Faculty of Performing Arts New Higher Drama Study Advice How

Faculty of Performing Arts
New Higher Drama Study Advice
How can I pass My Higher Drama?
What is expected of me?
The New Higher has two Internal Units which are assessed by the teacher on a Pass/ Fail
basis. Candidates have already completed Drama Skills and are involved in the second unit
Production Skills.( completion date Tuesday 9th December) For each of these units
candidates produce evidence in the form of a log book and research materials. They will sit
an end of unit NAB,( Production Skills NAB Friday 12th December)
Candidates will then prepare to sit the Prelim. The prelim paper will be completed in two
sittings.One in January and one at the end of February. The January paper will include one
essay worth 20 marks on the Prescribed Text Scottish Play ‘Men Should Weep’ by Ena
Lamont Stewart. The class are reading this on Fridays and have explored scenes from it.
The second paper will be an Performance Analysis worth 20 marks. The play that
the class will see is ‘Slab Boys’ by John Byrne. Candidates will see this play on Feb 19th at
The Citizens Theatre. They will then sit the second half of their prelim at a date to be
confirmed before the end of February
Candidates will also sit an Acting Exam worth 50 marks which will take place in late March
at a date to be identified by SQA. A further ten marks is awarded to ‘Preparation for
Performance’ This is an essay in which the candidate explains how they developed their
characters to performance level. This essay is done in class time and sent to the examiner a
week before the visit to the school
How can New Higher candidates prepare for their prelim?
Part 1 January
Read ‘Men Should Weep’ again at home
Become familiar with the journey of each key character; Maggie, John. Jenny, Lily,
Alec and Isa
Learn key quotes and stage directions which relate to themes and issues in the play
Read over and understand any notes given in class
Practise timed essays on Men Should Weep
Read exemplar Essays
Become familiar and use Drama terminology (especially those candidates who have
not studied Drama since S2) This is all available in The Lexicon
Google information about previous productions of this play
Use SQA study websites
Part 2
Attend the play ‘Slab Boys’ with the school. It will be worth candidates going again in
their own time to absorb as much of the production as possible
While watching the play observe closely the use of Theatre Arts as well as the acting
Keep a copy of the programme. It will be essential for your study
As soon as possible after the play write down all your observations using Drama
Practise timed essays.
Study exemplar essays
Use Drama terminology
Over the Xmas break it will be useful for you to start looking over your acting roles. You will
not be required to know lines for these until 10th March in preparation for your exam in late
March. It is helpful for you to begin to get a sense of the character(s) that you will be
examined on. Please remember that a lot of your preparation work for Higher Drama is
in your own time. ‘A’ candidates go the extra mile! There will be a Faculty Open Evening
for Parents and Carers in March 2015. This is as a response to popular demand from pupils
and Parents and Carer following the success of last year.