ANNEX 3 PROJECT FORM INTRODUCTION The main goal of the Project Form is to provide an explicit and detailed description of the needs of the User who signed the specific Agreement with ASI and is proposing the present project. The User’s needs must be made explicit in terms both of activity purposes requiring the use of COSMOSkyMed data takes acquisition and typology/volume of required products (tasking from new programming/production from archived data) to allow the necessary feasibility analysis be performed by the System operational chain. The following fields are included in the Project form: PROJECT TITLE PRIMARY APPLICATION DOMAIN / UTILIZATION SCOPES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (PROJECT DESCRIPTION) END USER INFORMATION (PROJECT RESPONSIBLE) PROJECT TEAM: o USERS o AFFILIATED USERS o CONTRACTORS/CONSULTANTS PLANNING OF THE ACTIVITIES (Optional) PROJECT REQUESTS DETAILS (See nested excel file) ANNEXES (If considered necessary by the User himself) Should you have any problem in filling/submitting the Project Form, please don’t hesitate to contact us: 1) at the following address: ASI Viale Liegi, 26 00198 Roma - Italy e-mail 2) or directly contacting the COSMO-SkyMed Mission Manager Alessandro Coletta e-mail: PROJECT TITLE Please insert the title of the project Data provision for GEO's YYY Geohazard Supersite PRIMARY APPLICATION DOMAIN / UTILIZATION SCOPES For example: Landslides, Floods, Drought, Water pollution, Fires, Seismology, Volcanology, Coastal processes, Precipitation, Topographic mapping, Land user/cover mapping, Agriculture, Forestry, Hydrology, Geology, Ocean and ice, Archaeology, Interferometry, Persistent Scatterers, Subsidence, Geo Hazard - Risk Management, Marine & Coastal Environment, etc.; Otherwise specify the goal Volcanology Seismology Geology Geo Hazard 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (PROJECT DESCRIPTION) (1 out of 2) Detailed description of the Project, with specific reference to activities requiring the use of the COSMOSkyMed System: goals, methods, activities, detailed needs for requiring a specific amount of COSMOSkyMed products, possible processing of Protected and Derived Products, etc. The Geohazards Supersite concept, organized by the Group of Earth Observation (GEO), is intended to facilitate access to space and in-situ data for regional areas exposed to geological threats. The principal objective is to encourage basic research of earthquake, volcano and other hazardous geological processes as a means of reducing the loss of life from geological disasters. YYY was chosen as a volcanic/earthquake hazards Supersite due to the presence of a population exposed to volcanic/seismic hazards, the high likelihood of future eruptive activity/earthquake and changes in existing activity, and the history of YYY as volcanoes/tectonic area that stimulate basic volcanological/earthquake research. …. 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (PROJECT DESCRIPTION) (2 out of 2) 4 END USER INFORMATION (PROJECT RESPONSIBLE) Fill in with the END USER INFORMATION (PROJECT RESPONSIBLE) The PROJECT RESPONSIBLE shall be the PROJECT CONTACT POINT with ASI. All the official communications relevant to the Project shall be sent by ASI to the PROJECT RESPONSIBLE. Name Surname Address Code City State/Province Country Telephone Fax Mobile e-mail address Company TAX ID // VAT ID // 5 PROJECT TEAM USERS The following form table must be filled in for any User. Please, fill in more copies if necessary. Name Surname Address Code City State/Province Country Telephone Fax Mobile e-mail address Company TAX ID VAT ID 6 USERS The following form table must be filled in for any User. Please, fill more copies if necessary. Name Surname Address Code City State/Province Country Telephone Fax Mobile e-mail address Company TAX ID VAT ID 7 USERS The following form table must be filled in for any User. Please, fill more copies if necessary. Name Surname Address Code City State/Province Country Telephone Fax Mobile e-mail address Company TAX ID // VAT ID // 8 PLANNING OF THE ACTIVITIES (OPTIONAL FORM) PROJECT REQUESTS DETAILS The following attached file contains a Form that must be filled in with necessary details on all the Products requested by the Project. ANNEXES File name & brief description on annexes content, if any. 9