ANNEX E EQUIPMENT INSPECTION/ START POINT/ FINISH AREA CONDITIONS 1. A 9 Cadet Sandhurst squad, in ranks, wearing ACUs, issued boots, and having the individual and squad equipment listed in the training outline below. STANDARDS 2. All uniforms and equipment are to be clean, serviceable, marked and accounted for. Teams will not be penalized because equipment or uniform is old or worn/ faded, the key point is its cleanliness and serviceability for the start inspections. TRAINING EVALUATION AND INFORMATION 3. Inspection. Evaluators will inspect the squad in ranks at the Start Point and Finish Area on both days of the competition. The evaluators will check the serviceability and accountability of the following items: a. Individual Equipment (as issued): b. ACH with cover (properly marked) LCE/LBE/Belt webbing as issued Canteen x 2 (full to the rim at the Start Point) Canteen pouch x 2 Canteen cup Chem light x 4 (Any color) Notebook/writing pad & pencil x 1 Ammunition Pouches x 2 Ammunition Magazines x 4 West Point Map 1:25,000 x 1 (as issued) Compass lensatic x 1 D Ring Screw Gate Karabiner x 2 (See picture below) Swiss Seat Rope x 1 Individual Rifle and sling day 1/Rubber Duck and sling day 2 ID Card Eye Protection (Clear/Dark) Ear Protection (Any type) Gloves (Leather as issued or self purchased) Pro Mask & carrying pouch x 1 Squad Equipment: 3 x Day sacks/Assault Packs 9 x MREs total 1 x E Tool & Pouch 2 x MACOMs and batteries, 2 x spare batteries total ASIPS Radio, Battery, Whip Antenna, Hand mic and spare battery 120’ rope Combat Life Saver Bag Ponchos x 4 Sandhurst Spot Tracker (if issued) Binoculars as issued Sandhurst 12 Passport E-1 Pictures below show the USMA issued D Ring Screw Gate Karabiner : NOTE: No personal Global Positioning System. No Cell phone/I phone etc is allowed. No mapping other than issued by Sandhurst Staff is allowed. 4. Helmet (Guide only). The helmet, with chin strap fastened, will be worn at all times during the competition, except when a site specifically instructs the removal of it. The helmet will be marked in the following manner: E-2 A2 COMPANY REGIMENT COMPANY NOTE: The helmet will be marked on the front and back with blocked numerals 1.5 inches high centered on 2 inch masking tape cut 3 inches long, positioned centrally 1 inch above the helmet band. The exact size will not be judged, but adherence to the intent of displaying the team identification that can be seen at a distance will. 5. The Rifle. Each individual will carry their own individual rifle with a sling for both days of the competition. 6. Communications. The Squad Leader is responsible for ensuring that the squad's radios are prepared for operation prior to reporting to the Start Point. Proper radio maintenance should be performed, and fresh batteries and chargers should be obtained prior to running the course. All components of the MACOM and ASIPs including ancils will be carried. SOIs will be issued separately. E-3 7. Uniform. Uniforms and boots are to be properly fitted, clean, and serviceable. Boots must be boots. Insignia will not be worn throughout the competition by teams. ‘Camel backs’ are authorized however will be in addition to the 2 Canteens in the inspection list. NOTE: During execution of all tasks and throughout movement, all uniform items, to include LCE, will be worn as intended unless a site specifically states otherwise. Jacket and trousers will be as you wear them for the inspections. If the task calls for a modification of uniform or equipment, the change will be made at the site. 8. Team Composition. The penalty for incorrect team composition by class is 30mins per person and by gender is disqualification. Squads must have at least one female member. The Squad Leader will present the team details to the Sandhurst OIC prior to the start of the Marksmanship/ Land Navigation Competition, this will be the team that starts the competition the next day. Team members may not be swapped out in-between the Marksmanship / Land Navigation and main competition unless there is a serious injury agreed by Sandhurst medic/doctor that a team individual cannot continue. Alternates (not participating) will not be inspected as they are not competitors. 9. Feedback. The site OIC/ CIC will tell the squad what time/point penalties were incurred and why as well as annotate them on the squad's Passport. INSPECTION 10. An inspection will take place at the start and the finish line on both days of the competition. All inspectors will use the Department of the Army and where applicable the Sandhurst performance measures. At any stage, squads who are found to be in possession of unauthorized equipment will be disqualified. Should an item be missing at the start inspection the squad will be given 5 minutes to replace the item so that all teams start with the same equipment and weight. PERFORMANCE MEASURES a. Missing or unserviceable equipment +30 seconds (each item) b. Possession of unauthorized equipment Disqualification c. Incorrect marking of helmet. +30 seconds (each helmet) E-4