UNION MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH BARBARA WINTHROP SCHOLARSHIP AND GIFT AWARD The Union Missionary Baptist Church Barbara Winthrop Scholarship and Gift Award is designed for high school graduates immediately following graduation. Award recipients must hold at least one year membership at Union Missionary Baptist Church and have a cumulative GPA (grade point average) of 2.5 or higher upon graduation. The purpose of the scholarship or gift award is to encourage and assist good standing members of UMBC who meet and exceed the following requirements: Good standing is defined as: 1. Regular Sunday morning worship service attendance is required at least three times per month during the school term. 2. Regular Sunday School attendance is required at least three times per month. 3. Active member in at least one church auxiliary, i.e.: choir member, usher board member, etc. SCHOLARSHIP AWARD A one-time only scholarship award of $500.00 is given to students who meet the UMBC Barbara Winthrop Scholarship and Gift Award criteria with proof of enrollment from the college or technical institution. All scholarship money will be paid directly to the student’s school of choice. Scholarship money will NOT be given to the student. GIFT AWARD Gift Award recipients must meet all UMBC eligibility requirements with enrollment plans to a higher learning institution or have not enrolled in an institution of higher learning. Gift Award recipients will receive a gift amount of $25.00 that will be paid to the recipient. APPROVAL PROCESS All potential Union Missionary Baptist Church Barbara Winthrop Scholarship and Gift Award recipients must submit a letter of intent to receive the scholarship or award. The letter must clearly denote all eligibility requirements which include good standing church membership explanations and examples with a copy of the final high school report card showing the required cumulative GPA 2.5 or higher and acceptance letter which acts as proof of enrollment. The UMBC church body must approve all potential recipients during a regularly scheduled business meeting prior to receiving the scholarship or award.