Carson Talley Honors English 3 October 1, 2013 Freewrites 9/27/13

Carson Talley
Honors English 3
October 1, 2013
9/27/13 (MAKEUP)
Claim of Definition: What some people refer to as global warming is actually nothing more than
normal, long-term cycles of climate change.
Warrant: You shouldn’t believe what people say about global warming.
Claim of Cause and Effect: The popularity of SUV's in America has generally caused pollution
to increase.
Warrant: SUV’s are bad.
Claim of Value: Global warming is one of the most pressing challenges facing the world today.
Warrant: Global warming is very bad because it is a challenge.
Claim of Policy: Instead of drilling for oil in Alaska we should be focusing mostly on ways to
reduce oil consumption, such as researching renewable energy sources.
Warrant: Researching renewable energy sources will reduce global warming.
Claim of Fact: America's anti-pollution efforts should focus on privately owned cars because it
would allow most citizens to contribute to national efforts and care about the outcome.
Warrant: Privately owned cars are better than publicly owned cars.
Claim of Definition: What some people refer to as global warming is actually nothing more than
normal, long-term cycles of climate change.
Claim of Cause and Effect: The popularity of SUV's in America has generally caused pollution
to increase.
Claim of Value: Global warming is one of the most pressing challenges facing the world today.
Claim of Policy: Instead of drilling for oil in Alaska we should be focusing mostly on ways to
reduce oil consumption, such as researching renewable energy sources.
Claim of Fact: America's anti-pollution efforts should focus on privately owned cars because it
would allow most citizens to contribute to national efforts and care about the outcome.
Claim of Definition: What some people refer to as global warming is actually nothing more than
normal, long-term cycles of climate change.
Warrant: You shouldn’t believe what people say about global warming.
Backing: You shouldn’t believe what people say because about global warming because most
people don’t know enough about it.
Claim of Cause and Effect: The popularity of SUV's in America has generally caused pollution
to increase.
Warrant: SUV’s are bad because they cause pollution.
Backing: SUV’s are bad because pollution is bad.
Claim of Value: Global warming is one of the most pressing challenges facing the world today.
Warrant: Global warming is very bad because it is a challenge.
Backing: Global warming is bad because it is a challenge, and nobody likes challenges.
Claim of Policy: Instead of drilling for oil in Alaska we should be focusing mostly on ways to
reduce oil consumption, such as researching renewable energy sources.
Warrant: Researching renewable energy sources will reduce global warming.
Backing: Researching renewable energy sources will reduce global warming because it is better
than drilling for oil.
Claim of Fact: America's anti-pollution efforts should focus on privately owned cars because it
would allow most citizens to contribute to national efforts and care about the outcome.
Warrant: Privately owned cars are better than publicly owned cars.
Backing: Privately owned cars are better than publicly owned cars because they encourage
citizens to care about national efforts.
Fallacy #1- I saw a billboard this weekend that was promoting being a vegetarian. It had
a picture of a puppy and a piglet and said “Why love one and eat the other?” This is a fallacy
because it makes you feel bad for killing one animal and loving another based only on their
species. But in reality, there are many reasons to kill a pig or any other animal other than just
doing it for fun.
Fallacy #2- This weekend I saw a comic in the newspaper of a man holding a fossil. He
said “This evidence said evolution is true” and the fossil said “I said no such thing!” This shows
a fallacy because the man makes it sound like the fossil physically said that, when that obviously
can’t be true.
Fallacy #3- I was watching Sesame Street with my cousins while babysitting, and noticed
a fallacy. Ernie thinks that keeping a banana in his ear will keep alligators away from Sesame
Street. When Bert tells Ernie that there aren’t any alligators, Ernie assumes illogically that it is
because he is keeping a banana in his ear. This is an example of a post hoc fallacy.