THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 1.0 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Est. 1928 1.1 Brief History The first offices of the West Africa Chamber of Mines, which gave birth to the Ghana Chamber of Mines, were set up in 1903 with the principal objective of advancing and protecting the mining interests of the shareholders. The Chamber was composed of directors of the Mining Companies in London who, among other functions, had power to promote or oppose any legislative measures or petition government and administrative bodies in the colony on many matters, which directly affected mining interests. On 6th June 1928, the Gold Coast Chamber of Mines was incorporated as a private Company and operated at Tarkwa in the Western Region. On Ghana’s attainment of independence on 6th March 1957, the name of the Chamber was altered to the Ghana Chamber of Mines. By a special resolution on 6th May 1960, the form of the objects of the Chamber was also altered, and on 14th February 1964, the Chamber was converted under the Companies Code 1963 (Act 179) into a Company Limited by Guarantee. In 1967, the registered offices of the Chamber moved to the national capital, Accra. The Chamber has since remained a voluntary private sector employers’ association representing companies and organizations engaged in the minerals and mining industry in Ghana. Programmes and activities of the Chamber are funded entirely by its Member Companies, which are largely responsible for producing almost all of Ghana’s minerals. 1.2 Vision To be a respected, effective and unified voice for the mining industry. 1.3 Mission Statement To represent the Mining Industry in Ghana using the resources and capabilities of its members to deliver services that address members, government and community needs, in order to enhance development. 1.4 Core Values: The principles that will guide decision making which the members of the Chamber will not compromise whilst achieving the mission and pursuing the vision are: Honesty Transparency Good Governance Good Corporate Citizenship Commitment THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 Unity 1.5 Objectives of the Chamber The objectives of the Chamber taking into consideration the strategic challenges for achieving its vision are: Promote and protect the interests of the Mining Industry Promote and protect the image of the mining industry Establish and maintain effective membership governance Provide thought leadership for the solution of national issues related to mining 2.0 MINING IN GHANA Mining remains a key industry for the growth and development of the country. The historical performance of Ghana’s mining industry is wellknown; especially, the production slump in the three decades prior to 1986 when as part of the country’s Economic Recovery Program the Minerals & Mining Law of 1986 was promulgated to attract investment into the sector and to improve production. The passage of the law did not only catalyse investment to improve production in the sector, but also increased inflow of foreign exchange from mineral proceeds required to address the balance of payment crunch the country faced. Since the revival of the industry, its structure has remained the same with the sector credited with bringing in significant amount of foreign exchange earnings, employment generation, mineral royalties, employee income taxes payments etc. 2.1 HIGHLIGHTS OF PERFORMANCE OF THE INDUSTRY FOR 2011 Ghana’s mining industry performed quite well in 2011. The industry contributed in no small measure to the impressive 14.4% GDP growth the economy chalked in the year. According to the Gold Fields Mineral Survey, Ghana was the 9th leading producer of gold in the World and the 2 nd in Africa despite the 2% decrease in production from 92 tons in 2010 to 91 tons in 2011. According to the Bank of Ghana, the mining industry’s contribution to total mechanized export was about 40% in 2011. No doubt the impact of the exports of oil for a complete year in 2011 having commenced production in December 2010 diluted the dominant influence of the mining subsector in the country’s gross foreign exchange earnings. The mining sub-sector once again maintained its 2010 position as the leading contributor to the Ghana Revenue Authority’s (GRA’s) domestic collections with total payments of approximately GH¢ 1billion made by mining companies to the Authority’s chest. This represented 27.61%of total GRA collections in 2011. This impressive payments performance was on account of increased mineral revenue as a result of higher gold price, which translated into higher royalty payments. The higher gold price also accelerated some mining companies’ move into a corporate tax THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 paying position. Royalty payments were particularly high as the 5% rate kicked in for qualifying companies in March 2011. In addition, the industry recorded higher PAYE payments on the back of significant appreciation in remuneration of employees. Mining companies’ contribution to company tax, which covers corporate tax, withholding tax and levies was 38.27% of the total company tax that GRA collected in 2011. On this account, the sector maintained its position as the highest payer of company tax during the year. According to the Minerals Commission, the total investment inflow into the mining sub-sector in 2011 was US$780 million, up from the US$770 million recorded in 2010. These investments came from producing, exploration, and support service companies. Cumulatively, the investment inflow into the sub-sector from 2000-2011 amounted to a little over US$6.2 billion. The total mineral revenue of producing member companies of the Chamber rose significantly from US$ 3,724,847,388 in 2010 to US$ 4,778,502,161 in 2011 