Story Preservation Association Steering Committee Meeting Minutes January 13, 2014 Kenilworth School Members Present: Bob Croft Ginger Mattox Maureen Towne Cheryl McGregor Rob Shupe Steve Methvin Earlene McDonald Will Denney Steve Dreiseszun Kim Jennings Gary Hochstetler Diane Hochstetler Members Absent: Patricia Wakefield Doug Towne Diego Delgadillo Joe Zbick Dave Stanton Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. CAO Report – Ben Harris, Mountain View & Armida Gonzalez, Central City Armida deals with misdemeanors and liquor licensing. She gave an overview of what she does. She is dealing with Circle K on issues and we provided our concerns about the Roosevelt and 15th Avenue stores. She is part of the Quadrant Project, which deals with abandoned property cleanup and abatement. Ben noted there had been 5 felony arrests and 17 misdemeanors over the last couple of months. He also stated that 1638 W. Culver is under abatement proceedings. Meeting Minutes: Meeting minutes for December were presented. A motion to accept the minutes as presented was made and seconded. The motion was approved on a voice vote. Treasurers Report Report for December was presented, accepted and approved on a voice vote. Welcome Committee No new business Visual Award Several homes were suggested and voted on. 1106 W. Willetta was chosen. Block Watch No new business Hance Park Conservancy Reviewing and updating the strategic business plan. Issues of funding and safety are being worked on. Need 8 more officers to be really effective in policing the park. Also, more events with decent attendance will help to drive away the bad element. Historic Preservation Steve talked about the W. Culver house that is making changes to the garage and patio. No issues. Also, 721 W. Willetta has started work. Steve Methvin noted that the owners and construction people have been communicating to the neighbors about what is coming up. Ginger discussed some Preservation Meeting issues with an Encanto home that is in the appeal process. Discussion about the development issues at Roosevelt Row. Greenhaus has original Ted DeGrazia murals that need to be saved. The areas of concern are on the north side of Roosevelt between 3rd and 5th Street. The Thomas Pappas house that is now the neighborhood Bodega is slated to be destroyed by the 2nd development. Steve requested that we send letters in support of saving the arts district/Roosevelt Row. Development to occur at 7th and Fillmore and the historic building at 4th Ave. and Van Buren is being restored and developed. Enough funds were collected for the Fairgrounds matching grant that there are now enough funds to cover the survey of the WPA cattle barn building, which is one of only two left standing in the country. Home Tour No one from the committee was in attendance. Paramount Petroleum Updates Paramount dispersed the funds for the community. They will hold a public meeting after our February steering committee meeting on February 10th. FAA Flight Paths and Noise Issues Jan 16th is the policy meeting. Motions were made to revert to original flight paths. The noise issue is now a standing agenda item. There will be several community meetings around town to listen to community concerns. The city manager sent a letter to the FAA. Ginger noted that the most important thing is to be prepared. The city was not prepared. SHPO was unaware of the national historic preservation advisory council and did not attend a meeting that would have been very helpful with the issue we have now. 2600 complaints from 700 households in September alone. Only 223 complaints in all of 2013. Congressman Pastor added and amendment to the Cromnibus bill directing the FAA to work to mediate the issues and report back to the house in 90 days of enactment of the bill. That would be March. Neighborhood Improvements 15th Ave: BW grant has been submitted. Most of the grant request is for the 15th Ave. project. Ideas and plans need to be ready for October, which will be a good time to plant water tolerant plants. 11th Ave bridge: No new information Miscellaneous Ideas for Franklin School community service: help with 15th Ave beautification project; help with the picnic, parade or home tour. Neighborhood Photo project. Painting the Latham ADOT wall. There will be a meeting held at the school. Nominating Committee: Cheryl, Earlene, Rob and Diane. Bob met with Craig Tripkin of the Central AZ Shelter to discuss the closure of the overflow building and parking lot. 1100 people were housed in those two areas. • Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.