] Psychology of pregnancy and Click here to enter text. maternal-infant interaction [PR IX.B.1.a).(1)] Growth and nutrition Click here to enter text. [PR IX.B.1.a).(1)] Breastfeeding and lactation Click here to enter text. [PR IX.B.1.a).(1)] Genetics [PR IX.B.1.a).(1)] Click here to enter text. Stabilization for Neonatal Click here to enter text. Transport [PR IX.A.2.a)] Use and interpretation of a Click here to enter text. neonatal database [PR IX.A.7.] List the corresponding Year(s) setting in which these of learning activities take place Training Click here to enter text. # Click here to enter text. # Click here to enter text. # Click here to enter text. # Click here to enter text. # Click here to enter text. # Click here to enter text. # Click here to enter text. # Click here to enter text. # Click here to enter text. # Click here to enter text. # Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. # # Click here to enter text. # IF THERE ARE ANY UNIQUE SCENARIOS OCCURRING IN THE PROGRAM THAT DO NOT FIT WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THIS FORM, PLEASE EXPLAIN. Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine ©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Updated 4/2015 Page 10 of 11 Click here to enter text. Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine ©2015 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Updated 4/2015 Page 11 of 11