representing an increase of 28% primarily on account of the good price of gold, although revenue from manganese also went up in the period. Gold revenue increased by 28% from US$ 3,620,766,467 in 2010 to US$ 4,630,255,619 in 2011 due to an increase in the average realized price of gold which appreciated by 30% from US$ 1,219 per ounce in 2010 to US$ 1,583 per in 2011. Gold production however fell by 2% from 2,970,079 ounces in 2010 to 2,924,385 ounces in 2011. The increase in realized price of gold more than made up for the decline in output of the metal. The average realized price of gold marginally exceeded that of the average spot price of the London Fix P.M. of US$ 1,571.52 per ounce recorded in the period. The average aggregated cash cost was US$751 per ounce in 2011 compared with the US$ 684 recorded in 2010, an increase of 9.8%. The average cash cost of US$751 per ounce was about 16.8% higher than the global average of US$643 per ounce, reflecting the country’s position as a relatively high cost investment destination. The mining industry continued to make a favourable impact on the economy of Ghana in 2011. Besides its contribution to the overall growth of the economy and Ghana Revenue Authority’s collections, it positively stimulated economic activity as the proportion of mineral revenue returned to the country increased appreciably from 68% in 2010 to 75% in 2011. The industry returned an average of 20% of its revenue through the Bank of Ghana and an additional 55% through the commercial banks with which the companies transact business. The mining companies used their repatriations to the country, equivalent to 75% of gross mineral revenue to settle their statutory obligations in the forms of corporate taxes, mineral royalties, and payments of emoluments to employees as well as payments for the supply of local inputs for their operations. To underscore its commitment to society, the industry voluntarily contributed an amount of about US$ 44 million to its host communities and the general public to support causes that enhance sustainable development. At the end of the year producing mining companies directly employed 14,257 persons of which 235 were expatriates. This implies that only 0.83% of workforce directly engaged were expatriates. THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 3.0 GHANA IN THE GLOBAL MINING ARENA 3.1 TOP 20 GOLD PRODUCING COUNTRIES PRODUCTION (tons) COUNTRY South Africa United States Australia China Russia Indonesia Peru Canada Uzbekistan Ghana Papua New Guinea Mali Brazil Tanzania Chile Philippines Argentina Mexico Colombia Zimbabwe Kyrgyzstan Venezuela Kazakhstan Rest of the World World Total 2002 418.9 298.7 RANK 1 2 2003 398.3 280.8 RANK 1 3 2004 363.3 260.3 RANK 1 2 2005 315.1 262.3 RANK 1 3 2006 295.7 251.8 RANK 1 2 2007 269.9 239.5 RAN K 2 4 2008 234 RANK 2 2009 219.8 RANK 4 2010 203.3 RANK 5 2011 197.9 RANK 5 234 3 221.4 3 233.9 3 232.8 3 266.4 3 283.4 2 258.1 3 263.0 2 247.1 4 246.3 3 215 4 223.5 2 260.9 2 258.3 2 201.9 4 210.6 4 217.3 4 229.8 4 247.2 3 280.5 1 292 1 324.0 1 350.9 1 371.0 1 180.6 5 182.4 5 181.6 5 175.4 6 172.8 6 169.2 6 189 5 205.2 5 203.4 4 211.9 4 157.9 6 163.7 7 114.2 8 166.4 7 116.3 7 146.7 7 95 8 160.4 7 136.6 7 111.0 7 157.3 7 171.6 6 173.2 6 207.8 5 202.0 5 169.6 5 180 6 182.4 6 162.0 6 188.0 6 8 140.5 8 128.5 7 119.5 8 103.5 8 101.2 8 95 7 96.0 8 92.2 9 107.7 8 82.6 9 80.0 9 83.7 9 75.5 9 75.1 9 75.3 9 73 10 70.5 11 71.0 10 71.4 11 70.3 10 68.9 10 57.8 11 62.5 11 69.9 10 75.1 10 80 9 90.3 9 92.4 8 91.0 9 70 11 70.6 10 70.5 11 62.4 13 153.0 65.1 55.6 11 68.6 11 74.5 10 69.2 10 60.5 11 61.4 11 12 47.2 12 39.6 15 46.1 13 56.9 12 52.3 13 47 14 48.9 14 44.6 15 45.8 16 46.0 13 43.0 14 42.9 13 45.2 14 49.3 13 56.5 12 59 12 64.6 12 68.3 13 67.5 12 38.6 15 44.6 13 47.9 12 49.3 12 44.8 14 40.1 17 36 17 40.9 16 44.6 15 49.6 15 38.7 14 38.0 15 40.0 14 39.6 15 40.4 16 40.9 16 39 16 40.8 17 38.4 18 44.5 17 33.1 16 33.6 16 31.7 16 31.6 16 36.1 18 38.8 18 36 18 37.0 18 40.8 17 37.1 18 18 44.1 15 42.2 15 40 17 48.8 15 63.5 14 59.3 14 17 39.0 17 43.0 14 51 13 62.4 13 69.9 12 86.6 10 32.5 17 29.7 17 28.5 17 27.8 21.3 20 n/a n/a n/a n/a 30.6 22.2 18 25.3 18 23.6 19 24.8 19 24.0 20 24.0 20 26 19 27.0 19 33.0 19 36.9 19 21.5 19 20.6 20 24.3 18 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 23 19 22.1 20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 21.1 20 26.5 19 24.4 19 24 20 25 20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 256 - 267 - 280 2,621 2,493.2 2,618 SOURCE: Gold Fields Mineral Survey - 285.4 2,548.0 - 283.1 2486.2 - n/a n/a 20.6 22 26.9 20 36.7 20 278.9 296 - 334.4 - 381.7 - 451.0 - 2475.9 2409 2572 - 2,740.4 - 2,818.4 - THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 The country drifted from its 8th position in 2010 to 9th position in 2011 as the highest gold producing in the world. This did not adversely affect the country’s enviable position as the second largest gold producer in Africa. 