Recognized Student Organization Handbook Student Activities and Leadership Center Surbeck Garden Level, Office: 394-2336 Recognized Student Organization Handbook Welcome to the Student Activities and Leadership Center (SALC) The “Values of Campus Activities” is a statement of the fundamental beliefs driving the work of the staff and students of the SALC in the coordination and implementation of campus programs and events. Generally, the primary mission of the SALC is to enhance the development and retention of students at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. More specifically, activities and programs are provided for the purpose of enriching the environment of our campus, facilitating student learning and development opportunities, and providing opportunities for students to find a connection between themselves and the university community. These specific functions address those critical factors in the retention of students and ultimately their educational success. The Values of the SALC We value the holistic development of every student by providing formal and informal educational opportunities in support of the mission of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and SALC. We value the quality involvement of students both as volunteers and employees in all aspects of campus activities from initial concept to evaluation. We believe the process of development and implementation of programs by students is pivotal in evaluating the final project. We value quality service. We value ethical behavior. We value a humanistic work environment embracing teamwork, consensus, creativity, respect for others, humor, face-to-face communication and professional development. MEET OUR STAFF Director, Student Activities and Leadership Center Michael Keegan Assistant Director, Student Activities and Leadership Center Cory L. Headley Office Manager Cheryl Dillon Student Activity Coordinators Rika Beck Brady Cabral South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Student Activities and Leadership Center Recognized Student Organization Handbook STUDENT ORGANIZATION RECOGNITION Recognition Policies and Procedures SDSM&T hosts over 80 Recognized Student Organizations. Groups are categorized by Academic/Professional, CAMP, Community Service, Greek, Honor Societies, Leadership, Faith Based, Multicultural, Special Interest, and Athletic organizations. Maintaining Recognition Organizations must submit new officer and advisor affirmations, as well as update their officer information on their Mines Link account by October 1 of each year. New affirmations may be turned into the Assistant Director, SALC. At least one student organization officer from each renewing Recognized Student Organization (President preferred) is required to attend one orientation session held each fall semester (September). Abide by the general requirements for recognition. Abide by the organization’s constitution and stated purpose. When requested by the SALC , amend the organization’s constitution to reflect current University policies, local, state, and federal laws. Update all changes in leadership, advising, and important student organization information. Register all events including weekly meetings by registering the event through Mines Link. All Recognized Student Organizations are required to update/renew their officer and member information on a yearly basis. Obtaining Status and Becoming a Recognized Student Organization All groups seeking recognition for the first time, or after allowing their recognition to lapse, must submit the following to the SALC through Mines Link: Recognition Petition Form Officer Affirmation Advisor Affirmation Constitution/Bylaws Attend an RSO Orientation Session The Student Senate constitution committee will review all recognition papers for compatibility of the group with the mission SDSM&T; compliance with all Board of Regents regulations, and evidence of future success as a Recognized Student Organization. South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Student Activities and Leadership Center Recognized Student Organization Handbook STEPS TOWARD REGISTRATION AS A STUDENT ORGANIZATION A. Submit to the Student Activities and Leadership Center one (1) copy of the application for chartering a new student organization and the constitution and by-laws of the organization. In the event the group seeks to affiliate with a state, regional and-or national organization, one (1) copy of that constitution must also be appended. If the group is a departmental organization, one (1) copy of authorization from the department head must be included. B. The Student Activities and Leadership Center will present the constitution to the Student Association Constitution Committee Chair who will schedule a meeting of the committee. The president and the advisor of the proposed group will be asked to attend the meeting to answer any questions that may arise. In the event that the president cannot attend, someone who is familiar with the organization’s structure and history should be present. C. The Committee has four options: 1) approve the application; 2) refer it back to the group for revision (see below); 3) give provisional registration (see below); or 4) deny the request. The decision will be made at the meeting. c.i Referral Constitutions that are referred back to the organization are typically those that