math project -

NEWSPAPER RECYCLING………………………………………………….2-3
ALMUNIUM CANS RECYCLING…………………………………………..4-6
GLASS RECYCLING………………………………………………………..10-12
SOME FACTS ABOUT RECYCLING………………………………………12-13
BENEFITS OF RECYCLING………………………………………………..13-14
Most communities across country maintain recycling programs in which newspapers, aluminum
cans, glass bottles, and plastic bottles are recycled. Most people assume that recycling is
beneficial. But who actually benefits? For example, does recycling reduce stress on the
environment ? Does it improve the quality of life for people? Does it create new jobs, save
money, or promote the development of new technology ? In this project I will attempt to answer
the question, What are the benefits of recycling?
Given the nature of our increasing environmental awareness, they're probably pretty solid. All
around the world, nations are hoping to create so-called "green" employment. Because of that,
getting newspaper recycling capabilities up and running will become more important over time.
Reasons for this vary, but one fact is that newsprint, like most paper, is easy to collect and process
back to its basic paper stock. And there's usually not a huge cost attached, so a smart investor may
find this particularly attractive.
Reusing Newspaper
Recycling stuff like newsprint isn't all that involved, and that sort of paper is lying around in most
parts of the world. Newsprint is found in newspapers and tabloid magazines, for the most part,
and as such, it's pretty inexpensive to use as a paper source.
What is Newsprint?
Newsprint is the kind of paper you see when you pick up a newspaper or similar item. Media
companies use it because it's one of the cheapest forms of paper stock made, and this also makes
it widespread. The low quality of the stock also makes it unsuitable for much else, so the need to
recycle it is always high. And because newsprint is so simple, there's not a lot of cash needed to
start out, because the machines involved in newspaper recycling are pretty simple.
Paper Processing Equipment
Mostly, there are only one or two pieces of recycling-specific equipment involved in newspaper
recycling. For the most part, what's called a bundler, and also a shredder (to tear it up and make it
easier to bundle) make up the upfront part of newspaper recycling. More complicated recycling
tasks, like chemical processing, can be farmed out to others.
Rounding up Newsprint
For the most part, newsprint will come to you. People or municipalities will bring it by, or set you
up with a route to service. You'll pay out a little bit for it, and make more for it once your end of
the job (shredding bundling, processing, etc.) is done. Commonly, towns and cities need it
processed, and you'll pay out pennies on the pound to people who bring it in for processing.
Recycle Aluminum
Aluminum recycling is very popular. Aluminum is one of the most recycled products. It is easy to
recycle aluminum, plus it doesn't hurt that in many places you can get paid to recycle aluminum.
Aluminum recycling is actually a pretty cool thing to do.
A Big Pile of Cans = Bad News
Aluminum cans are something most people use quite often, if not every day. They are abundant
and at one time were creating a problem in landfills everywhere. Aluminum is an abundant
material and perfect for the use in cans.
However, aluminum also takes a very long time to breakdown, so every can that was thrown away
was piling up in the landfills. They were making them very crowded.
Eventually, aluminum recycling became rather popular. Aluminum is perfect as a recycled
material because it can be recycled over and over. It also has many uses, so reusing it after
recycling it is easy.
Aluminum just isn't found in cans. It is everywhere. It is used in many items that we use every
day. So, aluminum recycling is about more than just some soda cans. Any aluminum can be
As mentioned, when you recycle aluminum you usually can get paid. The price varies from place
to place, but aluminum recycling is an easy way to make a few extra bucks. Plus it is easy to do.
All you have to do is set up an extra garbage can for nothing but aluminum. Don't throw that can
away - recycle it!
Another perk of aluminum recycling is for the environment. Besides cutting down landfill waste,
recycling aluminum helps to cut production.
The Bottom Line
Aluminum recycling is good for everyone. It is easy to do and you can make a little cash doing it.
There simply is no reason not to recycle aluminum. You just have to stop making excuses and
start collecting those old cans instead of throwing them away. It only takes a minute to drop them
off at the recycling center. Besides you can't complain when you are getting paid to do it! Can
you? I didn't think so. There just is nothing holding you back, so get started today and recycle!
Ten Things You Can Reuse…AND Save Money
1. Use old, worn cookie trays to line the bottom of your oven or your grille
2. Use an old coffee can as a charcoal starter. Cut off both ends of the can and lay it on its side in
the bottom of your grill. Put the briquettes inside the can and when they are ready, use a pair of
tongs to remove the can and spread the briquettes evenly throughout the bottom of your grille
3. Wet a wash cloth and place it in the freezer to use as a cold compress for bruises and sore
4. Use an ice cube tray to make juice pops instead of buying them
5. Buy balloons instead of cold packs with chemicals inside that may leak and cause
environmental damage. Blow up the balloon and add a little water. Freeze the balloon and use it
as an ice pack
6. Buy and use an old-fashioned ice pack instead of the less-sturdy, 'blue' cold packs that you will
have to replace (and that will leak and damage clothing, furniture and the environment)
7. Use old 35 mm film canisters to store quarters for tolls or to do your laundry
8. Use a pint or quart-sized takeout container for a child's bank. Cut a small slit in the top and
watch the money add up!