3.2 GOLD PRICE (2000-2011) 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Average Realised Gold Price (US $) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 3.3 NATURAL DIAMOND: ESTIMATED WORLD PRODUCTION, BY COUNTRY AND TYPE 1, 2, 3 Country and type4 Gemstones: Angola Armenia (Thousand carats) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 8,258 184 8,016 101 12,445 50 12,500 50 e 100 e 8,732 123 Australia 7,305 231 273 220 Botswanae 24,000 25,000 25,000 24,000 Brazile Canada Central African Republice Chinae Congo (Kinshasa) Côte d’Ivoiree Ghana Guinea Guyana Lesotho Namibia Russiae Sierra Leone South Africae Tanzaniae Venezuelae Zimbabwee Other6 Total Industrial: Angolae Australia 181 182 182 13,278 17,144 14,803 340 370 302 100 5,800 -768 355 341 231 2,400 23,400 362 6,100 230 45 160 70 93,900 100 5,700 -671 815 269 454 2,266 23,300 362 6,100 239 45 100 75 92,300 100 4,200 -478 2,500 169 450 2,435 21,925 223 5,200 202 45 100 121 86,800 r r r r r 200 r, e 25,000 r, 5 10,946 r, 5 r e 5 r r 249 100 3,700 -301 557 144 450 1,192 17,791 241 2,500 155 45 100 79 75,500 918 970 900 1,383 21,915 18,960 15,397 10,700 e 200 11,773 r, 5 r r r r e r 5 r r r r r r, 5 250 100 5,500 -300 550 144 460 1,200 17,800 240 3,500 77 45 50 70 79,900 1,300 9,900 e e e e THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 Botswanae Brazile Central African Republice Chinae Congo (Kinshasa) Côte d’Ivoiree Ghana Guinea Russiae Sierra Leone South Africae Tanzaniae Venezuelae Zimbabwee Other7 Total Grand total 8,000 600 8,000 600 8,000 600 85 93 74 965 23,100 -192 118 15,000 241 9,100 42 70 900 67 81,300 175,000 970 22,600 -168 200 15,000 241 9,100 44 70 600 84 77,700 170,000 1,000 16,700 -120 600 15,000 149 7,700 36 70 700 145 67,200 154,000 r r r eEstimated. rRevised. r r r r 7,000 600 5 r r r r r 62 1,000 14,600 -75 139 15,000 160 3,600 27 70 850 115 55,400 131,000 7,000 600 r, 5 r r r r r r r r r r 60 1,000 22,200 -75 130 15,000 160 5,400 14 70 800 118 63,800 144,000 e e -- Zero. totals and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown. 2Table includes data available through June 2, 2011. 3In addition to the countries listed, Nigeria and the Republic of Korea produce natural diamond and synthetic diamond, respectively, but information is inadequate to formulate reliable estimates of output levels. 4Includes near-gem and cheap-gem qualities. 5Reported figure. 6Includes Cameroon, Congo (Brazzaville), Gabon (unspecified), India, Indonesia, Liberia, and Togo (unspecified). 7Includes Congo (Brazzaville), India, Indonesia, and Liberia. 1World Source: U.S Geological Survey Minerals Year Book-2010 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 3.4) MANGANESE ORE: WORLD PRODUCTION, BY COUNTRY1, 2 (Thousand metric tons) Country3 Australia:5 Gross weight Mncontente Brazil:7 Gross weight Mn content China:e, 8, 9 Gross weight Mn content Gabon:10 Gross weight Mn content Ghana: Gross weight Mncontente India:11 Gross weight Mn content Kazakhstan, crude ore: Gross weight Mncontente Mexico:12 Gross weight Mn content South Africa:10 Gross weight Mn content Ukraine: Gross weight Mn content, percentagee, 4 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 5,289 2,540 4,812 2,320 4,451 2,140 37–53 4,556 2,192 33–51 3,390 1,120 1,570 520 3,160 1,040 2,350 778 20–30 8,000 1,600 10,000 2,000 11,000 2,200 12,000 2,400 45–53 3,000 1,393 3,300 1,532 3,250 1,441 1,992 881 32–34 1,659 580 1,173 410 1,261 440 1,007 351 1,000 350 10–54 2,084 844 2,300 900 2,400 960 2,500 980 2,600 1,000 20–30 2,531 550 2,482 600 2,485 600 2,457 520 36–37 346 124 423 152 472 170 5,213 2,300 5,996 2,600 6,807 2,900 4,576 1,900 1,606 1,720 1,447 932 30–48+ 6 e e e 330 119 6,465 3,100 r r 2,400 780 p p 13,000 2,600 r r r r, e r e 3,201 1,416 e 3,042 640 485 175 7,172 2,900 1,589 e THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 Mncontente 30–35 546 e, 13 Other: Gross weight 752 Mn content XX 228 Total: Gross weight 33,100 Mn content XX 11,500 eEstimated. pPreliminary. rRevised. XX Not applicable. 580 865 275 r r r r r 35,100 12,100 492 r 316 r 540 1,220 434 r 1,180 411 r 1,720 672 38,300 13,000 r 33,800 10,800 r r r r 1World totals and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown. includes data available through January 2, 2012. Data pertain to concentrates or comparable shipping product, except that in a few instances the best data available appear to be for crude ore, possibly after some upgrading. 3In addition to the countries listed, Cuba, Panama, and Philippines may have produced manganese ore and (or) manganiferous ore, but available information is inadequate to make reliable estimates of output levels. 4May be average content of each year’s production rather than for content of typical products. 5Metallurgical ore. 6Reported figure. Production of beneficiated ore as reported in Mineral Summary, Brasilia, Brazil. Average content 43% Mn. Contains imports from China and South Africa. 8Includes manganiferous ore. 2Table 9.The International Manganese Institute estimated Chinese manganese ore production, in gross weight and Mn content, respectively, to be in metric tons, as follows: 2006—11,000,000 and 2,200,000; 2007—14,000,000 and 2,800,000; 2008—19,000,000 and 3,400,000; 2009—15,000,000 and 2,700,000; and 2010—17,000,000 and 3,100,000. 10. Calculated metal content includes allowance for assumed moisture content. Includes ore and sinter. 11. Reported on a fiscal year-basis. Much of India’s production grades below 35% Mn; content averaged 38.3% Mn for fiscal years 2006–07 through 2010–11. 12Mostly oxide nodules; may include smaller quantities of direct-shipping carbonate and oxide ores for metallurgical and battery operations. 13Category represents the combined totals of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burma, Chile, Colombia, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Georgia, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Italy (from wastes), Morocco, Namibia, Romania, Russia (crude ore), Sudan, Thailand, Turkey, and Zambia. Source: U.S Geological Survey Minerals Year Book-2010 42,700 14,200 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 3.5) BAUXITE: WORLD PRODUCTION, BY COUNTRY1, 2 (Thousand metric tons) Country Australia Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil Chinae Dominican Republic Ghana Greece Guinea4 Guyana4 Hungary India Indonesia Iran Jamaica4, 5 Kazakhstan Malaysia Montenegro Mozambique Pakistan Russia Sierra Leone Suriname Tanzania Turkey6 United States Venezuela Vietname Total 2007 62,398 867 25,461 30,000 500 748 2,126 18,519 2,239 546 20,343 18,700 500 14,568 4,963 157 667 9 27 5,775 1,169 5,054 5 344 NA 5,323 80 