Planning Committee - 09/01/2014 Parish: Wick Ward: Fladbury 18 Major Application W/13/02021/OU Description: Outline application for a proposed tropical house, new main entrance with new teaching block on the ground and first floor and glazed link to Avon Bank House. Site: Pershore College, Avon Bank, Pershore, WR10 3JP Applicant: Warwickshire College Agent: Date Valid: Hitchman Stone Partnership 10/10/2013 Expiry Date: 08/01/2014 Grid Ref: E:395692.02 Member(s): Cllr Tom McDonald 1. Case Officer: Heather Pearson Tel: 01386 565325 N:244630.85 Site Description and Details of Proposal Pershore College is an existing campus with a number of integrated facilities. The campus is situated off the B4084 Evesham to Pershore road on elevated land. The college offers a wide range of educational and training opportunities and is recognised to be a local, regional and international centre for horticulture. This planning application is in outline with access, appearance, layout and scale to be considered at this stage. Landscaping is the only matter reserved for future consideration. The proposal is to demolish outdated existing buildings and redevelop with a modern glazed building linking in to the listed Avonbank House. The buildings to be demolished include two residential blocks and a teaching block. These buildings are two and three stories in height and have a floor area of 997 sqm. The proposed building would have a total floor area of 2100sqm over two floors and include:- a new main entrance and glazed link to Avonbank House - foyer, reception and central staircase - tropical House with viewing gallery, which provides an impact feature to the front elevation - 6 large teaching rooms - 3 smaller learning spaces - toilets - laboratories and project rooms - plant room - entrepreneurial learning spaces The application is accompanied by :- a design and access statement including a travel plan; - a bat survey. 2. Planning Policies Wychavon District Local Plan June 2006 Relevant Policies are: GD1 (Location Strategy for New Development) GD2 (General Development Control) SR5 (Minimising Car Dependency) ENV1( Landscape Character) ENV6 (Protected Species) ENV7 (Protection of Wider Biodiversity) ENV8 (Protection of Hedgerows, Trees and Woodland) ENV11(Historic Parks and Gardens) ENV14 (Settings of Listed Buildings) ENV19 (Surface Water Run-off) SUR1 (Built Design) SUR3 (Parking Provision) RES9 (Replacement Buildings in the Countryside Development Boundaries) Outside Defined South Worcestershire Development Plan Relevant Policies are: SWDP1 (Overarching Sustainable Development Principles) SWDP21 (Design) SWDP22 (Biodiversity and Geodiversity) SWDP25 (Landscape Character) SWDP24 (Management of the Historic Environment) SWDP29 (Sustainable Drainage Systems) National Guidance National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 3. Planning History The College has been the subject of a number of planning applications, the most recent being the following:- - W/08/01297/PN - Demolition of 3000 square metre of old glasshouses and replaced with new purpose built 800 square metre glasshouse. Partial conversion of an existing glasshouse into a boiler house and positioning of wood fuel hopper - 6m x 2.5m x2.5m in size on a 1m high platform - Approved 18/08/2008 - W/08/02624/LB - Demolition of 5 existing agricultural buildings and the programmed demolition of 4 existing student halls of residences known as Hudson (15 beds) Raleigh (15 beds) Marriott (42 beds) and Hazelwood (30 beds) - Approved Listed Building Consent 27/11/2008 - W/08/02646/PN - The erection of 3 blocks of new student residences to replace 4 existing student residences - Approved 07/01/2009 - W/10/00878/PN - Erection of electricity sub station and low voltage switchgear building. Wall safety fencing fronting to replace an existing sub station housed in a building (Marriott) previously approved (W/08/02624/LB) for demolition - Approved 23/06/2010 - W/13/01409/CU - Erection of timber sectional building as scout headquarters - Approved Change of Use 09/08/2013 4. Consultation Responses Wick Parish Council: Wick Parish Council welcome Warwickshire College's investment in and commitment to this important site. They are supportive of the redevelopment and its striking design. Support the need for lighting but this should be sensitive and not intrude on adjoining properties or be distracting to motorists. County Highways: No objections 5. Representations Received None received at report writing time 6. Representations Made Not applicable. 7. OFFICER APPRAISAL The main issues to be addressed in the determination of this appeal are:- principle of development; - design; - impact on listed building; - impact on landscape; - impact on trees; - drainage. Principle of development The application site lies outside the defined settlement boundary for Pershore. Policy GD1 of the local plan resists development outside defined settlements unless proposals comply with another local plan policy. Policy RES9 allows for the replacement of existing buildings within the countryside subject to a number of criteria. It is considered that the proposal generally complies with these criteria for the following reasons:- the scheme would replace the existing unattractive and incongruous buildings with a building of a better design; - the proposed building is preferable in terms of design and sustainability compared to the option of conversion; - the proposed building is positioned in a similar location to the buildings to be demolished. The proposal would result in a building of a greater footprint to those shown to be demolished. The proposal should be considered against the economic and social benefits to be gained from upgrading the facilities at Pershore college. The whole site has become 'tired' looking over years and has had very little investment put in to it. There are plans to upgrade the entire site through phased development as grants and funds become available. This is a major part of the proposals and will provide a visually attractive frontage to the site. In principle, it is considered acceptable to demolish and replace these substandard buildings with a new facility. Design Policy SUR1 of the local plan seeks to ensure that new development is of a high quality. This is in line with the NPPF that states:- good design is a key aspect of