
Chat Time 11
Organ Donation
Mum: What are you doing, Sam?
Sam: I’m filling in an organ donation form.
Mum: What? Why are you doing that? You’re too young?
Sam: Oh mum, we’ll all die one day. Why not make good use of our organs to
help others in need? It would be useless to keep our organs when we die.
Besides, there’s no age limit for organ donation.
Mum: But it’s dangerous and it’s also not allowed in our religion. A body should
be intact after death.
Sam: Shouldn’t we love others and do good things? This is an act of love. Of
course, I’m not donating them while I’m alive, but after I die. Also, the
doctors in charge of organ transplants are very professional. They’ll make
sure the organ is suitable for the receiver before the transplant takes place,
so that donations aren’t wasted.
1. What are the reasons for supporting organ donation?
a. We can make good use of our organs to help others in need and it would be useless to
keep our organs when we die.
b. Organ donation gives hope and inspiration to the people in need and it is kind enough
to give someone else the chance to live.
2. What are the worries about organ donation?
a. Some people think organ donation is dangerous. They also worry about the length of
recovery and the long-term consequence.
b. Some people worry about the danger and uncertainly of organ donation. Some also
think that their religion does not allow organ donation.
3. What does the general public think about organ donation?
a. The general public thinks donating organs is an act of love. But some people believe a
body should be intact after death.
b. The general public thinks donating organs is a noble act which can give life. But still
some people are not comfortable about this idea because their religion rejects
donating organs.
Individual Response
1. Would you like to become a registered organ donor?
a. I would definitely like to become a registered organ donor because it is meaningful to
help some patients who are critically ill.
b. By deciding to be a registered organ donor, I can give the gift of hope for the
thousands of patients awaiting organ transplants. It is a generous and worthwhile
decision that can save lives.
2. Should there be age limits on organ donations?
a. I think there should be age limits on organ donations as teenagers are still too young
to take the risk of surgery.
b. I think there should not be any age limitations on who can donate. Whether you can
donate depends on your physical condition, not age. But if you are young, you need to
get the consent of your parents.
3. Do you agree that organ donation is a gift of life to the person receiving the organ?
Organ donation is certainly a gift of life. There is a critical shortage of organs and many
die while waiting for transplant. Organ donation can sustain others’ lives.
4. What can the government do to promote organ donation?
The government can enhance public education to encourage people to donate their
organs to the needy. The government can also make use of social networking sites to get
greater attention to organ donation.
5. What are the misunderstandings about organ donation?
Misunderstandings about organ donation are widespread. Some people fear that if they
agree to donate their organs, the hospital staff won't work as hard to save their lives. They
believe that rich and famous people are given priority when it comes to allocating organs.
They also think organ donation is extremely dangerous.