221,000 r r r r 2008 61,389 1,018 28,098 35,000 400 796 2,176 18,400 2,109 511 21,210 20,800 500 14,363 5,160 295 672 5 25 5,675 954 5,200 21 350 NA 4,192 80 229,000 r r r r e r r 2009 65,231 556 28,060 40,000 -490 2,100 15,600 1,485 317 16,000 16,000 500 7,817 5,130 263 46 4 12 5,775 757 5,388 123 200 NA 4,267 80 216,000 r r r r r r e r r 2010 68,414 828 31,700 44,000 -512 2,100 17,400 1,083 365 18,000 23,500 500 8,540 5,310 124 61 9 32 5,520 1,089 3,104 130 350 NA 2,500 80 235,000 r r r r r r r r r r r e r 2011e 69,976 830 31,800 45,000 -400 2,100 17,593 1,818 400 19,000 37,100 500 10,189 5,495 188 60 13 28 5,890 1,457 4,000 130 300 NA 4,500 600 259,000 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 eEstimated. rRevised. NA Not available. -- Zero. totals and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown. 2Table includes data available through July 9, 2012. 3Reported figure. 4Dry bauxite equivalent of crude ore. 5Bauxite processed for conversion to alumina in Jamaica plus kiln-dried ore prepared for export. 6Public-sector production only. 1World Source: U.S Geological Survey Minerals Year Book -2011 4.0 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 4.1 Distribution of Gross Domestic Product (at Basis Prices) by Economic Activity (2007-2011) Sectors Contribution (%) 2007 2008 2009 2010* 2011** AGRICULTURE 29.1 31.0 31.8 29.8 25.6 Crops 20.3 22.4 23.6 21.7 19.3 o.w. Cocoa 2.7 2.5 2.5 3.2 3.6 Livestock 2.3 2.1 2.0 2.0 1.8 Forestry and Logging 4.2 3.7 3.7 3.7 2.8 Fishing 2.3 2.7 2.5 2.3 1.7 20.7 20.4 19.0 19.1 25.9 Mining and Quarrying 2.8 2.4 2.1 2.3 8.5 o.w. Crude Oil 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 6.8 Manufacturing 9.1 7.9 6.9 6.8 6.7 Electricity 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 Water and Sewerage 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 INDUSTRY THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 Construction SERVICES Trade; Repair Of Vehicles, Household Goods 7.2 8.7 8.8 8.5 9.2 50.2 48.6 49.2 51.1 48.5 6.1 6.0 5.9 6.2 6.3 Hotels and Restaurants 5.6 6.0 6.2 6.0 5.4 Transport and Storage 13.1 11.4 10.5 10.6 10.1 Information and communication 2.4 2.2 1.8 1.9 1.8 Financial Intermediation 3.4 3.8 4.3 5.2 4.5 Business, real estate and other service 4.7 4.1 4.1 4.5 4.7 Public Administration & Defence; Social 5.9 6.3 7.0 7.0 6.4 Education 3.9 3.9 4.2 4.3 4.2 Health And Social Work 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.3 Other Community, Social & Personal Service 3.7 3.6 3.7 4.0 3.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT at_basic_prices * 2010 estimates finalised on April 11, 2012 ** 2011 estimates revised on April 11, 2012 Data source: Ghana Statistical Service THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 4.2 Growth Rates of GDP by Sector at 2006 Constant Prices (2007-2011) Sectors Growth rate (%) 2007 2008 2009 2010* 2011** AGRICULTURE -1.7 Crops -1.3 7.4 7.2 5.3 0.8 8.6 10.2 5.0 3.7 o.w. Cocoa -8.2 3.2 5.0 26.6 14.0 4.7 5.1 4.4 4.6 5.1 Forestry and Logging -4.1 -3.3 0.7 10.1 -14.0 Fishing -7.2 17.4 -5.7 1.5 -8.7 INDUSTRY 6.1 15.1 4.5 6.9 41.1 Mining and Quarrying 6.9 2.4 6.8 18.8 206.5 -1.2 3.7 -1.3 7.6 13.0 -17.2 19.4 7.5 12.3 -0.8 1.2 0.8 7.7 5.3 2.9 23.1 39.0 9.3 2.5 20.0 SERVICES 7.7 8.0 5.6 9.8 8.3 Trade; Repair Of Vehicles, Household Goods 5.4 9.5 5.4 13.3 17.9 Hotels and Restaurants 2.5 9.1 -3.8 2.7 3.6 Transport and Storage 9.2 3.8 4.4 8.0 3.3 Information and communication 4.1 19.5 3.9 24.5 17.0 18.4 10.8 9.3 16.7 1.0 3.2 0.0 0.2 13.9 14.0 Public Administration &Defence; Social 11.3 12.7 11.7 3.4 7.4 Education 10.0 13.0 12.4 5.3 3.8 Health And Social Work 3.8 4.4 15.2 11.2 5.0 Other Community, Social & Personal Service 8.9 9.2 7.5 10.7 13.0 Livestock o.w. Crude Oil Manufacturing Electricity Water and Sewerage Construction Financial Intermediation Business, real estate and other service THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT 4.5 9.3 5.8 7.9 13.4 at_basic_prices Net indirect Taxes x x x x x GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT in_purchasers'_value 6.5 8.4 4.0 8.0 14.4 * 2010 estimates finalised on April 11, 2012 ** 2011 estimates revised on April 11, 2012 Data source: Ghana Statistical Service 4.3Total Contributions to GRA (Domestic Division) by Sector 2008-2011 CONTRIBUTIONS TO IRS 200-2011 SECTORS Agriculture, hunting and forestry Fishing Mining Quarrying and Oil & Gas Manufacturing Electric Gas water Construction Construction equipment and CONTRIBUTION 2008 CONTRIBUTION 2009 CONTRIBUTION 2010 CONTRIBUTION 2011 GH¢ GH¢ GH¢ GH¢ % to total Ghana % to total Ghana % to total Ghana % to total Ghana 9,829,413.91 0.8 9,120,115.59 0.53 10,926,086,.25 0.45 13,175,279 2,202,377.53 0.18 2,873,952.07 0.17 3,214,272.21 0.13 5,296,392 179,978,382.76 14.72 319,022,675.68 18.42 519,682,174.41 21.29 1,034,221,712 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 16,214,971 0.43 103,771,220.46 8.49 135,673,322.07 7.83 169,500,714.63 6.94 266,228,347 7.11 29,366,902.01 2.4 37,914,044.15 2.19 49,507,359.17 2.03 62,397,848 33,981,073.61 2.78 41,513,864.39 2.4 55,921,205.73 2.29 95,451,523 0.35 0.14 27.61 1.67 and 2.55 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 Wholesale and retail 93,542,555.36 7.65 127,391,177.68 7.36 206,659,420.84 8.47 263,111,198 7.02 Hotel and Restaurant 12,732,124.69 1.04 13,683,223.18 0.79 14,051,092.18 0.58 18,589,133 0.5 Transport 21,867,163.31 1.79 26,638,050.83 1.54 26,170,901.76 1.07 59,397,218 1.59 Storage 32,259,560.79 2.64 64,876,956.46 3.75 101,771,112.21 4.17 98,392,534 2.63 Communication 143,136,107.15 11.71 178,889,331.41 10.33 168,131,679.54 6.89 183,518,522 4.9 Fin. Intermediation Real Estate and renting activities 188,560,959.67 15.43 268,343,906.72 15.5 317,177,340.40 12.99 532,967,730 14.23 7,659,914.15 0.63 14,116,251.99 0.82 