Minutes of Lepton and Kirkheaton Surgeries Patient Participation Group Date: 6th March 2014 Time: 7pm Venue: Lepton Surgery Present: Dr Fitton, Julie Martin, Sue Hoyle, Peter Clay, Lesley Arragon, J C Arragon, Tony Brearley, David Robb, Roy Dobson, Ruth Harris, Joan Anderson Apologies: David Jordon, Jenny Spencer, Jill Robson, Gill Briggs, Charlotte Powell, Pat Law, George Law. 1. Dr Barnwell’s’ Retirement Gift A collection was made at the surgeries by the PPG and it was intended to buy a love seat for Dr Barnwell’s garden. However, these are not yet available and so we have purchased vouchers for him to buy later on in the year. Dr Fitton is trying to arrange a lunchtime meeting with Dr Barnwell in one of the surgeries, possibly in March or April to present the vouchers. 2. GP Update After a lot of effort in recruitment there are still no new appointments, apparently many surgeries in the area are needing new doctors and the applicants are all in a sellers market. Of 10 recent applications, 4 were shortlisted and 3 were interviewed, however, the doctors interviewed already had other job offers and the majority only seemed to want to work part time. We will now have to go back to the other original applicants who were not shortlisted and try again. Since there is much competition for this short pool of doctors it is not going to be easy. During this period of time the cost of employing locums is very expensive. The two sites issue is also a difficulty. The surgery has decided to be renamed “Lepton and Kirkheaton Surgeries” so the surgery does not have to change its name each time a Partner leaves. 3. Suggestions from the survey to discuss a) Appointments – it was felt that opening the surgery at the same time as appointments started and also not answering the phone until 8.30 was creating problems for people who worked or were on the school run. Staff are already in earlier as it takes much longer to get set up with the computers etc. It is something to look into when the phone contracts come to an end and the phone system can be changed and possibly linked into both surgeries to improve the situation. Appointments are always taken very quickly and it is not unusual to find by 8.35 all appointments are already booked for the day. b) Appointments running late – it was asked if more information could be given to waiting patients as to any delays via the screen in the surgery. c) TV screen – we now have a separate radio in the surgery to play music and this has allowed the screen beep to be made much louder, also the patients name and surgery number is now on screen for 15 seconds instead of 10. d) Patients online – It was asked if the surgery staff could be more proactive in getting patients signed up to the online service and prescriptions, there is also a need to look at more online appointments to be made available when demand increases. e) Triage – there was more interest in the recent survey than the previous one, for a triage system, patients indicated they wanted a doctors triage phonecall rather than a nurse. However doctors are already making 20 phone calls per day and feel at the moment this is not a practical proposition. The locums employed do not fully cover all the appointments needed, therefore currently there is a shortfall in appointments available for patients. Once we have a full supply of doctors we can look at this again. Another option would be to employ a nurse practitioner who could probably deal with one problem at a time, however because of the current shortage of doctors, patients tend to save all their problems for one time and doctors have to deal with multiple problems and therefore a 10 minute slot is not sufficient. 4. Communication a) Website – it was asked if the website could be kept updated on a more regular basis and be used as a working document, information could include doctors holidays, surgery holidays, training days, etc. Sharing information this way is better otherwise patients may think things are being hidden, eg, recent doctor turnover. Could information sheets be supplied to new patients with basic information including doctors names, website, facilities etc? There is a booklet but with all the changes this has been kept on hold as it is difficult to keep making changes to this. b) Doctors names – could doctors names on duty be displayed on the screen. c) Newsletter – is a monthly newsletter a possibility via email? It was decided to update the website regularly first and see if this helps with communication. 5. Kirkheaton Receptionist It would appear that although the reception staff at Lepton are very good, there is a problem at Kirkheaton. All staff now wear name badges and give out their name over the phone. All the staff have seen the report from the recent survey which explains some of this. The management are aware and have to follow the employment law. However it is difficult unless we receive specific complaints to act further. 6. Walking Group Patients at Kirkheaton can now join the Kirkheaton walking group which has been established for two years, it sets off every week on Thursday at 2.00pm from Kirkheaton church and after a one hour (approx) walk they can retire for tea and coffee in the church. At the moment Lepton are not covered as they are still looking for a walk leader, however Lepton patients can join the Kirkheaton walk and they would be quite welcome. Signs and information have been provided at the surgeries and the doctors will promote to relevant patients. 7. Date of next meeting Thursday 5th June 2014 at 7pm at Lepton Surgery.