BLMs BLM1 ....... How to Host a Successful Debate BLM2 ....... Suggested Debate Order BLM3 ....... Roles for Students BLM4 ....... Debate Organizer BLM5 ....... Debate Argument Tracking Sheet BLM6 ....... Scientific Report – Persuasive Essay Guidelines STAO 2013 How to Host a Successful Debate BLM1 1. Setting up the atmosphere - There will be two teams debating the same topic (for and against the issue) - Share with students the outline for a debate - Fact sheets will be provided (same sheet to both teams) to provide information to students - Students will need a research period to find out everything they can about their position - During the debate, students may not speak out of turn(deducted a debate point that goes against their grade) - Remind students that they will need to take notes on what each team is saying so that their arguments can be addressed during their talking minutes - Let students know that there will be time for a debate open floor at the completion of the closing statements 2. Presenting the debate question Present the topic before assigning a “for” or “against” perspective. This will allow students some time to think about the topic from both sides. 3. Assign students a role and position (BLM3) Provide students with a “role” or a new persona. They can approach the debate topic adopting their role with the hopes of providing each team with multiple perspectives to consider when developing arguments. 4. Listeners Listeners take notes during the opening statements and rebuttals in order to create a rebuttal that addresses the opposition arguments. 5. Opening Statement Have each team meet in separate locations to create an opening statement. An opening statement should: - Introduce the topic - Contain 3-4 points to support your view - Have a final sentence that states the goal of your position – what you want to convince the other team to believe - Be 2-3 minutes long - Demonstrate your energy when you present - Be written down, if you have enough time 6. Rebuttal Teams meet following the opening statement to come up with a rebuttal to the arguments presented by the opposition. A rebuttal should: - Address the arguments presented, not the person who spoke them - Show why the opposition arguments are wrong. It is not good enough to say “you’re wrong”. You must provide evidence and give reasons based on your research. STAO 2013 1 7. Speakers Each team member must find a moment to speak during the debate process. Each team member can only speak once until all members have had a turn to speak. Team members can have another member ask a question on their behalf. They can also find speaking time. 8. Closing Statement Teams must summarize all the important points and arguments from the debate. The closing statement should be written down (similar to the opening statement). It should leave the audience thinking about the strongest points that support your view. STAO 2013 2 Suggested Debate Order BLM2 Team Research and Preparation Affirmative Opening Statement Negative Opening Statement Team Meeting #1 Affirmative Rebuttal #1 Negative Rebuttal #1 Open Question Period (2 questions per team) Team Meeting #2 Affirmative Rebuttal #2 Negative Rebuttal #2 Open Question Period (2 questions per team) Affirmative Rebuttal #3 Negative Rebuttal #3 Team Meeting #3 Affirmative Closing Statement Negative Closing Statement Open Floor – Allow students to openly discuss their positions. Expect this time to be loud and boisterous. If students have really bought into their position, they tend to naturally group up and discuss points that were made throughout the debate. Encourage students to challenge the points being made rather than the person making the statement. Note: The team meetings allow first-time debaters to meet with their group and collect their thoughts. It allows students time to process the information they have heard. They can also find supporting scientific facts to back up their opinion in opposition to the statements made by their opponents. STAO 2013 Roles for Students BLM3 Below are some possible roles students can take to help them develop arguments for their debate topic. Green argues the affirmative. Red argues the negative Negative Affirmative Local fisherman Industry worker Town counsellor Town mayor Local teenager Local teenager Local mother Local mother Local father Local father Environment specialist Store owner Local business Local teacher Local teacher Tourist Tourist Local doctor Local doctor Local nurse Local nurse Road workers Local farmer City planner Police force Construction worker Paramedic Police force Fire fighter Paramedic Lifeguard Local hunter Local hunter Fire fighter STAO 2013 Debate Organizer BLM4 Team Position: ___________________________ Name: _______________________ Use this sheet to help you and your team organize your thoughts. What arguments can you make? What evidence is there to support that argument? You may not use all of your arguments but you also need to come up with as many as you can. The opposition will need to hear your rebuttal. The arguments you find might just help you out! Arguments/Points Arguments/points to make STAO 2013 Evidence to support the argument/point 1 Opening Statement Your opening statement needs to include: - 2-3 arguments with evidence - Your position - What topic you are arguing - Strong vocabulary that clearly states your ideas When you present your opening statement, - Select two people to speak - Follow your opening statement plan - Speak clearly and confidently - Stand straight - Avoid fidgeting ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ STAO 2013 2 Debate Argument Tracking Sheet BLM5 Use this chart to help you organize your thoughts while you listen to the other team present their arguments and evidence. When you have team meetings during your debate, your notes will help remind you of the debate points you wish to challenge more closely. Arguments made by the opposing while I was listening STAO 2013 My counterargument Scientific Report - Persuasive Essay Guidelines BLM6 This is a formal piece of writing. Please remember the following as you write your report: - avoid the use of contractions (don’t, can’t won’t) - do not use the words “I”, “you”, “my”, “me” - watch your tenses – write in all past tense or present tense… just keep it consistent - begin your sentence with multiple sentence starters. Do not begin all sentences with the same word - avoid word repetition – use synonyms (different word with the same meaning) if you need to repeat a word or idea - do not use slang, short forms or symbols Format: Introduction – Introduces your topic, states your position, briefly outlines your arguments Paragraph #2 – Present your second strongest argument along with scientific support, evidence, and examples Paragraph #3 – Present your weakest argument along with scientific support, evidence, and examples Paragraph #4 – Present counter arguments and refute them. Explain why these opposing opinions are weak or untrue. Paragraph #5 – Present your strongest argument along with scientific support, evidence, and examples Conclusion – Restate your position, restate your arguments, and end with a strong final challenge, quote or thought to persuade the reader to share your position The following pages will help you organize your thoughts so you can successfully write each paragraph and then combine each paragraph into an essay. Step 1: Identify your debate topic and your position The debatable topic of my paper is ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ What is your position on this topic? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ STAO 2013 1 Step 2: Arguments and Evidence Identify arguments to support your position and rank them in order of strongest argument to weakest argument. Include supporting scientific evidence for each argument. Rank Arguments/scientific evidence and support _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ STAO 2013 2 Step 3: Introduction Write your introduction paragraph here. Your introduction needs to introduce your readers to the topic you have chosen. It needs to state your position on the topic and identify your top three arguments in the following rank order: 2nd strongest, 3rd strongest, 1st strongest. Remember that the voice you use in your introduction will set the tone for the paper. Who is your audience? Do you want to add humour? Do you want to make the reader think deep? To whom are you writing this essay? What perspective are you defending (doctor, local teenager, CEO of the company, etc.)? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ STAO 2013 3 Step 4: Paragraph 2 - 2nd Strongest Argument The first argument you present needs to be your second strongest. Present it in the very first sentence. The body sentences of this paragraph will provide support for your argument. You must have scientific evidence for your position. If there are examples to help you illustrate your argument, then use them! The final sentence in this paragraph should restate your argument using different words. Remember to include voice in your writing by being descriptive and making strong vocabulary choices. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ STAO 2013 4 Step 5: Paragraph 3 – 3rd Strongest Argument The second argument you present needs to be your third strongest. Again, present it in the very first sentence. The body sentences of this paragraph will provide support for your argument. You must have scientific evidence for your position. If there are examples to help you illustrate your argument, then use them! The final sentence in this paragraph should restate your argument using different words. Remember to include voice in your writing by being descriptive and making strong vocabulary choices. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ STAO 2013 5 Step 6: Counter Arguments In this paragraph, you need to identify what people who disagree with you might say. You can begin your sentences with one or more of the following sentence starters: Some scientists may claim… The other side of the arguments is… People disagree with this position and argue that… There are scientists out there who refute the idea of ____________ some of those arguments include…. Once you have recognized a few arguments from the opposition, you need to refute them. This means that you must pick apart these ideas and make them sound irrelevant or “silly”. By effectively picking apart these opposing ideas, you strengthen your position. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ STAO 2013 6 Step 7: Paragraph 4 – Strongest Argument The third argument you present needs to be your strongest. Again, present it in the very first sentence. Consider beginning this paragraph with “Most importantly,…” The body sentences of this paragraph will provide support for your argument. You must have scientific evidence for your position. If there are examples to help you illustrate your argument, then use them! The final sentence in this paragraph should restate your argument using different words. Remember to include voice in your writing by being descriptive and making strong word choices. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ STAO 2013 7 Step 8: Conclusion Your conclusion needs to restate your debate topic and position. It also needs to restate each of your three arguments in one sentence each. Find a way to restate each rather than repeat them word for word. The conclusion should only contain information stated in your previous paragraphs. Do not include any new information. End your conclusion with a final challenge to persuade the reader to adopt your position. Remember to maintain the voice you used throughout your paper in your conclusion. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Step 9: Second Draft Read each paragraph of your first draft to yourself and make any changes you wish to make. Write your entire essay with pen or using a computer, double spaced (skipping a line), using only one side. Number the top right hand corner of each consecutive page. Staple these pages together in the top left hand corner. Put your first initial and last name (ex., J. Doe) in the bottom right hand corner on every page. 2 Staple fdajhwukehrf ajcbvbndaklhjskdhtfjbaedvakxjruwqeha bsdvjvxzxrjhuiewqbagv hfejwahuih4tge hfuejkajskcbxznzxbvjfhs u—ewfia ovfasdthf 4gjdfgtklrsu tghnearlvjiodfhnszj,.skklasdrtjh nlfdjqhawklejf nbmf;sildurith gnfkdla;lisjekfjkqaw34uet gsajklsdjf fdajhwukehrf ajcbvbndaklhjskdhtfjbaedvakxjruwqeha bsdvjvxzxrjhuiewqbagv hfejwahuih4tge hfuejkajskcbxznzxbvjfhs u—ewfia ovfasdthf 4gjdfgtklrsu tghnearlvjiodfhnszj,.skklasdrtjh nlfdjqhawklejf nbmf;sildurith gnfkdla;lisjekfjkqaw34uet gsajklsdjf fdajhwukehrf ajcbvbndaklhjskdhtfjbaedvakxjruwqeha bsdvjvxzxrjhuiewqbagv hfejwahuih4tge hfuejkajskcbxznzxbvjfhs u—ewfia ovfasdthf 4gjdfgtklrsu tghnearlvjiodfhnszj,.skklasdrtjh nlfdjqhawklejf nbmf;sildurith gnfkdla;lisjekfjkqaw34uet gsajklsdjf fdajhwukehrf ajcbvbndaklhjskdhtfjbaedvakxjruwqeha bsdvjvxzxrjhuiewqbagv hfejwahuih4tge hfuejkajskcbxznzxbvjfhs u—ewfia ovfasdthf 4gjdfgtklrsu tghnearlvjiodfhnszj,.skklasdrtjh nlfdjqhawklejf nbmf;sildurith 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Doe STAO 2013 Page Number First Initial and Last Name 8 Step 10: Revise and Edit Read your own work using the Revise and Edit checklist. Make any necessary changes. Give your second draft to a peer and have them edit your work using the Revise and Edit checklist. The editor of your paper must put his/her initials at the top of your second draft. Revise and Edit Checklist Word Choice ___ Have you varied your sentence starter words? (Do not begin each sentence with the same word.) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Have you used synonyms if you have had to repeat a word in each paragraph? Have you avoided the use of contractions? If you have used any, expand them into their formal writing form! Have you avoided the use of the words “I”, “you”, “me”, “my”, “we”? These words are personal words and need to be changed to more generic ideas for this essay. Have you changed all short forms and symbols to proper spellings? Have you varied your word choice by using big vocabulary words to add interest to your essay? Sentence Flow ___ ___ Have you included descriptive words to keep the reader interested? Have you lengthened any short sentences by using more descriptive words? Spelling ___ ___ Have you spelled all of the words correctly? (Read your writing backwards one word at a time when you check for spelling; then you can’t help but focus on each word and check it for spelling.) Have you changed all short forms and symbols to reflect formal writing? Punctuation ___ ___ Does each sentence end with a punctuation mark? Have you placed commas before the conjunctions “and” or “but” or in compound sentences? Capitalization ___ ___ Have you started sentences and conversations with a capital letter? Have you capitalized proper nouns? Usage ___ Have you misused any of the commonly mixed words such as there, their, they’re, to, too, two, our, are? Grammar ___ Have you used any sentence fragments or run-on sentences? Step 11: Final Draft You are now ready to take all of the editing and revision suggestions and incorporate them into your final draft. Your final draft must be typed using the same format as the second draft (double spaced, page numbering, name on every page, stapled, one sided). Congratulations! You have now finished the essay writing process! Please hand in your final draft for grading! STAO 2013 9 Assessment/Evaluation EVAL1...... Debate Tracking Sheet EVAL2...... Debate Self-Assessment EVAL3...... Scientific Report Rubric STAO 2013 Student Name STAO 2013 Team involvement Demonstrates understanding of scientific concepts Creates arguments Follows opposition arguments Speaking ability Debate