25,087,038.20 1.03 35,301,340 7,722,304.55 0.63 10,736,496.32 0.62 16,161,635.67 0.66 19,939,629 75,930,405.12 6.21 60,417,933.77 3.49 79,473,583.27 3.26 127,585,391 Computer, Reg. and Development Other Professions and business activities Public Administration and Defence Education Health and Social work Other Social and personal service activities Private Household Employment Extra Territorial Org. and Bodies TOTAL 0.94 0.53 3.41 192,498,690.06 15.75 312,673,804.80 18.06 375,729,558.10 15.39 505,792,297 31,225,426.50 2.55 39,890,642.81 2.3 59,591,481.81 2.44 68,640,771 7,477,270.23 0.61 11,981,166.15 0.69 18,798,635.78 0.77 25,771,085 42,195,803.84 3.54 45,529,578.40 2.63 76,521,855.65 3.13 74,566,123 13.5 1.83 0.69 1.99 112,121.97 0.01 434,850.47 0.03 1,519,356.97 0.06 453,306 6,222,399.33 0.51 9,911,689.12 0.57 8,497,422.83 0.35 9,767,808 1,222,272,177.00 Data source: Ghana Revenue Authority 100 1,731,633,034.06 100 2,441,331,841.81 100 3,746,024,194 0.01 0.26 100 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 4.4 CONTRIBUTIONS TO GRA CORPORATE TAX COLLECTION BY SECTOR- (2008-2011) CONTRIBUTION 2008 GH¢ % to total Ghana SECTORS Agriculture, and forestry hunting Fishing Mining and Quarrying CONTRIBUTION 2009 GH¢ % to total Ghana CONTRIBUTION 2010 GH¢ % to total Ghana CONTRIBUTION 2011 GH¢ % to total Ghana 4,717,439.00 0.85 3,695,707.34 0.5 6,052,618.67 0.6 7,561,460 0.45 1,508,696.79 0.27 2,130,597.03 0.29 1,981,432.19 0.2 3,106,636 0.18 73,554,696.84 13.25 124,600,880.13 16.9 241,578,780.28 24.07 649,902,536 38.27 0 Oil & Gas 63,919,601.30 11.52 87,515,621.90 11.87 115,630,762.94 11.52 181,179,609 10.67 8,229,675.02 1.48 10,867,064.30 1.47 14,479,720.64 1.44 12,773,797 0.75 16,652,482.67 3 20,445,902.68 2.77 30,003,350.98 2.99 63,758,199 3.75 Wholesale and retail 45,411,392.70 8.18 66,840,180.34 9.06 134,493,694.94 13.4 164,140,565 9.67 Hotel and Restaurant 6,422,885.52 1.16 6,282,652.24 0.85 5,708,462.09 0.57 8,529,680 0.50 Transport 4,693,602.21 0.85 6,107,313.69 0.83 6,347,737.59 0.63 25,238,320 1.49 Manufacturing Electric Gas and water Construction and Construction equipment 9,975,577.54 1.8 29,380,044.07 3.98 48,047,952.08 4.79 39,906,971 2.35 Communication 127,609,739.91 22.99 147,167,068.41 19.96 131,190,051.80 13.07 142,693,590 8.40 Fin. Intermediation Real Estate and renting activities 116,332,502.26 20.96 165,487,339.61 22.44 188,958,920.07 18.82 290,812,562 17.13 1,303,162.33 0.23 2,944,948.47 0.4 6,890,227.22 0.69 8,735,844 0.51 2,770,889.87 0.5 3,787,311.97 0.51 2,783,116.02 0.28 7,759,234 0.46 Other Professions and business activities 42,137,503.12 7.59 18,445,648.75 2.5 16,365,925.03 1.63 45,872,892 2.70 Public Administration and Defence 666,104.56 0.12 10,157,800.77 1.38 3,444,793.83 0.34 4,826,436 0.28 Education 2,264,879.32 0.41 4,223,011.78 0.57 3,649,904.64 0.36 7,295,575 0.43 Health and Social work 1,727,524.89 0.31 3,643,510.29 0.49 4,792,283.41 0.48 9,153,643 0.54 Storage Computer, Reg. Development and THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 Other Social and personal service activities Private Household Employment Extra Territorial Org. and Bodies 22,123,930.83 3.99 20,505,272.32 2.78 39,469,217.56 3.93 22,989,074 1.35 45,530.59 0.01 117,764.80 0.02 1,243,205.64 0.12 269,123 0.02 2,925,143.63 0.53 3,126,437.75 0.42 747,123.91 0.07 1,530,010 0.09 554,992,960.90 TOTAL Data source: Ghana Revenue Authority 100 737,472,078.64 100 1,003,859,281.53 100 1,698,035,757 100.00 The Mining and Quarrying sector maintained its position as the leading contributor to GRA’s corporate tax collections in 2011. 4.5 CONTRIBUTION TO GRA’s PAYE COLLECTION BY SECTOR (2008-2011) SECTORS Agriculture, hunting and forestry Fishing Mining and Quarrying CONTRIBUTION 2008 GH¢ % to total Ghana CONTRIBUTION 2009 GH¢ % to total Ghana CONTRIBUTION 2010 GH¢ % to total Ghana CONTRIBUTION 2011 GH¢ % to total Ghana 4,697,007.59 0.92 4,820,556.77 0.62 4,435,582.18 0.45 5,104,440 0.39 663,887.56 0.13 731,040.77 0.09 1,206,863.91 0.12 2,137,709 0.16 47,139,242.31 9.19 103,061,985.35 13.21 132,469,709.91 13.5 161,822,107 12.43 16,214,971 1.25 Oil & Gas Manufacturing 38,201,918.29 7.45 46,345,380.23 5.94 50,796,413.34 5.18 81,409,587 6.25 Electric Gas and water 20,987,600.99 4.09 26,803,250.72 3.43 34,769,499.45 3.54 49,095,765 3.77 Construction and Construction equipment 12,747,848.22 2.49 15,962,492.34 2.05 16,805,685.22 1.71 20,600,331 1.58 Wholesale and retail 23,872,267.76 4.66 30,944,853.45 3.96 41,710,910.06 4.25 56,282,205 4.32 Hotel and Restaurant 5,225,147.09 1.02 6,464,643.34 0.83 6,839,482.20 0.7 8,348,913 0.64 Transport 9,102,610.08 1.78 12,249,946.78 1.57 10,637,238.94 1.08 23,053,378 1.77 Storage 8,296,008.60 1.82 16,193,773.62 2.07 24,127,599.30 2.46 17,777,089 1.37 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 Communication 14,892,988.45 2.9 31,170,800.90 3.99 36,481,100.46 3.72 40,230,534 3.09 Fin. Intermediation Real Estate and renting activities 67,386,604.27 13.14 93,171,266.65 11.94 113,671,524.26 11.58 151,736,394 11.66 2,609,638.37 0.51 3,223,844.71 0.41 4,470,091.28 0.46 9,590,105 0.74 Computer, Reg. and Development 4,560,735.08 0.89 6,543,176.30 0.84 12,959,479.92 1.32 11,606,187 0.89 Other Professions and business activities 9,461,426.95 1.85 11,206,778.76 1.44 13,546,617.22 1.38 22,583,547 1.74 Public Administration and Defence 191,616,208.02 37.38 302,177,936.74 38.72 371,863,211.75 37.89 499,714,628 38.39 27,083,584.52 5.28 33,949,947.22 4.35 53,766,477.41 5.48 58,106,229 4.46 4,663,070.41 0.91 6,643,276.63 0.85 11,159,438.36 1.14 12,878,439 0.99 16,325,586.68 3.18 22,091,410.59 2.83 31,882,690.61 3.25 44,976,669 3.46 20,496.90 0 245,427.71 0.03 193,163.55 0.02 175,508 0.01 3,125,960.71 0.61 6,468,721.88 0.83 7,596,377.27 0.77 8,077,029 0.62 512,679,838.85 100 780,470,511.46 100 981,389,156.60 