Chapter 10 Test Review
1. What is the function of DNA?
2. The unique combination of characteristics for each organism is encoded in what
3. What are the subunits of DNA?
4. DNA is made of long chains of what monomer?
5. What are the three parts of a nucleotide?
6. What two scientists established the structure of DNA?
7. What are the bonds between the bases of DNA?
8. Adenine is complementary to what base?
9. Cytosine is complementary to what base?
10. What shape is DNA?
11. What did X-ray diffraction suggest about the shape of DNA?
12. Identify references to Chargaff’s and Franklin’s research as well as replication in Watson
and Crick’s 1953 paper.
1. What enzyme adds the new complementary strand of DNA?
2. What enzyme adds the new nucleotides?
3. What is the process in which DNA is copied?
4. What is the complement to CCATCGA
Genetic Code
1. How does the genetic code vary from organism to organism?
2. What other process do organisms use to make proteins?
1. What base is not found in DNA, but is found in RNA?
2. What are the three major types of RNA?
3. What carries the information from DNA to the ribosome?
4. What brings amino acids to the ribosome based on the mRNA codon?
5. What does adenine bond to in RNA?
6. What sugars are present in DNA and RNA?
7. How many strands are present in DNA and RNA?
8. List the function and location of each of the three types of RNA.
1. What molecules is DNA “rewritten” into during transcription?
2. What is the process in which mRNA is produced?
3. What starts transcription?
4. Where does transcription occur?
1. Given the following mRNA strand: CAC UUG ACG AAG
2. Decode the strand into an amino acid sequence.
3. Give the complementary tRNA anticodons
4. Give the DNA template strand from which it was transcribed?
5. Given the following amino acid sequence: tyrosine, proline, aspartic acid, isoleucine,
6. Find a mRNA sequence that would code for the amino acids
7. Find the DNA sequence that would code for the mRNA codons.
8. In translation, mRNA travels from the nucleus to what location in the cell?
9. What are three nucleotides on an mRNA molecule that code for an amino acid called?
10. What are the three nucleotides on a tRNA molecule called?
11. What does each of the codons signify?
1. What is the function of DNA? – store and transmit genetic information and regulate the
production proteins
2. The unique combination of characteristics for each organism is encoded in what
molecules? DNA
3. What are the subunits of DNA? Nucleotides
4. DNA is made of long chains of what monomer? nucleotide
5. What are the three parts of a nucleotide? Sugar, phosphate, base
6. What two scientists established the structure of DNA? Watson & Crick
7. What are the bonds between the bases of DNA? hydrogen
8. Adenine is complementary to what base? Thymine
9. Cytosine is complementary to what base? guanine
10. What shape is DNA? Double helix
11. What did X-ray diffraction suggest about the shape of DNA? – refer to notes – be specific
12. Identify references to Chargaff’s and Franklin’s research as well as replication in Watson
and Crick’s 1953 paper. – refer to notes (highlighted sections)
1. What enzyme adds the new complementary strand of DNA? DNA polymerase
2. What enzyme adds the new nucleotides? DNA polymerase
3. What is the process in which DNA is copied? replication
4. What is the complement to CCATCGA? GGTAGCT
Genetic Code
1. How does the genetic code vary from organism to organism? None, it’s universal
2. What other process do organisms use to make proteins? – None, it’s universal
1. What base is not found in DNA, but is found in RNA? Uracil
2. What are the three types of RNA? messenger RNA, transfer RNA, ribosomal RNA
3. What carries the information from DNA to the ribosome? mRNA
4. What brings amino acids to the ribosome based on the mRNA codon? tRNA
5. What does Adenine bond to in RNA? uracil
6. What sugars are present in DNA and RNA? Deoxyribose, ribose
7. How many strands are present in DNA and RNA? 2 in DNA and 1 in RNA
8. List the function and location of each of the three types of RNA. look in your notes!
1. What molecules is DNA “rewritten” into during transcription? mRNA
2. What is the process in which mRNA is produced? transcription
3. What starts transcription? RNA polymerase bonding to promoter
4. Where does transcription occur? nucleus
1. Given the following mRNA strand: CAC UUG ACG AAG
2. Decode the strand into an amino acid sequence. Histidine, Leucine, Threonine, Lysine
3. Give the complementary tRNA anticodons. GUG AAC UGC UUC
4. Give the DNA template strand from which it was transcribed? – GTG AAC TGC TTC
5. Given the following amino acid sequence: tyrosine, proline, aspartic acid, isoleucine,
6. Find a mRNA sequence that would code for the amino acids UAU CCU GAU AUU,
UGU (or something similar)
7. Find the DNA sequence that would code for the mRNA codons. ATA GGA CTA TAA
8. In translation, mRNA travels from the nucleus to what location in the cell? ribosome
9. What are three nucleotides on an mRNA molecule that code for an amino acid called?
10. What are the three nucleotides on a tRNA molecule called? anti-codon
11. What does each of the codons signify? Either an amino acid or a stop signal