have major flaws or indiscrepancies in them (e.g. single sex organizations, organizations whose name implies limited membership, etc.). When an organization has a constitution referred back to it, that group has fourteen (14) days to re-submit a revised version. If this is not done the group will be denied charter and will subsequently have to resubmit for registration. Groups who do not revise their constitutions as per the recommendations of the committee will be denied charter. c.ii Provisional Registration Provisional Registration will be granted to groups whose constitutions and by-laws require only minor modifications (e.g. typos, date corrections, etc.). Groups who are granted provisional registration will have fourteen (14) days to revise and return the constitution to the Student Activities and Leadership Center. Failure to do so will result in the provisional approval being repealed and the group will be denied charter and will subsequently have to re-submit for registration. c.iii Privileges and Limitations of Provisionally-Registered Student Organizations: During the 14-day provisional period, student groups are permitted to conduct organizational business. However, they may not: Request money from SA or SOAP Co-sponsor programs with other student organizations Sponsor open programs or special events Sponsor fundraisers South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Student Activities and Leadership Center Recognized Student Organization Handbook D. If approved, the new organization may proceed in accordance with its stated purpose and exercise the ‘Rights and Privileges’ of registered student groups at SDSM&T. E. Registration shall be denied if the evidence presented shows the proposed organization will present substantial likelihood of conflict with the educational process of the University. This may include, but is not limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The regular and orderly operation of the University The requirements of appropriate discipline within the University community The academic pursuits of teaching, learning and other campus activities The laws or public policies of the State of South Dakota and the United States The regulations and policies of the University and the Board of Regents The constitution and by-laws of the Student Association Senate Limited membership implied in the organization’s name and mission statement The group’s advocacy of views directed to inciting or producing lawless action and likely to produce or incite such action 9. The group’s failure to show a willingness to comply with reasonable college regulations 10. The organization engaging in any unlawful or disruptive activity or conduct. All student organizations must comply with all appropriate Federal and State regulations and Board of Regents policies regarding non-discrimination and the illegal possession, use or distribution of any alcoholic beverage or controlled substance. Appeal of the recommendation for registration can be made by following the procedures in Part VIII of this document. General Requirements for Recognition The group does not duplicate an existing organization Membership is not denied to any student due to race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran status. The application for chartering a new student organization is completed and submitted to the SALC through Mines Link, including a formal constitution outlining the purpose and framework of the organization. One (1) full-time, SDSM&T faculty or staff person to serve as the organization advisor. Every advisor will be required to fill out an advisor affirmation outlining their responsibilities as an advisor. Advisors who are not university employees are allowed to serve in conjunction with the University Advisor, provided the non-employee has an official relationship with the local, regional or national organization of the student chapter. The officers must be full time students in good academic and disciplinary standing and must maintain this standing during his/her tenure in office. (The SALC reserves the right to verify academic and disciplinary standing.) If an officer is not in good standing they South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Student Activities and Leadership Center Recognized Student Organization Handbook must forfeit his/her office. No student may run for office in a student organization while on academic or disciplinary probation. A student placed on academic or disciplinary probation after he/she is elected to office must relinquish that office. The constitution must be approved by the Student Association Constitution Committee and the Student Association Senate. NOTE: Any group of students is welcome and encouraged to consult with the SALC concerning plans for a new organization, and for advice while drafting the constitution, or while making plans for activities. Organizational Meetings: Meetings held prior to the official chartering of a student group would be termed organizational meetings for the purpose of forming the proposed organization. Business during these meetings should be limited to drafting a constitution, and forming the structure of the organization. The students forming the proposed organization may schedule three (3) of these meetings. These must be scheduled through the University Scheduling and Conferences Office. The Student Activities and