100 1,301,521,764 100 Education Health and Social work Other Social and personal service activities Private Household Employment Extra Territorial Org. and Bodies TOTAL Data source: Ghana Revenue Authority The Mining and Quarrying sector ranked 2nd in terms of contribution to Pay as You Earn (PAYE) collections after the Public Administration and Defence sectors in 2011. THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 4.6 MINING’S CONTRIBUTION TO TOTAL ROYALTIES (1993-2011) YEAR MINERAL ROYALTIES ('000) TOTAL ROYALTIES ('000) % MINING CONTRIBUTION 1993 7,485,121 7,578,993 98.8% 1994 12,783,689 12,889,288 99.2% 1995 20,911,926 21,165,378 98.8% 1996 35,527,027 36,554,637 97.2% 1997 34,594,950 34,892,890 99.1% 1998 49,841,242 51,246,019 97.3% 1999 48,620,419 49,904,743 97.4% 2000 118,736,935 120,402,330 98.6% 2001 127,358,386 128,658,185 99.0% 2002 153,452,471 154,282,756 99.5% 2003 200,867,945 202,377,432 99.3% 2004 215,743,706 219,754,239 98.2% 2005 235,951,903 245,129,408 96.3% 2006 2007* 2008* 316,254,789 40,882 59,005 357,167,242 41,844 62,915 88.5% 97.7% 93.8% THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 2009* 2010* 2011* 90,416 144,697 222,024 96,653 150,539 224,966 93.5% 96.1% 98.7% Data source: Minerals Commission, Statistical overview of Ghana’s Mining Industry (1993-2003) Internal Revenue Service/GRA (2004-2010) * Contributions for 2007 to 2011 are in GH¢. All others are in cedis, (¢10,000: GH¢1) 4.7a Investments in the Mining Sector (2000—2011) B. SUPPORT SERVICES Year US$M 2000 22.47 2001 21.69 2002 18.65 2003 21.8 2004 23.39 2005 25.9 2006 23.48 2007 24.56 2008 27.83 2009 28.3 2010 30.8 2011 24.5 TOTAL 293.37 Data source: Minerals Commission THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 4.7b Total Investments inflow into the Mining Sector (2000—2011) YEAR Producing Companies US$m Exploration Companies US$m Support Service Companies US$m TOTAL US$m 2000 29.91 179.4 22.47 231.78 2001 108.63 145.21 21.69 275.53 2002 110.5 186.44 18.65 315.59 2003 325.69 198.13 21.8 545.62 2004 407.58 207.36 23.39 638.33 2005 543.12 228.5 25.9 797.52 2006 330.36 232.9 23.48 586.74 2007 410.25 235.41 24.56 670.22 2008 466.75 270.72 27.83 765.3 2009 511 222.96 28.3 762.26 2010 508.2 231 30.8 770 2011 513.6 242 24.5 780.1 4,265.59 2,580.03 293.37 7,138.99 TOTAL Data source: Minerals Commission, THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 4.7c Trend of Total Investment inflow into the Mining Industry (2000-2011) TRENDS IN TOTAL INVESTMENT INFLOW INTO THE MINING INDUSTRY 2000-2011 900 799.5 800 Million US Dollars 762.26 770 780 2008 2009 2010 2011 670.22 661.98 700 765.3 556.44 600 500 400 300 231.78 275.53 313.72 330.43 200 100 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Years Source: Minerals Commission 4.8 CAPEX Producing mining companies made a Capital Expenditure of about US$821,061,062 on plant, machinery and equipment in 2011. THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 4.9 Percentage Export Merchandise Mineral exports of producing members of the Chamber as well as exports of PMMC and Asap Vasa amounted to US$ 4,778,502,161 in 2011. The mining industry’s contribution to total mechanized exports was about 40% in 2011. Income terms-of-trade multiplier arises from the positive impact that mineral export earnings have on the balance of payments, foreign reserves, monetary policy and ultimately upon the general level of business activity in the country. 4.10 MINING SECTOR CONTRIBUTIONS (1990-2011) YEAR CORPORAT E TAX MINERAL ROYALTIES PAYE RECONSTRUCTION LEVY TOTAL MINING CONTRIBUTI ON TO GRA/IRS TOTAL IRS %MINING/TOTAL 1990 2,825,941,158 1,893,436,000 4,719,377,158 52,818,068,300 8.94% 1991 821,844,979 3,021,277,000 3,843,121,979 61,485,625,496 6.25% 1992 455,051,883 4,545,804,000 5,000,855,883 74,931,531,366 6.67% 1993 4,393,447,293 7,485,121,000 2,649,306,000 14,527,874,293 113,236,997,000 12.83% 1994 7,214,082,000 12,783,689,000 4,810,802,000 24,808,573,000 166,595,941,000 14.89% 1995 20,392,973,000 20,911,926,000 7,951,763,000 49,256,662,000 275,513,201,000 17.88% 1996 9,160,528,000 35,527,027,000 16,834,543,000 61,522,098,000 424,491,908,000 14.49% 1997 9,868,796,000 34,594,950,000 25,022,023,000 69,485,769,000 605,782,577,000 11.47% 1998 14,450,773,000 49,841,242,000 31,016,506,000 95,308,521,000 785,436,693,000 12.13% 1999 31,117,108,000 48,620,419,161 27,839,260,000 107,576,787,161 901,663,758,000 11.93% 2000 15,789,167,000 118,736,935,173 59,243,800,000 193,769,902,173 1,409,445,273,000 13.75% 2001 24,812,893,000 127,358,386,430 4,251,467,579 232,534,425,009 1,950,162,751,000 11.92% 2002 23,501,158,000 153,452,471,032 76,111,678,000 101,457,668,00 0 26,474,633,878 304,885,930,910 2,757,747,781,032 11.06% 2003 68,137,702,000 194,387,579,429 141,049,450,00 16,785,882,702 420,360,614,131 3,824,078,389,429 10.99% THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 0 2006 100,331,114,00 0 269,889,639,00 0 404,361,775,00 0 316,254,789,000 134,357,711,00 0 194,058,939,00 0 216,525,776,00 0 2007* 47,415,690 40,882,042 34,587,597 - 123,021,866 901,242,340 14.42% 2008* 73,554,697 59,004,892 47,139,242 - 179,978,383 1,222,272,177 15.32% 2009* 124,600,880 90,415,902 103,061,985 - 319,022,676 1,731,633,034 18.21% 2010* 241,578,780.28 144,697,000 132,469,709.91 - 519,682,174.41 2,441,331,841.81 21.29% 2011* 649,902,536 161,822,107 - 1,034,221,712 3,746,024,194 27.61% 2004 2005 215,743,706,000 235,951,903,000 36,346,622,100 486,779,183,100 5,333,114,704,000 9.13% 22,957,004,700 722,857,485,700 6,446,385,048,000 11.21% 11,085,262,400 748,227,602,400 7,333,916,866,000 10.20% Data source: Minerals Commission, Statistical overview of Ghana’s Mining Industry (1990-2003); Internal Revenue Service/ GRA (2004-2011) * Contributions for 2007 to 2011 are in GH¢. All others are in cedis, (¢10,000: GH¢1) 4.11 Social Security Contributions In 2011, producing mining companies of the Ghana Chamber of Mines paid an amount of GH¢ 27,545,431as social security contributions on behalf of their employees. These are long-term funds which assist the country’s capital formation drive. Indeed the mining industry contributes to capital formation multipliers which arise from mining companies’ influence in attracting foreign capital to the country and in domestic capital formation. THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 5.0 MAJOR MINERALS PRODUCTION IN GHANA 5.1 PRODUCTION TREND FOR GOLD Production Trend in Ounces (1990-2011) 3,500,000 2,970,080 2,930,328 2,924,385 3,000,000 2,353,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,644,622 1,630,309 2,315,000 2,257,681 2,208,154 2,205,473 2,149,372 2,115,196 1,794,497 1,550,814 1,396,887 1,251,010 1,500,000 1,000,000 2,585,993 2,486,821 2,244,680 946,269 1,006,943 522,517 500,000 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source: Chamber of Mines Annual Reports THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 5.2 PRODUCTION TREND FOR DIAMOND Production Trend in Carats (1990-2011) 1,200,000 1,062,930 970,751 1,000,000 924,638 870,490 911,809 823,125 800,000 746,949 702,172 714,717 627,319 596,236 600,000 837,586 927,000 680,343 627,000 598,042 698,585 484,877 584,848 354,443 400,000 283,369 200,000 308,679 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source: Chamber of Mines Annual Reports THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 5.3 SALES TREND FOR BAUXITE Sales Trend in Tonnes (1990-2011) 1,000,000 885,770 900,000 800,000 700,000 512,977 500,000 300,000 381,373 423,747 352,921 504,401 473,218 426,128 503,825 442,514 355,260 748,232 693,991 647,231 600,000 400,000 726,608 715,455 494,716 498,060 490,367 400,069 512,208 338,244 200,000 100,000 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source: Chamber of Mines Annual Reports THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 5.4 SALES TREND FOR MANGANESE *Sales Trend of Manganese in Tonnes (1990-2011) 2,000,000 1,827,692 1,714,797 1,800,000 1,593,778 1,600,000 1,658,701 1,509,432 1,400,000 1,212,338 1,200,000 1,156,339 1,089,021 1,132,000 1,000,000 800,000 638,937 638,937 600,000 364,373 325,964 400,000 294,789 353,476 200,000 1,012,941 1,194,074 348,406 245,432 271,989 273,224 161,690 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source: Chamber of Mines Annual Reports THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 6.0 MAJOR MINERAL REVENUE IN GHANA 6.1 REVENUE TREND FOR GOLD (US Dollars) Revenue trend for Gold (2004-2011) 5,000,000,000 4,630,255,619 4,500,000,000 4,000,000,000 3,620,766,467 3,500,000,000 2,842,821,528 3,000,000,000 2,500,000,000 2,202,878,021 2,000,000,000 1,711,511,381 1,327,455,774 1,500,000,000 1,000,000,000 731,232,992 903,899,619 500,000,000 0 2004 Source: Chamber of Mines Annual Reports 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 6.1 REVENUE TREND FOR DIAMOND (US Dollars) Revenue Trend for Diamond (2004-2011) 40,000,000 34,729,560 35,000,000 30,021,594 30,000,000 26,366,914 26,010,921 25,000,000 18,892,292 20,000,000 14,850,558 15,000,000 11,126,089 10,000,000 6,991,088 5,000,000 0 2004 2005 Source: Chamber of Mines Annual Reports 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 6.2 REVENUE TREND FOR BAUXITE (US Dollars) Revenue Trend for Bauxite (2004-2011) 25,000,000 22,564,545 19,686,731 20,000,000 19,810,287 18,022,283 15,145,755 15,000,000 13,406,433 11,157,480 10,615,787 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 2004 2005 Source: Chamber of Mines Annual Reports 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 6.3 REVENUE TREND FOR MANGANESE (US Dollars) *Revenue Trend for Manganese (2004-2011) 140,000,000 119,989,551 120,000,000 100,000,000 77,809,077 80,000,000 62,348,266 64,860,940 60,000,000 39,028,514 40,000,000 36,831,651 30,247,600 39,932,287 20,000,000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 *The above data reflects export sales only (excludes local sales) of Ghana Manganese Company. Source: Chamber of Mines Annual Reports 2009 2010 2011 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 7.0 LABOUR IN THE MINING SECTOR 7.1 Employment At the end of the 2011 year producing mining companies directly employed 14,477persons of which 235 were expatriates. This implies that only 0.83% of the workforce directly engaged at the mines were expatriates. Mining Sector Employment (1994-2011) 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Gold Data source: The Ghana Chamber of Mines 2001 Bauxite 2002 2003 Manganese 2004 2005 Diamond 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 8.0 SOCIO – ECONOMIC CONTRIBUTIONS 8.1 Socio-Economic Contributions The mining industry contributes to social multipliers which arise from the role of mining companies in the development of human resources and infrastructure such as schools, colleges, clinics, roads, and housing. Socio-economic contributions Education 2004 (US$) 486,927 Health Electricity Roads Water Housing Agro-Industry Agriculture Sanitation Resettlement Action Plan Alternative Livelihood Projects(others) 549,900 140,939 75,291 265,493 264,749 33 9,291 116,410 548,496 242,215 Others Total 2005 (US$) 603,519 332,924 2006 (US$) 1,121,061 2007 (US$) 1,010,246 2008 (US$) 1,406,203 415,711 2009 (US$) 1,259,262 777,486 2010 (US$) 2,826,680 1,055,260 1,767,790 407,052 65,913 692,282 349,992 79,520 2,313 11,201 65,503 19,780 361,685 368,440 176,086 399,020 19,543 1,289,664 1,228,439 87,543 2,648,974 2,648,974 880,441 370,691 337,942 3,070,436 2,922,573 2011 (US$) 565,596 458,797 609,146 220,876 618,531 386,668 743,937 262,863 4,503,381 2,897,767 333,611 2,612,992 649,703 686,523 778,970 1,551,893 405,236 567,820 992,973 285,319 