Tracking Sheet EVAL1 Comment Debate Self-Assessment Debate Self-Evaluation EVAL2 Name: _____________________________ 4 – strongly agree, 3 – agree, 2 – disagree, 1 – strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 I was always listening when the other team was presenting arguments I was always taking notes during the debate I participated fully during all of our team meetings I spoke clearly and confidently when I spoke during the debate The language I used was always respectful and focused on the arguments being made Comments Debate Self-Evaluation Total: ______ 20 Name: _____________________________ 4 – strongly agree, 3 – agree, 2 – disagree, 1 – strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 I was always listening when the other team was presenting arguments I was always taking notes during the debate I participated fully during all of our team meetings I spoke clearly and confidently when I spoke during the debate The language I used was always respectful and focused on the arguments being made Comments STAO 2013 Total: ______ 20 Scientific Report Rubric LANGUAGE 3 2 There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main idea stands out and is supported by detailed information and evidence Main idea is clear, but the supporting information and evidence is general Main idea is somewhat clear, but there is a need for more supporting information and evidence The main idea is not clear. There is a seemingly random collection of information and evidence Accuracy of facts (content) All supportive facts are reported accurately with sources cited Almost all supportive facts are reported accurately with sources cited Most supportive facts are reported accurately with limited sources cited No facts are reported or most are inaccurately reported with no sources cited Introduction (organization) The introduction is inviting, states the main position, and previews the structure of the paper The introduction clearly states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper, but it is not particularly inviting to the reader The introduction states the main topic, but does not adequately preview the structure of the paper nor is it particularly inviting to the reader There is no clear introduction of the main topic or structure of the paper Details are placed in a logical order and the way they are presented effectively keeps the interests of the reader Details are placed in logical order, but the way they are presented sometimes makes the writing less interesting Some details are not in logical or expected order, and this distracts the reader Many details are not in a logical or expected order. There is little sense that the writing is organized All sentences sound natural and are easyon-the-ear when read aloud. Each sentence is clear and has an obvious emphasis Almost all sentences sound natural and are easy-on-the-ear when read aloud, but 1 or 2 are awkward or difficult to understand Most sentences sound natural and are easyon-the-ear when read aloud, but several are awkward or difficult to understand The sentences are difficult to read aloud because they sound awkward, are distractingly repetitive or difficult to understand Writer uses vivid words and phrases that linger or draw pictures in the reader’s mind, and the choice and placement of the words seems accurate, natural, and not forced Writer uses vivid words and phrases that linger or draw pictures in the reader’s mind, but occasionally the words are used inaccurately or seem overdone Writer uses words that communicate clearly, but the writing lacks variety, punch or flair Writer uses limited vocabulary which does not communicate strongly or capture the reader’s interest. Jargon of clichés may be present and detract from the meaning Focus on topic (content) Sequencing (organization) Flow and rhythm (sentence fluency) Word choice STAO 2013 4 EVAL3 1 1 4 3 2 Technological impact (7/8) Writer proficiently assesses the impact of selected technologies on the environment Writer competently assesses the impact of selected technologies on the environment Writer shows emerging ideas of how to assess the impact of selected technologies on the environment Writer is beginning to assess the impact of selected technologies on the environment Scientific inquiry (7/8) Proficiently uses scientific inquiry/research skills Competently uses scientific inquiry/research skills Demonstrates emerging ability to use scientific inquiry/research skills Demonstrates beginning ability to use scientific inquiry/research skills Human interaction (7) Proficiently describes ways in which human activity alters balance in the environment Competently describes ways in which human activity alters balance in the environment Demonstrates emerging ability to describe ways in which human activity alters balance in the environment Demonstrates beginning ability to describe ways in which human activity alters balance in the environment Scientific Vocabulary (7/8) Writer proficiently uses appropriate science and technology vocabulary Writer competently uses appropriate science and technology vocabulary Writer is emerging in his/her use of appropriate science and technology vocabulary Writer is beginning to use appropriate science and technology vocabulary SCIENCE STAO 2013 1 2