VILLAGE OF WHITE LAKE Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

Approved 6-9-15
Regular Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Community Center; 615 School St.
Minutes for Regular Monthly Meeting:
Call to order by Joe Grennell at 6:05pm
Board attendance: Joe Grennell, Chris Oatman, Mary Lou Pomasl, Patsy Listle
Pledge of Allegiance
Posting of meetings verified by clerk
Approve Agenda by Oatman/Pomasl
Approve Minutes by Pomasl/Listle
Approve Bills/Financials by Oatman/Listle
Public Comments
 Judy Popelka commented on the boat dock at the lake is slanted. The public works knows about it
and it working on a solution.
Unfinished Business-None
New Business
 Motion to re-appoint Carol Blawat as Clerk-Treasurer and Kym Jaskolski as Deputy Clerk-Treasurer
by Listle/Pomasl
 Motion to re-appoint Attorney Mike Winters as Village Attorney by Pomasl/Oatman
 Motion to appoint Patsy Listle and Chris Oatman on the village zoning committee by
 Discussion on a parking sign going up so visitors of the school know there is additional parking in
the back of the school. This should minimize the congestion of cars parking on both sides of Center
Street by the school. Motion by Oatman/Listle to put up a “Parking” sign with arrow for school
parking. Sign to be placed west of hydrant on Center Street.
Trustee Reports
 Joe Grennell reported and update on Sahr/Marathon Drive survey is in process of setting up a
survey to redefine lot lines.
 Permits-Chris Oatman reported 4 permits have been issued in April to Holbrook-352 Bissell –Build
Shed, Schmidt-357 Bissell-replace windows, Black Bear-621 Bissell-Re-roof house/business,
Chiboski-641 Lake Street-Re-roof house.
 Chris also reported that the Lake Association is looking for a 20x20 rental tent to put over the fish
pond at the 4th celebration since the Rental Store in Antigo is no longer there.
 Troutland-Mary Lou Pomasl reported there will be a tactical practice for EMT’s 8-4-15. They have
had a busy month of 9 calls already. Troutland is planning an ice cream social July 12 th.
 Fire Department-Patsy Listle reported that elections were held and all positions remained the
same. Hoses were installed on trucks from the $3000 Remington Grant. They are looking into
Approved 6-9-15
more grants, the Fire Protection Grant and a WPS Grant. Board discussion was held on looking at
the current ordinance on the number of fire fighters required and if the board has to approve the
Fire departments election of the Chief. These items will be added to the special board meeting
agenda that will be held Wednesday, May 20 after the Schenck audit presentation.
Patsy Listle also mentioned the Community Garden will be under way soon.
Clerk’s Report by Carol Blawat
 Carol has been working with Cynthia Taylor, Library Director for Antigo Library and here to see if
the library Wi-Fi network can be shut off at night. Carol tested it last week and it was shut off but
she will continue to monitor it and work out any kinks.
 Iron Horse will be returning to the Village starting June 1. They will try to be here every Monday
from 10am-2pm as long as they have customers.
 There is a PayPal link on the village web page
 Should letters be sent to properties with long grass. Yes, Scott will get a list to Carol & Kym
 Library keys were lost by previous librarian. Board asked Scott to get locks re-keyed
 Swim raft will be going in on 5-13-15 by EZ Docks, Pickerel.
 Pomasl fire equipment called and said they received a check from Remington Foundation for the
WL Fire Dept but the check was made out to the village. Carol will stop at Pomasl Fire Equip and
sign over check.
Public Works Report by Scott Popekla
 Northeast Asphalt will be doing the 6 foot pathway from pavilion parking lot to pavilion soon.
 Ram seal on the red 1 ton truck had to be fixed.
 Spring clean up and summer preparations are underway.
 Power broom was purchased used for $350. This equipment is used to sweep rocks and debris out
of grass.
Adjourn- Motion made by Listle/Pomasl at 7:15pm
Carol Blawat
Notice Posted: 05/08/2015
Antigo Daily Journal Published: 05-09-2015
WL Market, Black Bear, Public Bulletin Board
Community Center Bulletin Board & Village Website