1,375,626 284,668 112,635 50,624 610,353 227,844 800,188 798,658 526,218 1,459,049 678,976 155,266 809,228 196,428 1,190,371 2,214,584 1,917,227 1,368,497 1,437,529 165,633 54,982 1,407,674 202,762 29,345,274 175,935 845,054 830,747 2,004,228 2,841,649 6,478,411 9,802,809 13,108,554 12,405,861 9,424,309 17,590,469 5,528,313 43,732,833 Source: Ghana Chamber of Mines Producing members of the Chamber voluntarily contributed in excess of US$43 million and more than US$17.5 million in 2010 to their host communities and general public. THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 8.2 Property Rates In 2011, the producing members of the Chamber paid a total amount of GH¢1,488,612 to the various Municipal and District Assemblies within which they work. Tarkwa Nsuaem, Prestea Huni-Valley, Obuasi, Bibiani Ahwianso were the main beneficiaries. The property rates mining companies pay complement primary funds such as the District Assemblies Common Fund which are used in running the municipalities and districts. 9. ENERGY The mining companies’ usage of energy demonstrates its significant backward linkage into the local economy. 9.1 Electric Power In 2011, the mining industry in Ghana used 1,544,061,732KWh of electric power and paid a total amount equivalent to about GH¢467 million for the power they consumed. This was paid to VRA GRIDCO and ECG. Whiles in 2010, 1,543,615,309 KWh was used by the industry costing the mining companies an amount equivalent to about GH¢239 million. 9.2 Diesel The mining industry consumed 248,953,636 litres of diesel in 2011, compared to the 213,554,955 litres of diesel it used in 2010. The companies paid an amount of GH¢483.86 million in 2011 and GH¢322,974,837 in 2010 for fuel consumption. 10.0 STATISTICS ON INCIDENTS 10.1 The number of incidents recorded on the various mines was made up as follows: ACCIDENT/INCIDENT-2011 Fatal accidents 1st Qtr 2 NUMBER OF INCIDENTS 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 1 1 4 Total 8 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 Serious accidents Minor injuries Non-casualty incidents Non Employee (fatal) 6 18 27 0 ACCIDENT/INCIDENT 2010 Fatal accidents Serious accidents Minor injuries Non-casualty incidents Non Employee (fatal) 1st Qtr 1 9 52 0 0 11 50 47 1 8 36 52 1 8 49 65 0 NUMBER OF INCIDENTS 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 0 3 0 14 13 3 35 22 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 NUMBER OF INCIDENTS Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Fatal accidents 1 1 2 0 Serious accidents 20 10 9 8 Minor injuries 12 0 55 92 Non-casualty incidents 0 0 0 0 Non Employee (fatal) 4 0 0 0 Source: Inspectorate Division of Minerals Commission *This includes incidents attributable to 3 rd party contractors operating at the mines. 33 153 191 2 Total 4 39 176 0 0 ACCIDENT/INCIDENT 2009 1st Total 4 47 159 0 4 Improving health and Safety in the mining sector in Ghana is paramount. As a result, the Chamber of Mines believes that health and safety is not a competitive but rather a collaborative issue, which involves the industry professionals and the wider stakeholder community. THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 APPENDIX A A1: MAJOR MINERALS PRODUCTION IN GHANA (1970-2011) Year Gold (Ounces) Diamond (Carats) Bauxite (M/t) Manganese (M/t) 19701 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 714,442 693,770 710,013 731,711 709,550 583,103 515,654 531,084 465,651 387,730 437,669 349,870 335,724 311,707 282,641 283,819 447,796 328,939 374,051 418,070 522,517 946,269 1,006,943 1,251,010 2,355,797 2,542,100 2,482,822 2,375,582 2,406,860 2,255,227 2,231,791 2,085,511 1,817,818 1,391,058 1,227,071 1,016,580 893,016 529,767 450,049 505,295 878,943 435,900 277,966 160,729 484,877 702,172 596,236 584,848 259,993 361,038 356,479 330,351 327,627 383,087 282,084 271,090 271,448 213,679 224,501 179,598 63,530 52,676 53,421 122,512 273,602 196,255 284,527 347,065 381,373 352,921 338,244 423,747 354,726 455,253 476,690 533,789 255,393 282,291 384,162 343,228 321,443 342,051 368,593 260,409 176,871 177,154 243,260 325,905 498,996 295,061 259,614 333,743 364,373 325,964 353,476 294,789 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 Year Gold (Ounces) Diamond (Carats) Bauxite (M/t) Manganese (M/t) 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 20002 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1,396,887 1,630,309 1,550,814 1,644,622 2,353,000 2,257,681 2,315,000 2,205,473 2,115,196 2,208,154 1,794,497 2,149,372 2,244,680 2,486,821 2,585,993 2,930,328 2,970,080 2,924,385 746,949 627,319 714,717 698,585 823,125 680,343 627,000 870,490 924,638 927,000 911,809 1,062,930 970,751 837,586 598,042 354,443 308,679 283,369 426,128 512,977 473,218 504,401 442,514 355,260 503,825 715,455 647,231 494,716 498,060 726,608 885,770 748,232 693,991 490,367 512,208 400,069 271,989 245,432 161,690 273,224 348,406 638,937 638,937 1,212,338 1,132,000 1,509,432 1,593,778 1,714,797 1,658,701 1,156,339 1,089,021 1,012,941 1,194,074 1,827,692 Source: 1 1970 -1999 - Minerals Commission, Statistical overview Of Ghana’s mining industry 2 2000 – 2011 Chamber of Mines Annual Reports THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES Factoid 2011 APPENDIX B B1: MAJOR MINERALS REVENUE IN GHANA (2004-2010) Year Gold (USD) Diamond (USD) Bauxite (USD) Manganese (USD) 2004 731,232,992 26,010,921 10,615,787 30,247,600 2005 903,899,619 34,729,560 18,022,283 39,028,514 2006 1,327,455,774 30,021,594 22,564,545 39,932,287 2007 1,711,511,381 26,366,914 19,686,731 36,831,651 2008 2,202,878,021 18,892,292 19,810,287 62,348,266 2009 2,842,821,528 6,991,088 11,157,480 64,860,940 2010 3,620,766,467 11,126,089 15,145,755 77,809,077 2011 4,630,255,619 14,850,558 13,406,433 119,989,551 Source: Chamber of Mines Annual Reports