The Queen Anne Royal Free CE First School

Updated ……………….….
Review due ……………….
Behaviour Policy
Authored by: J Street
The school and home work together to ensure appropriate behaviour is in place to support learning. We engender
an atmosphere of mutual respect between adults and children. We catch the children being good-offering
appropriate praise of positive behaviour.
The school actively promotes equality and challenges all gender, racist, disablist, homophobic and
transphobic language and behaviour.
At the start of each school year, a Home/School agreement is signed. Any concerns regarding behaviour will be
discussed with the parents/carers as soon as possible.
In developing our children’s Growth mindset, praise will focus upon the approach used and learning involved.
These include:
verbal praise, encouragement and positive feedback
written remarks linked to learning
sending children to the nearest teacher for confirmation of praise
weekly Celebration Assembly which celebrates the learning of two children in each class.
special privileges
sent to Head for specific praise
reports used as a vehicle for constructive criticism and praise
External ‘rewards’ such as stickers, certificates, ‘presents’ are not routinely used as incentives to work.
Under normal circumstances, a clear distinction is made between a minor and more serious offence. Problems with
class work will initially be dealt with by the class teacher and then, if necessary by the Deputy Head teacher and
finally Head teacher. The children will be asked to reflect on their behaviour in light of the class / school agreed
rules. Where behaviour has impacted on another child, resolution will be at the heart of the discussions.
Staff use sanctions, which are appropriate to the particular behaviours and age of the pupil in a flexible manner,
considering individual circumstances. Staff discourage punishment of the whole group unless this is unavoidable or
appropriate. Only those with severe misdemeanours or those exhibiting no signs of improvement are referred to the
Head teacher.
Actions used for sanction may include:
reflecting on behaviour during playtimes or parts of playtime
child put to work separately
work not completed because of misbehaviour will be completed during break times
be withdrawn from participating in favourite activities for a period of time
parents/carers informed of the problem and agreed actions between home and school
letter of apology to other involved, staff or parents/carers
child withdrawn by the Head teacher
loss of privilege
Should the behaviour show no signs of improvement then, with parental agreement, the school will seek advice
from outside agencies.
The making of a “contract” is sometimes appropriate particularly when trust and mutual respect has broken
down have a verbal contract agreed which includes the staged accrual of privileges
A Behaviour Plan will be written in consultation with parents/carers and child.
Guidance from Outside Agencies will be sought as appropriate for example, the Local Authority’s
Behaviour Support Team.
In extreme circumstances the school would:
have arrangements made to escort them to and from the premises morning and evening
recommended the pupil for exclusion in line with the RBWM exclusion procedures, which might result in a
recommendation for permanent exclusion if they do not end such behaviour
The school will follow the RBWM Pupil Exclusion procedures.
See also:
Anti-bullying Policy
Code of Conduct
Home/School Agreement
Safeguarding Procedures