Trip_Report - Chabot College

GGB, VP Engineering
Bruce Mayer, PE
SemiMaker-3210 Amplified Video-Splitting Upgrade Report
The installation and testing of the Video UpGrade at SemiMaker on 25Mar03 went
Flawlessly. The customer is fully satisfied with the result.
There are no SemiMaker “next-steps” associated with this issue.
The next-step for OTA entails the installation of an upgrade kit on the SMT-3220.
Also, it is recommended that ALL FR-3200 ADR/MDR systems utilize amplified video splitting
to achieve optimum performance. This also applies to systems installed outside of the USA.
Location: Semiconductor Factory
 SemiCity, SemiState
System: Microscope Defect Review System
Installers: Bruce Mayer, Bryan S.
Host: Joe Blow,
Date: 25-Mar-03
Hardware Installed: See B. Mayer file FR3200_Svideo_UpGrade_Install_0303.ppt
Installation Procedure: See B. Mayer file FR3200_Svideo_UpGrade_Install_0303.ppt
Video upgrade Documentation
 FR3200_Svideo_UpGrade_Install_0303.ppt
 3200_Video_Upgrade_Design_Validation_Test_Report_0303.doc
 3200_S-video_Upgrade_Parts-List_0303.doc
 SS0517L2_Video-Upgrade_0303.vsd
 OTA3200_Video_Testing_0303.ppt
 FR3200_Video_Testing_0301.ppt
As noted in a previous report i the FR3200 at SemiMaker passively splits the microscope
video signal to send it to the Inspection and ADR computers. This degrades the video Signal.
B. Mayer file: 3200_Video_Upgrade_Design_Validation_Test_Report_0303.doc
Bruce Mayer, PE • pg 1 • 27-Mar-03 • Document1
The Frame Grabber card manufacturer (Matrox) recommends using an amplified splitter
instead. A Sep02 attempt to install an amplified splitter on the SemiMaker-3210 FAILED as
the installation produced only Black (no signal) screens. The SemiMaker-3210 was returned
to the passive configuration as a “work-around” measure.
Over Feb03-Mar03 an amplified splitter UpGrade Kit was designed, assembled, and tested
on the OTA-3210. The OTA-3210 upgrade has run without fault since 17Mar03. As a result of
positive testing, OTA presented an upgrade plan/schedule to the customer. SemiMaker
approved installation of the upgrade kit. Upgrade hardware and instructions were shipped to
SemiCity the week of 17Mar03
On 25Mar03 B. Snerdly and B. Mayer installed the upgrade hardware on the SemiMaker3210 ii . Mr. Snerdly dad carefully prepared for the component changes, and thus the
hardware-installation was completed in less than 30 minutes. Successfully obtaining both
visible & DUV images on both the inspection and ADR computer screens verified full
functional video-performance.
Joe Blow and Bryan and prepared a performance test in advance of the upgrade. They ran
an ADC session using three wafers, with 3 repetitions each, to establish the “before” ADCperformance condition. Upon functional testing completion, Joe ran the ADC-performance
test for the “after” configuration. The ADC classifications were virtually identical for both the
before and after video-configurations. This showed that the upgrade did not change the ADC
performance. Joe then approved the upgrade as a performance success.
As of this writing (27-Mar-03/10:13) the video system continues to function to SemiMaker’s
Iterate upon Upgrade-Instruction based on learning from the SemiMaker upgrade
o only minor changes needed
Prepare upgrade kit for the SMT-3220
o Critical Item = New, properly wired SS6141 video-switch box
 Order from the FIS-Nagano team
o Test ALL upgrade hardware on OTA-3210 prior to shipment to SMT
R. Banal and B. Snerdly to UpGrade the SMT-3220
o Install upgrade hardware on the SemiMaker-3210
Send full documentation to the FIS-Nagano 3200-Team
o ALL ADR/MDR systems should conform to the amplified video-splitting
A detailed TimeLine on the installation may be found in the “REAL-TIME NOTES” section of this report.
Bruce Mayer, PE • pg 2 • 27-Mar-03 • Document1
Notes 25Mar03
Arrive BOI airport 1150hrs
- 1159 hrs Find BSnerdly waiting in his truck
1205hrs call Joe Blow and ask if we can start upgrade immediately - He agrees
- Joe is just finishing a set of before-and-after UpGrade Calibration Wafers
1210hrs arrive SemiMaker Factory
1220hrs arrive at 3210 tool; inspect upgrade hardware
1224hrs power down system commence video hardware upgrade
- Bryan's prep
-- clean room copies of installation instruction
-- laid out and pre connected all upgrade hardware
- 1240hrs: discover the old CVG pwr supply that was used in the first video upgrade attempt
in Sep02 (the good old days)
1256hrs: confirmed proper video function with BOTH visible and DUV live images
- UpGrade Confirmed a functional success
- initial results from before and after ADC runs are nearly identical; a good sign that the new
video hardware did NOT affect the ADC recipe
1300: software "happy stop" at nearly the same time as the SemiMaker Fab computer
network went down
- Bryan collected a great deal of data on the circumstances of this stop
- 1320hrs-1355hrs = lunch in SemiMaker "cafetorium"
1400hrs: restart ADC calibration run
- mid-run BSnerdly conducts a NetWork vs. 3210-Computer tests
-- while running he pulled the network cable from the ADC computer
--- NO lock-Up or happy-stop
-- next he plugged-in the network cable while the system was still in the ADC call run
1430: Joe Blow reviews the results of the calibration
- The Defect classification results are almost identical
-- Joe approves the video up grade as a PERFORMANCE success
1455hrs: Joe logs the systems as UP for production
- running TEOS_PASS1 product
1500hrs: BSnerdly says to me "your work is done here"; do you want to leave today?
- I accept the offer for early departure; and make arrangements for 1710hrs flite
1530hrs check in at airport
-----Original Message-----
Bruce Mayer, PE • pg 3 • 27-Mar-03 • Document1
From: Bryan Snerdly
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 4:49 PM
To: Bruce Mayer
Cc: Greg Baker; Doug Putnam-Pite
Subject: FW: Video Upgrade
Joe's response.
-----Original Message----From: jlblow []
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 5:54 PM
To: Bryan Snerdly
Subject: RE: Video Upgrade
This is OK.
Thanks, Joe
-----Original Message----From: Bryan Snerdly []
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 7:03 PM
To: Joe Blow
Cc: Bruce Mayer; Greg Baker; Doug Putnam-Pite
Subject: Video Upgrade
Hi Joe,
Bruce would like to upgrade the video components to the SemiMaker system on March 25.
He has a prepared a time line of events.
Estimate of downtime hours:
Shutdown System, remove old hardware
Install new Video Hardware
Verify proper function for both visible & DUV video
Contingency: new hardware does NOT work; Return to original condition
Total System Downtime
Based upon the information we have learned about replacing the lamp and predicate effects,
please discuss with us your thoughts and concerns. This will be an improvement to the
image delivered from the camera.
Thanks, Bryan
Bruce Mayer, PE • pg 4 • 27-Mar-03 • Document1
Bruce Mayer, PE • pg 5 • 27-Mar-03 • Document1
Figure 1: Faulty SS6141 Video Switch Removed From SemiMaker-3210
Bruce Mayer, PE • pg 6 • 27-Mar-03 • Document1
Bruce Mayer, PE • pg 7 • 27-Mar-03 • Document1