Leadership Center can meet with the group for aid and counseling in the forming of the new organization. No new organization may organize under the sponsorship of an existing organization. Additional organizational meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the Student Activities and Leadership Center. Registration of Events Need to add information Advisor An advisor of a recognized student organization at SDSM&T is an individual who assumes responsibility to provide advice and guidance to the organization in accordance with University policies and in consideration of the general welfare of the organization’s members. Each recognized student organization must have a full-time faculty, staff, or administration advisor currently employed by the University to aid the organization with its activities. The advisor plays a key role in assisting an organization in setting its goals, evaluating its operations and procedures, and provides continuity to the group. Expectations of the Advisor Be fully aware of the purpose and activities of the group through regular attendance at group meetings and individual consultation with organization leaders. The advisor is not formally deemed to be personally responsible for acts of the organization by reason of his/her service as an advisor, but at the same time, service as an advisor includes the assumption of responsibilities to the University to provide advice and guidance in accordance with University policies and to provide to the organization mature advice that will further the general welfare of its members. Acts as a reference for general information regarding SDSM&T policies and procedures. South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Student Activities and Leadership Center Recognized Student Organization Handbook Provide information relevant to the group’s needs, interests, activities, and organization. Assist in the financial matters of the group. Act as a reference person in terms of the organization’s history. Provide advice and guidance in the planning and implementation of the organization’s activities. Insure that the group files the Annual Recognition papers each fall term. Encourage student participation in Club and Org Day as well as other University sponsored events for RSOs Change of Officer/Advisor Anytime throughout the year, when a student organization changes an officer or changes its advisor, the organization must make these changes electronically through Mines Link. When changing an advisor, the new advisor will be required to fill out an advisor agreement outlining their responsibilities as an advisor. Writing a Constitution Students who wish their organization to become recognized through SDSM&T must submit a constitution designed for their organization. Suggestions, examples, and specific guidelines are available in the SALC and on the student organization handbook Mines Link page. The following information includes basic guidelines for preparing a constitution. PREAMBLE-This section should include the name of the organization and a statement of the organization’s establishment and purpose of the constitution. ARTICLE I. NAME ARTICLE II. PURPOSE ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS ARTICLE V. OPERATIONS ARTICLE VI. MEETINGS ARTICLE VII. FINANCES ARTICLE VIII. AMENDMENTS ARTICLE IX. RATIFICATION BY-LAWS- The By-laws are included with an organization’s constitution and are part of that document. While a constitution outlines the general features of a group, the by-laws outline specific rules and procedures around which an organization functions. An example of this is the number, which constitutes a quorum for that specific group. STUDENT ORGANIZATION SERVICES AND POLICIES South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Student Activities and Leadership Center Recognized Student Organization Handbook Benefits of Becoming a Recognized Student Organization Advertising and marketing of events Advising from professional staff Leadership Awards program Leadership consultation and development Organization website through Mines Link Use of University facilities and grounds Workshops Funding opportunities Advertising and Marketing of Events Recognized Student Organizations have many options for promoting their activities and events. Creativity and time is the key to an effective advertising plan. All print advertising such as banners, posters, etc. must include the name of the organization, and may not advertise alcoholic beverages or tobacco products, or use inappropriate language, or nudity as defined by the SALC staff. Posting Guidelines for Student Organizations (in accordance with the SDSM&T On-Campus Advertising/Campus Posting Policy III-A-01) SURBECK: Seek approval from the Student Activities and Leadership Center Events you would like to advertise, submit to Stephanie Lindsley ( two weeks prior to posting. The ad needs to be a ratio of 4:3 (typical landscape PowerPoint slide)- jpg, bmp, flash files, avi, or ppt. PowerPointsave as 2003 version; slide will advance set as automatic for set period of time. Simple animations in ppt. will play on digital signage. Ads should be light on text and big on impact! SIDEWALKS: Seek approval from Student Activities and Leadership Center Please do not post on doors/buildings, 10 feet with an entrance, or on an incline or stairs. Always use blue painters tape All fliers must be