sustainable development; - planning decisions should aim to ensure that developments function well, establish a strong sense of place, optimise the potential of the site to accommodate development; respond to local character whilst not preventing appropriate innovation, create safe and accessible environments; and are visually attractive; - planning decisions should not attempt to impose architectural styles or particular tastes. However it is proper to promote or reinforce local distinctiveness; - planning decisions should address connections between people and places and integration of new development into the environment; - permission should be refused for development of poor design that fails to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an area and the way it functions. The design of the new building is individual and does not replicate any of the other buildings on the site. It has been designed to be striking and present a design statement that is relative to the horticultural activities of the college. The elevation that has the greatest impact from the access road is the proposed Tropical House. This is 9.5m high, fully glazed with powder coated aluminum glazing bars and projects out from the rest of the building by 4.5 metres. This forms a focal point to the building with the main entrance directly to the side. The building varies in height from 9.5 metres stepping down to 4.5 metres where it forms a link to the listed building Avonbank. The proposal can not be considered as a subservient extension to Avonbank, however its design is so different that it does not compete in anyway with the listed building. The single storey link, which is set back, provides some separation from Avonbank and helps the new build to be read as one building. The building would be constructed mainly from glass with some stone and brick to external walls. It is proposed to have a living green roof to the building. The new building will be constructed to provide a sustainable and energy efficient building. The green roofs will be constructed to provide thermal mass and scope for solar photovoltaic panels. The Tropical House and link to Avonbank will be constructed with solar controlled glazing with ventilation linked to a building management system. On the south side of the building solar shading will be used. Entrance doorways will be of a revolving type, with the exception of fire exit doorways. The proposed development is an innovative and adventurous design that incorporates sustainable build features. It would represent an interesting development and make a positive contribution to the visual quality of the environment. Impact on listed building and historic park and garden Avonbank is a grade II listed building that has suffered from a number of alterations over the years with modern extensions to the rear to accommodate student union/bar/canteen facilities. The new extension is proposed to be set back from the listed property with a single storey glazed link to the existing side door of Avonbank. It will not immediately impact on the listed building itself and will allow for the demolition of unsightly substandard accommodation blocks that currently have considerable impact on the setting of the listed building at the front. Avonbank is a locally listed historic park and garden. The existing buildings have clearly caused harm in the past to the immediate garden around the house. The demolition of these buildings and their replacement with the glazed structure will not adversely affect the historic garden. It is considered that overall the proposal will be an improvement to the setting of the listed building and historic park and garden. Therefore the scheme would cause no harm to the setting of the listed building nor its significance. The proposal is in accordance with local and national planning policies relating to heritage assets. Impact on landscape The site is on elevated land but has well established vegetation with a number of mature trees. The buildings are partially visible from the Evesham to Pershore Road. The new building will have a greater impact when viewed from the road although views will be softened by intervening existing vegetation. From the south, views of the building will be restricted by existing structures and vegetation. Landscaping is a reserved matter and it is proposed that a landscape strategy will be prepared by students at the college at a later date. Impact on trees It is anticipated that 4 trees will be affected by the proposal. These are 2 conifers, one cherry tree and a silver birch. Officers are still considering the impact on trees and members will be updated on this issue at the committee meeting. Ecology A bat survey was undertaken in March 2013 and a report submitted with the application. This concludes that there are limited features suitable for bats to use for either roosting or as potential access points into the buildings. No evidence of bats in the form of droppings, scratch marks, urine staining or feeding remains were identified. It is therefore concluded that the buildings do not currently contain any bat roosts. A condition is suggested that further survey work is undertaken should the buildings not be demolished by April 2015. Historically great crested newts have been present near to the site and further information in the form of a phase 1 survey has been requested. Members will be updated with any information received at the committee meeting. Drainage The site is in Flood Zone 1 and not at risk of flooding. It is proposed to collect rainwater where possible and direct it to underground tanks. This will be re-used in the plant nursery with any excess being discharged to soakaways. The living green roof on the main entrance and teaching block will reduce water run-off. It is considered that the surface water drainage proposals are acceptable. Conclusion The proposed redevelopment is to be welcomed. It is a significant project and a major investment and demonstrates a continuing commitment to the local area. The new facilities will also enhance the college's areas of specialism giving them a competitive edge. The design of the building is striking and innovative. Whilst close to a listed building, the proposal includes the demolition of existing buildings that detract from appearance and character of the site. The proposed building will be an improvement to the setting of the listed building and is therefore acceptable when assessed against heritage policies. Officers recommend approval subject to:- the proposal being deemed acceptable in terms of impact on trees; and - further information being provided in respect of great crested newts and the proposal being deemed acceptable in terms of impact on protected species. 