9. Use a quart-sized plastic storage container to feed ribbon for wrapping packages. Put the ribbon
inside and cut a small hole in the top of the container. Then pull the end of the ribbon out through
the hole and feed it around your gift as you are wrapping
10. Instead of buying large 'under the bed' plastic boxes to store summer or winter clothes, use
cardboard shipping boxes. Mark the side of the boxes with magic markers so you will know what
each box contains.
Glass Recycling
Glass recycling is right up there with aluminum recycling. When it comes to the ease of it it's a
known fact that glass can be recycled over and over. Glass can be reused indefinitely because the
structure is usually intact during the recycling process. This means that recycling glass is very
By recycling glass you will help to cut down on waste in landfills and help to cut down on energy
use and resource use that goes into making brand new glass products.
Types of Glass
When recycling glass it is usually necessary to separate the glass out by color. If this isn't done by
you, then it will be done at the recycling center. There are generally three colors - green, clear and
amber. In order to keep the new glass that is made after the recycling process be as good and look
as good as new glass, it is important to separate out the different colors.
What to Recycle
Glass recycling is not just for bottles. There are many different types of glass products that are
throw out in the trash everyday in the average home. It could be broken dishes or light bulbs. Any
type of glass can be recycled and it should be recycled. So, instead of throwing your broken or
used glass items in the trash - recycle them.
The Recycling Process
Recycling glass involves collection and separation of the glass items. Then the glass is cleaned of
contaminants and purified. The glass is then crushed and with a raw material mix it is melted in a
furnace, creating new glass that can then be blow into new products. Glass that is recycled can
also be used, once crushed, in a type of road paving, called glass halt.
Recycling glass uses less energy than making new glass products. Additionally, using recycled
glass means that no more materials need to be gathered and thus save some natural resources.
As you can see, recycling glass is something you really need to be doing. It is easy to simply
separate out your glass waste and sit it out with your other recycling for roadside pick up. You
will be doing this earth a lot of good and your efforts will be recognized by lower pollution in the
air and less energy use overall.
1- Paper products are commonly used and discarded and it surprise some to know that the average
person uses approximately one one-hundred foot tall Douglas fir tree each year in paper goods.
2- Paper recycling has luckily reached an all time record high, with more than half or paper goods
being created from recycled sources.
3- More than three hundred pounds of paper is being recycled on average for every person on the
4- 1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours.
5- 1 recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes.
6- 1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3 hours.
7- 70% less energy is required to recycle paper compared with making it from raw materials.
8- Up to 60% of the rubbish that ends up in the dustbin could be recycled.
9-The unreleased energy contained in the average dustbin each year could power a television for
5,000 hours.
10-24 million tons of aluminums is produced annually, 51,000 tons of which ends up as
packaging in the UK.
11-If all cans in the UK were recycled, we would need 14 million fewer dustbins.
12- £36,000,000 worth of aluminum is thrown away each year.
13-Aluminium cans can be recycled and ready to use in just 6 weeks.
14-Each UK family uses an average of 500 glass bottles and jars annually.
15-The largest glass furnace produces over 1 million glass bottles and jars per day.
16-Glass is 100% recyclable and can be used again and again.
17-Glass that is thrown away and ends up in landfills will never decompose.
18-Recycled paper produces 73% less air pollution than if it was made from raw materials.
19-The average person in the UK gets through 38kg of newspapers per year.
20-It takes 24 trees to make 1 ton of newspaper.
21-275,000 tons of plastic are used each year in the UK, that’s about 15 million bottles per day.
22-Most families throw away about 40kg of plastic per year, which could otherwise be recycled.
23-The use of plastic in Western Europe is growing about 4% each year.
24-Plastic can take up to 500 years to decompose.
1 - Natural Resources protects
Natural resources of the world population and consumption patterns change due to increase with
each passing day, is declining. Therefore, to reduce material consumption, waste recycling can be
evaluated by a qualified and efficient use of our natural resources have to. Therefore, the
recycling of our natural resources for the conservation and efficient use is an extremely important
process. For example, recycling of paper and forest trees in the more we will ensure less
interrupted. Similarly, recycling of plastic waste oil can be save.
2 - Energy saving is achieved,
Recycling materials in the production of industrial process by reducing the number of energy
savings. For example, metal beverage cans in the recycling process as the metal being melted
directly into the new product is used for the production of this metal ore and ore production can
only be done without pure operations. In this way, an aluminum box 96% energy savings from
recycling can be provided. Similarly, solid waste separated in the reprocessing of paper to put the
energy required for normal operation from the 50% is required. Likewise, the recycling of glass
and plastic waste significant energy savings can be achieved
3 - Raw material supply and saves chemicals,
The use of waste paper, used to the extent constitutes a raw material source. Therefore the uses of
waste paper in the paper that some chemical substances in the body of the chemicals are recycled
savings are realized.
4 - Tangible Savings
Waste paper collected and used within the country and abroad with the reduction in pulp and
waste paper imported in significant savings measures will be provided. In addition, waste paper
collection, classification and transportation areas, so new jobs will arise. Efficient recycling in
the long term economic investment. Rapid depletion of natural resources and raw materials
reduced economic problems that may arise as a result and at this point will be positive on the
recycling economy. Will provide new business opportunities and future generations to benefit
from natural resources will provide
Newspaper recycling
Recycling has many types such as newspaper recycling, glass recycling, plastic recycling… We
can save our money with recycling. We can protect the nature. We can save energy and some
chemicals with recycling. Recycling is getting better all of the world. I learnt recycling is very
important for nature and humans.