removed 24 hours following the advertised event. CAMPUS: Seek approval from Student Activities and Leadership Center To post in academic & administrative buildings, please seek permission from the appropriate department Seek approval from Surbeck Scheduling and Facility Services to use sandwich boards on campus RESIDENCE LIFE Seek approval from Student Activities and Leadership Center Submit flyers to Surbeck Center or Gayla in the ResLife Office for distribution to ResLife staff who will post flyers on bulletin boards in the dorms. (A total number of 47 fliers are needed) South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Student Activities and Leadership Center Recognized Student Organization Handbook Flyers taped to doors/walls/windows will be removed ALWAYS SEEK APPROVAL FROM SALC & USE BLUE PAINTERS TAPE Other Advertising Opportunities Available for Free SA Sandwich board displays *See Student Association office. Weekly What’s Up- Sent out every Friday to students. Email your events to Cheryl Dillon ( by Wednesday of each week. Tabling space in Surbeck. Contact the scheduling office to reserve a space. Student Organization website through Mines Link. Press release information may be sent to University Relations for Free. Please see SALC staff for this service (Relevant here?) Others? Advising from Professional Staff Professional staff members in the Student Activities and Leadership Center are available for workshop training, leadership development, and financial advising for any student organization upon request. They are an excellent resource for program development and support, which includes campus resource referrals, agent information, and a great resource to share ideas. RSO Walk in hours?? RSO Websites Each RSO will have their own website through Mines Link. You will have the ability to choose the tagline of the website name when registering your student organization. You also have the ability to embed social media websites (Facebook, Twitter, etc) of the RSOs to Mines Link Club and Organization Development Series Throughout the academic year the SALC will host occasional open houses, student leadership and development sessions, and advisor training sessions. The SALC staff will e-mail club officers and advisors a notice of these events. The SALC staff will facilitate a workshop specifically for your organization and its needs. We can present on topics such as motivation, group development, gender issues, leadership skill building, ethics, communication, creativity, conflict, embracing difference, recruitment and more. Please call ahead of time if you are interested in setting up one of these workshops. Reserving Space There are several places on campus to hold events. Since space on campus is in high demand, it is important for your organization to reserve space early on in the planning process. Please contact Surbeck Scheduling to book your campus space. South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Student Activities and Leadership Center Recognized Student Organization Handbook Film/Video Programming Programming with film or video at SDSM&T must be sensitive to the educational mission of the University and comply with federal copyright laws. Film refers to any of a variety of cellulose acetate, monitored on any viewing apparatus to provide education, information, or entertainment. Examples include: videotapes, film projected utilizing reels and a projector machine, compact discs, DVD’s blu-rays, and digital media files. Copyright law prohibits the showing of film in a public setting unless approval is granted by the company who owns the film or unless the film is rented from a licensed public film vendor which generally includes additional rental fees. Film programming may be shown in a public setting at an educational institution without additional approval or licensing if the program fits under the educational exception stipulated in copyright laws. This criterion is very specific about the appropriate location and conditions for this exception to apply. Listed below are some common violations of film copyright laws by student organizations. The student organization or group rents a video from a local video rental store and: Shows it in a residence hall lounge Shows it to their student organization members for a social gathering Plays the video at a table in the Surbeck Center for recruiting members or providing information Solution: Student organizations planning a film program for public viewing should consult with the SALC staff to learn more about the copyright law educational exception or to review catalogs of licensed public film/vendors. Risk Management “Risk” is defined as the possibility of loss or injury. It further implies a person or thing that is a specified hazard to an insurer. Because all events present situations, which imply potential risks and liabilities, it is beneficial to the student organization to knowhow to anticipate and prevent risky situations and to be aware of its responsibilities in case an incident occurs. The SALC and the Risk Management office can advise Recognized Student Organizations about liability and insurance issues. Jerilyn Roberts, Director of Facilities and Risk Management Email: Phone: (605) 394-6729 SALC Surbeck Lower Level (605)-394-2336 South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Student Activities and Leadership Center