Minutes - Village of White Lake

Approved 10-13-15
Regular Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Community Center; 615 School St.
Minutes for Regular Monthly Meeting:
Call to order at 6pm by Joe Grennell
Board Attendance: Chris Oatman, Joe Grennell, Patsy Listle; Absent, Mary Lou Pomasl
Pledge of Allegiance
Posting of meetings verified by clerk
Approve Agenda by Listle/Oatman; Motion Carried
Approve Minutes by Oatman/Listle; Motion Carried
Approve Bills/Financials by Listle/Oatman; Motion Carried
Public Comments
 Judy Popelka asked if the dog complaint at 634 Bissell was taken care of and Joe Grennell
responded that 3-6 dogs are all that remain at the address and the rest have been moved.
 Andy Tesheneck asked if the Village Siren is still being tested weekly. Joe Grennell responded no,
that is will be tested in the Spring of the year There are procedures in place between 4 people
(village clerk’s office, Joe Grennell, Buck Budd and Dan Nickolai) if an emergency/tornado should
occur and the siren will be sounded as needed.
 Joe Grennell opened and read the thank you card received from Joe & Jean Edelman for selecting
them as citizens of the year and the picnic on August 22.
Unfinished Business
 Outcome of Citizens of the year/Community Picnic-Carol report the event took in $628. A
Thrivent Action Team Card was used by Patsy Listle for $250 which covered all expenses except
for the cake that cost $42
New Business
 2016 Citizens of the year-The board asked to start thinking of people to nominate for 2016. They
would like to have these people picked by the end of this year. A few names were suggested but
Joe asked the public if they would have a suggestion to please get in touch with the board.
Trustee Reports
 Permits: reported by Chris; Waldkirch, 581 Church St.; steel roof on house, Ziebell, 650 Anderegg
St.; re do deck; Wilson, W3396 Cty M, new garage; Shannon, 735 Lake St,
Foundation/install/replace French doors/redo approach from French doors.
 2016 4th of July Celebration: Chris Oatman will talk with Kim Emerson who is the Eagle River
Events Coordinator about some of the special things they did for their celebration. Patsy Listle
was going to contact Nick Salm and find out if the village can coordinate with Antigo again on an
Army Band, she also had ideas as a bounce house and balloon person to have at the pavilion for
the kids.
Approved 10-13-15
She also would like to honor the local businesses maybe with a float in the parade and maybe have
bleachers set up by the pavilion. Also have a water show and maybe ask that people decorate their
homes for the celebration. Patsy will organize a 2016 parade committee meeting soon and anyone
is welcome.
 Fire Department: reported by Patsy Listle. On August 27th a special training was held at school
with White Lake and Wolf River Fire Departments along with police officers, ambulance and a
swat team. They practiced real life emergencies. White Lake and Wolf River will continue to do
training together each month.
 Troutland reported by Joe Grennell; Troutland will have a brat fry at the Fire Dept on Saturday,
September 19th from 1pm to 4pm. Everyone is welcome.
Clerk’s Report by Carol Blawat
 Fall Clean up will be Wednesday, October 7. Put clean up items out with your regular garbage.
 School has a 10th grade student that will be mentored in the village office on Monday, Wednesdays,
and Fridays from 10:30am-11:15am.
 Budget time is coming please let Carol know if you have any bigger items to suggest.
 We need a new toilet in the Clerk’s office bathroom.
 Joe has not received anything from Rusch Surveying on the Sahr/Marathon Drive property, Carol
will follow up with a phone call
 Carol has created an election day emergency plan. She will go over it with election workers.
 Carol told the board she is researching the whereabouts of the official zoning map of the village.
 Dale Budd asked for permission to park and cross over the village land on Erdman by the pond so
he and a friend can get to managed forest land that is land locked on all other sides. He would like
a note on village letterhead that it is ok to cross. Board is ok with it. Carol will create a letter.
Public Works Reported by Scott Popelka
 Part of County M to the market will be resurfaced by the County in a couple weeks. Scott needs to
get risers in over the manhole covers before resurfacing.
 Public works fixed the water line in front of John Roskopf’s home on Lake Street to prevent future
water freeze ups.
 Pond is high with all the rain. Scott will continue to discharge.
 They will continue painting the shop.
Adjourn at 6:53pm; Motion by Oatman/Listle; motion carried
Carol Blawat
Notice Posted: 09/04/2015
WL Market, Black Bear, Public Bulletin Board
Community Center Bulletin Board & Village Website
Antigo Daily Journal Published: 09/05/2015