8. RECOMMENDATION Approval subject to:- - the proposal being deemed acceptable in terms of impact on trees; and - further information being provided in respect of great crested newts and the proposal being deemed acceptable in terms of impact on protected species. 1. Application for approval of reserved matters shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved. Reason - In accordance with the requirements of Section 91 (1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2. The development hereby authorised shall not be brought into use until a Travel Plan (in accordance with the County Council’s Travel Plan Guidelines for Developers) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority. Reason - To encourage a sustainable means of transport. 3. The development hereby permitted shall not begin until a Construction Method Statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period. The statement shall provide for: a) b) c) a) The parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors; Loading and unloading of plant and materials; Storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development. Siting of site office. Reason - To prevent indiscriminate parking in the interests of highway safety. 4. Development shall not begin until wheel-cleaning apparatus has been provided in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and this equipment shall be operated and maintained during construction of the development hereby approved. Reason - To ensure that the wheels of vehicles are cleaned before leaving the site in the interests of highway safety. 5. No work shall commence upon the development hereby authorised by this permission until details of the routing of vehicles on the highway network associated with the demolition and proposed development to and from the site together with agreed traffic management measures have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authorities. Reason - To ensure that the construction traffic associated with the proposed development keeps to the designated route. 6. Should the demolition of the existing buildings not take place before April 2015, then a further bat survey of the buildings will be required. Reason - To ensure no protected species are adversely affected by the development. 7. The application for reserved matters shall include: 1. survey information of all existing trees and hedges on the application site, and branches from trees on adjacent land that overhang the site. The survey shall include for each tree/hedge: i) the accurate position, canopy spread and species plotted on a plan. ii) an assessment of its general health and stability. iii) an indication of any proposals for felling or pruning. iv) details of any proposed changes in ground level, or other works to be carried out, within the canopy spread. 2. a landscape scheme which shall include: i) a plan(s) showing the planting layout of proposed tree, hedge, shrub and grass areas. ii) a schedule of proposed planting – indicating species, size at time of planting and numbers/densities of plants. iii) a written specification outlining cultivation and others operations associated with plant and grass establishment. iv) a schedule of maintenance, including watering and the control of competitive weed growth, for a minimum period of five years from first planting. Reason - To preserve and enhance the visual amenities of the area and to ensure the satisfactory development of the site - in accordance with Policy GD2, Policy ENV1 and Policy SUR2 (and ENV7 where site has nature conservation value, and ENV8 for protection of existing hedgerows, trees & woodland) of the Wychavon District Local Plan (June 2006). 8. The materials shown on the approved plan shall be used and no others substituted without the approval, in writing, of the Local Planning Authority before work on the site commences. Reason - To ensure that the development is visually satisfactory. 9. Prior to the first use/occupation of the development hereby permitted, the details set out in the submitted Water Management Statement shall be fully implemented and remain thereafter. Reason - To ensure that an appropriate sustainable drainage system is provided to serve the development and to reduce the consumption of water. This is in accordance with the SPD on Water Management. 10. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: 2063/100 A 2063/101 2063/102 2063/103 2063/104 2063/105 2063/106 A 2063/107 B 2063/108 B Reason - To define the permission. Notes: This permission does not authorise the applicant to carry out works within the publicly maintained highway since such works can only be carried out by the County Council’s Approved Contractor following the issue of a licence under Section 184 and 278 of the Highways Act, 1980. The applicant should contact Worcestershire County Council’s Highways Community and Response Unit, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester WR5 2NP (telephone 0845 607 2005), regarding the issue of the necessary licence authorising the access works to be carried out by the County Council’s Approved Contractor at the applicant’s expense. The applicant should give the County Council sufficient notice to enable, as far as possible, the licence procedure to be carried out so that there is no disruption to the applicant’s programme of works. The link below gives clear guidance to the submission for a Travel Plan in respect to the proposed development. Guidelines.pdf Workplace Travel Plan Positive and Proactive Statement In dealing with this application, the Council has worked with the applicant in the following ways:- - seeking further information following receipt of the application; - seeking amendments to the proposed development following receipt of the application; In such ways the Council has demonstrated a positive and proactive manner in seeking solutions to problems arising in relation to the planning application.